( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
Honestly, I’m not sure what to think of this. CNN:
After a string of disappointing debate performances, the presidential campaign of Texas Gov. Rick Perry is signaling that Perry might be dialing back his participation in several planned televised Republican presidential primary debates.
The new tack raises the question: Can a major candidate with a track record of weak debate performances pass on nationally televised debates?
“I don’t think Perry can avoid (debating),” CNN contributor and tea party activist Dana Loesch said, “because the debates are where he has received a lot of his criticism.”
The Perry camp said the heavy debate schedule is taking Perry away from spending time with voters.
“(T)here have been eight Republican debates so far, five since Gov. Perry got in,” spokesman Ray Sullivan said Wednesday. “We certainly respect the process, but when you’ve got eight or nine candidates and 30 seconds to a minute (to answer a question or provide a rebuttal), it takes valuable time away from campaigning in Iowa as those elections approach.”
If the rest continue to debate without Rick Perry, is this the kiss of death for the governor of Texas? On the other hand, will more debate disasters seal Perry’s fate equally? It’s hard being a totally unqualified stuffed suit governor or Texas who wants to be President, but that’s a recipe that’s worked before. Answer my poll: what’s the best path forward for Rick Perry?
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It’s the only one that he’s capable of, and would enjoy doing anyway.
He can keep debating and reminding people what a jackass he is or he can stop and be completely forgotten about.
Maybe he just found out he only had page two of the Republican/teaparty/kkk/birch society talking points and not all five. And, nobody will give him the other pages.
for goofy, stupid politicians from Texas.
Who knew being clueless on the issues wouldn’t sell in a post-Bush world? The imitation is never as authentic as the original and no matter how many elections he has won in Texas, he still stinks of Bush to the general voter.
would move would be to drop out. Rich Texans don’t mind at all voting for stupid, but it really pisses ’em off to see their large campaign donations wasted. Perry’s continuance in this debacle is only going to lose him support back at the old, home corral.
Talking heads have to have something to talk about but nobody is coming back from single digits at this point.
GW sounded positively erudite in his debates compared to Perry and no matter what stupid things Bachmann, Santorum and Cain say, they don’t say them in completely unintelligible gibberish. They state their ridiculous notions pretty clearly.
It’s too late to convince anyone he’d be turning down debates to spend more time with voters. Everybody knows he just can’t handle it.
He claims he takes a gun with him while jogging because he’s afraid of snakes. Seems like a grown man accompanied by his dog shouldn’t have too much trouble scaring off a coyote without shooting it “in the shoulder”. So just how quickly did it die or does he even know what happened to it? Or did he make the whole thing up? Now he’s clearly afraid of debates. He’s quite the panic prone scaredy cat, isn’t he?
the more the voters get to know him, the less they like him, so less exposure is helpful. In fact, if there was a way to get less than zero exposure, people might start like him more
footnote. He’s not going to even come close to challenging Romney when the votes are finally tallied.
A Non-Romney will get a lot of votes. Nobody wants Romney and he’ll be flip-flop fodder for Obama.
This probably wouldn’t have occurred to me if I didn’t have a child, but Perry always looks in the debates like he’s carrying an imaginary baby in a front-carrier. His belly is not that big, so why does he keep leaning back like that? It’s like he’s trying to balance a set of teacups on his chest.
The MSM (that bastion of liberal propaganda!) is just not doing their job.
Perry is a dangerous MF!
He’s leaning backward because he’s carrying so much shit. I have a brother in law that walks that way, but its because he’s never had to take shit from anyone. He’s a certifiable genius. Perry….not so much.
I’m amazed at “This week with CA” trotting oout all these bat shit crazy Republicans this morning again. I had to turn it off. Really! You’re going to feed me Bachmann and Perry on a Sundy morning! Is nothing sacred?