“Every complaint already contains revenge.”
–Friedrich Nietzsche
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BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: unnamed
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
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“Food containing fetuses targeted under new Oklahoma bill”
Best sentence: “Freshman Sen. Ralph Shortey said his own Internet research led him to believe such a ban is necessary and prompted him to offer the bill aimed at raising “public awareness” and giving an “ultimatum to companies” that might consider such a policy.”
He probably learned a few things about Obama’s citizenship and religious beliefes, the truth about 9/11, and the Kurt Cobain murder while he was conducting his “research.”
even the author of the bill admits that there isn’t any evidence that what it’s so vital to protect the public from from is actually, you know, happening. But there was something on those internets. Hey I once saw an Enquirer headline in the checkout line that said Peewee Herman’s face had been found on the moon. They even had the picture! We need legislation to stop faces of D list celebrities showing up on the moon. This was years ago so it’s way overdue. Call your state Rep. now!
See Barnes link.
And aren’t you just sick of picking aborted fetuses out of your food?
Okay, maybe a few.
What. A. Fucking. Idiot.
Pardon my Socialist French.
When you let pro-lifers stream Soylent Green on their laptops.
Hot dogs?
OK will get around to banning all cannibalism.
Meanwhile, the only place I’ll stop for a bite is at the Jet Cafe. Great Peanut Cream Pie there–lightly browned, 3-inch high meringue. Comes out of the oven at 10 a.m.
This was for a “consulting contract” in 2006 and was capped at $300,000. This was in addition to the $1.6 million Gingrich raked in from Freddie on another “consulting contract”.
In an interview in 2006, Gingrich praises the business model of Freddie Mac and says they should continue what they are doing. This is directly at odds of recent statements he has made saying he warned Freddie their policies were headed for disaster.
Full story at Housing Wire http://www.housingwire.com/201…
Gingrich still has not released the consulting agreement with Freddie that Freddie two weeks ago waived a confidentiality agreement OK’ing him to do so.
Gingrich is the ultimate Washington insider, who raked in over $150 million through his various “consulting” entities doing business with government agencies after he left Congress.
said that Gingrich is such a Washington insider that, when Washington gets a prostate exam, the doctor tickles Gingrich.
It specifically states that Newt Gingrich doesn’t do lobbying. Other than that, it’s as boring as the first one.
Anyone know the details?
No bar – light snacks.
with whoever’s in the Pols Pelanty Box (a privately owned correctional institution).
David can continue his hatred for Obama and everything he stands for without conflict.
What is Senator Shaffer going to do?
I bet he opts not to run for Congress in any district.
The first four or five or six comments today aren’t from DavidThi. In fact, none are. Dave, I hope you aren’t sick or something!
Another blow to silly R complaints about Obama being weak:
I’m sure Repubs will point to this as a political stunt to boost his popularity but I bet the hostages and their families don’t have any complaints. Congrats again to Seal Team 6 and to the President for having the sense and guts to use them so brilliantly. I’m sure there must have been a Seal Team 6 back when Bush was doing nothing but bragging about getting Bin Laden dead or alive, then forgetting ( Bush himself claimed not to give it much thought) all about it.
spamdominate the weekend open thread than weekday ones. (Laughing with Dave here, not at him.)Dave please report in immediately! Surely there’s some wonderful example you and your company or your daughters or your dog or something is setting for us all today. You haven’t all been raptured or something?
yeah can’t miss some more Eastern bloc under-dressed over-modulated slick-video’d VH1 muses, triple-D printing dreams or LEAF braggadacio
I’m contacting the authorities!
Sorry, work is very very busy (in a good way). So most days I’m working 6:00am – 9:00pm (this is one of the “joys” of the start-up world).
So yeah, mostly only have time on the weekend to blog. And this weekend is the code war so not even a video this Saturday (someone else needs to step up and post a quality Russian pop video).
Go Democrats!
Republicans – you’re ugly and your mother dresses you funny 🙂
Your company is nine years old. Do you still cling to the “start-up” label because it’s got cachet in the techie world, or are you really still not fully going yet?
you had to click on the “start” button to shut down Windows . . .
There’s ano ther way? God I hate Windows.
But it was in hibernation for a good chunk of that. And then the first couple of years for the reporting software it was a spare time project where the entire staff was me answering a couple of questions at night and adding features on the occasional weekend.
We’ve had full-time employees for about 5 years now. And it’s probably more accurate to call us a growth stage company. But the work sure hasn’t slowed down.
and still can’t get enough of plugging yourself and company. So still healthy, too.
Obama in typical cool-headed fashion carried on his normal business – in this case giving a State of the Union speech – while this was getting under way.
I like Presidents who can effectively get more than one thing done at a time. Let’s keep this one.
There’s an Army SGT held by the Haqqani Network that needs a midnight visit by a Special Ops team.
If we’re using the hammer of military force to get the Taliban to the negotiation table, I can think of no more useful blow than to send in a mission to snatch SGT Bergdahl, kill everyone holding him prisoner, and fly off..leaving the remainder of the Haqqani network afraid of the night.
one thing done at a time.”
And, a President who doesn’t have to uselessly say “bring ’em on” in an exaggerated Texas accent.
Last night, President Obama noted that “a simple majority is no longer enough to get anything passed through the Senate.”
Will anything pass through the US Senate this year, or even in the next five years?
God knows why we keep allowing the Senate to be a place where a supermajority is required to pass anything.
but I’m far from a procedural expert. Wikipedia seems to say that that’s all it takes:
Lets go nuclear!
As stated in the SOTU last night, then no options should be off the table in the US Senate.
A governing body that fails to in any way govern does not deserve the traditional right to filibuster.
then these options will not be available for the Ds to stop stupid R stuff. When ever you’re in charge and thinking of changing how things are done one of the first things you should consider is whether or not you trust the other side with this new power or tactic. Majorities are not forever.
If a Republican majority in the next Senate finds it to their advantage to go “nuclear”, then I have little doubt that they’ll do so. The Gang of 14 is gone, Republicans in the Senate have already proven they’re willing to renege on gentlemen’s agreements on Senate rules, and they’ve learned that without some additional “help”, an all-Republican government might not last forever as they dream.
The MAD GOP has moved beyond the days of mutually assurred distraction, to a Strangeloveian 1st strike mentality. Their Mullahs are far more ideologically hellbent on having their way at the expense of all else than those in the middle east.
It will be a sad day, and one I think that the Democrats would be wise to continue to shun (if for nothing more than posterity), but one that us nearly as inevitable as David’s flying 3-D printers in the Cloud.
In an interview for Bloomberg Televsion, Secretary of the Treasury Geithner says he won’t be serving in the next Obama administration.
Most progressives won’t feel too much pain at this announcement – Geithner has long been seen as being too cozy with the banking industry.
And Cordray’s in as CFPB head, at least until next year when he has to be renominated (or re-recess-appointed). And Obama I think is looking at Elizabeth Warren’s successful rise in MA and going “Hmm…”. The creation of the Home Mortgage Crisis task force headed by NY AG Schneiderman also at least indicates a nod toward a more progressive tack.
It hasn’t really crossed the border into real enforcement yet, but it’s beginning to look a whole lot different on the Obama financial front.
Summers was the fly in the White House ointment, with Geithner backing him up. The new found vigor you see in the oval office is a reflection of what happens when your team is working with you instead of against you.
how sad … Sticky Ricky follow behind so as to feel relevant but really is anyone asking? Betcha we won’t have Ricky to kick around after FL.