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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: The realist
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: The realist
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: kwtree
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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I’ve been working to create a Greeley and Weld County-centric liberal or progressive blog, and have the thing running at
I’m posting, one to help get the word out on a Greeley voice for progressive change, and second to say that Brandon Shaffer has nothing resembling even a chance at close to a 50% name recognition. Not in Greeley liberal circles, and if you ask anyone who really knows CD-4 circles, you have to do better in Greeley (HD-48,HD-50) than Angie or Stan has done, if you want to beat Musgrave.
The poll just released is something the DCCC may like, but the reality is that you have to be bat-guano-crazy to actually put any stock in it. Read more at
LOL, that’s a new one!
Shaffer would be better off building his career in the senate and waiting another cycle or two.
that Shaffer’s name rec was anywhere near 50%, and even if it was it was scientifically invalid because of the confusion with Condom Bob Schaffer.
Don’t know what I was doing. You can catch the whole post here:
My predictions for cash on hand as of June 30, the close of the next filing quarter for federal candidates:
Joan Fitz-Gerald $515,000
Will Shafroth $85,000
Jared Polis doesn’t matter he can write a check
Angie Paccione $50,000
Brandon Shaffer $30,000
Betsey Markey $0
Eric Eidsness $5000
Doug Lamborn $400,000
Jeff Crank $10,000
none of the incumbets raised $500,000 in a quarter no way JF will do it. She’ll be lucky to get to $200,000.
I will give you the 5th CD numbers, but your way off on the 2nd and 4th. Joan will be in the high 300’s with Will pulling around 130. Angie will come out of the gate with over 200 to try and show that this is her race and Shaffer will have over 100 but they will all be big donors with very little root support. That’s my two cents.
I highly doubt it. And since Crank hasn’t filed for anything, the only thing to report is any left overs from 06 and I don’t think that he has to report that… I right on that?
maybe it’s worth betting on how much he can raise, to judge support.
…considering his vast personal wealth. They must put their money elswhere.
But then again, I guess money = support.
I’ll bet Jared Polis has raised $50,000 as of June 30, but with 80% from relatives.
I’ll also bet that Joan Fitz-Gerald is shoveling in the cash with both hands and will be over $500,000.
Ed Perlmutter raised $250,000 his first quarter two years ago.
Joan is in a much stronger position to raise money and will easily top $500,000.
What do you think the other candidates will raise?
Fitz-Gerald: I think it will be more around $250,000, since she’s already been in a pseudo-primary and that will cause folks to hold off, even though she (very correctly) got on the ball so early. Big donors want to pick off more Republicans, anyway, not subsidize a primary in a safe seat.
Shafroth: Who? Less than $50,000. You are being generous.
Polis: $100,000. You are right his relatives will all max-out and some out-of-state friends will pitch in.
I’d say all bets are off for CD-4, the waters are so muddy. However, Paccione is probably already busy raising money to put distance between herself and Shaffer. I don’t think Eidsness or Markey will even file this quarter. Paccione built a huge donor base in the last cycle, so she doesn’t have to start from scratch. We’ll see if Shaffer actually takes off – so far it only seems like DC (and Jason Bane) buy that poll memo – and you won’t hear a lot of Dems in CD-4 who think the DCCC is credible anyway. They’ve been burned a few times!
Great point. Although Tim Gill may like Joan, I doubt he’ll drop a bunch of money into a primary in the 2nd CD.
You are going to be embarrassed when you see how wrong you are about Shafroth.
If Will Shafroth is above $200,000 it suddenly becomes a three way race.
That would be an amazing amount for a first time candidate
to have raised.
My bet is still that Shafroth comes in below $100,000. If Joan is below $400,000 she had better hire a new fundraising team
are you trying to set the bar so high for her that it looks like she fails out of the gate?
In lieu of the enormous public response denouncing the agreement reached between Senate leaders and the White House regarding immigration reform, Congress needs to round-file this proposed legislation before Memorial Day. The new immigration measures are supposed to provide tougher controls on immigration and make our borders more secure but when you cut through all of the rhetoric, it still represents amnesty for individuals who violated current immigration laws. Should all Americans violate statutory, federal, and constitutional laws and demand that the legislature rewrite them to cloak our misdeeds and ensure our now compliance?
Today, laws are no longer enforced by our government at any level as new laws are being legislated from the benches of our courts and from the desk of the oval office. Our Constitution is irreverently disregarded as a matter of convenience by these same courts and oval office and it is time for Congress to stand up for the American people by opposing these tyrants.
People change laws all the time, which sometimes results in people getting breaks. It’s called being practical.
When a best effort bi-partisan bill is proposed and you have people from the left and right upset, that’s generally a good sign that it is a well crafted balanced bill.
Harry Truman used to say (paraphrasing) that when he was being hit by the left and right he knew he had found the right way to go.
Question: How can any bill negotiated in secret be a ‘good bill’?… (The real story is in the second paragragh.)
Do I still live in America or is this corrupt Mexico now?
Good Bill? Give me a break! This getting upset business is as fake as a WWE wrestling match. Just like the dems claim of getting tough on Bush’s war chest.
In other words, it’s a PRESS RELEASE, not a NEWS ARTICLE.
If Angie out raises Brandon by 2 to 1 Brandon will be in big trouble. Most likely he will close down his exploratory committee and run for reelection to the Senate if Angie is able to out raise him by a wide margin.
If Will Shafroth is within $25,000 of Joan Fitz-Gerald this quarter he becomes a major candidate with a strong chance of winning.
If Doug Lamoborn is below $300,000 he is inviting someone to challenge him in a primary
I almost hope Wiens make a go of it just to get him out of Colorado. The only think to admire about him is that he can end up with his luxury ranch after a bankruptcy, maybe 2 of them.
Will I miss Tancredo? Is Wiens that bad?
What’s the term for people who support Wiens: Wieners?
doesn’t matter what you call them… Wiens has the best team in CD6 lining up behind him. He’ll put up a terrific fight against Harvey/Hotaling.
the hispanic Gonzalez is the last line of defense to impeachment of Bush.
How is Gonzales a defense to impeachment of Bush? What does being hispanic have to do with the so-called irony?
At what point do these so-called conservative Republicans….you know who you are here at CoPols……plan to speak up against this crap?!
From CNet, then an analysis:
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is pressing the U.S. Congress to enact a sweeping intellectual-property bill that would increase criminal penalties for copyright infringement, including “attempts” to commit piracy….
The Bush administration is throwing its support behind a proposal called the Intellectual Property Protection Act of 2007, which is likely to receive the enthusiastic support of the movie and music industries, and would represent the most dramatic rewrite of copyright law since a 2005 measure dealing with prerelease piracy….
The IPPA would, for instance:
* Criminalize “attempting” to infringe copyright. Federal law currently punishes not-for-profit copyright infringement with between 1 and 10 years in prison, but there has to be actual infringement that takes place….
* Permit more wiretaps for piracy investigations. Wiretaps would be authorized for investigations of Americans who are “attempting” to infringe copyrights….
* Allow computers to be seized more readily. Specifically, property such as a PC “intended to be used in any manner” to commit a copyright crime would be subject to forfeiture, including civil asset forfeiture….
* Require Homeland Security to alert the Recording Industry Association of America. That would happen when CDs with “unauthorized fixations of the sounds, or sounds and images, of a live musical performance” are attempted to be imported.
Oh where to begin?
First off, what this legislation is really about: The Homeland Security department getting carte blanche authorization to fish through your computer and tap your phones with impunity, whenever they want, so long as they argue that they think you might have ever tried to download even a single song via Limewire or some of other music-sharing software, or have ever copied a photo off the Internet, or even watched a single clip from any TV show on YouTube. They’re going to use this legislation to hunt for terrorists, and won’t need search warrants, etc. That’s what this is about.
Now to the specifics.
1. Why change the law to an “attempt” to infringe? Copyright law has been fine until now, why change it?
2. As mentioned above, they can wiretap anyone who may be “attempting” to infringe on copyright. That means if they suspect that you may have saved a copy on your computer of one of my orchid photos they can tap your phones, without a warrant I suspect. They can also tap your phone if they think your teenage daughter may be “attempting” to download a song online. They could also tap the phones of every YouTube user who has ever posted a clip from any TV show. Think about that.
3. They can seize your computer, forever, if you “intend” to copy even one song or one photo from the Internet. Not if you DO copy it. Just if you even just plan on it in your mind. And the religious right has a problem with hate crime laws? At least with hate crime laws you actually have to have committed a violent crime like murder or aggravated assault. And Bush is threatening a veto of that bill. But he has no problem with a bill that throws you in jail for just thinking of maybe downloading music or a photo or posting a copy of a Washington Post article to your blog or putting a clip from the Daily Show or South Park on YouTube (that too would permit Bush to tap your phones).
And finally, if Homeland Security doesn’t have enough work to do already, and has the time to set up a hotline to the Record Industry Association every time little Suzie downloads a Christina Aguilera song, well, then we might as well just pack it in and put up a big welcome sign for Osama to hit us again.
If they hate us for our Freedoms, is this an attempt to make them love us???
h/t John Aravosis
Ayn Rand comes to mind.
Osama is far less dangerous than the people who supposedly want to protect us from him.