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October 16, 2006 10:43 PM UTC

Allard Running for Re-Election?

  • by: Colorado Pols

The speculation on whether or not Republican Sen. Wayne Allard will run for re-election will begin in earnest after the new year, but early indications are that the two-term senator will indeed give it another go in 2008.

A group called The Seniors Coalition sent out a targeted mailer last week touting Allard’s work on reducing the price of prescription drugs, which would certainly give the impression that Allard wants to lay some early groundwork for a re-election campaign.


44 thoughts on “Allard Running for Re-Election?

  1. Please run Wayne. PLEASE. Mark Udall could double Wayne’s charisma by simply cracking a smile.

    And if Allard doesn’t run? Bill Owens! Please run Bill. Pleeeeease. And then we can parade your illegitimate children around the papers.

    Colorado is so blue. So…soo….Blue

      1. ….the five least relevant members of the Senate.  (David, I’m not sure, but it’s possible that your mother’s opponent was in that charmed circle.  You may want to check that out!)

        1. What I don’t understand is why do people like that even bother to show up. I guess the pay is good and you get invited to a lot of parties. But you also have to go fundraise all the time and campaign.

          Here’s hoping they both lose. Although I just realized, if my mom wins she will want us to go to the inaguration and we’ll have to go to Republican parties. Aside from the fact that they’ll be lots of Republicans there, they will all be depressed too at how bad the Dems trounced them.

    1. Oh man do I love the jokesters a la gauche on this site.  “Colorado is so blue.  So…soo…Blue.” 

      Yeah, I mean, if you put Colorado up next to Massachusetts you’d totally not know the difference.  We’re just a hippie-go-lucky bunch of gay European potheads here amidst the blue mountains’ majesty.  Right?

      Or maybe not.  After all, the best man the left could conjur up for governor is a pro-life, pro-business Democrat.  Oooooh, man of the left, indeed.  The one Democrat senator you’ve put up is Ken “Alito-lovin'” Salazar.  Left.  Sooo left.  Wayne Allard was rated the most conservative member of the Senate.  He represents “blue” Colorado.  The three Democrat-represented congressional districts are: Boulder (shocking), Denver (stunner), and the West Slope.  The West Slope!? you ask.  Sweet smokin’ Jesus, the West Slope??  Yes.  That’s John Salazar, whose been a steadfast supporter of the NRA (and visa-versa).

      Maybe Colorado is blue.  And this fall it may be bluer (but I’m skeptical).  And maybe “blue” here is not the kind of left-wing Pelosi blue you’re thinking of.  Maybe Colorado Democrats have realized that you can’t win in a conservative state by being liberal.  They’ve adapted.  To me, that says we’re a whole lot redder than you’d like to admit. 

      1. The hilarity never ceases to end when you come a postin’. Where in the world do you come up with your descriptors? Hippie-go-lucky bunch of gay European potheads? I am going to have to write that one down.

        The great thing about the democratic party is that we are very inclusive. You need to look no further than the Harry Reid, and his pro-life stance. And pro-business? That is antoher great one. When did the left become anti-business?  I mean, I know president is all about corporate handouts, but being against that certainly doent make us anti-business.

        I’m happy to call Salazar my Senator. Another thing that is nice about the democratic party is that we dont goose step to what the leadership says. And as far as Allard is concerned he is also the most worthless, along with being the most conservative, senator in the senate. What are his major accomplishments again? Oh yeah, he wants to make an amendment to the constitution defining marriage. Great job on that one. I would hardly say that he represents colorado, but incumbency does have its advantages. Lets see if he can hang on for another term.

        You know who else was a steadfast supporter of the NRA, and who also got a 100% rating by them? Howard Dean. Now, I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, how in the sweet smokin’ jesus would a guy like Howard Dean get a nod from the NRA. Well, I will tell you. He is a moderate Dem. I know. Its a shocker.

        Now, I see you have picked up the latest talking points from the republican shitter stall walls. Pelosi is the new Clinton. Thats fine. At least the man who covered up for pederasts will no longer be in charge. Maybe, just maybe there will be a return to civil discourse in our hallowed halls of government. Maybe Colorado democrats arent afraid to speak their minds about issues. Maybe they are
        moderates. To me thats not a bad thing. Being Blue doesnt mean that we have to put up hippie go lucky gay european pot smokers. It just means that we arent xenophobic, racist, homophobic, anti-science, mysoginistic, constitution hating bigots. And I like that.

        1. But you’re absolutely wrong about the majority of Coloradans not supporting the Constitutional ban on on same-sex marriage.  Unless Colorado is the most closeted homosexual state in the union, a federal or statewide (a la Amendment 43) Marriage Protection amendment would pass easily here.  In Oregon a statewide ban passed with 53% of the vote.  And believe me, I spent my freshman year of college in Oregon and I can attest to the miraculous wonderment of that blessed amendment passing–Oregon is Mark Foley and Rosie O’Donnell gay. 

          It’s a whole lot more conservative in these parts–and a whole lot more Evangelical to boot.  Of course I have to roll out the customary “we’ll just have to see in November,” but I think even the Gay Brigade (Tim Gill, Jared Polis, Pat Stryker) has conceded 43 and has focused on the I-can’t-believe-it’s-not-marriage! vote with ref. I.

          And as far as this “Hickerlooper will turn you Bible-beaters blue” business…are you joking?  Give the guy a lesson in Dutch down at Berlitz and he’d be the top vote-getter in Amsterdam’s next mayoral election.  I’m sure of it.  His wife, who by all indications is a lovely lady, looks like the female incarnate of Woody Allen.  Every time I see the couple together I swear I’ve been teleported to Rotterdam or Berlin.  For Democrats to win here, Salazar and Ritter (possibly) are your models.  Liberals who pose smashingly well as conservatives.  Cowboys boots and western roots, not Guccis and a lovely gay rights record, are what win Democrats races in Colorado.

          But by all means, please do believe that Hick is Colorado to the core and we’re really a blue state after all.  Just stop acting so shocked every time the Republicans, propelled by those nasty, brutish, and homophobic “values voters,” beat you guys like a bongo drum.  Someday you’re going to have to fess up: It’s a red state and you’re just livin’ in it.

  2. It’s the Trailhead of the pharmaceutical industry.


    Seniors Coalition

    Stated Purpose:
    Representing senior citizens before federal and state officials through public information, education and grassroots presentations.

    Tax Status:

    Political Orientation:

    The Seniors Coalition is one of three purported senior citizen advocacy organizations, along with United Seniors Association and 60 Plus Association formed with the help of conservative direct mail pioneer Richard Viguerie and at least partially funded by the pharmaceutical industry.1

    Despite its claim of non-partisanship, the Seniors Coalition disseminated electioneering messages in at least 11 political contests in 2002 in support of Republican candidates.2

    Both in the content of its communications and in its choices of political contests in which to intervene, the Seniors Coalition appeared to coordinate in 2002 with two other non-profits, 60 Plus and America 21, an evangelical group based in Tennessee. The three groups, for instance, each sent direct mail pieces praising 7th District Colorado Republican congressional candidate Bob Beauprez. The direct mail pieces were similar in appearance and content, and each incorrectly spelled the candidate’s name as “Beuprez.”3 The Seniors Coalition’s mailing said: “Bob Beuprez: Leadership on Prescription Drug Coverage for America’s Seniors.”4


    1. since he’ll be finished with “Senator Macaca” in a few weeks, and win or lose, George Allen probably aint going for the White House in ’08.

      1. Love it!!! I’d love to see a fellow Republican put Tancredo in his place by bringing up all the skeletons in his closet. I predict Tancredo will be too chicken to run for Senate. He wants to keep his safe 6th CD seat from now to eternity. Please, PLEASE prove me wrong, Tom! And get your butt handed to you on a platter if you primary against Allard.

    1. You are right about that.  Looking at the legislature, there are very few R legislators who could run statewide at this point (that is the problems the Dems used to have, but that is changing).  Because the make up of Republican caucuses in both chambers is increasingly extreme and strident (and frankly in many cases intellectually very shallow) there are very few (if any) who could run as centrists and win a general election, even if they could win a primary.

      I am not sure where else you look for candidates with the stature and appeal to run for the US Senate.

      The radicalism of the agitators in the right wing of the Republican Party are dooming it.

            1.   While they both appeal to the hard right, Holtzman can do it with energy and intelligence (not to mention Daddy’s money).  Allard, in a debate, would come across as only slightly less dim than Doug Lamborn. 

              1. Holtzman would have the tenacity to run.  And he’d self-fund, so money wouldn’t be an issue against Udall.  But to be honest, I don’t think he’s interested in Senate.  All of his issues were state-related, and though I’ve heard him speak on Supreme Court appointees and KILO – I really got the impression he was running to make Colorado a better business-friendly state.  You dems can argue all you want about him being opposed to C and D so therefore he was anti-business, but out of all the candidates throughout the race, no one – and I mean no one – was more “business savvy” than Holtzman. 

                1. You could also say that Bush has a bit of business savvy – look where that has got us:  huge deficits, rampant corruption, an unecessary war, and a deeply divided country. 

        1. Maybe we can have a 6-way primary in ’08 for my party and the next “Lambourn-like” candidate can emerge the victor … that is, until the general election!

          1. If Musgrave, Tancredo and Schaffer are all in, that splits the nutcase vote (apx. 70% in a Republican primary) three ways–leaving about 30% of the vote to one other candidate….  That would be the hitch…you’d need to have just one other candidate, so your margin of error is narrow…

            1. If Musgrave wins and spends the next two years in a Democrat-controlled House, you’d have to ask yourself what she might possibly campaign on in ’08?  She couldn’t muster the votes to get the Defense of Marriage Act any closer to reality when the R’s held both chambers and the White House and I seriously doubt she has any political capital to spend with the Dem leadership. 

              I think someone said earlier the consitutents of CD4 would be best served to have her collect the $350,000 she’s going to get over the next two years and just send it directly to Ft. Morgan — where she should reside.  John Galt — I’d like your thoughts on this.

  3. In the Hotline podcast last week, they discussed possible 2008 campaigns.  They mentioned that national Republicans are begging Allard to run again.  They seem to think if anyone else runs, than Udall can start measuring his drapes for his new office in the Hart building now.

    1. I’m a pretty ardent reader of the Hotline and I didn’t see that. I also watch every single podcast.  I have never seen that report.  you sure you’re not using your imagination here?

  4. The dude has won two other VERY TOUGH Senate elections, against a strong opponent

    Regardless, Congressman Scott McInnis is the only other Republican that could win this seat, IMO —- McInnis could make mince-meat of any Democratic candidate….. I can’t say the same for Owens or Tancredo

    1. Just gotta point out in your signature, friend, that RR’s family’s chestnuts were saved by FDR.  He was a fervent New Dealer and a significant union (SGA)leader. Then he met Nancy, got P-whipped, and discovered the joy of power.  He turned against the principles he endorsed, he broke labor law by walking as both manager and non-manager.  He is also the only divorced president, which is conveniently overlooked by “Family Values” Repubs. 

      The destruction of the middle class started with Ronnie.  (Full disclosure: RR and I are both Tekes, Tau Kappa Epsilon. So we are fraternity brothers!  Aaaaarrrrrgh!)

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