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(R) Somebody



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(D) M. Dougherty

(D) Brian Mason




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(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) Somebody



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(D) Joe Neguse*

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(D) Somebody



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(R) Lauren Boebert*

(D) Somebody



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(R) Jeff Crank*

(D) Somebody



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(R) Somebody



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(D) B. Pettersen*

(R) Somebody



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September 07, 2006 06:29 PM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Write stuff…NOW!


79 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

  1. Hefley slams 5th District GOP hopeful
    By Anne C. Mulkern and Erin Emery
    Denver Post Staff Writers

    Washington – Rep. Joel Hefley refused Wednesday to endorse the Republican candidate for the 5th Congressional District seat he’s vacating, calling primary winner Doug Lam born’s campaign “dishonest” and “sleazy.”

    “I spent eight years trying to get rid of the sleaze factor in Congress,” said Hefley, a Republican who chaired the House ethics committee and three times reprimanded then-Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas. “It’s not something I can do to help put more sleaze factor in Congress.”

    “Jay Fawcett, Lamborn’s Democratic challenger, said he wasn’t surprised by Hefley’s stance.

    “What you have is a very consistent assessment by (Hefley), after his career of 20 years in the House, standing behind very high standards for ethics, and of course that came to a head with his confrontation with Mr. DeLay,” said Jay Fawcett, an Air Force Academy graduate and former Air Force lieutenant colonel who is seeking the seat for the Democrats.”


    What is really sad about this race is that Fawcett does have a real shot.  But WHERE IS HIS CAMPAIGN?  I hear nothing about Jay and am really getting frustrated that they are not more visible.  A billboard, a radio ad, SOMETHING.

    At this point I am very certain that Satan’s personal bitch, Doug Lamborn is going to win.  Only one more question remains . . .

    Where did I put my revolver?

    1. I only am privy to hearsay from other Dems in the district who are fighting Satan’s bitch (great moniker) as well.  I don’t know Jay’s finances but am willing to bet he will be expending some of that money in the coming weeks.  How many mailings have people received from him in the last month?

    2. When your opponents team is busy destroying themselves – don’t say or do anything and let them do the work for you.

      As this second and probably last burst of PR from this drops off, thats when Fawcett should start making a noise. At least that is how I would do it.

    3. I know this.  I am a volunteer.  I have spent hours and hours stuffing envelopes, going to fundraisers, going to arts and crafts festivals, parades wearing my JAY t-shirt, trying to get the word out.

      I am learning a lot as I go along.  It costs a lot of money to get a candidates name out there.  In order to get television time, billboards, signs, bumper stickers, it costs big bucks.  And because Jay is running in a district where no democratic candidate ever had a serious chance at winning, those of us who want this win, who KNOW in our hearts Jay is the right candidate, at the right time, are fighting an uphill battle.  It is sort of like a Catch-22:  in order to get money from big donors, we have to prove Jay has the name recognition, the chance to win.  In order to get Jay the name recognition, the chance to win, we need the big money.

      Volunteers have been out signing up people for months and months now.  While the ONE daily newspaper spent plenty of time covering the republican candidates fighting each other, there is, in my humble opinion, limited coverage of Jay.  For so long, democratic voters and independent thinkers have had little or no choice in this district.  So now when I tell my friends, acquaintenances, we have a credible and viable candidate in Jay Fawcett, they say “Who?” 

      As I read complaints from people on the net, or hear from people “Why isn’t he on television, where are the brochures, where are the ads….” I shake my head.  As someone who puts in  long hours along with a small cadre of others, I know we are working hard to get Jay’s name and message out there. 
      But when we are fighting an entrenched establishment mindset in a city where the only coverage is one-sided, it is not such a simple task.
      Those wanting to hear more from Jay need to help us get the word out.
      WRITE LETTERS TO THE GAZETTE and publicly demand debates. (Jay can and has asked for public debates but we can’t make Lamborn come and can’t make the conservative Gazette to address the issue).
      CALL the right wing LOCAL TALK and demand BOTH CANDIDATES BE ON.

      I truly believe that JAY CAN and SHOULD WIN.  We need the citizens of CD-5 who have been silenced for way to long to become activists and get JAY’s name and message out and to encourage the citizenry of the district to participate in democracy in their district.

  2. In today’s Denver Post, Rep. Hefley called Lamborn’s campaign “sleazy” and “dishonest”.  He will not endorse Lamborn

    He would say whether he would vote for Jay Fawcett or not, but did say he may leave his ballot blank.

    How is it that Republicans can get behind Lamborn when their own elected Representative of 20 years blasts him in the mainstream media?

    1. This story is a bit last week, but whatever. I would agree that I haven’t seen anything from Fawcett’s campaign. I don’t know how much luck he’s had raising funds in such a R favored district, especially at the national level. Any idea when FEC reports are due?

    2. “How is it that Republicans can get behind Lamborn when their own elected Representative of 20 years blasts him in the mainstream media?”


      The lemming mentality strikes again!  I think most Republicans in CD 5 would follow someone of a cliff as long as they had a bis red “R” on their t-shirt.

      What I do not understand is why more Republicans dont just decide to vote for Fawcett, keep him in for two years, and then votye him out once they find a better candidate without horns?

      1. I can’t support Lamborn and as a long time resident of the 5th CD, who respects and supports Hefley, I can’t support nor respect Lamborn.

        I stand with Hefley and will vote, for the first time, a Democrat in Jay Fawcett.

        Lamborn…you disgust me and my other fellow Republicans. You may win, not with my vote, in November; but will lose in ’08.

        1. Wow Handy dandy,

            Such righteous indignation. However, I would buy your rage a bit more if I knew you weren’t a Crank shill from the get go. What’s the plan now? Sabotage Lamborn for the 08 primary? I wonder if you guys will ever give up that your boy lost. Sorry, that happens from time to time in politics.

            But your little rants here seem a little to neat and clean. I read from them more that you want to sow seeds of “unrest” with Lamborn that don’t exist so that you and your Crank cronies can try again in two years. Well good luck with that. Crank and Hefley lost, Lamborn won. Game over.

          1. So as soon as someone on this blog vigorously supports a specific candidate and maybe even shows a hint of undying loyalty they are a schill? Call me crazy (you wouldn’t be the first) but that doesn’t make much sense. I heard that Jeff Crank is now the El Paso County chair for Beauprez for Governor; he’ll be turning out votes for Beauprez and Lamborn. Good for him. ‘Nough said.

          2. I think you are the one with sour grapes here.  When your boy Lamborn (Satanborn?) runs a sleaze infested, filth ridden, cheap porn style campaign, this is the result!

            Sorry blah but if you think that every R out there is simply going to fall in line and “obey” the party on this one, you are kidding yourself.  I am surprised that you have not called “RINO” yet.

              1. Hey Druid,

                Was I just served? I like how you waited a good seven minutes before you reiterated your “challenge”. If you want you can call me a Lamborn shill. I pretty much am (it’s the only race beside g-nor that I’m really following). There are worse things in life than campaigning for a candidate in an upcoming race. For example, hurling ad hominem attacks against a candidate for actions he did not do is worse.

                1) In regards to that post from a few weeks ago, please refer to the post immediately prior, where my refereneces to “Crank” were blocked by some webnanny software. That was not a dis on Jeff, but was a clarification of my previous post.

                2) You, and a few other’s, on this blog like to trot out that Lamborn ran a mean spirited campaign. I assert that Lamborn has nothing mean in his campaign. You are trying to color Lamborn as someone he is not. You would crucify him for the actions of some 527’s. What of the 527’s that said Lamborn was against protecting women from rape? You want negativity? What about “Coloradan’s against lawsuit abuse”? Lamborn was the victim of negative campaigning, same as all the others. Don’t try to paint him as someone he is not.

                1. Do not even try to sell me that “he had nothing to do with it” BS. 

                  That is always the excuse and it is never true.  Lamborn is like Al Capone, sending out his little cronies of filth to spew all over those stupid enough to listen.  I have heard how Lamborn talks about gays and “liberals” DUM DUM DUM!!! so I think he is due a little ad hominem, kind of a karmic backlash, IMO.

    3. http://www.colorados

      The above link is courtesy of El Paso County Republican.  It’s to the latest edition of the Colorado Statesman.  See the right hand column “Low Voter Turnout.” 

      The “Drop Kick” blog, however, includes a specific comment Duncan Bremer made about Lamborn’s campaign but, at least as the entire article was read to me over the phone, looks like the Republican leadership recognizes how costly Lamborn’s campaign has been to state wide races–and they’re all drop kicking Lyin’ Lambo back and forth.  Not a good time to be Doug Lamborn, even if he’s elected.  He has deservedly lost his reputation which is more important than high office. 

      1. Looking for ways to explain how spending $200,000.00 on a campaign didn’t produce any positive results.  Better to blame someone else than to admit that you weren,t Congressional material in the first place.

        Here’s some research for you to do…

        In 1986, there was only one candidate in the REpublican Primary with legislative experience.  One candidate that had written legislation, sponsored legislation, testified in committees, and the like.

        All polling data showed that voters preferred someone with a proven legislative experience and record.  Even over a multi-millionaire businessman.

        Who won…Joel Hefley.

        In the race for the Republican Primary, who was the one candidate that met the above criteria…Doug Lamborn.

        Second Example…Pete Coors (multi-millionaire businessman) vs. Salazar (Attorney General).  Who won???

        Nuff said.  Bremer just wouldn’t listen to those who knew more about the political environment than him.

        As for Lionel Rivera???  What was that guy thinking??? A non-partisan election is much different from a partisan party race.  Even by skirting the assembl;y by petitioning, the guy was toast.

        Another thought…Now that the Colorado Court of Appeals has reinstated Doug Bruce’s two tax questions for the November ballot (street light surcharge, sales taxes), what will Rivera and his liberal friends on the Colorado Springs City Council do if they both pass? 

        Bet Doug Bruce has wording already drafted for the up and coming Stormwater Enterprise in Colorado Springs.

        Goes to show you that people are getting testy with City Council passing these non-taxpayer supported initiatives.  Also wearing thin with City Council always heading for court over these decisions.

        If they pass, taxes are rolled back, and the Stormwater Enterprise issue appears next spring.  What will happen with Mr. Rivera’s chances of being re-elected to Mayor?

        I think my dog has said something about wanting to run.  May actually stand a chance.

    4. Hey Congressman, have you ever gone to the trouble of looking at just how many Republicans over the past 20 years have left their ballots blank when it came to voting for you???

      Maybe, just a reality check situation, you might find that your popularity has been waning for years.  Especially the past 10 years.  As for stopping sleaze in Washington,  how about those free junkets and golf trips while legislation was pending, how about those Larry Mizel contribution questions in the 1990’s.  How about Silverado Savings and Loan, the House Banking Scandal, and the list just goes on and on.

      Granted, you weren’t part of everything, but doing nothing is just as much a “wink wink, nod nod” as actually being involved.

      Now you some how are offended because your lackie didn’t get elected!!! For shame.  We’re all just surprised that you didn’t put the wife up as a candidate!!!

      Which reminds me.  Mr. Term Limits (1986) and Against Term Limits (1994).  How about all of those resolutions in the state house by Mrs. Hefley calling for the elimination of Term Limits.  All to benefit her legislative term??? (2000 – 2001)

      Not to worry…maybe some of the support for Lamborn had nothing to do with him.  Maybe they viewed a vote for Lamborn as a vote Against Hefley.  Ever think of that???  Maybe you should???

  3. I see that Perlmutter is still refusing to release his tax returns or disclose his clients for his time in the legislature. 

    Ed Perlmutter says if you want to know about my clients, go to the 
    courthouse.  People are.  And what they are finding is bad news for 
    Perlmutter, just like Gary Hart’s “follow me” challenge.

    Ed can’t say I’m going to keep all my clients secret and make 
    you go look them up, and then when people do and ask about him get 
    upset — he’s only got himself to blame.

    If you want precedent to see how Perlmutter’s, I not required to disclose, tactics work, one only needs to look at the Republican candidate for Gov. in Ohio.  Blackwell has tanked after only releasing what he is required to release.

    What does Ed have to hide?  How can he say he is going to clean up Congress when he won’t disclose his past?

    1. Where and when did Ed say, “go look my clients up?”  What kind of non-sense are you setting up? 

      We do not need to go to the courthouse to find Rick’s clients, since we know he will work as a rubber-stamper for Bush, just like the rest of the spineless in Congress.  It’s time for a change. 

      1. From yesterday’s rock, link in a post below.

        “Perlmutter has declined to provide that list, citing attorney-client privilege and saying that his clients are a matter of public record for anyone who wants to look them up.”

        I will pass on commenting the demagoguery.

    2. Breaking client confidentiality is not only illegal, but highly unethical in the legal community. It can result in punishment all the way up to being disbarred and/or sued for malpractice. So it is ignorant to say Perlmutter is “hiding” something by not talking about his prior clients.

      You say a vague comment that “what they are finding is bad news for Perlmutter” without mentioning what “they” are finding. Just because someone doesn’t do the work for you doesn’t mean they are hiding anything.

      Last, I would like to see your source for his “refusal” to disclose his tax returns. Has he actually said he won’t do it?

      1. Try yesterday’s Rocky, where Perlmutter and his lobbyist wife dislosed making $800k one year and over $400k the next.  O’Donnell release 12 years of tax returns while Perlmutter refused to release records for the time he was in the state senate.  Here is the link.  http://www.rockymoun

        1. What would his tax returns show? Is this an audit or a campaign?

          Come on now, why should I (if I could – I’m a CD1 resident) vote for ROD based on this?

              1. Perlmutter says he is for congressional reform, yet his position on his website says let’s form a commission, this from a candidate whose family made a substantial amount from lobbying in the last two years.  His record while a legislator, and his work on behalf of his clients while he was in the legislature, is certainly relevant.

                Perlmutter wants to us an essay O’Donnell wrote 11 years ago against him, yet we shouldn’t look at his record, or his actions during that time.  I think the public has the right to know!  To coin a phrase, Ed can’t have it both ways.

                Here is the link to Perlmutter’s “plan.”  http://perlmutter200

                Meanwhile, O’Donnell was the first candidate to come forward with a solid plan to reform congress, one I am sure the lobbyists won’t like.  He has provided tax returns dating back 12 years.

                Here is the link to O’Donnell’s “plan.”  http://www.rickodonn

                You tell me which has more substance and who is serious about reform and who is just giving lip service to the idea.

                1. and I put “plan” in quotes only because you did. Maybe you meant emphasis, but I would read that as irony, like you don’t really believe in the plan. (I know, I’m being nitpicky…)

                  Anyway, looks pretty good. That’s a reason to vote for ROD. I would like to say that you shouldn’t knock the “let’s form a commission” idea so much (I’m taking your word that Perlmutter’s has this on his page). It’s easy for politicians to come up with plans and ideas on the campaign trail which are conveniently forgotten once they’re elected. But if someone gets a commission going then that means (hopefully) real legislation will result.

                  That’s the hopeful side of me, anyway. My more experienced half thinks both ideas will fall by the wayside regardless of who gets elected. They’re both career politicos, even if in ROD’s case it wasn’t as an elected official.

    3. Rick O’Donnell is the candidate in the 7th C.D. race who has some explaining — and disclosing — to do.  Why won’t he provide full responses to the Rocky Mountain News’s candidate questionnaire? 


      Could it be because O’Donnell doesn’t want the moderate voters of the 7th C.D. to know that he is anti-choice zealot, who would work to abolish the right to an abortion in this country?

      The voters won’t go for extremist O’Donnell.

      1. position O’Donnell is prepared to make is that he is “Pro his Mom”.

        Question: Your hero?

        • O’Donnell: My mom. She was (and still is) a pillar of strength for all my siblings and I during the years of my father’s troubles, which included bankruptcy, alcohol abuse and prison. My mother . . . has a zest for life that is amazing.

        —-As opposed to:

        Question: Would you like to see the Supreme Court overturn its Roe vs. Wade decision?

        • O’Donnell: Didn’t answer.


        Question: Does illegal immigration help the U.S. more than it hurts?

        • O’Donnell: Didn’t answer.

        Well that just clears things right up!  If (BIG IF) ROD gets to congress we can count on him to vote for his Mom, but guess we’ll just have to wait and see what he does on illegal immigration and choice…

          1. hell, my Mom is my hero also. 

            I guess I just expect a candidate who is seeking to represent me to give me a bit more information about what they want to do when they get to Washington.  “I think my Mom is way cool” is not really a position statement that is going to get my vote.  But since he brought it up, if she’s that “cool” why does he want to cut off her Social Security benefits? 

            I can see the discussion now:

            ROD looking lovingly at his mother: “Mom, you are my hero and you are way cool.  You are the coolest Mom in all of Colorado.” 

            Suddenly, his eyes turn demon red:  “But I don’t care if you are 65 years old, you need to get off your lazy ass and get a job!  Social Security has turned you into a welfare queen!”

            If he can take the time to tell me his Mom is “way cool” then he can take the time to tell me what he thinks of Roe v. Wade and illegal immigration.

            1. Well, if O’Donnell can’t change his mind on an issue after 11 years, then why can’t Perlmutter tell the voters what he was up to in his practice while he was in the legislature?  Why won’t he disclose what he made and who is clients were?

    4. Seriously, Are Monkeybusiness, sybil, moonraker and that other shill poster all the same person? it seems that vague, probable, falsehoods are being thrown around like there is no such thing as libel.

      The whole, “dont look at the glaring current problems of my candidate, but focus on ridiculous accusations I am throwing around about your candidate” argument is getting seriously old. Either post facts about something or dont post.

      1. for the R’s these days. They don’t have to be the same person, they’re just cut from the same tattered, greasy cloth. (Wait until Lamborn shill “captain america” comes a-posting.)

      2. My ridiculous but true accusation that Bill Ritter killed a guy is absolutely true.  It was referenced in the Denver Post.  However, because Dean Singleton made sure Susan Greene didn’t write the bio, the interviewer’s next question (after the killing revelation) had something to do about Bill’s favorite color.  Real hard hitting journalism.

        Well, the color of the car I was driving as I hit the guy was…..

              1. You know, my greek friend, I am not currently residing in Colorado so I am missing what sounds like an amazing campaign season. I only get the bits and piecese on here and the are deliciously hilarious. The Blunders of BWB literally put a smile on my face. Im just hoping all the law intern jobs arent filled when I come back in the summer.

        1. The BB campaign seems desperate to distract from something. Almost like something terrible is about to come out in the press about them. Let’s guess, is it:

          A) The Beauprez campaign was outraised more than 3-1 by the Ritter campaign.

          B) John Marshall lied to the press on numerous occassions and is about to get called out on it.

          C) Bob’s secret little “problem” is about to come out. Face it guys, it was inevitable someone would talk about it.

          D) All of the above.

          1. The BB shills have been noticeably quiet.  Bad news is about to break and they know it….. but add some other possibilities:

            1.  they are overwhelmed with discontent from the activists and having to spend time shoring up support among their base rather then reach out to new voters.

            2.  they saw the ad buys for the next few weeks and are freaking out.

            3.  the volunteers are all on the road to Grand Junction to stage a fake impromptu rally outside the Club 20 meeting.  When you have all 22 volunteers on the road, who can expect them to blog?

            But they are, most certainly, still in shock from the Ritter fundraising amount.

        2.   Hey Moonracker…..You also claimed yesterday that the State Dept. was about to “detain” Bill Ritter to answer for the accident in Africa.  Has he been arrested yet?  Have they yanked his passport yet? 
            Or can we presume that this, like most of the crap which Trailhead and the Both Ways campaign is desperately excreting these days, was pure fiction.

          1. How can anyone claim Ritter “fled the continent” if he didn’t leave Africa for two years after the accident? Everything I find says the accident occurred in 1988 and that Ritter left Zambia in 1990. Not to mention the slight detail that Ritter apparently knew the man’s family.

            The Beauprez campaign is full of shit. They deserve to lose if they’re going to use this as a talking point.

          2. Bill Ritter won’t be going to Africa anytime soon.  And yeah, I bet he and Mr. Chinyama’s family are real tight…

            Bill Ritter is not a friend of Mr. Chinyama’s family.  He killed him.
            Bill Ritter is not a friend to business.  He’s a friend to big labor.  You can’t be both.
            Bill Ritter is not tough on crime.  He plea bargains 40% more of the time (by his own numbers) than the national average.  According to DOJ numbers, in 2004 Denver’s murder rate was more than twice what NYC’s was.  Finally, Bill Ritter makes it obvious he’s full of shit by using ’92 numbers when he didn’t take office until the middle of ’93.  From ’93 to ’04, crime went up in Denver.  Meanwhile, the crime rate went significantly down in the US overall.
            Bill Ritter may not be a friend to monkeys.  I’m not sure about that one.
            Bill Ritter is not a friend of the death penalty.  In the dozens of cases it was available to him, he sought it 7 times.

            1. a better rallying cry for the fed-up Colorado electorate to get to the voting booth and sweep Bill Ritter into office than to have our “DC Republican power base” “instruct” the State Department to “detain” Bill.  I’d say if that’s what they have up their sleeve — bring it on – enlightened Colorado voters will see right through it.  And by the way — I’m one of those fed-up Colorado Republicans.

            2. Note: The crime rate in Denver was lower in 2004 than in 1993. Not even Trailhead is claiming otherwise. Twisting the facts is one thing… outright fabrications are another.

              To be even more specific, the violent crime rate was lower in 2004 than 1993. The following is from 9news.

              “It is important to note, the number of violent crimes in Denver declined from 1993 (5,252) to 2004 (4,490).”


              1. You’re either an idiot or you are arguing that Denver’s population didn’t increase between ’93 and ’04 (or both?).  I’m guessing most of your friends on here thought the same thing but weren’t about to call you out on it.

                The crime RATE was higher in ’04 than it was in ’93.  Furthermore, Bill Ritter says he prosecuted 3% of his cases while the national average is 5%.  Bill Ritter plea bargains 40% more often than the national average.

                And stop comparing Denver district to other districts around the state.  They’re not like districts.  Compare Denver to other jurisdictions that look and act like it.  Austin is a very similar example.

                Meanwhile, he VERY RARELY sought the death penalty when it was clearly warranted.  Maybe’s he’s against it.  He should just say so.

                Kind of like his abortion position.  Just say you’re pro-choice Bill!  Why does he profess to be pro-life except for instances where the woman is actually pregnant?

                1. What worries me the most is that it sounds like you almost believe your attack. Of course the population went up. So… let’s work this through. If the population went up, and there were less crimes… did the crime rate go up or down… hmmmmmmmm.

                  In case math isn’t your strong suit, let me help you out.

                  Denver Population: 498,402
                  # of violent crimes in Denver: 5,252
                  5,252/488,402= 0.010753… (or in other words 1075.3 violent crimes per 100,000 people).

                  Denver Population: 563,688 (notice, I understand that it went up)
                  # of violent crimes in Denver: 4,490
                  4,490/563,688= 0.007965… (or in other words 796.5 violent crimes per 100,000 people).

                  It is a good thing this is an older post, because you will lose all credibility with whoever reads it. Trying to call me an idiot when you don’t understand basic math. Please, PLEASE check my numbers.

            3. Attacks on Ritter called misleading
              Experts say Trailhead ads were oversimplified; stats show his DA record of prison for felons is higher than the national average.
              By Mark P. Couch
              Denver Post Staff Writer


              So much for that argument.  Interesting though how Trailbuthead didn’t have a response.

              1. I will pretend that you didn’t cite the Denver Post for any type of journalitic integrity/ facts/ news/ etc.  I don’t question you can probably make a similar point citing other, more respected news sources, like the Rocky/ Westword/ Onion.  Feel free to do so now.

                Mr. Handy, weren’t you a hardcore Holtzman guy?

            4. was lower than your nominee for Attorney General John Suthers’ was.  So will you be supporting Fern O’Brien for AG as it is quite obvious that, using your standards, Suthers is softer on crime than is Ritter whom you feel is too soft to hold office?

          3. Bill Ritter killed Mr. Chinyama in 1988 in Mongu, Zambia.  Ran over him.  Not sure if Ritter is likely to face justice or not, I said that was a rumor I heard.

        3. Your statements are ridiculous. Now I never said your statement about Ritter in Africa, never brought in up in the post you replied to. I just think it is a little ridiculous that you assert he is about to be deported and detained, with absolutely no evidence. Now I cuss a lot in my everyday conversations and I have tried, for the most part, to refrain on here. My hope is that by the end of this election cycle I have not cussed out moons-over-my-hamie, the felonious fallacious flagellator (aka FFF), the other moon guy or any of the other posters who use this forum as a place to try and start erroneous, incredulous, and falt out wrong rumors.

          By the way, Roger Moore was a terrible 007.

        4. I forgot to put this in my original reply post, but hard hitting journalism?
          (Ryan Warner)”Hi, I’m Ryan Warner of Colorado Matters with BWB. So Bob, pro-family?”
          (BWB) “70% of all african american pregnancies end in abortion.”
          (RW) “How do you like campaigning?”

          Ryan Warner’s non-follow up there shows the greatest drop of the ball in journalism, that I have read, seen, or heard this election cycle. So much for the liberal media elites at NPR. I guess after Tomlinson got his new cush job, in another broadcast capacity, which he is under investigation for, they stayed to the right. Way to go Kenny! You keep those commie-pinko, leftists in their place!

        5. As they say, “whatever man . . .”

          BB is in the sand right now, and if this is the best his defenders have to recommend the guy with, then you need all the help you can get so I won’t elaborate further.

  4. I just received word from the Secretary of State’s office that all of the voter registration drive forms I have are now worthless, because they had to change the form in September of an election year.  Before I can register one more voter, I now have to go back to the county, and pick up new forms.

    This is total bunk.

    They should have had these forms finalized well before now.  They keep changing the rules during the election.

    1. The Voter Registration forms on the SOS website say at the bottom of them that they were approved on 5/15/06.

      I will call their office tomorrow, but if you have some information about a newer form, please let me know.

      I have a project launching this weekend, and if I can get any info it will be helpful.

      1. My guess is that the forms you have from May are old, as I just received an email yesterday from the SOS’s office.

        Here is the text of the email, hope this helps with your effort:

        At the instruction of the Election Assistance Commission in Washington, D.C., we have revised the voter registration forms used in the State of Colorado.  I have included below the section that has been added to the voter registration drive form.  Please advise circulators that, this new section is required.  Please note that if it is left blank the voter will not be registered to vote.  These new forms are available at your local county clerk and recorder’s office and the Secretary of State’s office.  We ask you to request the number of forms you estimate that you will need for your drive.  Please try to request a realistic number of forms to minimize unused forms.

        Microsoft Office Word Document

        Legal deadlines have also been changed.  You now have 7 business days from the date the form was signed to deliver the registration form to the county clerk and recorder of the county in which the elector resides.  If the form is mailed, it needs to be postmarked within 7 days from the date the form was signed.  If the registration is completed fewer than 30 days prior to the registration deadline, it must be delivered to the office of the county clerk and recorder of the county in which the elector resides, or if mailed it must be postmarked within 5 business days from the date the form was signed.

        There have also been some changes with regard to the penalties for failing to comply with VRD laws.  I have attached a revised training packet.  The changes are on pages 7-10.  Please review the packet and advise those in your organization.

        Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

        Thank you.

  5. Has anyone heard how Bob Beauprez voted today in Congress on the Horse Slaughter Ban and the Department of Defense Appropriations? 

    I bet he isn’t too excited to be back in DC this week earning some of his $160,000 salary, for a change, instead of campaigning in Colorado for Governor!

    1. In case the sarcasm of the last poster wasn’t obvious… I wanted to make clear the Beauprez did not vote in Congress today. Apparantly he was in D.C. but didn’t have the time to vote.

      1. I heard Claudia and Both Ways had a reservation for a tour at the White House. In fact, a good friend of mine overheard Claudia already making plans to have Laura’s stuff moved out and hers moved in by 2012. In fact, she put a “Do Not Enter” sign on several doors. That is of course if Beauprez wins in November. Claudia’s ambition is to be the First Lady.

        1. with the greatest meaning in the lexicon of the English language “IF.”

          “IF” Beauprez wins in November.  At this rate, one would have better odds betting on “Flying Pigs.”

          I have personally spoken with hardcore conservatives who all have said that they will be sitting on their hands when it comes to “ALL” Republican candidates.  Their argument is that the REpublican Party at all levels have gone away from the Reagan Policies and Principles and abandoned the conservatives.

          Even Newt Gingrich said this evening with Gretta VanSestran that if the REpubs in Washington do not deal with Illegal Immigration, National Security, and a host of other issues in the next 60 days, Republicans will have been the party in power and squandered the opportunity.

          The Dems need only to point to the ineffectivness of the Majority Party and the rest wil be history.  When Gingrich is saying that, there must be at least a small modicum of truth to it.

          Not a very opptimistic outlook when instead of Illegal Immigration, English Only, and other issues are put on the back burner to “Save the Horses.”  There is a real problem with priorities in Wahington, D.C.

          Next week it will be the “Save Our Daisies” legislation.

      2.   Here was there and didn’t vote?  That wasn’t some kind of a joke? 
          I thought the whole idea of Both Ways leaving his floundering campaign in Colorado in the experienced, competent hands of John Marshall and Janet Rowland, and returning to D.C. was to meet his “day job” obligations.
          Instead, he and Claudia (I refuse to call her “Mommy” because I think it sounds kind of creepy and perverted) are there playing tourist?
          Interesting set of priorities………..

  6. but you didn’t listen.  I said that if Trailhead wasn’t careful, they and Bob Beauprez’s attacks on Ritters prosecutorial record would bring out a contrast against Suthers.

    Now Suthers has to worry that he plea bargained and sent less than 10% of total cases to prison.  Ritter ends up above the national average according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

    So now who is looking like the “Southend of the north bound elephant parade?”  Trailheads attempts now gives people reason to go after Suthers if the so desire!!!

    Smooth move EXLAX!!!

    Not to mention that John Newsome’s explanation (according to the Denver Post) in a way supports Ritter’s record.  Especially when he says that…

    “Prosecutors have an ethical obligation to plea-bargain in good faith,” said Beauprez backer John Newsome, the Republican district attorney for the 4th Judicial District, which covers El Paso and Teller counties.

    Without the ability to negotiate pleas with criminal defendants, the courts, county jails, police departments and prisons would be swamped, he said. Already, the jail in El Paso County is too full to hold every defendant awaiting a hearing.

    “You try to do justice in every single case,” Newsome said. “If you hold someone accountable – by sending them to prison, to ComCor (a private treatment program), to jail or by putting them on probation – you have fulfilled your ethical obligation as a prosecutor.”


    Granted Newsome is a Beauprez supporter.  Howeever, he is also an attorney, and a prosecutor.

    So let me get this straight.  If Ritter sent more people to prison than the national average and the conservative bastion known as the 4th Judicial District, he has fulfilled his duties and obligation to the taxpaying citizens?  Guess so.

    So who were the Republican Operatives that came up with this “BRAIN FART?”


    Somebody please provide me with an explanation that makes some sense.  This baloney isn’t working for me.  And to think, Trailhead is using all of its resources to help the Governor’s race, and letting the Senate and House candidates to fend for themselves.

    Its times like this that when it comes to LEADERSHIP, one would best be served by a VACANCY.

    1. How old are you Handy?

      If Trailhead isn’t helping a lot of legislative races, then why are a lot of you assclowns complaing about all the things Trailhead is saying about legislative candidates.  It appears to me that they’ve spent a lot of money on the legislature.

      Bill Ritter plea bargained in cases that he had an ethical obligation to the victim, family members, citizens, and the law – to prosecute to the highest degree possible.

      If Ritter has a guy, on camera, robbing a liquor store with a gun – why would he plea bargain with that guy?  If Ritter can easily prove that a man committed murder, why would he plea bargain?  I’m not talking about cases where he was a little short on likelihood of conviction otherwise.

      Maybe he should clear out all the white collar criminals first – put them on probation.  Or maybe he should me holding a press conference everyday pleading for more funds to build more prison space and court employees.

      The public sure isn’t going to argue.  But the public will argue about him plea bargaining with murderers and rapists when he had the option not to.

      El Paso County, Wyoming and Mayberry may all have similar prosecution rates than Denver.  But try comparing Denver to other mid-sized, urban intensive cities.  And how the hell does Denver have a crime rate twice as high as NYC?!  People don’t give one shit about plea bargain rates.  But they do care a LOT about the crime rate.  The three aforementioned districts all have much lower crime rates than Denver.  Period.

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