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May 10, 2007 03:16 PM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

You can just taste that weekend, can’t you?


20 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

        1. So I asked a simple question.

          His/her solution, probably, is to raise taxes. That’s what he/she was wanting to also hear from us, correct?

          I see no problem so I see no need for a solution.

          Your solution is?

          1. The GOP economic theory: Deregulate. Promote corruption. Concentrate wealth. Slash the safety net, doesn’t help the One in Five CO families struggling. That approach does NOT promote economic growth and prosperity for all.

            Politics is like driving. To go backward, put it in R. To go forward, put it in D. (Cute huh? But not original. I don’t know who first said that)

            1. what is the liberal (Democrat) solution?
              I again say there is no problem that I can see.
              We already have mega-multiple social programs designed for this alleged disaster, but that is MHO.

            2. …since the days when “George Wallace” wasn’t a black entertainer in Las Vegas (delicious irony, that!).  Wallace once quipped (in response to the observation that there wasn’t a dime’s worth of difference between the parties), “now, you get eight cents’ change.”  While the parties pander to their respective bases for show, the politician is ultimately just a species of pig that feasts at the corporate trough.

  1.   Did everyone see the Denver Post story today about Tancredo’s lousy attendance record for House votes since announcing his run for prez. 
      He’s missed 13% of House roll call votes while campaigning in N.H. and Iowa.  Most recently, he managed to miss voting on the federal hate crimes bill.  The right wing nuts aint gonna like that. 
      He should standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the trenches with Musty and Lam-porn, fighting against such “special rights.”
      Interestingly enough, Hillary only missed 2.5% of Senate votes since announcing that she’s running.  Then again she’s got a lot more energy and she takes her job a lot more seriously than Tank does.

      1. ….will any of the wannabes (Harvey, Weins, Lil’ Armstrong, Balmer, John Andrews, Debbie Stafford, Mike Coffman, etc.) who are “looking” at the race right now stay in the race and challenge him in the primary? 
          Coffman would be a logical primary challenger for Tank, if only because he can’t stand Tancredo.  Only problem is that if he won the primary, he’d be going to D.C. and would have to vacate the S.O.S. office.

  2. Are you perchance thinking of hosting a rally or fund-raiser for Rudy Giuliani?  Well, you’d better be worth at least a million dollars, or “America’s Mayor” just ain’t got time for you, peasant!

    Check out this unbelievable story from the Anamosa Journal-Eureka (www.anamosaje.com) in Jones County, Iowa:

    Last weekend Deb and Jerry VonSprecken of Olin received a call from former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s campaign office asking them if they would be interested in holding a campaign rally on May 4, after she had donated to his campaign.

    “We thought it would be an honor and agreed,” said Jerry.

    After agreeing to host Rudy’s rally, Deb and Jerry Von Sprecken then set about doing a bunch of work to organize the event. They underwent a security check and called a bunch of local friends and acquaintances – and even the local sheriff and fire department – and proudly put the pieces in place for their rally.

    But then…

    On Tuesday Deb received a call from Giuliani’s Des Moines office and was asked to call New York.

    “They wanted to know our assets,” she revealed, and added that she and Jerry have a modest 80 acre farm and raise cattle.

    Later she received a call from Tony Delgado at the Des Monies location.

    “Tony said, `I’m sorry, you aren’t worth a million dollars and he is campaigning on the Death Tax right now.’ then he said they weren’t going to be able to come,” Deb continued.

    The Death Tax is a federal version of the Iowa Inheritance Tax.

    The VonSpreckens then called Delgado back and told him how upset they were that the event had been cancelled, how much work they had done and that they had been expecting 75-100 people at their farm.

    “I invited him into my home,” Deb said of Giuliani, fighting back tears.

    Unless Rudy can count on running into you on the polo pitch or at some swank $5,000-a-plate funder, you’re just dirt underfoot, another neck to step on as he makes his grasping, elitist way from imposing a police state in New York City to trying to impose one on the whole country.

    No wonder he’s the front runner for the GOP nomination.  He’s the veritable embodiment of Republican Values.  Place the priorities of millionaires and mega-corporations first, fill all available jobs with your cronies, no matter how corrupt and incompetent they are, and display a breathtaking indifference to real American values like liberty, freedom, and equal justice under the law.  Oh, and make a lot of noise about “family values” while leading a private life that would make Caligula look like a Brownie Scout.

    h/t Gotta Wonder!

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