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After his ignominous beginning days as Colorado’s duly elected Representative from CD-5 when Lamborn missed his first vote of the session we haven’t really heard much from him. (And that’s a little bit of a surprise considering his background as a recovering trial lawyer.)
Well never fear, Lamborn is here! Monday’s Gazette published an op-ed from him and I’ve got the highlights (dimlights?) listed below. Enjoy!
So the most significant issue I have with this op-ed is that it sounds like a liberal penned it. All complaining about the other side and no real solution of his own. Ad hominem attacks of the Democrats is fine – hey we practically consider it a high school sport that you can letter in down here in El Paso County – but where are the “better ideas”? Where is the leadership to stand up and instead of just repeating a party line and pre-formatted talking point, actually develop and present an idea that is more practical, more economical, and more intelligent than that of the opposition?
I’m against pork in legislation just as much as the next guy… but that’s sorta like saying “I am for world peace.” Who isn’t?
It’s not hard to make some good points for pete’s sake… our economy under Bush continues to grow, unemployment is down, inflation is under control… yadda, yadda, yaddda. Where’s Lamborn’s description of bills he’s introducing? Legislation he’s passed? Committees he’s serving on? The only committee reference is one Lamborn isn’t even on!
The reference in this op-ed to his (Lamborn’s) support of the taxpayer bill of rights is all fine and dandy but certainly is not anything interesting, new, or worth time in an op-ed. OK… WE UNDERSTAND that you’re not going to vote for a tax increase. WOOHOO… we could send a monkey from the 5th CD and get that kind of performance. On second thought… maybe we did? (Sorry – couldn’t help myself).
Oh and one finally note Mr. L… “Democratic” is a process and “Democrat” is a Party. You might want to make a note of that with whoever wrote your editorial so the mistake is corrected next time.
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That was the most poorly written pieces I’ve ever read. It did about as much good as buying your girlfriend wilted flowers. How in the hell did the guy even become a lawyer? I hope to the Lord Almighty that Crank challenges Lamborn and we get some real representation. For crying out loud, I could have written a better peice. Just about anyone on this blog could have!
Good job GOPundit
I had nightmares last night that I had to work for Lamborn and everyone thought I was an idiot for the rest of my life because I worked for him……I was scared.
Maybe I’m blogging too much
The Democrat vs. Democratic pet peeve is MY friggin soapbox! No fair stealing.
On a more serious note I believe this is a clear reflection of Representative Lamborn’s serious shortcomings. No one is surprised when this sort of thing makes it’s way out of his brain and onto an editorial page.
Jeff Crank or someone else will be stepping up to challenge him during primary season and they will get resounding support throughout CD-5.
On that note I would say anytime an individual wins his seat with only 25% of the vote they’re pretty much in for a primary next time around.
I about squirted coffee out of my nose when I read that Lamborn would be a featured speaker at the Space Symposium this week in Colorado Springs. When you look at the quality of people they have as speakers and then see Lamborn’s name, I can only conclude that they had a desperate need for someone and well, it’s his district. From hearing Lamborn speak on numerous occasions over the years, I suspect the only space topic he can speak on with some degree of knowledge would be about an episode of Star Trek. He and his staff are so unqualified it’s pathetic. In this setting – as in Washington – he is an embarrassment to this district.
I can say that it was ALWAYS the general consensus that Lamborn did the worst. All you had to do was close your eyes and listen to the seven (the 6 Repubs and Jay Fawcett) choices and there was never any doubt who came in dead last.
So how did he get elected? Most people didn’t bother trying to get informed and this allowed Lamborn to sneak through with a small margin of victory. After that, it was “Oh my God!, anybody but a democrat.” Too bad – with the Dems in charge we might actually have been making some local headway if Jay had been elected.
I’m afraid we’re going to be stuck with Doug for some time – rumor has it that Crank won’t challenge him next year. Maybe we can actually have some real representation in the the 5th in 20 years or so.
And what I hear is quite precisely the opposite. I think that Jeff Crank will run. So how about a friendly (gentlemen’s) bet? (Or if you are a woman, a friendly, um gentleperson’s bet? lol)
I find it hard to imagine that there is not a single Republican in C.D. 5 available to challenge this dimwit in the event that Jeff Crank takes a pass next year.
If nothing else, is there not single member of the Hefley family who would take up the cause of showing Lamborn to the door?
All of the Hefley’s children live out of state (or at least they did in early ’06), and they’re enjoying their retirement. Hefley’s wife had discussions on being on BB’s ticket as Lt. Gov but it obviously didn’t pan out….probably because she was tired of public service.
Instead, they stood true to form and selected Janet “Beastiality Rant” Rowland!
how on earth did maintaining (regressive) tax cuts in an era of burgeoning deficits become an example of “fiscal responsibility??!!” It’s a lot like starting wars in the name of world peace…, oh, wait a sec, we’re doing that too….
this is exactly what CD-5 voters chose in 2006: a rubber-stamp instinct, faulty logic, obsolete ideas, a willingness to support more needless death and just barely enough skills to communicate any of it. Has he figured out how to use email yet? Cuz I haven’t gotten a single one from him.
…that I agree with you Zapp. (GASP)
Wow… next thing we know hell will freeze over. Hopefully all those damn advocates of charter schools won’t freeze to death. 🙂 (Oh come on, that was funny).
have brought you two together?!?! I think not. Doug Lamborn: helping people from all parties find common ground. What an incredibly skilled consensus builder.
Is he still giving away those Nebraska state flags?
The first thing I noticed was “This mailing was prepared, published, and mailed at taxpayer expense.” In the mailing, he informs me that Americans pay too much in taxes because of government waste. In this one rare moment, I found myself agreeing…
“Too much in taxes.” Compared to what? Other nations? Getting the government job done? Every time I have asked someone bitching about taxes just what IS the correct amount, the subject gets changed. They can’t answer it because it requires a reference point other than their own bank account.
As to waste, we had a long discussion here a month or so ago about such legend. “Cutting waste” is safe, everyone is for it. But every institution, private or government has “waste”, although if it’s your job being cut you might find it quite essential. You know who the bigged downsizer of the federal government was? Al Gore.
cd, I don’t mean that you are horseshit, just this dishonest stance of Lamborn.
I could be stepping into a mine-field here Parsing, but I think that 10% base income tax and a graduate sales tax (nothing for food, lots for say…a private jet) would be pretty nice.
How could you do that? Do you mean that that $100K M-B would be taxed at a greater rate than a Yugo? OK with me.
I think that we approach taxation competely wrong. I propose that a legislative body reaches an agreement on what they want to accomplish first. Core programs like police, fire, education, military, roads and to what degree. That’s always where the fireworks are.
Anyway, then we figure out how do “we” get the money. What sources are there? What methods? Look at where the money is (“Why do you rob banks? That’s where the money is.”) Look at justice issues; the working poor pay far more in income in payroll taxes than the wealthy as a percentage.
As individuals or families we sort of do an overlay of both. Yes, we (ideally) have an income and then make the appropriate spending decisions. Yet, we also, to some degree, aspire to certain living standards and then make the effort to get there via education, job hunting, etc.
10% income tax, and a graduated sales tax. You pay more tax for a BMW than a KIA. Then the rich only pay taxes when they want to, and the poor don’t pay as much.
It’s just an idea, I have by no means studied it.
And the tax rate and brackets could be changed in a couple of heartbeats depending on need (well, perceived, at least) and policy.
Don’t let Dave hear that his Beemer will cost more than my Jeep.
Believe me, I’m the last person to complain about high taxes. There are many very noble and laudable ways that government spends tax money. I was just struck by the irony of the mailing; that he’d send a full-color mailer at taxpayer expense to announce that taxpayers pay too much.
… but sheesh, he hit himself in the face with it as well.
Crank should challenge.
What is the deal with El Paso Republicans? I get party loyalty, but why choose loyalty when your own way of life (or life) is at stake? Is a common sense Democrat such a bad vote? Honestly, you could not have done worse in your choice.
Everything that Jay Fawcett spoke about has come to pass.
Rumsfeld stepping down – when Jay called for Rummy to step down, all six Repubs and Michelli came out with complete nonsense and talked about how wrong Jay was – they cried from the roof tops – Support the WAR, Support Rumsfeld!!! Then the Army, Navy and Air Force called for Rummy to step down and a day after the election the Executive Branch received his resignation.
Jay was right and forward thinking. The news commentators (both Dem & Rep) have called Rumsfeld the worse Sec of Defense ever. Even our men and women in uniform have said the same.
1. The latest poll I saw was something to the effect that 68% of Americans are not in favor of the war.
2. Three generals have turned down Bush’s request for them to be the “War Czar”
3. Republicans are saying that Bush has turned around any good that came out of the Reagan era
4. More Americans are Democrats and Dem leaning because of this administration.
Crank was the biggest “Support Our President” voice in the primary. Will he be supporting President Obama or President Clinton (Yeah, its coming. And it is coming because of the current administration!!)?
Please people, let’s think about our leadership and who we are electing. Party politics is fine – but quite frankly Jay Fawcett was only person in the CD5 election who had it right with the war and the direction of this country should be on.
And I challenge ANYONE in CD5 to tell me things are better with the choices the voters made. As I have said many times, I am an Independent. (Sad in Colorado you can be “unaffiliated” but not Independent) Because what I am about is supporting the best candidate – not the Republican or the Democrat – but the best. In my mind it is simple. Anyway, recent history has shown what happens when we put party above America.
Yes, I was working for Jay!
WL James
I have always been dismayed at the lockstep fashion that Republicans in this area vote to support the party no matter how bad their candidate appears to be.
I have been a semi-regular reader without posting for far too long, and being represented?? by Lamborn for the past few months has inspired me to finally log in and post something. I am out in Chaffee County, which even though dominated by Republican registration, has all Democrat elected officials (except the Sheriff, and you could probably make a case that he is a RINO). The reason, maybe we are far enough removed that there is still some independence from the national parties, so we go with the actual best candidate. What a concept!
For years we were represented by Joel Hefley, and while I occasionally disagreed with his politics, at least I always believed in his integrity. Then came the primary. Then I got the lovely glossy our new lamebrain rep (Note, don’t kick me off, this is not name calling, this is an adjective I am choosing to describe him, it just apears coincidentally to be close to his name) sent out at our expense. Now he is opening an office in Buena Vista, ostensibly to communicate and listen to locals, more likely to be a campaign office in a desparate attempt to hold on to his seat in 08. Last straw is his predictable refusal to support Brown’s Canyon Wilderness, most likely because it could be a legacy for Hefley, and he wants to retalitate for Hefley’s lack of suport in the 06 cycle.
Can Chaffee get redistricted to CD-3?? Please???
I’ve been down Brown’s Canyon in a raft one or two dozen times… that the same place you’re referring too? I’m not familiar with the proposal for the wilderness area… care to expand and/or provide more info? 🙂 Thanks!
Brown’s is a lower altitude proposed Wilderness Area, along the east side of the Arkansas River, west of the old mining town of Turret. First designated as a Wilderness Study Area in the 1991, there is an abundance of wildlife, including well over 100 bighorn sheep, and is unique because of its altitude and elevation. As you are no doubt aware from floating Brown’s on the River, there is frequently minimal development on both sides, although the west side has some significant development pressure on private ranchlands.
The original designation included 6,600 acres, and the proposed WA, sponsored by Hefley in House and Allard in Senate (obviously not a partisan enviro-dem pair!), the proposal would designate 20,000 acres as Widerness. The citizen proposal was 35,000 acres, but was scaled back after numerous public meetings and compromise. The BLM /USFS 4-mile travel area, again a citizen involved travel management plan lies north of the area, and offers oppurtunities for both motorized and non-motorized travels in similar terrain.
The bill was all set for approval near the end of session in 2006, then derailed by a small faction within the NRA, who decided it would make the area unaccessible to some hunters who needed OHV, even though there was significant input from other NRA members who state their support for the desgnation, because they realize that OHV use in this area actually negatively impacts habitat, and makes hunting bad for all.
Lamborn has held a couple of recent meetings locally to gather information; more showed up in support than opposed. I will be optimistic and hope that he will consider the support for the area, but time will tell.
…Lamborn supporter in the mix here? I expected at least one half-ass defense. Hmmmm. All nine hard core Lamborn supporters must be busy elsewhere.
who usually chimes in to defend Lamborn whenever he comes up as a subject. I wonder where he is…
. . what with his chiming and all.
and his sense of humor too. He ought to post more often.
What the hell are you doing throwing elected Republicans overboard? In the worst storm to hit the Colorado GOP in decades Lamborn whiped up his opponent by double-digits. Where’s the respect?
I’m a Jeff Crank guy. He’s more my type. But for goodness’ sake the guy can win elections and when your party’s having trouble doing that sort of thing you don’t complain.
…with a due respect I think the Republican Party in Colorado needs leaders. Lamborn’s just not the guy. He fundementally won the General when he won the Primary. And in the primary he only got 27% of the vote. Crank came in 2nd with 25%. That’s no mandate and it’s no consensus – and it probably bought him a 2008 Primary tangle with someone. Maybe Crank, maybe someone else but I’m telling you… it WILL happen. By the time the Primary came around the voters were really tired of Lamborn and the mud-slinging he was doing. It got him elected but just barely and that will cost him big time in the future.