According to the Colorado Springs paper, tomorrow is the deadline for that city’s open-to-the-public contest for a new logo. Designed around the city’s awesome and totally original new slogan, “Live it up!”
We’ve followed the ongoing budget problems in arch-conservative El Paso County off and on again for some years now with car-accident gawker fascination, since it’s a useful example of what happens when ideologues who run for office on a platform of “shrinking government” get the fullest extent of their wish–the real consequences of “drowning government in the bathtub.”
The result? A conservative masochist’s paradise: in 2008, El Paso County was forced to cut its suicide prevention program–even though Colorado Springs had the second highest suicide rate in the nation. El Paso County has experienced chronic jail staff shortages, and has had to ration sheriff patrols. The county has cut child protective services, and has even considered selling off its parks. The city of Colorado Springs was forced to temporarily shut off about one-third of the city’s streetlights to balance last year’s budget. The county health department was noncompliant for restaurant inspections, though we’re told this has recently improved somewhat. Eat it up!
With all of this in mind, we came up with some entries of our own for the “Live it up!” logo contest. Respectfully submitted, and we invite readers to post concepts or logos as well.
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and A-BOT is the only resident rightie commenter these days, I wonder if anyone will stick up for poor old
SomaliaColorado Springs and against mean ol’ Colorado Pols?The constant attacks on C. Springs and El Paso County are tiresome. Colorado Spring’s budget problems are not that much worse than any other county. Does Denver inspect all the restaurants on time? You should ask, you might be surprised by the answer. The same is true for almost all of these “problems.” When other cities turn off some streetlights, it’s hailed as energy efficiency. When Colorado Springs does it they’re “Somalia Springs.” And you don’t think that’s a double standard?
The truth is, citizens in C. Springs and El Paso County are very happy with their conservative government. When they see their government working hard to balance the budget, they know their tax dollars are being used wisely. The government should have just enough to do its jobs and no more for the sake of the private sector economy.
The logo contest is a perfect example. Mayor Bach is getting this done for a fraction of the cost of a swanky Denver or New York brand consultant, and Colorado Pols mocks him anyway. Well, Mayor Bach doesn’t care what you think either.
You can’t buy that type of exposure.
What “other cities” are these? Are they in Colorado? Are they doing it because their citizens are so anti-tax that they won’t pony up for their own safety?
Name these “other cities,” please, and cite where they’re being hailed for their energy efficiency when their cheap citizens are the real reason for their lights-out policy; or be prepared for me to cite this as a reason your posts can’t be trusted.
and give the ideologues a chance to demonstrate that they’re telling the truth. A-GOP has a long record of failure there, but hey, like the proverbial broken clock twice a day, he could be right.…
I’m waiting to hear all the things Breckenridge has in common with Somalia.
Alternatively, I will accept your apology.
cannot easily discern the difference between turning off redundant lights to reduce the carbon footprint, and wholesale shutting down of lights to save money.
Do you not remember that the lights in the rich neighborhood near the Broadmoor were not turned off when they were extinguished in every other part of town?
This is a false equivalency, dude. You don’t even get a “nice try”.
You obviously haven’t been there in recent years, ArapaGOP. Breckenridge has so many public amenities it hardly knows what to do with them.
Your desperation is showing.
with the ski resort for a major New Year’s Eve fireworks show. They don’t need as many streetlights because fireworks and retail lighting keeps downtown glowing.
My condition was:
Your answer shows that the OPPOSITE of that condition is the case. Breckenridge is not facing any kind of budget shortfall, at least not one I could find.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha…..
You found time to post a reply over at the threadjacked diary; why is there no answer from you here?
ArapaGOP has a big load to carry now.
wins hands down for me. It cracks me up and simultaneously says it all.
in reality, it is the criminals who can “live it up” with child abuse protections and city services being slashed to the nubbins. The most accurate ad would show a party in a prison cell. Something like this one maybe.
showing those expansive vistas of Pawn Shops, payday loan offices, and thrift stores . . .
Or there’s always the nearly completely empty shopping centers in South Academy that now house maybe a Dollar Discount store and a start-up church . . .
Live it up!
I have always had the sense of impending doom when I have to go to/thru Planet Springs for anything.
The crow on the telephone pole signifies that feeling to me.
as one passes Ronald Reagan highway, all radio connections to anything except Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh cut out?
Cleaning out the outhouses at the city parks?
Where there is no “u” in Commnity
Where Do It Yourself really does mean that
Where the coyotes roam
Where prayer is the best way of protecting yourself
in my Colorado Springs neighborhood, except that they drive out the beautiful foxes. On the other hand, most of my neighbors, especially those with cats and small dogs, are not so happy with them. And yes, it is “Do It Yourself” in controlling them in our neighborhood.
per capita murder capitol?
Don’t worry. You can be in Manitou Springs in no time.
Ted Haggard be starring in the commercials?
Seriously? That’s Colorado Springs’ motto? The home of Focus on the Family? Not “Purple Mountain Majesty” or “Land of Freedom” or something like that?
“Live it Up!” is the hedonistic motto of a place like Las Vegas.
It’s a motto Ted Haggard took to heart. Apparently there are a bunch of satanic atheistic communists controlling Colorado Springs at present. That’s the only logical conclusion.