[Insert party] are morally or intellectually confused. Discuss.
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BY: JohnNorthofDenver
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IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
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IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
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IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
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IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
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Whew! After a week with two Wednesdays, I was glad to see Friday show up today.
Visions of Groundhog Day danced in my head …
Take a look at http://money.cnn.com… – Denver has a higher percentage of advanced degrees that Colorado Springs. I assume that average socio-economic status of the two are comparable (if someone knows different please post).
So, does this mean liberals are better educated than conservatives? Or that they value education more? Or does God just smile more on Denver because it’s liberal?
Speaking as a Denver area, Denver native, CU-Denver-educated liberal, I don’t see any point to a pissing contest about which city is better. I know it’s a slow day so far…
C’mon, Aristotle, let’s piss.
God is not happy with Colorado Springs. Look where He put James Dobson, for goodness sake.
while we’re at it lets vote on which transportation project is more of a mess. i vote t-rex. i guess i just dont see the value in advanced degrees and a relation to actual intelligence, regardless of which city is on “top”.
You do realize T-Rex was finished, ahead of schedule and under budget? Meanwhile, it’s still a nightmare trying to get through C-Springs during (or anywhere near) rush hour. I don’t think that proves Denver’s “better,” either. It just proves that god lives on our side of the hill.
since it was intended as a joke in the first place, i wont go into the specific disappointments of either project. ill just give up and enjoy the humor of god choosing a side of the hill on which to live. i cant blame him.
I was going to vacation Denver some years ago but decided against it. Why? You ask? Because I couldn’t decide which CONE ZONE in Denver I wanted to visit first.
Speaking of which. Did you folks hear that all of those $ Billions in highway funds that were supposed to solve the drainage problems in Denver and along the I-25 corridor haven’t worked?
Problem with this boondogle, it was Uncle bill’s idea. Geez. What a nightmare.
Mr Handy, you should have tried I25 & Santa Fe. Can’t beat it if you’re looking for a cone zone to vacation at.
They teach things like evolution as part of the science curriculum in the Denver public school. Do they cover that in Colo. Spgs.?
people you all are…………
I can’t believe you. Denver is smarter than Colorado Springs?………Give me a fuckin break.
I had the misfortune of taking an ambulance ride to the hospital and spending most of the day in the ER Friday due to inhaling poisonous hornet spray. I literally thought I was dying. My entire four day weekend is ruined but I’m fortunate to be alive.
And tonight while I’m sitting here feeling like I was rode hard and put to bed wet, I read this dribble.
What ever happened to the Democrats as the party of the people for the people? With forgiveness and charity?
You all sound like a bunch of little kids talking about the “new kid” being different. “Let’s not talk to him cause he’s not like us”.
You all should be ashamed. I hope you don’t teach your kids this shit.
Just happy to be alive,
Now here’s hoping you regain your sense of humor along with your good health. Your posts are a real drag anymore.
Trailhead Group’s attack ad on Ritter last night. He plea bargained 96% of criminal cases they said. I then remembered the most recent Republican comment with statistics (Beauprez and his 70% assertion on African American abortion rates). If this republican statistic has roughly the same validity, then Ritter actually plea bargained approximately 45% of criminal cases. That has to be one of the lowest in the entire country.
Wow he is tough on crime!
Thanks Trailhead Group!
If Bill Ritter had only plea bargained 45% of his cases, that would be a really good reason not to vote for him in the governor’s race. Someone that financially irresponsible with our court system wouldn’t deserve any kind of position of leadership.
Fortunately, it’s not true.
Excellent point! If Ritter had been plea bargaining only 45% of the active cases, cases in which arrested were made in 1990 would just now be reaching trial!
Republicans should be careful what statistics they use. Otherwise, someone in the press might check out the records in Districts where there are Republican DA’s. I heard the Republican DA of a certain suburban District say that he thought a plea bargain rate of 97% was very good. By the way, it’s a misnomer. They use plea bargain to refer to everything that doesn’t go to trial. That includes all cases where the defendant pleaded guilty to the original charges too. So, not technically a plea bargain in the vernacular of everyday citizens.
Defendants refer to those as “All Plea, No Bargain”……
Well, I wouldn’t go so far to say a higher percentage of college degrees makes any town “smarter” than another. The price of a college education is soaring while the quality today is in the toilet. In some situations the potential greater earnings after the degree does not even justify the time and expense anymore.
I’m certainly not anti-education but I believe a lot of institutions of higher education are providing a substandard education to students, and then charging them up the wazoo.
since I am so goddamned morally and intellectually confused, thank God I have Rummy to straighten me out, steer me right, blow some smoke up my ass about patriotism, etc, get me properly fitted for my helmet and send me/my kids/my spouse/significant other off to die in a civil war beyond our control. Now I see the light – I never knew those guys with turbans were Nazis! Thanks Rummy!
I live in HD 18/Senate 11 and this showed up in my inbox today. I get email from all four candidates. Can’t wait to see what the response will be from the others.
Press Release Announcing the Fisk/Merrfield Debate
Announcing that your having a debate when one hasn’t been scheduled or even accepted. Merrifield responded, but aside from actually doing so he just might change his mind.
Problem with the press release…cites the vote turn-out in 2002. Wonder why 2004 was left out. Maybe because it was by a much higher margin. Seems to me that Dan Stuart ran a very hotly contested race. Was well organized and well funded.
But then again, he isn’t in office now is he. Merrifield must have figured something out. Something about the district that allowed him to win and be re-elected to office.
Wonder who Mr. Kyle’s opponent will be in 2008 (should he win). Do you actually think that the powers that be in El Paso County will actually allow him to serve in office and not face a primary in 2008? If so, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. You might be interested.
Point of Fact: Mark Cloer (HD17) vs. Linda Stanke (opponent). Both conservatives. Both strong Christians. Why????
Because the Greater Housing and Building Association of Colorado Springs (aka Steve Schuck and Sarah Jack) don’t like Cloer. Funny thing. Cloer has never accepted a nickle from the folks and the guy was able to get re-elected by a large margin. Even with Gubner Bill hawking down on his back most of the time.
Just after the discussion of 2nd Amendment Rights appeared on these posts this past week, the Beauprez Campaign has now gone after Bill Ritter on his stand on gun rights. Let us not forget the Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition endorsed Marc Holtzman over Bob Beauprez for his stand on the 2nd Amendment.
Am I missing something here?
Ritter’s firearms stances blasted
His campaign says he backs gun rights
I especially liked the attack since Bob Beauprez was the 2nd person to sign the Amendment 22 Gun REgistration proposal.
Guess that interview by Ari Armstrong and the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners is still going to haunt him.
Especially since Ritter owns a firearm, and his kids are both gun certified.
Now I am totally confused. If you can’t win on an issue, why bring it up???
It’s not that I think Ritter is a champion for all seasons, I’m not getting this campaign strategy at all.
So you mean we post things on ColoradoPols.com, and the Both Ways’ campaign then acts on what is posted? They’re more pathetic than I imagined!
one of the most beautifully spoken commentaries I have every heard – Keith Olbermann
You have to work pretty hard to get New Yorkers to think a politician is slimey. Way to go Lamborn.
–Might have to log in after the jump
It seems that, according to the state senator interviewed for the article, Lamborn will be a placeholder. The quote at the end is what gets me “‘I always vote for the Republican,’ McElhany said. ‘Party’s more important than the candidate'” Now I am a liberal. And as a liberal, I am pretty much always going to vote democrat, but that does not meant that I will not change my vote if the democratic party puts up a placeholder. Nor does it meant that if a republican came along with whom I agreed I would not vote for him/her. It is said that despite Reagan’s 11th amendment, the party comes before the individual.