“Their courage nerves a thousand living men.”
–Minot J. Savage
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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God Bless all who have fought and died so that all men and women may be free and equal.
all weekend. But, Memorial Day is Monday
Will you be at Fort Logan today?
Better yet, do you even know where it is?
Are you assuming, or hoping others will, that the 3 leaders you mention lack some sort of patriotism?
He probably thinks playing Call of Duty all weekend is an appropriate way to honor the holiday.
planting flags. Saw lots of boy scouts and girl scouts, but no politicians looking for cameras. That is a good thing.
Sadly, we have an entire generation that does not know the true beginnings of what we now call Memorial Day.
At the bright end of the torch, however, is the very respectful way United States Military personnel are honored at every running of the Boulder Boulder.
Every year, when the jumpers come in, when the honorees receive their recognition, when the Colors are presented, there seems to be an awareness in the stands.
The people and animals that serve our country are, by far, our greatest asset, and certainly represent the best of what this nation represents.
The courage to put country first is either in a person or it’s not. A person either gets it or they don’t. They either know what time it is or they don’t.
To risk your life for people you don’t even know isn’t what a “sap” does…it’s what heroes do!
To every man, woman, and war dog, Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine, THANK YOU!
My father would have related to this young, former Marine. It was perhaps the saddest day of the year for him too. Every Memorial Day, Dad and his fellow WWII vets would gather at the Vets Cemetery early and they would hand us children little flags to place on each grave long before the formal ceremonies. Grown men cried, children watched in awe. There is never a Memorial Day I don’t give thanks and honor these great men and women.
Thank you Pita.
We would go to Punchbowl every memorial day. Absolutely beautiful.
But this picture, taken by photographer Todd Heisler from his 2005 award-winning series for The Rocky Mountain News, “Jim Comes Home” is the soul-crushing image that everyone needs to think about this weekend:
And this incredible quote I want to share:
It was created by car dealers and mattress stores.
Just look at your local newspaper this weekend.
a pretty cynical, thoughtless one, to be sure.
I think he was using sarcasm to express his dismay at the way commercial interests have hijacked the meaning of the holiday.
As a veteran, and one who was actually born on the original memorial day, May 30, I share his resentment of the commercialism of the holiday.
I respect your feelings, also, Pita, but I think you read Davebarnes wrong on this one. At least, I hope you did.
but, with thought
I am, by nature, a writer of snarky comments.
and I wish Memorial Day had not though I recognize that its a benefit to the economy and that folks could use 3 day weekends. But, I was raised in a military family. I have gone to “real” observances, often more than one, every Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day of my life. If traveling and any planning is done they are not hard to find.
Granted, I’m biased because the original memorial day was my birthday.
But I can remember when,as student body president, I was invited by the local vets group to give a memorial day address at the local cemetery. I of course went with Lincoln’s Gettysburg address. As a stand alone holiday, it meant something to us. Now, it just inaugurates the summer driving season.
Ignoble wars, we especially suffer for those whose lives are lost needlessly.
In either case, lets pray for no wars.
I see few that are justified. Even the revolution could be construed as spoiled colonists wanting it their way.
The Civil War, alternatively, could have been, “Don’t let the door hit you on your ass on the way out.” Not so admiring of Lincoln on this one.
The Spanish-American War was precursor to the Gulf of Tonkin bullshit, just another lie to the American people.
WWI, insofar as American involvement got us what???
WWII, possibly justifiable. I’ll accept that.
Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan…..what moral, fleshy, total disasters.
Note that the last war fought on our soil was the one in 1812. Then there was conquisition in the 1840’s, the Mexican War.
We don’t have much moral leg to stand on.
Revolutionary war I think was legit. Yes some of it was we don’t want to pay for the services we were provided. But it was fundamentally about electing their government.
Civil War was very justifiable, both the initial purpose which is fundamental to a country, that it retain control of it’s domain. And for the subsequent purpose to end slavery.
WWI – Not so much for us but for the world, it had reached a stalemate and permanent warfare was destroying Europe. It was essential to moving Europe forward.
Korea – It was a mess in terms in so many ways. But it started because North Korea invaded for no legitimate reason.
and trust you are well as can be!
I never hear the “Right” join in on a antiwar conversation. Come to think of it, very few on either side. It’s sad, frankly.
I want heroes to be more defined, celebrated, and given holidays because they fight fought for Peace.
and trust you are well as can be!
I never hear the “Right” join in on a antiwar conversation. Come to think of it, very few on either side. It’s sad, frankly.
I want heroes to be more defined, celebrated, and given holidays because they fight fought for Peace.
..and is currently a Prisoner of War, held by the Taliban-supported Haqqani network in Pakistan.
Yes, Pakistan. Inside the borders of our erstwhile “allies in the Global War on Terror.”
He attempted to escape in December, but was recaptured after three days on the run. You’d think if he could escape the compound he was being held in, that “friendly forces” would’ve found and rescued him, since the Pakistani Army is “actively engaged” in the search.
President Obama, you pledged to go into any country on earth to get OBL, and you did. I ask you now to do the same thing, and direct Special Operations Command to draw up, train and execute a rescue mission that brings SGT Bergdahl home.
Bring him home, or send us back to get him.
We lost our 3,000th kid in Afghanistan this weekend.
If Eurovision is more important to you than American kids who volunteered, then God help you.
and fill it up with these videos until they change their damn name. Because fuck them.
The saddest thing I know is that Memorial Day has never achieved its ultimate aim. MC
Poll: Romney leads Obama among veterans
For example, about 11% of the population is age 60+; but notwithstanding Iraq and Afghanistan, I’d assume the veteran population is well over 11% age 60+ (Vietnam, Korea, and dwindling numbers of WW2 vets). And I don’t have any stats on urban/rural but I think the appeal of the military is stronger in rural and southern America than in, say, the northeast or west coast.
Which is all to say that “Romney leads among vets” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s being a vet that drives folks to Romney; it’s that vets are disproportionately from conservative-leaning groups — older, southern, rural.
that the Affordable Health Care Act will destroy their health benefits. It is true that they will be required at some future date, to begin paying a very slight amount more for their TriCare. A number of retired generals and VA folks have written that this is untrue but there are daily email chains going to these folks which of course also deride his citizenship and talk of the “apology tour” that never happened.
It depends on how motivated the vet vote is….once the Romney “slash and burn vet services” budget gets some scrutiny, I have no doubt that these older vets who use the VA and get disability pensions will swing back to Obama