As The Hill reports:
Former Rep. Bob Schaffer (R-Colo.) said Saturday at a Lincoln Day Dinner that he would run for U.S. Senate in 2008, according to local sources.
Speaking at a small dinner in Teller County, Schaffer told a crowd of about 100 that he had decided to run, according to two local party operatives who were there.
“He announced that we were the first to know that he is a candidate,” said County Commissioner and former county Republican Party Chairman Bob Campbell. Campbell added that Schaffer said a formal announcement and release would be coming at a later date.
Current Teller County Republican Party Chairman Mark Sievers also confirmed Schaffer’s announcement: “He did say that. He was unequivocal.”
Schaffer emerged as a top potential candidate after former Rep. Scott McInnis (R-Colo.) unexpectedly dropped out of the race in March…
Of course, readers of Colorado Pols knew about this back on January 30. Once again, Colorado Pols had it first.
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My expectation all along was Rayburn was running. Missed that one.
Bentley Rayburn would, therefore, appear to be out of the Senate race–given his reported deference to Schaffer.
QUESTIONS FOR THE COLORADOPOLS “Crystal Ball” and any others wanting to comment:
1. Does Rayburn now fall back to contest Lamborn in the 5th CD?
2. Does Crank bow out if Rayburn contests Lamborn or does Crank get in?
3. Or, does Rayburn run for Teller County Commissioner, as a diary reported, clearing the way for Crank to contest Rayburn?
4. Does Crank not run at all, no matter if Rayburn isn’t either?
Schaffer went for it before, and had nearly 70% of the ‘Pub delegates’ support. He is sliding further and further into political irrelevancy, and needs the exposure. No-brainer.
Republicans will vote for anyone who can dethrone the traitorous defeatists leading the U.S. Senate and House, regardless of any issues.
That’s the feeling of this independent today.
This Republican must take issue with you on this one. Iraq is a war we have no business being in, and it is foolish to throw good money (and lives) after bad. Apart from sending GWB and Rice-a-Crony to the Hague for overdue war crimes prosecutions, I see nothing more we have to accomplish over there.
It’s their country. Let them solve their problems the way we did back in 1861.
Toeing the line like Rudy, McCain, and Shaffer will not garner you votes, but rather split the party.
No one wants more division, but rather a uniter. Shaffer is far to right wing for the overwhelming majority of Coloradans. He’s going to win the base support of the 28% of Bush loyalists, but it’s not going to sit well with the other 70% of realist in this state.
Schaffer has his campaign message all laid out for him with “traitorous defeatists.”
Or we Dems can only hope . . .
What part of Iraq are you currently deployed in?
Unless someone is currently deployed their opinion doesn’t count?
Where are you deployed? After all, you’re inferring that we need firsthand information to make educated decisions.
I have a major problem with “chicken-hawks”–those who fight the war by plastering a yellow ribbon on their cars but can’t be bothered by suiting up in uniform to fight the war but instead prefer others to do it on their behalf.
That’s not the feeling of this unaffiliated voter today. I’m almost certain to vote for Mark Udall (a/k/a “Tofu Latte”) for many reasons with the need for a change in Iraq policy being up there in the top five!
I hope so!
Pass the popcorn!
Well it is the home of Cripple Creek. I didn’t know Schaffer was a gambling man.
Here’s a dicy questions I know has been asked by others:
Given the reputation earned by the Club for Growth and the Christian Coalition of Colorado in the 5th CD for their “Lamborn Lambporn”, will Schaffer campaign with their endorsements, and, if so, can he overcome the stigma in the 5th CD that those endorsements carry?
don’t forget Alex Cranberg, too………I would expect him to get much support from Ramey Johnson and her pack of RINO friends.
His money is going to come from the NRSC, CfG, and, of course, the grassroots. Schaffer will lead a united conservative coalition of values voters, social moderates, and fiscal conservatives to victory in November.
Dr. Dobson has Satanic Qualities has lost him mind, someone please help him find it….uh…skip that. LOL, Social Moderates for Schaffer what will you think of next. ROFLMAO
The rumor I hear floating around the GOP in El Paso County is that Crank is expected to make an official announcement in the very near future. It is highly believed he will take on Lamborn for 2008. He will need the summer to raise cash although much has already been promised to him from various business leaders that are not impressed with Lamborn. Rayburn will not jump in *if* Crank takes on Lamborn. Crank is getting lots of encouragement to run. Lamborn and his staff of flunkies should not take anything for granted. DC sources confirm that Lamborn has been very focused on raising cash for his re-election and that his vote is for sale. Rayburn is extremely ambitious so it’s not expected that he will go away but it is doubtful he’ll run for a state position anytime soon.
Gotta take my “me three” vote back, Aristotle. Sorry. Lamborn’s Lambporn campaign tactics can’t win unless both Rayburn and Crank are in it against him. Rayburn and Crank need to sit down and have a talk. One of them runs. And the one who doesn’t run gets the endorsement of the other.
Although you have to admit that a three way race would be three times the fun!
Is the best thing that could happen to Colorado and they Senate!
since it’s the best thing that happened to Democrats. You better hope Suthers gets into the race, or else it’s lights out for the GOP.
Schaffer is a respected leader in the community, as well as someone who has worked hard to provide for the state of Colorado, and the 4th district. It would be great to have someone with the knowledge and integrity of Bob Schaffer in the United States Senate.
Click on his name and read through his comments. Nary an informed one will you find.
Udall confused with Beauprez…
i am pretty sure i dont
Is Eldorado Springs, Mark Udall’s home, not is CD2?
Louisville, Bob Beauprez’s home, is certainly not in CD7.
How, exactly, are you supporting your assertion that Udall is a carpetbagger? Granted, many times over the last few years Republicans have simply made false assertions and felt no responsibility to support them…is this simply another of those exercises?
You must be in that 28% I referred to above. Since you are apparently not willing to look at any reality based facts, and I might say someone with no integrity or moderation, why should i bother arguing with you? If you want to continue to be apart of the authoritarian right, so be it, but I’m not going to waste my time to trying to convinve you of anything since I know what your answer and stance will be; identical to that of that always Satirists Shaffer.
He’s way too conservative for my taste but he is a man of his word.
As for Udall being a carpet bagger, he is not nearly as bad as Holtzman was when it comes to carpetbagging, but he is not a Colorado native, and definitely does not represent the values Coloradoans have. Udall does not have the title western moderate Democrat that Salazar and Ritter were able to use. Udall is as a Congressman that I can think of, and that voting record will hurt him in a head-to head race against Schaffer.
because he was born in another state (the horror!) what does that make Doug Lamborn?
So I don’t think the “carpetbagger” tag will stick to either candidate, frankly.
According to wikipedia, Udall has lived in Colorado since the mid 70s while Schaffer only made the scene sometime in the 80s. I guess we shouldn’t vote for either of them.
He from OHIO! Oh brother that explains a lot.
Udall’s family is at least from the Western Mountain States, but Bobby Boy is from OHIO! I can’t believe it, and some joker had the audacity to call Udall a carpetbagger.
Hey pal, way to throw for the first stone.
didn’t he stay in ohio.
I’m not so sure that Mark Udall’s twenty years of employment with Colorado’s Outward Bound School will hurt him in the eyes of most people in the state. Will it be said that he likes to spend too much time outdoors?
I hear they bring little latte machines in their backpacks. 🙂
but I’ve heard that the reason Schaffer’s waited so long to make any kind of announcement is because he seriously doubts that ’08 is the year for him. The ’06 blue tide is most likely going to keep going, especially in the state that has been trending blue for years AND is holding the Democratic National Convention. Not to mention that Udall has both a sizable fundraising lead already as well as a track record as a moderate who took stands on the right side of Refs A and C. Udall seems to be in a way better position to win a statewide race than Schaffer is, and from what I’ve been hearing, it sounds like he knows it.
I also heard another reason he was holding off is because he was hoping to run in 2010 for Salazar’s seat, after the Democrats have had some time in office to swing the public pendulum of favor back toward the right a bit. But I guess he bowed to Wadhams’ urgings…
no Colorado paper has printed this story. If they had, it would be yet another great blow to the conservative base. The GOP bench is empty.
There will be nothing more special than to have Hillary arm in arm with Mark Udall. Hillary does not play well in this state and she will hurt Udall.
This state has not been trending blue for years. One year is not ‘years’ (plural). This state does not trend. It bucks trends–it doesn’t make them.
Schaffer has eyed this seat since it looked like Allard would step down and Wadhams has wanted him for it. Your ‘inside information’ is goofy.
In a red state liberals have to get lucky and work real hard to win races. Udall can do it. But it won’t be the walk you seem to think it is.
Kind of a botched opportunity, isn’t it? Shouldn’t he have made a big fanfare out of it, gotten news attention, etc. etc.? What’s up with that?
That there will be a campaign kick-off ala the one Beauprez had.
technically this is not his “official” announcement, so he can do that sometime later with much pomp and circumstance, preferrably during a slow news week to garner maximum press.
I can’t remember…..
They had a kick off party at the Griz Rose
Does that mean Schaffer is going to sign an initiative petition before he asks to have his name removed from the petition? Or will he be taping a TV commercial standing next to a horse’s ass?
Jesus, I figured we would have heard D.D.H.G.L.Q. shouting it from the top of the steeple of the New Life Church immediately after the Condom King made it official.
Answer: yes. For a day or two. But I assumed that his announcement would not cause any seas to part of locusts to fly or anything. I’ve just been waiting for him to put the campaign together so he can start smoking Tofu Boy in fundraising. I’m tellin’ ya, you guys on the Left may hate this guy. But do you remember the last time we had a very conservative vs. very liberal race in Colorado? It was base vs. base and the red team won. It was 2004, Bush vs. Kerry and though it wasn’t overwhelming the conservatives won.
I really do think that this may be the dynamic that will kill Udall ultimately. You can see it in his lackluster fundraising numbers. The Democrats really believe that the state is trending so well towards them that they can sit back, let the polling show a big Team Tofu lead, and mail it in come September ’08.
The problem is that Colorado, for all of its unreliability and independence, still leans right. Bush did win here, after all, against a liberal and no matter how well moderate Democrats have done lately it doesn’t necessarily mean anything in a truly red/blue matchup.
You guys have colored this state irrevocably purple or blue or whatever at your own peril. There is no sign that there is anything ideological beneath the political sea change here. All things being equal in Colorado, Schaffer v. Udall will lean to the right.
Dobson has Satanic Qualities:
I find it highly offensive that you are being paid by the state of Colorado and that you are certifiably insane. “You guys have colored this state purple… your own peril.” Dem, Gov, Dem, House, Dem Senate, Dem Sen. Salazar, Dem. Rep Salazar, Dem, DeGettte, Dem, Udall, uh….duh. “Colorado….will lean to the right.” You are psychotic, out of touch with reality. No meds can help you now. Highly offended that you get paid by CU.
Bush did win here, after all…
That was in 2004, and it was a narrow win. He would have lost in 2006 were that put to a revote then – and not just in Colorado.
You guys have colored this state irrevocably purple or blue or whatever at your own peril.
Purple, yes. Always purple. 24 years of Dem governors prior to Owens, remember. No one is dumb enough to call it blue.
The big problem with your arguments is your insistent reliance on 2004 to support what you say is going to happen in 2008. The wise person won’t predict the future – s/he knows that anything can happen and it often does. When you were doing your victory lap in ’04 I’m sure Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff, Duke Cunningham, Mark Foley, and Ted Haggard were scandals that didn’t even penetrate your imagination (although there’s no excuse for not seeing where Iraq was heading even at that point in time). Learn from that, young grasshopper.
Pointing to a map that looks at a state in its entirety (red or blue) is a mistake, a mistake, I assume, a political scientist would not make. Simply put, Colorado’s votes, presidential and congressional, by county tells me that we are a lot more purple than we are red or blue. I am sure that map is available online.
For a U.S. Senate seat in Colorado, that would have been in 1986 when a Colo. Spgs. conservative named Ken Kramer ran against a Boulder liberal named Tim Wirth. Colorado was a lot more red back then (Repubs held both state House and state Senate, and Reagan had just kicked Mondale’s ass two years earlier) than it is now. I’d say Mark Udall has less ground to make up compared to what Wirth was up against.
anyone up for a friendly wager on which candidate will be the subject of a negative story posted by Pols?
Hint: It will start with “As reported in Colorado Confidential…..”
Pols is centrist, Lauren.
That’s pretty good.
LGF doesn’t feign independence…
We don’t make footballs out of our boogers…
That’s a lot of boogers.