As The Denver Post reports:
The Colorado Democratic Party misreported its finances in 2001-02 and accepted a prohibited $10,000 contribution, federal officials said today.
The party agreed to pay a $105,000 civil fine for the violations, the Federal Election Commission said in a news release.
The FEC said the party misreported its finances by a total of more than $2 million, including a combination of overstated cash on hand and understated income and payments.
The FEC did not say who made the prohibited $10,000 contribution to the party or when it was made.
This fine by the FEC was no surprise – the issue had first surfaced well over a year ago. None of the current officials within the Democratic Party were involved at the time.
As a side note, Democrats and Republicans are in a much different current financial state. According to the most recent federal accounts (through 2/28/07), the Colorado Democratic Party had $160,100 cash on hand and $0 in debt. The Colorado Republican Party, meanwhile, had just $24,113 cash on hand and a staggering $271,907 in debt.
Here’s the full press release from the FEC.
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The events were well over two years ago, I think. Pat was still on the outside in the 2004 election and was elected in not long after. Am I right?
So “we” had some corruption….and we cleaned out our own house. Not shabby.
I’m astounded at those reports of cash on hand and debts.
So, Dobby, is Shaeffer bring his own money? Marilyn? I know that they will get help fron the nation party, but “like, wow!”, they sure don’t have much to count on here.
Was in charge.
Interesting that there appears to be no personal charges or accountability.
Problem is that that takes money away from key races in NH, OR, and VA. I’m not worried about Colorado because Schaffer is their top priority. He’ll have all the cash he needs. The other states won’t and while we’ll do fine statewide the big concern is elsewhere.
I am not a huge fan of Chris Gates, but I would not want him to be tarred by misdeeds that are not his. This problem goes back to the the days of Tim Knaus as Chair.
I don’t recall who was treasurer then, but that office has changed a time or two since also. The current Treasurer is more nick-picky than even me about the rules so I think we have done well to clean house.
This pot has been simmering on the stove for a few years now. It’s time to call it soup, clean up, and start thinking about the next course.
was treasurer.
2001? That was forever ago.
except in lynchings.
Part of that is probably attributable to to funding. Hey, look at all of the treasonous crimes that Bush himself has committed and he’s not yet on the docket for impeachment.
But it’s getting closer, I really believe. The Dems aren’t backing down on Gonzogate, and that’s pretty much how Nixon’s journey started.
they’re sometimes even known to spin in reverse
That State Party GOP debt load is unacceptable. Why aren’t Benson, Owens and Coors helping out their old friend Dick Wadhams instead of pouring money into a sinking boat (read: Mitt Romney).
…debts are for suckers.
The Colorado Democratic Party should sue the responsible person and make him or her pay this fine.
It wouldn’t accomplish anything. Its five year old action, a two year old audit, and a system that requires armies of accountants to figure it all out. The fine is more than a Congressional campaign use to cost, and its only going to get worse.
A lawsuit would force the responsible person to pay and save the party $100,000.
That is what it would accomplish.
I don’t see it as playing out as anything other than petty and messy, and that might be more costly than $100k. I don’t think they should do it.
Plus, we don’t know whether the “responsible party” acted intentionally or negligently. People sometimes make mistakes.
Indeed. Important words to remember.
that seems to be a popular response, doesn’t it?
Proving malfeasance would be necessary to get restitution and that would be VERY hard to prove at this late stage of the process.
It would also bog down the Party in a legal quagmire that may end costing more than the fine.
I think the current officers are playing this very wisely: get this bee out of our hair and move on to more important things, like electing a Dem President and hosting one Hell of a national convention.
It wouldn’t help the image of Democrats being the “sue-happy party”