U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

(D) J. Hickenlooper*

(R) Somebody



(D) Phil Weiser

(D) Joe Neguse

(D) Jena Griswold




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(D) M. Dougherty

(D) Alexis King

(D) Brian Mason




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(D) A. Gonzalez

(D) George Stern

(R) Sheri Davis




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(D) Brianna Titone

(R) Kevin Grantham

(D) Jerry DiTullio




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(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) Somebody



CO-02 (Boulder-ish) See Full Big Line

(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Somebody



CO-03 (West & Southern CO) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Hurd*

(D) Somebody



CO-04 (Northeast-ish Colorado) See Full Big Line

(R) Lauren Boebert*

(D) Somebody



CO-05 (Colorado Springs) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Crank*

(D) Somebody



CO-06 (Aurora) See Full Big Line

(D) Jason Crow*

(R) Somebody



CO-07 (Jefferson County) See Full Big Line

(D) B. Pettersen*

(R) Somebody



CO-08 (Northern Colo.) See Full Big Line

(R) Gabe Evans*

(D) Manny Rutinel

(D) Yadira Caraveo




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June 28, 2022 04:01 PM UTC

2022 Primary Election Night Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE (8:00 pm): We’re still waiting on full results, but it looks like these candidates will win:

♦ U.S. Senate: Joe O’Dea
♦ Governor: Hiedi Heidi Ganahl
♦ Sec. of State: Pam Anderson
♦ CO-03: Lauren Boebert
♦ CO-05: Doug Lamborn
♦ CO-07: Erik Aadland
♦ CO-08: Barbara Kirkmeyer


UPDATE: Here’s the latest ballot return numbers for Unaffiliated voters (as of 3:30 pm):



Watch this space for updates when the polls close at 7:00pm.


37 thoughts on “2022 Primary Election Night Open Thread

    1. Kirkmeyer won on the strength of name recognition, mainly. She’s heavily identified with oil and gas industry and advocacy in Weld County, and was definitely the establishment candidate.

      Somebody said this CD8 race will come down to Adams vs. Weld County. Both are working- class areas, with 1-2% making crazy profits off the industries that pollute the air and water,  while most struggle to gas up their cars and pay rent.
      Kirkmeyer’s “ Oil and gas is your friend; renewables suck! “ message may not go down so well on a wider stage. Her “immigrants are your enemy” schtick will also falter in CD8 where 20% of citizens have someone in extended family who is undocumented or has only recently become a citizen.

      Caraveo is a strong candidate. She’s a doctor, and people trust doctors. She can speak Spanish and I think she’ll do well at motivating Latine voters if her campaign staff does their jobs. I’d like to see her speak to the environmental justice issues in CD8.

      1. Kulmann was the one I was concerned about. She's just as much a tool for oil but younger and more personable. 

        Kirkmeyer is harsh, unlikable, and comes across like a robot.

  1. 2018 … Republican primary votes for Governor:  503,205

    2022 … Republican votes at 3:30 on June 28:  481,058

    …………..– plus it looks like about 86,000 yet to be processed, which would likely be about 50,000 more Republican votes, if things break the way they are going so far.


    Seems like people are up for voting this year, too.



    1. I noticed that. Tina Peters is running in third place while Lopez and Hanks are trailing against their more establishment opponents. And Kirkmeyer is leading in CD 8 which is not good for the Dems come November.

    2. Boebert was never in any danger; CD-3 is the West Virginia of Colorado. 

      Support for Guns, Jesus, Oil & Gas, and Casual Sexual Assault will keep any candidate in office.


      1. "CD-3 is the West Virginia of Colorado"

        That is priceless! And so true! (Well, maybe with the exception of Aspen. I don't think West Virginia has anything like Aspen.)

  2. Senate:

    Joe O'Dea wins. AP race call at 7:35 p.m. on June 28, 2022.

    Contested House races

    3- Lauren Boebert wins. AP race call at 7:36 p.m. on June 28, 2022.

    4- Ken Buck leads by 50.26 percentage points with an estimated 67.5% of votes counted.

    5- Doug Lamborn leads by 18.54 percentage points with an estimated 95.0% of votes counted.

    7- Erik Aadland leads by 10.59 percentage points with an estimated 81.2% of votes counted.

    8- Barbara Kirkmeyer leads by 28.96 percentage points with an estimated 45.4% of votes counted.



    Heidi Ganahl R 214,515 votes53.9%

    Greg Lopez R 183,817 votes46.1%

    Sec. of State:

    Anderson is projected to win. An estimated 79 percent of votes have been counted.

    Candidate          Votes     Pct.
    Pam Anderson 176,274..44.8%

    Mike O'Donnell 113,009..28.7

    Tina Peters 104,268..26.5

  3. Color me shocked.

    Michael Bennet – 100%
    Jason Crow – 100%
    Joe Neguse – 100%
    Brittany Pettersen – 100%
    Yadira Caraveo – 100%
    Jared Polis – 100%

    Even Hugo Chávez did not get 100%.

    1. I cast a Democratic primary ballot, since I've been Democrat for more than 40 years, but I did not fill in a space for the state treasurer position since it appears to me that the incumbent has done, literally, nothing. And I wrote in candidates for governor and attorney general since Polis and Weiser are either basically Republican (Polis) or fundamentally timid (Weiser) and neither have taken either the climate crisis or this state's air quality problem seriously. The only statewide office holders that got my vote were Bennet and Griswold. 

      The Democrats are complacent. They should think about whether that will hurt them this fall. I'm not voting for Polis or Weiser or for their Republican opponents. I'll write someone in again or vote for a third party candidate for those offices.

      1. You’re dead wrong about our treasurer, Dave Young, nothopeful.  He’s worked his butt off to protect our public investments in hard times.  But the nature of the job keeps it out of the limelight.  Think back to when Mike Coffman was treasurer, you may realize colorful isn’t always good.

  4. 1) McKean's up 15 over whatzhisname in House District 51

    2) I predicted Anderson would win the SOS primary a long time ago. Neener neener!

      1. Definitely noticed the 57% split two ways part of this whole thing. Brings up the old "what if" one of the two would've dropped out, say, the one who felt she had to flee the state to hang out with Mike Lindell and should have been unelectable in any sense of the word for a bunch of other reasons.

  5. I think the Unaffiliated  (like my wife) had a lot to do with pulling the GOP back from the brink.

    But I also think, many (like my wife) will in the end vote for the Democratic candidates in the general.  Note that Phil Weiser got fewer votes than his GOP opponent.  I thoroughly believe that is simply because U's couldn't split their vote in the primary.

  6. CD-03 friends  well we gave it a good shot.  General election may be greatly influenced by legal issues for boobert or indictment for her direct insurrection efforts.  Keep the faith!  

  7. It looks like Adam Frisch won the cd3 Democratic nod.  If the anti-fasist vote coalesces  behind him in November, Two gun Tootsie may be back to slinging sliders.

  8. In my reformed HD6, Stalwart progressive Katie March seems to have edged out self-described anarchist Elisabeth Epps.  Both women are well to my left, but our family rallied behind Katie, who at least lives on our planet.

    1. I don't know either lady, nor do I live in their district. My only experience with either was 2nd-hand when Epps was bashing the Denver Election Division (where I work – full disclosure) for things that were her own damn fault. For example, she never updated her address on her voter file and then bitched at us because her ballot didn't find her.

      From comments above, it sounds like March is more sane, so that is a plus!

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