Well, maybe a bit overstated… But what do you call it when Tom Tancredo proudly announces that he is basically putting his presidential campaign on life support and instead launching a new website and nationwide campaign specifically targeting FELLOW REPUBLICANS for defeat? Here’s a short clip:
Tancredo makes no bones about it. Forget about the Democrats, they get a free pass from him. Instead he’s going to do everything he can to cannibalize the already-weakened Republican party, finding opponents to run in primaries against any Republican incumbents who dare to vote for the current immigration bill.
In other words, he will devote the rest of his political life (probably significantly shortened by this latest stunt) to fracturing and weakening the GOP even more than it already is.
This is so obviously counterproductive to Tancredo getting Republican support at home that it seems to be a strong signal that he (1) doesn’t intend to run for re-election in 2008 and (2) doesn’t intend to run for Senate in 2010. You don’t go postal on your fellow party members and have them forget about it a couple of years later. If Tancredo does run for re-election in the 6th in 2008, Tom Wiens or other primary challengers could probably garner significant support from angry Republicans across the country fed up with Tancredo’s new campaign.
But it’s a nice way for Tancredo to finesse the obvious – his presidential campaign is doing even worse than his constantly-downgraded goals can keep up with. First he was shooting for 3rd place in Iowa, then 5th… Now he can’t say “anything better than last place” with a straight face, so instead he’s changing the subject.
Tancredo’s latest antics almost make you feel sympathy for Karl Rove.
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Tancredo understands what’s at stake: the very viability of our country as a country. He isn’t going to win the election (or, even a single primary) and knows it, but he is trying to bring the issue to the table — thereby challenging the toxic John Lennon globalists systematically dismantling our country.
He’s right about one thing: There is nothing a politician in a safe district (like CD-6) fears more than a primary. And yes, there are enough Ron Paul Republicans out there to make any R who sells out to the globalists quite uncomfortable. The last cloture vote went down by 66-32, and there are a lot of Rs who are feeling the heat.
All we have to do is enforce the laws we already have on the books, and boot those 20 million illegals out of the country. If we need workers, we can issue “green cards” in an orderly manner. But let’s not countenance amnesty.
And let’s make darn-tootin sure that it falls right on the heads of the poorest and most vulnerable! I don’t want any starvin’ peasants threatening my god-given right to be a disgusting glutten! So what if we take advantage of their poverty (whether here or there) to maintain our wealth? We’ll throw them a dime or two, and call ourselves charitable. They’re lucky we let them live in our hemisphere at all!!!
I see nothing wrong (and a lot right) with a guest worker program; isn’t it better than having coyotes smuggle them across the border?
That was not the portion of your many words to which I was responding, as anyone could easily have surmised.
Given the current direction in which the GOP both nationally and in Colorado is moving, I’m not so sure that “pulling the plug” on life support is such a bad idea.
Now if the GOP were to actually practice what it preaches (i.e., the business about being the “big tent”) and nominate a centrist-conservative like Rudy Giuliani, there just might be some hope for the party.
By forcing Republicans to act like Republicans, he may save some of them.
get out of the shadows and into the sunlight a little more when you’re being videotaped, otherwise you’ll look like an ogre.
Viable third party. Mine would be a party that advocates a womans right to choose, stem cell research, anti amnesty in immigration, pro education, border security (real),reform of the judiciary, and pro alternative energies (lets spend less on going to a space station and more on developing hydrogen cars). Hey, I must be dreaming.