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May 23, 2012 10:46 PM UTC

Obama Waxes "Exceptionally American" At AFA Commencement

  • by: Colorado Pols

 U.S. Air Force photo/Mike Kaplan

Don Branum, public affairs officer for the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, filed this report on President Barack Obama’s commencement address this morning:

President Barack Obama called the Air Force Academy’s Class of 2012 exceptional during his commencement address in Falcon Stadium May 23 for the spirit embodied in their class motto: “Numquam Hesitabimus, Numquam Deficiemus” — “Never Falter, Never Fail.”

The Class of 2012, the Academy’s 54th graduating class, set records for the largest number of graduates who will conduct post-graduate research after the ceremony and the largest number of female graduates in Academy history with 237…

“You are part of the finest, most powerful military the world has ever known. … We will be leaner, but as commander in chief, I will not allow us to repeat the mistakes of the past,” Obama continued. “We need you to be ready for the full range of threats, from nations seeking weapons of mass destruction to the cell of terrorists planning the next attack; from the old danger of piracy to the new threat of (cyberwarfare).”

Obama cited several reasons why he sees the 21st century as another American century: because of the nation’s resilience; its alliances; its drive to lead global affairs and spread the American values of freedom and liberty; but perhaps most importantly because of the spirit of its people — people like 2nd Lt. Edward Camacho, a Venezuela native whose chase for his dream to be a pilot led him to the Academy.

“Edward … said what we all know to be true: ‘I’m convinced that America is the land of opportunity.’ You’re right, Edward. That is who we are. That’s the America we love: always young, always looking ahead to that light of a new day on the horizon,” Obama said.

“It’s that simple yet revolutionary idea that was at our founding and in our hearts ever since: that we have it in our power to make the world anew, to make the future what we will,” he continued. “It’s that fundamental faith: that American optimism, which says that no challenge is too great, no mission too hard. It’s the spirit that guides your class: ‘Never Falter, Never Fail.’ … With your proud service, I am absolutely confident that America will meet the challenges of our time.”

Adds FOX 31’s Eli Stokols:

Obama also implored the cadets to be part of a second “American Century”, laying out a vision for the future and emphasizing his belief – the very belief questioned earlier this month by Colorado Rep. Mike Coffman – in American exceptionalism.

“I see an American Century because of the character of our country – the spirit that has always made us exceptional,” Obama said.

The fact that President Barack Obama had this venue with which to reaffirm the credentials Mike Coffman crassly disparaged…safe to say, it helps you get why Coffman is hiding.


21 thoughts on “Obama Waxes “Exceptionally American” At AFA Commencement

  1. was in the graduating class. She and her husband and kiddies were on their way down to the Springs yesterday to see the ceremony. She was pretty chuffed to see the President.  

  2. Obama chose to give this speech because the AFA is in a swing state. The campaigner-in-chief doesn’t get out of bed in the morning without calculating whether it will help his reelection.

    Speaking of which, what happened in Arkansas and Kentucky last night, Pols?


    President Barack Obama continued to have trouble on Tuesday performing in Democratic primaries in traditionally conservative states, barely eking out wins in Kentucky and Arkansas.

    The president didn’t even have an opponent in Kentucky, but with 99 percent of the vote counted, Obama took just 57.9 percent of the vote, with the remaining more than 42 percent of ballots cast for “uncommitted.”

    In Arkansas, with 70 percent of the vote tallied, Obama nabbed just 59 percent of the vote. His opponent there, John Wolfe, was able to take 41 percent of the vote at that point, according to The Associated Press.

    Wolfe, an attorney from Tennessee whose platform includes repealing “Obamacare,” was able to win several counties.

    1. Let me refresh your memory, darling.

      In 2008, McCain won Arkansas by 19.9% points, an even greater margin than Bush won the state in 2004.

      In Kentucky, McCain with by 16.2% points.

      So, did you have a point? Because I don’t see one, other than the fact that a Democrat who is a black man isn’t doing well in the South. Wow, that’s BREAKING NEWS, now isn’t it?

    2. At least the President acknowledges there IS an Air Force Academy, and that he is their Commander.

      The RomneyBots are still trying to figure out what to say about all that.

      Got an answer yet?  

    3. …they rotate commencement speeches at each of the service academies over the course of their term.  Obama spoke at Annapolis in 2009, West Point in 2010, and the Coast Guard Academy in 2011.  If you can follow the logic chain you’ll see what the next service academy would be.

      Another obvious indicator that you’ve never served your country a single day.

      1. I was about to make this same point.  In addition, I say so what?  Presidents of both parties do political things all the time.  Almost their every visit is calculated for political gain.  Wonder why they all go to Ohio to talk about factory stuff than to Alabama?  I don’t.  It’s obvious.  Another example of Republican bull shit for stuff that is normal and expected.  ABot, you’ve got to realize that this stuff doesn’t make any difference to voters.  In fact it turns them off to Republicans, because they never want to talk about America’s real problems, they just want to villify the other side, no matter how trivial or stupid.  I know you won’t give it up, because it is clear who your masters are and that you are reading the daily talking points from the Republican machine.  It’s just that the leadership in Washington and the Rmoney campaign is so insulated and bankrupt of ideas that they don’t realize how stupid this seems to the public.    You’d be better off just posting the daily talking points memo, rather than making yourself into an ass.  I wouldn’t make any difference to the readers on this site.

      2. I was about to make this same point.  In addition, I say so what?  Presidents of both parties do political things all the time.  Almost their every visit is calculated for political gain.  Wonder why they all go to Ohio to talk about factory stuff than to Alabama?  I don’t.  It’s obvious.  Another example of Republican bull shit for stuff that is normal and expected.  ABot, you’ve got to realize that this stuff doesn’t make any difference to voters.  In fact it turns them off to Republicans, because they never want to talk about America’s real problems, they just want to villify the other side, no matter how trivial or stupid.  I know you won’t give it up, because it is clear who your masters are and that you are reading the daily talking points from the Republican machine.  It’s just that the leadership in Washington and the Rmoney campaign is so insulated and bankrupt of ideas that they don’t realize how stupid this seems to the public.    You’d be better off just posting the daily talking points memo, rather than making yourself into an ass.  I wouldn’t make any difference to the readers on this site.

    4. Fuck you, you simpleton.

      The CIC delivers the………

      It’s not even worth it.

      Partisan is one thing, you righty shitstains are a disgrace.

      Wht’s new?    

  3. American Exceptionalism could be in the 21st century.  It fit with his graduation theme and was laid out a better concept than the “We’re Americans so we’re better” crowd.

    Nobody has to accept their stunted interpretation of American Exceptionalism.  Good for Obama to give us a realistic alternative.

  4. …Inspiring shit-stained nightmares from trolls everywhere.

    The gods smile on him to make the next service academy graduation occur in a swing state, where a sitting congressman in a newly competitive district questions his patriotism.

    POTUS gets an open mic for an hour to expound on why the USA is the greatest country in the world, and he nails it.

    1. Is there any other way to explain it?

      Obama comes out for gay marriage > Romney rejects gay marriage > Repugs celebrate: Obama just lost the African-American vote > the NAACP comes out for gay marriage > Repugs STFU on gay marriage.

      Netanyahoo wants to bomb Iran > Obama says, try sanctions and dialog instead > US neocon Repugs scream: We gotta, before they get the bomb > Romney brings neocons aboard as his foreign policy advisers > Israeli and US intelligence says they don’t think Iran really wants the bomb > Sanctions bring Iran to the negotiating table > Netanyahoo backs off and reorganizes government > Romney and neocons STFU on Iran.

      Obama pushes government stimulus, pro-growth economics > Repugs de ja vu to anti-growth, anti-non-bankcitizen austerity economics > Europe crashes deeper under same anti-non-bankcitizen austerity economics > Europe sees social fabric disintegrate > Austerity freaks get thrown out of office > Europe says, hmm, maybe we were wrong > Romney and Repugs double down > Obama’s economic policy outperforms Europe’s. > Repugs STFU on no tax, no spend? Not a chance, but they look stupid.

      Romney runs on his “Bain management” “job creator” business record, against Obama’s “no business experience” “job destroyer” presidential record > Obama’s team says, Fine; Your Massachusetts record, too? > Silence > Budget office backs up Obama’s record as job creator > Obama team exposes Bain’s predatory financial gimmick as a wealth creator only for Romney and a few cozy partners at the expense of wage earning workers, and points to Bain partners’ grabbing government welfare breaks and throwing pensioners into pitifully inadequate government rescue program > Romney and apologists whine, Character assassination! No fair! > Romney’s “Bain management” is declared off limits > Obama does not STFU about Romney’s “Bain management” record. Amazing.

      And on, and on. If not the gods, the stars. Or maybe good shit just happens.

      (Sorry to get on such a lengthy roll, DP. Blame your inspiration. Optimism is catching.)

      1. in the fundamentals and is willing to push the envelop when a situation arises.

        Instead of saying anything nasty about Coffman, he stands in front of the next generation of aviation officers and tells them how America can lead the world in the next century which was exactly what he was supposed to do in his graduation speech.

        Classic class from the Commander in Chief.  

  5. In the comments caught by the mic, Barack Obama urged Dmitry Medvedev to tell incoming Russian president Vladimir Putin to give him time: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defence, this, this can be solved – but it’s important for him to give me space.”

    Medvedev replied: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you.”

    Obama then elaborated: “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.”

    Medvedev responded: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”

    I think the American people would prefer that our commander-in-chief be as forthcoming with us as he is with the Russian leaders.  

    1. I think that an American President shouldn’t have to base his actions as President on the inevitable reactions and acts of war-mongering obstructionist asshats who are out to undermine what should be this country’s best interests all because they aren’t sitting in the White House themselves.

      1. why our commander-in-chief is more forthright with the leaders of Russia than he is the American people.  Maybe 9News can get him to answer a question that is far more pertinent than anything Mike Coffman said at a fundraiser.  

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