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March 25, 2024 08:05 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“A bad system will beat a good person every time.”

–W. Edwards Deming


13 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

      1. I will keep that in mind. Unfortunately, given the partisan makeup of her district, we are stuck with MTG until she gets bored and moves on to something else.

    1. Wonder if MTG has checked the calendar.  Wisconsin says "2nd Tuesday in April." 

      "A vacancy in the office of U.S. senator or representative in congress occurring prior to the 2nd Tuesday in April in the year of the general election shall be filled at a special primary and election. A vacancy in that office occurring between the 2nd Tuesday in April and the 2nd Tuesday in May in the year of the general election shall be filled at the partisan primary and general election."

      I don't remember if the House is supposed to be back April 8th or 9th — but any "expulsion" would need longer than that (as Santos demonstrated).

      How much of an impact?  Democrat Tony Evers as governor would have to call for the election.  It almost certainly would require a "special primary" to select among partisan candidates, and then a special general election to fill the vacancy.  If Gallagher were to be expelled, presumably Evers would stretch the process, meaning probably 2 weeks to announce (end of April), another couple of weeks for a "filing" period.  Then May, June and into July for the primary, a week to certify those results, July, August, and into September for the general.  That seat would be filled in September … just in time for the House's usual short legislative period before taking most of October off for the general election break.

  1. Biden Sends Congrats – Trump Finally Wins!.

    Trump has one BOTH the West Palm Beach golf course "CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY" and the "SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY". He will personally be there at the Trump International Golf Club to receve the awards.

    (Theres a statue of Somoza in Somoza Square in Somoza City).

  2. Morning Digest shares news from "The Unaffiliated" newsletter of The Colorado Sun:

     CO-04: Former Parker Mayor Greg Lopez announced Thursday that he would seek the GOP nomination for the special election to replace fellow Republican Ken Buck, whose resignation was to take effect the next day, but he said he would not run for a full two-year term.

    Lopez, who lost the 2018 and 2022 primaries for governor, told a conservative radio host that his decision "would allow those that are seeking a career in public service to run their campaigns unencumbered by the restrictions of a special election."

    Party leaders will choose their nominee for the June 25 special election to replace Buck when they gather on March 28.

    A slight spin on the old axiom … if you can't beat them, join them.

    1. Let me see if I have my GOP losers correct.

      Wasn't Greg Lopez the alleged wife beater who lost the nomination to Heidi "Furries" Ganahl who lost the general election to Polis?

  3. I just finished watching the tour de force press statement given by You-Know-Who decrying his persecution by Joe Biden and his minions (Alvin Bragg, Leticia James and some guy named Colangelo who apparently is the missing link in the connection between Biden and the two New York state and local prosecutors). 

    He said that he had more than enough money to post the original bond of $454 million right after his lawyers said that he did not.

    He said that he wanted to spend some of his liquid assets on his presidential campaign but when asked if he was going to put his own money into the campaign, said it was none of the reporter’s business.

    He said that he would not be taking money from foreign sources but then said that some banks are foreign sources.

    If only people had stopped the steal of the 2020 election, there wouldn’t be a Russian invasion of Ukraine, Hamas would not have attacked Israel, no inflation, 15 million immgirants from insane asylums and prisons would not have invaded our country, YADDA YADDA YADDA, I’m the real victim here.



    What happened to the half billion dollars Trump had to come up with today?  It was penalty for his real estatefraud case in New York. 

    The judgement stands, according to DA James,  but collection is “paused”, and Trump may be able to pay “only”  $175 million….in 10 days. 

    Apparently, some other court responded to Trump’s lawyers’ appeals, and found a way around DA James ruling and “paused the collection”.

    But I don’t understand how that happened. . Is the New York D A the highest legal authority in her jurisdiction, or is she not?. If you can explain this, please do.

    As Trae Crowder said, “rich people broke” is way different than actually being broke.

  5. Trump’s attorneys appealed the judgment of the court on what amount of bond would need to be posted. 

    Hunter, at Daily Kos, predicted the outcome early, and yesterday confirmed:

    In a brief Monday order, the Appellate Division unilaterally slashed the amount Trump needed to come up with in order to appeal the lower court’s decision to $175 million, not even half of the original $454 million judgment.

    And that Appellate Division gave Trump 10 days to come up with the smaller amount.

    and then, I read …
    Trump Might Be Too Broke for a $175 Million Bond, Too, Timothy Noah, The New Republic, March 25, 2024. https://newrepublic.com/article/180114/trump-175-million-bond-fraud-judgment

    A New York appeals court on Monday reduced the $454 million that former President Donald Trump was required to put up while he appeals his civil fraud case. Now Trump must put up, by April 4, a mere $175 million. The trouble is, he may not get a bond for that amount, either. Should that happen, this act of judicial mercy will end up feeling to Trump like a curse.

    1. Trump would've fared better in Colorado, as we have a statute that caps bonds at $25 million and a recent state supreme court decision basically upholding the validity of that ceiling.  Let's see if he comes up with the $175M.  And let the interest on the judgment continue to accumulate.  I read that it's $100k per day.  Tots and pears to the would-be tinpot dictator

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