“The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem–of what to say and how to say it.”
–Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates
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IN: Trump/Vance Campaign Following Heidi Ganahl Playbook
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IN: Trump/Vance Campaign Following Heidi Ganahl Playbook
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IN: Monday Open Thread
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headway in Iowa. In this article, a member of the state central committee estimates that he is in the top 4!
Gov. Bill Ritter signed bills into law Monday allowing gay couples to adopt and requiring science-based sex education standards at school districts offering human-sexuality courses.
Some religious groups, including Catholic Charities, had urged Ritter to veto House Bill 1330, the so-called second-parent adoption bill.
Focus on the Family founder James Dobson also called on his Christian radio show listeners to voice opposition to such legislation, saying “liberals have declared war on traditional morality and traditional family values in this state.”
But in signing a flurry of 26 bills into law Monday, Ritter said the second-parent adoption measure provides more children the emotional and financial security that comes with having two parents.
“From my experience in law enforcement, I know how important it is for children to grow up in a stable environment,” Ritter, who served as Denver’s district attorney for 12 years, said in a statement. “This law gives children in a one-parent family a chance to grow up in a two-parent home.”
“This law will give children a better chance to succeed,” he added.
Previously, only married couples or single parents – straight or gay – could adopt under state law.
. . .
I suppose some of the more fervently homophobic posters will say this is “flouting the voters’ will” (like Ref I had anything to do with adoption) but they don’t have a leg to stand on.
The Democratic legislature and the Governor are protecting families with this legislation…….traditional and non-tradition.
By some weird coincidence, Rev. Jerry Fallwell was hospitalized earlier today with chest pains.
Might there be a connection? (I remember Strom Thurmond died on the same the U.S. Supreme Court declared criminal sodomoy laws to be unconstitutional.)
And your grammar is as graceful as a…a…two-legged donkey?
Don’t worry about it. Elephants aren’t so much about gracefulness as stomping things.
Oh, but, by the way, I wouldn’t call the Tofu Factory’s announcement exactly glitzy. I think that, oh, maybe 20%–at best–of Coloradans could actually tell you who is running for Senate. It isn’t the announcement–but the victory speech that matters most. And let me assure you that Schaffer will have a very smooth victory speech.
Every promise, every projection and every attempt at effective and positive governance by your wingnut Republican party in control until 11/06 has been devastatingly wrong. You’re the last person defending the barricades before the force of reason tramples your pathetic position.
details here
Simply amazing how so groups when they are losing bad decide to do an even worse job…
Cultures stall, societies exhaust themselves, empires overshoot. We’re not there by any means. But the last six years feel like a preview. On every issue of national or international importance save perhaps trade, the United States flipped a switch from leadership to inaction or willful regression. In every case, Bush and his Republican enablers made a conscious choice to reverse course. The toll adds up to a strange dark age of retrenchment in a century that can ill afford gaps of imaginative, humane leadership.
by Kevin Phillips.
Incredibly detailed research, often eye glazing, about the rise and fall of a number of economically powerful societies. I won’t remember this exactly, but he traces how they start with many farmers and/or small producers of goods and end with no real production, but lots of paper wealth. All the new “wealth” is paper pushing, not by creation of goods or trade. Think Michael Milkin. The other characteristic is that the society becomes increasingly polar in wealth….sound familiar?
The last society to fall was the British, about 100 years ago. Just like America now, many refused to see what was happening and blithely continued on their way to the dustbin of history. America has its blind cheerleaders now just like the Brits did then.
I feel so sorry for my children and theirs.