That’s the word last night from Sara Burnett of the Denver paper–accompanying President Barack Obama on his campaign swing this week through Colorado is one Sandra Fluke, now-famous law student at Georgetown University who was derided as a “slut” on the Rush Limbaugh radio show for her congressional testimony in favor of contraceptive coverage.
Fluke’s bad treatment following her testimony prominently included Colorado elected officials and candidates as you may recall. Sen. Greg Brophy, Republican representing District 1, responded to Ms. Fluke that “I don’t want to buy your booze, pay for your spring break or your birth control.” Then-CU regent candidate Matt Arnold posted an “infographic” on this Facebook wall that asserted Ms. Fluke is a prostitute. A week later, Senate Republicans held a rally on the steps of the state capitol where they compared Obamacare’s contraceptive coverage provisions to euthanasia, Adolf Hitler, “mind control,” and (our favorite) King Henry VIII of England.
Go ahead and click here to remind yourself that we are not making any of this up.
Between Ms. Fluke’s mistreatment by Colorado Republicans and the “Ken Buck strategy” we’ve been talking about at length–that is the Obama campaign’s replication of the successful 2010 strategy by Democrat Michael Bennet to alienate GOP Senate candidate Ken Buck from women voters–having Fluke headline Obama’s rally in Denver really is a political masterstroke. She recalls to mind everything Republicans want suburban women to forget before Election Day.
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They obviously don’t go for a one-size-fits-all strategy but adapt to each state or region. The flexibility of this campaign seems unusual to me.
maybe you have a real good fix on “suburban women;” I don’t know.
But I’m pretty sure you don’t understand conservatives at all.
Note that I am not defending the low class treatment, name calling and worse.
Conservative “suburban women” have a distinct misogyny breaking point. Ken Buck crossed it, and it was crossed again with Sandra Fluke.
I’m pretty sure you don’t understand women at all.
Couldn’t resist.
the 3 he lives with and those Russian ladies 😉
Is I have zero understanding of women.
Maybe it’s living in the Springs, but the burbs of the teens are not the burbs of the eighties.
I was in Somalia Springs yesterday and I learned something about why they’re all so gaga about Chick-Fil-A . . . in today’s world down there that now qualifies as “fine dining.”
Is actually the best fast chicken there is.
Actually, it doesn’t surprise me that you say it like that.
Willard’s the best Republican running for President there is.
All in all, it’s a sad time for Republicans, chickens, and dining in the Springs.
ArapaGOP would eat it and then tell you its the best sandwich there is. At least he does what he’s told.
including themselves.
A bunch of Pro-Gun/Pro-Life assholes who want to protect the sanctity of every zygote and you better not take any assault rifles off the streets otherwise they are going to have to kill you to defend their freedoms.
They want government to own peoples reproductive organs but they also want government to stay out of their personal lives.
What a bunch of yahoos who typify a schizophrenia on meth. Dangerous and irrational people.
But it’s Republicans who made her famous. They made their beds.
Word has it the newly formed super PAC, Sluts for Obama, will start running attack ads against Romney soon.
Stay tuned.
And right on topic.