Look before you leap (you know who you are).
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BY: harrydoby
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: The realist
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: The realist
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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“So let’s see, Rowland attacks gays;
Beauprez attacks African Americans;
Tancredo has the Hispanic community covered.
Which of the top Republicans is going to go after the Jews? Suthers, you wanna cover that one?
How about Catholics? Hillman?
Women? O’Donnell?
The disabled…can’t forget them.
Lamborn should cover that one.”
So astute I can’t let it go!
I was just imagining a meeting of the top Republicans in the state where they were delegating campaign responsiblities….
He’s no longer a Catholic; he became an Evangelical Protestant and now claims that the Catholic Church in America is “very, very heavily involved in the open borders movement.” http://subwaycanarie…
A great read from the Rocky Mountain News, written by Littwin:
It sounds like they should call him “both feet Bob”
Sorry wrong link. Here is the Rocky article:
Click here: Rocky Mountain News: Columnists
Man Wayne Allard is just pathetic. Does he have any clue that this Administration is sinking? When is the rat going to leave the sinking ship?
From RMN:
“Salazar called Rumsfeld’s initial estimate that the Iraqi war would cost under $50 billion “a gargantuan error” when, according to Salazar, it’s risen to $300 billion and continues to climb after more than three years of fighting.
“Rumsfeld should admit his huge mistakes,” Salazar wrote, telling Bush that the job requires a statesman “who can gain the confidence of the American people.”
Colorado’s senior senator, Republican Wayne Allard, defended Rumsfeld. He praised the defense secretary’s attempts to reform the military and said that has caused friction.
“He’s done a great job,” Allard said during a budget committee hearing in Aurora Wednesday afternoon.”
Is Allard serious? Does ANYONE think that Rummy has done a good job? I am pleased with the fact that one of our senators has a clue.
To answer your questions: No, and probably never.
Senator Potted Plant is in the bunker blindly following the leader and drinking the Kool-Aid.
Remember, he was one of only nine Senators to oppose John McCain’s amendment prohibiting the U.S. from extracting confessions from prisoners by the use of torture. (Confessions which are of dubious quality, I might add, because a prisoner under torture will say just about anything the interrogator asks him to say.)
There is a reason why some of Wayne Allard’s colleagues have bestowed the nickname “Potted Plant” upon him.
Inane Rummy
Target Rummy
Failed Rummy
Quack Rummy
Every day he’s in office is a day George Bush and Wayne Allard endorse the results of his “leadership”.
For those who didn’t click on your links, let’s clarify it for folks:
Link 1: LA Times
Link 2: Jay Fawcett for Congress
Link 3: Washington Post
Link 4: Keith Olberman
Now everything is so much clearer. You’ve been watching Fox News too much! Thanks for carefully choosing objective sources.
They all bring up some pretty valid points. I guess when you can’t refute the message, you attack the messenger. Typical.
Rumsfeld’s rant in Salt Lake City contained insults about a majority of American citizens – those that think the Administration isn’t running the situation in Iraq properly. Repeat after Rocky: “blind faith in bad leaders isn’t patriotism”.
Now repeat after Keith:
Read it. No, really – read it. Or listen to it, or watch it. Let the partisan dislike go for 6 minutes and digest what Olbermann has to say.
… Rumsfeld’s doing a HECKUVA job!
“I think you might then say that the obesity crisis could be the fault of government, liberal government. Food stamps, all those—you know, I’m gonna tell you people a story. I—just, well, the government, you could say, is killing these people because we know obesity kills, and the government’s killing the poor”
-Rush Limbaugh
The Republicans show more and more that they are out ot touch with reality and the American people.
why is Limbaugh still alive?
Oh, that’s right, Oxy Cotyn helps you lose weight….
Another funny post today
LOL Thanks.
Rush would blame Liberals for it. It’s the key to his show; no Liberal-bashing, no show. I’m surprised he didn’t blame Clinton directly for putting his cheeseburger habit out in public view.
They’re totally out of touch. I mean, that stinking welfare reform back in the 90’s; it’s caused so much more poverty.
as he is so full of himself it is sickening.
But what is far worse is the crap spewed by the likes of Jay Marvin, Al Franken, Ed schultz, and Randi Rhodes.
Tell me they all aren’t conservative bashing tree huggers. If a Democrat gets in power in a couple years, their shows will dry up. There will be nothing for them to do but praise each other.
So give me a break with your anti Rush BS.
To me, the obvious rebuttal to your statement would be that even with a full three branches of federal government covered, and with a republican governor, and a little less than two years ago, a republican legislature, I would have assumed shows like rush limbaugh, matt drudge, gunny bob, mike rosen, and jon caldara, among others would have had nothing to do. Lo and behold the republican ranting machine is alive and well on the radio even with the conditions I mentioned. So please, gecko, tell me why Air America is doomed to fail with a dem president, because that is obviously not the case applying the reverse.
Gecko just comes onto this blog to vent. (Gecko, you’re a Colo Springs con, why haven’t you posted about the Hefley flap? For that matter, did you ever post about the CD5 primary race?)
He puts out a lot of positive vision pieces, spends a lot of time on alternative energy and such. Jay covers a lot of issues, too; I don’t see him going away, nor do I see him devolving into Rush as he is now when Republicans are in power…
Al Franken’s likely to be out in ’08 anyway running for the Senate vs. Norm Coleman.
Randi I’m not so sure about; she’s a veteran radio broadcaster, so I’m sure she knows the twists and turns of radio, but I have to agree that she spends almost every minute on stories that bash Neo-Conservatives and Dominionists. If the Democrats manage to completely reverse the current power situation in two years, I don’t know what she’ll do…
Also, I’d like to point out that I hear almost *all* of the Progressive talk show hosts taking Democratic officials to task every now and again. Unlike the other side of the dial, they don’t heap all of the blame on the opposition. Even when the “conservative” hosts do say something against an Administration official or Congressman on their own team, it’s followed by a “but he wouldn’t have been in this position if the Liberals hadn’t screwed it up…”.
There was a time when Rush’s ego was lighthearted and entertaining; he’s let it settle in for way too long now.
in bashing on the other party’s policies or politics. But Rush and other Republican leaders are out of touch with American and are afraid of anything that isn’t what they see in the mirror.
“I really believe that the pagans, the abortionists, the feminists, and the gays, and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who tried to secularize America — I point the finger in their face and say ‘You helped this happen’.”
Jerry Falwell on the cause of 9/11
“How can there be peace when drunkards, drug dealers, communists, atheists, New Age worshipers of Satan, secular humanists, oppressive dictators, greedy money changers, revolutionary assassins, adulterers, and homosexuals are on top?”
Pat Robertson in his book The New World Order
“I don’t know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.”
President George H.W. Bush
….d’oh. Did I say that?
Where exactly did you get that incorrect “70%” statistic from?
You know, the one you said you’d actually “seen” somewhere?
I just want to know whether you’re merely irresponsible or an out-and-out liar.
It was written on the Bathrroom Wall at the Metro Station in downtown Denver. He had actually confused it with this one…
Researchers have found that one in four people suffer from some physiological, psychological, and emotionally debilitating disease.
Therefore, if three of your friends seem okay to you, your the one!!!
Problem is…most of the Beauprez shills fall into the same category!!!
Remember: Never be surprised what things stupid people can do when they get together in crowds.
What I can’t figure out is how the hell did a smart, capable politician like Mike Feeley lose to this Bozo in ’02?
Yo, OQD You are reading my mind. Wasn’t it just a handful of votes? Feeley is an ex-Marine, for god’s sake. Mike would have made a great governor, too. They are still recounting the votes in Ohio from 2004. Maybe they are on to something.
Take a look at http://money.cnn.com… – Denver beats Colo Spgs!!!
you may be smarter, but God likes us more better.
Somehow I don’t think that’s God’s plan. Maybe God prefers liberals…
This week we have two hump day threads 😉