With the state senate all but a lost cause in 2006 for Republicans, attention has turned in recent weeks toward trying to pick up house seats in Colorado. Incumbent Rep. Bernie Buescher (HD-55, Grand Junction) has emerged as one of the top Republican targets, with eight negative pieces of mail already having been sent out and a plethora of TV time purchased to help elect Republican Bob Caskey.
Republicans are also heavily targeting Democratic Incumbents Gwyn Green (HD-23, Golden) and Jim Riesberg (HD-50, Greeley), in part because former legislators are running against them (Ramey Johnson and Dave Owen), and both seats could go either way in November.
On the pickup side, Democrats think they have a shot to take Joe Stengel’s former seat in HD-38 (Littleton) with Joe Rice, a former military man running against Republican Matt Dunn.
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… who is making a hard run at Michael Merrifeld.
Colorado Springs campaign environment is getting more active. I see the HD 21 signs up for both candidates all over the district – Bob Gardner has more big signs, both candidates have billboards. The east side districts are cotested – I think the D-11 recall vote could put more pressure on Kent Lambert, who moved to this district to avoid campaigning in HD 18 again.
Define the phrase “Hard Run.” Running hard, but going nowhere. Seriously, the only people that honestly believe that Kyle Fisk can unseat Merrifield is Chuckie Broerman, Andy Merritt, and Kyle Fisk himself.
Everybody else knows that the odds of an Evangelical New Life Staffer getting a victory is like resurecting the titanic. Especially in House district 18. This is just another attempt by the Republican Establishment to try and prove that the deal they brokered with the Dems after the 2000 census was a stupid idea.
Since then, they have repeatedly gotten pasted by the Dems. Why? Because the District weighs heavily toward the Dems. What portions of HD 18 realistically weighs toward the Repubs.
Two years ago Kent Lambert lost to Merrifield. What did he do? Instead of staying and taking on Merrifield, he moved to another House District. One he thought he could win.
At some point in time, the cronies that brokered this deal should face reality and admit they screwed up. But that is wishful thinking.
Come November 7th, many of those wishful thinkers will have the same looks on their faces as they did in 2004 after the result were in and they lost the House. Unfortunately…trying the same thing and expecting a different result is “INSANITY.”
It is time the Republican Establishment cleans house and sends some of these clowns to the unemployment line for their behavior. The Owen’s Clan reign of terror is almost over and soon the Fat Lady will be singing. Let’s just hope she knows how.
In HD37, Angela Engel has a chance to upset Republican Spencer Swalm. Here is a link to some YouTube videos of their first debate: http://www.youtube.c…
Bernie will win reelection. Money spent in that race by the Rs is wasted money. I am glad because those dollars cannot be spent elsewhere.
Riesberg will also win reelection.
The really vulnerable race for the Ds is Green. I continue to rate that a tossup.
I have great confidence that Joe Rice will pick up that seat for the Ds.
I think the House stays 35-30 D.
Caskey is sucking up $$$ that otherwise would go to Ramey Johnson. (Although I know that if Sybil were still with us, she would take issue with that statement.) Is Bob Schaefer gonna torpedo Johnson again this year because of vouchers?
How is that guy who’s running against the Rodeo Jackass Rider up in the mountains doing? (I forgot his name but he used to work for Mark Udall.)
Dan Gibbs is the D running in that district and he is a former staffer for Mark Udall. He is very well liked in Summit and Eagle counties.
Chlouber has never run in most of the district. The only portion of the district that he has represented is Lake county. He is not only an unknown quantity in Eagle and Summit, he is not the type of candidate that will fare well there. His ‘cowboy’ schtick will not necessarily work there.
I believe Gibbs wins that seat – which is a hold for the Ds.
But I am still concerned about Riesberg and Green. I am scheduled to start walking for Green this weekend. I broke my foot a couple of months ago and had to wait for it to heal (or heel as it were). So I have missed much of he walking. Looking forward to getting back to it.
at the end of the day, there is no substitute in a campaign for walking and knocking by the candidate and volunteers.
I continue to worry most about Green of all the House candidates. One thing in her favor is the GOTV effort that will occur because of the Perlmutter candidacy. A number of races in Jeffco may see some tangential benefit from upper ballot efforts.
This is also possible in the Riesberg race. For Angie to win, Ds have to turn out the vote in the only Dem areas of the district. That means Fort Collins and the D voters in Greeley.
Riesberg will out work Owen but obviously it is a tough race for a Democrat.
The big MO is with Caskey. Caskey signs are on every block. He exposed Bernie for wanting to have it both ways. And, the embarassing fact for Bernie will be that Bob Caskey will spend a tenth of what Bernie will spend. Yet, victory is within Bob’s grasp!
I’m a little concerned about the Dems keeping HD-53 in west Fort Collins. Paccione left for the cd-4 race, and the republicans picked a soccer mom that much of west fort collins could relate to. While there are plenty of things to attack considering her (yeldell’s) record, there don’t seem to be any attacks coming from fischer. This tends to be a Democratic seat, I hope they can hold it. Haven’t seen any polls or anything. HD-52 in east fort collins is often a pretty tight race as well, possible for a dem pickup?
Fischer is looking pretty good. BUt je could use all the help he can get for these last 5+ weeks.
Kefalas in HD53 could be a surprise. But, he has history going against him. Re-runs rarely do better than the first time, but he came pretty close on 04.
and McCluskey, the incumbent running against Kefalas, is a moderate Republican one of the only Republicans to vote for HB06-1344 (Domestic Partnerships). But this district includes possibly the most conservative part of fort collins (SE) and the most liberal part (most of downtown). With Republican enthusiasm down once again, it would be great if Kefalas could pull it off. Good to hear Fischer is doing well, it’s been hard to track these races as they don’t seem to be in the spotlight at all but it seems like Fischer/Yeldell should maybe be taken a little more seriously.
HD 1 in SW Denver (Fran Coleman’s old seat) is looking like a battle. At this point I would have to say it could go either way. Jeanne Labuda is going to need some more bodies on the streets for her if the Dems are going to keep this one.
if that district became the 33rd GOP seat! And that district has historically been one of the two “toe holds” which the GOP has sporadically had in Denver. Remember, Jeanne Fatz use to hold that seat.
I’d say Ds have more than a shot to take HD38 – at this point it looks likely. Rice is a moderate vet who has great name recognition due to his many appearances on local TV and in the newspapers as a knowledgeable source on Iraq. He also has great connections with community leaders and has garnered numerous endorsements from well-known Republicans, including the mayor of Littleton and former mayor of Greenwood Village. Sounds like fund-raising is going well.
The other guy is an Andrews wannabe idealogue with zero experience. I saw both candidates speak once and it was unbelievable the difference in competence between the two.
Although Rs have the registration advantage, this is a moderate district that is prime for change – Salazar won it in 04, and the Dem who ran for state senate against Dyer in 04 ran even with him in the part of the senate district that overlaps HD38.
One more seat in the D column