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March 20, 2012 05:54 PM UTC

So You Can "Take a Big Swig," Can You?

  • by: Colorado Pols

Bloomberg reports via the San Francisco Chronicle:

Chemicals released into the air when natural gas is produced by hydraulic fracturing may pose a health risk to those living nearby, the Colorado School of Public Health said.

Researchers found potentially toxic airborne chemicals near wells in Garfield County, Colorado, during three years of monitoring, the school said today in a statement. Drilling has expanded in the county, about 180 miles (290 kilometers) west of Denver…

Wells near Battlement Mesa, where the research was conducted, are tapped by injecting millions of gallons of water mixed with sand and chemicals underground. The mixture is withdrawn during the process of completion as wells are readied for production.

“Non-cancer health impacts from air emissions due to natural-gas development is greater for residents living closer to wells,” according to the release. “We also calculated higher cancer risks for residents living nearer to the wells.”

In related news, we just recently saw this follow-up to statements by Gov. John Hickenlooper, discussed with some derision in this space, that one can “eat” the chemical compound used in hydraulic fracturing, and his own experience taking “a swig” of fracking fluid himself–we apologize for not having noted this previously! As the Denver Business Journal’s Cathy Proctor reported not long after our March 5th story to our pleasant surprise:

[Hickenlooper spokesman] Brown said the frack fluid was Halliburton’s “CleanStim” product, which the company’s website says is “a fracture fluid system comprised of materials sourced entirely from the food industry.”

Was “CleanStim” frack fluid the only beverage offered at the meeting? What about water – bottled or tap? Or a local brew?

…What’s the proper method for drinking CleanStim? Straight up? On the rocks? Shaken? Stirred? With a cute little umbrella perched on the edge of the glass?

While it’s fun and all to ponder the details of swigging CleanStim, has it even been used on any Colorado frack jobs? [Pols emphasis] And if so, did it work?

This is what Halliburton had to say:

“As a service provider to the energy industry, Halliburton provides products and services to oil and gas companies (“operators”), while the operators are the entities that own and operate the wells. So for questions regarding what operations those companies have performed or intend to perform on wells in a specific area, your inquiries would be better directed toward the operators.”

We’d especially like to know if they’re using “CleanStim” on Battlement Mesa. Like we said last time, Is Gov. Hickenlooper willing to drive out to a gaspatch drilling site at random and “take a swig” of whatever they’re pumping into the ground? What they’ve been pumping for years?

Tell us again, longsuffering reader: what happens to politicians who make dismissive jokes about something that, as it turns out, is giving voters cancer? Do they stay superstar popular?

Perhaps he won’t be yucking it up much longer, folks.


19 thoughts on “So You Can “Take a Big Swig,” Can You?

  1. I’d love to buy a jug and take it to a meeting – and ask a fracking-supporting politician like the Hick to please take a swig then and there.

    Or am I unable to buy it because this supposedly inert, safe stuff is heavily regulated? That would be ironic.

  2. I have some friends in NW New Mexico and the air pollution there is some of the worst in the country.  Part is because of two of the dirtiest coal-fired power plants.  But another large part, possibly even the greatest, is emissions from the well sites where the pumps running with diesel engines put out a huge amount of pollutants – when considered cumulatively.

  3. that tell you there is no scientific evidence to prove global warming will tell you they have scientific proof that fracking is harmless.  Evidently ignorance really is bliss in their alternative universe.

  4. This is of course, the important question: What chemicals are being pumped into the environment?

    Some chemicals are relatively safe; some harmful to people, animals or crops.

    The O&G industry fought like hell to avoid disclosure, until we finally discovered they were using the carcinogen Benzene for their fracking.

    Damn guvmint regulations telling us we can’t poison the environment.

  5. you drink it, but it’s also fantastic for :

    removing rust, cleaning carpets, treating erectile dysfunction, eliminating spots on concrete, removing acne blemishes, attracting mule deer to your hunting stand, sealing leaks in your septic system, and as that perfect last minute anniversary present for a picky spouse, . . .

    By the way, I have to tell you — Teddy just loves it on his morning bowl of corn flakes . . .

    And, you have that rock-solid Haliburton guarantee that it is completely, totally, 100% safe and non-toxic. *  **

    *If for any reason you’re not absolutely satisfied with our product, just return the unused portion, along with three notarized copies of the related death certificates, and we will gladly request additional governmental deregulation — you have our word on that!

    (**Additional disclaimers may apply . . . )

  6. I give the advantage to the soccer moms.

    Probably not a bad thing for a governor ultra-focused on popularity to run into a piece of political reality every now and then.

  7. When you’re tired of being insulted by your own side, you can join the Republican Party and be with those who share your vision of a prosperous Colorado. These liberals just don’t share your priorities. We’re the real big tent!

    1. As our local Republican Party mouthpiece, ArapaGOP reminds us daily of Republican values.

      Today’s article points out that the O&G industry doesn’t want us to know that they are poisoning the earth. ArapaGOP opposes regulation that would our health and our environment.

    2. Now, others say you are none too bright.  But that is just fine with me.  Too many smart people in the world, with their ideas of ‘toxicity’ and ‘scientific’ this and ‘peer reviewed’ that…Don’t let them that knows things get you down.  There’s work for you kid. Maybe mid-level cubicle guy at an oily PR firm.  I think it was Mitt that said ‘The world needs ditch diggers.’  Figuratively speaking–I see you drafting press releases and working on ad copy for me to repeat on camera.  

      Tracers, and endocrine disruptors, and long, long chemical names that those pointy-headed credentials folks toss about–well, all that talk just makes me want to go have a tasty Rail Yard Ale ™.  Followed up with a shot of CleanStim, of course.  I call it the Hickenshooter.

      But I do wander a bit afield.  Yes, them crazy liberals and their anti-prosperity agenda.  Thinking that breathable air, nice places to visit, potable water (and water left in rivers mind you!  the foolery!) and healthy communities  are important! Thinking that local governments should have a little more say over how industrial uses are permitted and undertaken within their very own jurisdictions–the ones they are duly elected to watch over,and by the very people, their own neighbors quite literally!  Pah!  I guess they didn’t talk to Ms. Schuller.  I have, and she says do it this way.  Hey, I’m just me, so I gotta do what I gotta do.  And what an impediment to yours and mines and Canada’s prosperity those sour pusses are all!  

      So thanks for the compliment.  It doesn’t matter the party, my friend, we are all on the same side.    

    3. Our good friends across the Pacific are also in the game…ca’ ching!

      Our friends.  The Chinese government run oil companies..what those silly Birchers use to call (probably still do when not fight Fluoride) the CHI-COMMS.

      They love us so much, they built this in our honor…right in their main square.

      Glad to see your values are in the right place there, junior.  An uplifting sight for sure–side with the people of Longmont or the ruthless dictators in Communist China and you, friend, know just the side to be on.  Your re-education is almost complete Anikin.  I kid.  That guy had skills.  But like I said, its a big tent.  We’ll find some work for you somewhere…speak Mandarin?  

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