Rush Limbaugh’s phone number is (800)282-2882.
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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that is a perfectly worthless bit of information.
it’s to encourage people to call and comment on Limbaugh’s assertion that while liberals complain that the 10 Republican candidates on stage for their debate included no women or minorities, they don’t make that complaint about the Democratic presidential candidates. Thing is, 3 out of the 8 Democratic candidates who appeared on stage for THEIR debate WERE women or minorities, including 2 out of the top three front-runners. Good luck getting past his screeners.
I don’t care what the drug addled Rush Limbaugh thinks about liberals.
Trying to reason with an addict is a waste of time.
As long as that remains his position, I’m fairly certainly I’m gonna vote in the Republican caucuses next winter for Giuliani. The enemy of my enemy may not be my friend, but he sure can be my tactical ally!
I wonder if D.D.H.G.L.Q. will follow the instructions from F.O.T.F. high command and decline to vote for Giuliani if by some miracle Rudy is the GOP nominee.
it, it is almost enough to get me to the Republican caucuses too!
But I see him in the general election as a fall back position for the nation. Should Hillary not be successful in closing the deal w/ the American voters, I’d much prefer Rudy to Mitt, McCain, Newt or any of the other GOP clowns in the running.
No way in hell I’d vote for him in the general. But if it screws with Dobson and his “type” then that is almost enough for me to hold my nose and go to a Republican caucus.
Well, since it is “Open Line Friday,” how `bout this little tidbit of irrelevant and odd court “news” from a quaint little courthouse in Texas that I has occassion to visit a few weeks ago:
Courthouse closed for crabs, By Brian Knox
The Wise County Courthouse was closed . . . after a custodian found what was initially believed to be pubic lice, or crabs, in two of the courthouse’s public restrooms in the basement. The courthouse was closed by an order of County Judge Bill McElhaney shortly after 2 p.m. in order for an “emergency pest control fogging” of the entire building. Custodian Cynthia Allgood said she was cleaning the women’s restroom around 9 a.m. Monday when she made the discovery. “I was cleaning the commodes, and I seen black things crawling around,” she said. http://www.wcmesseng…
Please note: (1) the alleged crabs epidemic occurred weeks *before* I arrived at the courthouse!!! and (2) they later allegedly identified the critters to be some kind of mite (i.e., they were originally misidentified as lice, then crabs).
These backwards pieces of crap are the reason our kids are dying in Iraq? This is what we are protecting? This is savage!
How are they going to learn to function in a democracy when this is how they solve their problems?
Please lord, bring all of our military home NOW!
I saw this yesterday, mtnpublius, and I nearly puked. Apparently she was a 17 year old girl who ran away from her family because she was in love. And her punishment ? She is STONED TO DEATH IN PUBLIC BY THE MALES IN HER OWN FAMILY. HER OWN FAMILY, FOR CHRIST SAKES ! WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING ?
You can see her trying to get up in the video, and being kicked and stoned, and then the bleeding, and then her lifeless body. It is atrocious.
with a light white wine sauce over angel hair…
How could anyone do this to a child. And it’s their own child. How on earth can they even consider themselves human beings?
Salazar calls for Gonzales to resign
By M.E. Sprengelmeyer, Rocky Mountain News
May 18, 2007
U.S. Sen. Ken Salazar has joined calls for embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to resign, saying he “no longer had confidence in his ability to lead the Department of Justice.”
Salazar, D-Denver, has long been considered one of Gonzales’ few Democratic allies in Congress, and until today he had declined to join many fellow Democrats and handful of Republicans who have been calling for Gonzales to step down in the wake of a controversy over the firing of federal prosecutors last year.
In a press conference in Denver, Salazar said he has become concerned about a “politicization” of the Department of Justice. He said he spoke to Gonzales and urged him to resign, saying it was “time for the Department of Justice to get a fresh start.”
Based on hits…this site has a vigor problem. What can we, together, do about it? Let’s make it the blog of the nation!
This site is turning so far left that Colorado Confidential it’s ugly twin sister is starting to get jealous. People can get hateful left or right wing attack blogs anywhere. I came here because I thought it was supposed to be local and non biased. It has been little of either. I am a Libertarian in life and in politics so the partisan parroting is a real turn off for me. I only lurk now for the local items and avoid the I hate Republicans more than you do threads.
Colorado is turning liberal and this site is just a reflection of that change.
– dave
ps – I don’t hate Republicans. But the number of crroks and incompetents in the Republican camp do make it hard to not do so.
Most people are lurking about but the tone and Republican bashing is getting to be just like other sites and doesn’t make it worth contributing much.
More and more posts I ignore, not worth the brain drain. I believe there’s even a poster who created a negative diary based on something I wrote. That’s wierd, haven’t seen that before.
Advice to anyone who posts here, coming from someone who has been here awhile, keep the bashing/trashing at the door. Most of us don’t enjoy feeling negative when we visit Casa del Pols.
Talk about your issue but don’t bite someone’s head off for disagreeing. And if no one ever replies to your posts, there may be a clue there for you to figure out as well.
After all, we’re just trying to have a civilized conversation here.
that Wolowitz’s “lead parachute” is $400k….it makes for a perfect metaphor of the whole neocon misfit operation. Christ!
They haven’t even started any actual construction and they are already 1.5 billion over budget – http://www.dailycame…
This is the kind of news that would make me a Republican – if Republicans were still the party of responsible spending…
From the article:
Ever since Katrina construction costs are through the roof. It’s obviously not the only factor (the article mentions one line in now proposed to be bigger and have more stations) but it’s kinda hard to keep to the original budget given that factor.
The point being, it isn’t exactly fiscal irresponsibility at work here.
Some construction materials have increased in price – but that is a subset of total costs. This thing is starting to grow so fast I worry where we will end up.
which would suck – FasTracks as originally conceived was a great idea. But no one predicted that a major city would be partially destroyed or that oil would double in price in 3 years…
Concrete shot up in price before Katrina because China is using so much. There were price spikes and shortages for about 6 months after Katrina but that effect is mostly gone.
As to gas prices, we’ve been up at this level from before the ’06 election when this was passed. And there have been numerous studies showing that higher gas prices have not been passed on to consumers. Businesses are swallowing it as a cost of doing business.
I think they low-balled the estimate and are now giving us the real price. What worries me is that this increase will pass and then they’ll not worry about coming back again when they have cost overruns.
I do think we need it. But I would like the effort competently and honestly managed.
– dave
the final costs for this project will be 4 to 5 times the original estimate before it is done. Write that down.
Those pop into my head as “on time, under budget.”
I think that the SE & SW lines met the budget, too.
I don’t really clutter my brain with this sort of trivia, but don’t go trashing government with that super broad brush. The vast majority of projects are “ho hum” in their lack of problems.
Colorado has lots of government projects that come in under budget. Which is all the more reason to figure out what is really going on here – to keep the system honest.