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May 21, 2007 04:26 PM UTC

Jared Polis' Candidacy Official

  • by: Colorado Pols

As the Boulder Daily Camera reports:

Boulder entrepreneur and philanthropist Jared Polis will formally begin his candidacy for U.S. Congress today, bringing to the 2nd Congressional District race a candidate with virtually limitless financial firepower and solid name recognition.

If elected, he would become Colorado’s first openly gay representative to the U.S. House of Representatives.

Polis, a Democrat who served six years as a member of the Colorado State Board of Education, said he would file his campaign papers this morning.

Senate President Joan Fitz-Gerald and environmentalist Will Shafroth, both Democrats, are competing with Polis for the seat. No Republican candidates have announced.

Neither candidate returned calls for comment Sunday.

“I have a track record of thinking outside the box,” Polis said in an interview with the Camera Sunday. “I have experience from the public sector coupled with experience working in the for-profit and nonprofit sectors.”

It is his business experience that gives Polis, 32, an immediate and formidable presence in the race for the seat held by Rep. Mark Udall since 1999…

As usual, you heard it here weeks ago.


34 thoughts on “Jared Polis’ Candidacy Official

      1. Jared is going to be a strong candidate.  I’ve yet to see a single poll here that would suggest Joan has this thing locked up.  Since theren’t any polls out there yet we are all just guessing anyway.

          1. He had an op-ed piece in the Camera – this past Sunday I think. He didn’t even do the “mistakes were made” and instead laid all blame on the leg not writing a law to change the meaning of the amendment.

            I think he is unwilling to admit even to himself that 41 was a mess and so it’s an avenue of attack. Don’t know for sure if it will matter but it is a weakness he has.

            And the potential big bomb is the state supreme court finding the legislation violates the amendment and we go in to November with schoolteacher’s children unable to accept scholarships. If it happens on that schedule he’s dead.

      2. There have been a number of studies that have found the correlation between money and winning is that people tend to donate to the winners, not that the money creates the winner.

        More money helps – a bit. But there are a lot of very rich people who tried to buy themselves an office and failed. I think the amount Jared raises outside of family is the real interesting number.

        1. But, many self-funders are also far less talented campaigners than JP.  A schmuck that spends a ton of their own money is still a schmuch.  But someone w/ the political skill of JP and pockets as deep as his are, poses a different situation.

            1. Again, in comparison to other self-funders, he stands out in my opinion.  Look around the country at other people who ran for the House in recent years:  Bob Lamutt in GA, Ben Streusand in TX, John Davis in NY, Cafro in OH…all of them lost b/c they were political rookies who had no idea what they were doing.  (Sorry to drop a bunch of random names…I have a scarry-good memory)

              JP has at leat been elected to something and all the crap he does with schools helps his credibility even further.  Am 41, regardless of the debacle that it was, still was major “politicking” as well.

              Mind you, I couldnt care less who wins…it’ll be a Dem in Nov unless something crazy happens as youre well aware.  It just seems to me that if JP digs as deep as he can, there’s no way JFG will be able to keep up…

  1. He’s a smart kid.  He’s probably paid for a few polls himself that have led him and his team to believe this is something that can be accomplished. 

  2. Cash on hand means nothing for Jared as he only has to write a check.

    Anyone prepared to guess how much cash on hand the following will have on July 1, the day after the next reporting quarter ends:

    Joan Fitz-Gerald
    Will Shafroth
    Angie Paccione
    Brandon Shaffer

    I’ll bet $500,000  for Fitz-Gerald and under $100,000 for all the rest.

    1. But, I think you underestimate Shafroth.  He has some big time supporters (including Tom Strickland, for example) and has the potential to get some solid seed money.

      As for JF-G, keep in mind she was not able to raise a single penny while she was in session.  It’s going to be a furious six week period for them – I bet they get somewhere between 200 and 300k by July 1.

      Hard to read on CD-4.  Angie has SOME staunch supporters, but I think many will give to Shaffer just because they may perceive him to be more electable.  The big thing there is not to let the primary to degenerate into some sort of slug fest, otherwise Maralyn will cruise to another re-election.

    2. Every bill, initiative, amendment, etc to limit contributions is a big help to Jared’s campaign because it limits the others but no him.

      THere are no totally disinterested people in politics…

  3. With Steve Adams gone, there’s no way in hell Fitz-Gerald will have 500k on hand.  She’ll bust out of the gate with a little over 100k.

    1. I think Joan will show some good cash. 150 or so.  I hear Will has already taken over 225k, the enviro folks from around the US are trying to prove he has a shot.  It’s an impressive start if he does, I do not think his money will last.

        1. People will vote how you tell them to, if they agree with you OR if they are afraid of you (and they think you’ll win…with a vengeance).

          Mind you, I have no personal experience with Joan F-G.  So I don’t know personally whether she rules with intimidation……but there are many stories that indicate that she does.  Maybe those stories are all wrong.

  4. Why is Angie Paccione supporting Jared Polis?

    If the Senate Caucus was not happy with their leadership they would have voted in someone else

  5. even though he has got the cash, joan has the connections. and more name recognition in that district for sure. we will see but my money is on joan.

  6. Anyone who truly thinks that Polis’ “spotless” record of pro-education hasn’t come from his money alone should take a very close look at the New America Schools.

    A “Chief Educational Officer” from Canada who has all but been sued for sexual harassment and harassment running the show, picked by Polis, and hired only as a consultant.

    A CFO who brags about how much gas his SUV guzzles while complaining about the cost of running schools.  In the meantime they’re trying to open two more in Colorado and three in New Mexico.

    And I won’t even go into others.  But the rumors about town are true.  Teachers and administrators are seeking work elsewhere, all trying to leave NAS before anything more goes wrong.

    And Polis?  He just glosses it over as “normal”.  But then I suppose mistreatment of employees could be considered normal.  What about students?

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