You may want to take a minute today to check with Republican Doug Lamborn’s campaign to see if you have endorsed him for congress over Democrat Jay Fawcett. Why? Because Lamborn may claim that he has your endorsement, whether he bothered to ask you about it or not. As Colorado Confidential reports:
Republican Doug Lamborn’s campaign manager Jon Hotaling, however, doesn’t have much to say about the magazine’s claim. “I don’t know why the National Journal put it there; they gave no comments.”
“Senator Lamborn enjoys widespread support in the district,” Hotaling maintains. “The only ones who see to be upset about the will of the people are Mr. Hefley and a handful of [Jeff Crank] supporters.”
The last reference is to retiring Congressman Joel Hefley, who has refused to endorse Lamborn, calling the primary battle against Crank, his former aide, and four others, “sleazy” and “dishonest.”
Hotaling maintains that, aside from Crank, whom he says Lamborn has “met” with, his other four primary opponents have all formally endorsed him. Bentley Rayburn? “Yes.” Lionel Rivera? “Yes.” Duncan Bremer? “I believe so.” John Anderson? “I believe so.”
As it turns out, not only has Bremer not endorsed Lamborn – he hasn’t even been asked to do so. Neither has Anderson, and Rivera’s former campaign manager didn’t know if he had endorsed Lamborn or not.
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I am consistantly amazed at the levels that Doug stoops. I will be honest I never planned on voting for the man. But I have been shocked at the slime and sleaze that issue forth from Doug’s filth infested pores, all with a nice dose of fly infested LYING.
…Lamborn’s support is found only in the few far, far-right primary voters. He has not reached out for other support. Meanwhile, Fawcett has been raising money and reaching across the aisle.
You all are just teeing it up for Lamborn has godlike qualities. I feel it coming – 3….2….1
I haven’t endorsed him…and I won’t……even if he asks….nicely.
Who’s gonna endorse DishonestDoug?
This is amazing. You need to change the CD-5 line to show that Fawcett has more of a chance that you give him credit for. Hotaling has flat out lied to the media again. Lamborn is a fool for not firing him already. Will Hotaling run Lamborn’s taxpayer funded Congressional office with same lack of ethics as he has run the campaign?
Are that many Crank staffers still out of work that you need to try to get Hotaling fired as some sort of payback? I thought you guys were pros?
Acronymn for “Permanently Retarded Oofs.” These are the same brainiacs that are running the Beauprez machine, State GOP Headqyuarters, Trail Head, and the list goes on and on.
These clones get bent out of shape when the corination doesn’t go their way. Just as they were with Coors, so too are they with CD5.
As for Jay Fawcett. How about instead of “jay is raising money,” how about some real hardcore numbers??? Fawcett will get pasted like nobody’s business. Signs in El Paso County??? If Fawcett has sooooooooooo much money, why aen’t there any more signs than there are????
Sporadic placement at best would best describe his sign strategy. Heck, if sign wars were an indication of who was going to win, one would think that Allison Hunter (HD-15) is leading Cadman. Hunter has more signs in El Paso County than any other Democrat.
Doesn’t mean she will win, just that she spent more money.
Memo to Doug Stillborn and Jeff Hot-ling:
Remember the First Rule of Holes. When standing in a deep hole out of which you are trying to get, stop digging any deeper. It’s a horse race as to who is running a worse campaign, Both Ways or Stillborn.
At Doug’s current rate of bungling, I give Joel and Lynn Hefley two more week before they announce their endorsement of Jay Fawcett.
Keep up the wishful thinking. If Hefley’s did endorse Fawcett, the downside would be that the might as well put the ole ranch up for sale and head to Oklahoma.
That’s not the standard Republican Way. Republicans just sit on their hands and don’t work for the nominee. Unlike Dems who go around endorsing and leaving a Slash and Burn policy in place.
Case in point…Joe Lieberman. Who is predicted to win that race again???? Even after he dumped the Dems??? Polls show him leading both the Dem and the Repub.
Fawcett might stand a chance if he were an independent. Such is not the case. Just keep dreamin my friend.
Hey Jay, maybe you could come up with a better strategy. Instead of relying on Hefley to endorse you, maybe you could just run a better campaign???
I don’t see any problem with assuming someone endorses Lamborn.
Assuming someone endorses Lamborn is like assuming someone…
…Likes ice cream
…Enjoys blue skies
…Loves America
…Believes that children are our future
…Breathes oxygen
My understanding is that all of the mentioned endorsers fit into at least one of the above categories. In fact, I think that if put under the influence of sodium pentathol, or “truth serum,” Joel Hefley and even Jay Fawcett himself would admit to endorsing Lamborn.
Again, no problem here. If you see your name on the list, consider it an honor.
Thank you LHGQ, my blogging week is complete…
So of the four.
Rayburn endorsed. No problems there.
Rivera said to have endorsed, but FORMER campaign manager doesn’t know. So less benefit out doubt is given to Lamborn campaign than a someone who hasn’t been employed by Rivera in over a month. How about we ask Rivera before we post this one?
Bremer and Anderson. “I believe so” is the quote. Hell, I believed so too, since they showed up in support of Lamborn at the Unification Rally (disclaimer: it was Anderson’s campiagn manager that showed up, since Anderson had a previous engagement).
So Cara DeGette goes fishing on the phone for quotes, get’s this and all of sudden Lamborn’s got some serious ethics problems because his campaign manager “believes” that showing up in an official capacity at a support rally for someone is kind of like, I don’t know, endorsing them.
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here. How is this something Colopols would give credence to. I understand that lefty blog Colo. Conf. has no qualms with flawed logic and hearsay laden “facts” (such as Anderson’s wife and Rivera’s FORMER campaign manager as two corroborating sources). Has Colopols been that hijacked by the left? Or is it just a really slow new day.
Hotaling said “I believe so,” not Bremer and Anderson. Bremer and Anderson have not endorsed Lamborn. So, yes, you are taking crazy pills.
tell me these guys are ready to endorse Lamborn. They all look like someone ran over their Dog. Crank’s ready to croak.
is that they’re all hungover. Remember the Unity rally was 10 AM the day after the primary. Talk about a quick turnaround.
Some drink to remember, some drink to forget.
Hotaling didn’t state unequivicably that Bremer and Anderson endorsed him. He stated he believed so. Notice the difference in the answer “Yes” and the answer he gave for those two guys (“I believe so”). So Degette calls and puts him on the spot, and there’s never been an official announcement from Bremer or Anderson one way or the other. You’re Hotaling, and you know that those guys official participated in the unity rally. What do you answer. Do you answer “yes”? No, because there’s no official endorsement. Do you say “No.”? No, because they’ve acted in solidarity with your candidate. So what do you do? You answer indefinitely that you believe they are in support of your candidate.
Hotaling answered how anyone would have answered when asked a question like that, (likely out of the blue), about an issue that hasn’t been one in seven weeks. You say something nice and vague, like “I believe so”. Was this a press release? No, it was a cell phone call, and by the author’s own admission, she pressed him on the issue.
No offense or anything, but doesn’t Lamborn have better things to do than chase after endorsements by the 5th and 6th place finishers in a 6 way primary? You know, like fundraise, and run a campaign.
This is just recylyced dross that allows anti-Lamborn people another chance to engage in ad hominem attacks instead of talking about issues.
I think he was trying to say that Hotaling said “I believe so” which many other people including me also believed. After the unity tour I also believed they were endorsing. OK, I do not work for the Lamborn campaign, but come on the whole thing about discontentment with Lamborn almost 2 months after the primary is absolutely unreal. I thought Pols was all inside baseball, yet most of the people on here cannot believe someone would run a campaign like Hotaling did. Are you kidding me? Crank ran the same kind of campaign, Lamborn just ran it better. Positive campaigns don’t win close elections folks, sorry they just don’t, especially when there is any type of media involved. The best thing to happen to the Beauprez campaign thus far is that they decided to run a negative ad, they should have done it 4 months ago. Get off of complaining about Lamborn’s primary campaign and start back with something else like how everyone needs Universal health care, or how ROD’s comments about social security were just “so uncalled for”, give me a break. And yes, I am a little cranky.
Are good seats still available? (preferrably not down wind)
Blah – You gave yourself away by a simple comment regarding the Unity Rally. I do beleive I know who you are. Anderson was not there – nor was his campaign manager or anyone from his campaign. How do I know this? Easy — I was there as well….but not for the reason you might think. You are a jackass and your “candidate” will lose to Jay Fawcett for the simple reason that the majority are sick and tired of the cheap and dirty tactics his campaign as taken on. How embarrassing it will be for and the campaign to lose this republican seat to a democrat.
So you think I’m Hotaling? Good for you. Keep telling yourself that, and pay special attention to all the goody insider scoops I drop on this public blog, like any good campaign manager would. Oh wait, I’m not Hotaling. Damn son, but hey, keep trying. I’m actually a bit flattered that you think so much of my posts.
I would like to know what you would do with the commission on higher education regarding adults continuing or going back to school at a school for the degree and course they chose. I mean this for the thousands of low income families living at or below poverty levels that can’t go to school simply by filling out the FASFA. The schools of brick and mortar will never go away. With the advance of the Internet more school are offering highly complex and intense online courses to fit in the lives of working parents. Should a person be told they can’t go to school because they can’t afford it or they have to drive an additional 100-150 miles a day to receive state assisted funding at a school the state chooses, even if the school does not offer a course specific degree and yet they alter their degree program to include course to call it a specific degree? What will you do to help the thousands of Colorado families that need an adult education to seek an improved quality of life? After all isn’t that your platform? Coloradoans improved quality of life? I am enrolled seeking a degree and we are the family I just described. Should my kids be punished living in poverty because I can’t get a good paying job even with the knowledge I have? Yet I know of one person working as a youth counselor for the department of youth corrections. His education? A GED!! My parents could not afford to send me to a 4 year school after High School. I worked 2 jobs to support my self my first shot at it. I did graduate with a certificate of completion and yet NOBODY considers that an education!!! Am I stupid for going back to school? Should I not try to improve my families’ quality of life while parents get to send their kids to charter schools, with state funding, because they feel their kids are too good for public school? Yes I am mad at the politicians’ and the way they constantly think of the special interest groups and supporters before any thing else. There is no way any one can tell me that no student has never gone to school out of state, even though the main campus is here, and has received state aid because of some congressman or legislator pushing their tuition through. We do not get food stamps or public medical care for our kids. We pay our own insurance and try to do the best we can without state help. But gosh darn it we need help so I can give my kids a future. So tell me in all honesty what you plan on doing without a political dance around rhetoric. Either you can do something or you will not. Do you care about Coloradoans lives or is that a front.
Would you mind breaking your post into readable short paragraphs. I can’t read such a huge block of text, and I doubt many others will either.
Also, I think you posted in the wrong thread. You probably should repost in the weekend open thread or start a diary in the third column.
I got about halfway through that and then my mind went numb. Break it into cohesive paragraphs please. Regarding the part I did read, what is this in regards to? Where are you getting this from?
No have’nt endorsed him and I am not the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby.
Did Mark Foley by any chance endorse Doug Lamborn?
been away for a couple days, but what a great story to come back to!
although at the same time it kind of saddens me, to think he might be the next congressman. heres to hoping he’ll only be in for a term max.