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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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Something to start off the discussion this morning – Democratic Party – how to win in 2008
If nothing else, the past 4-5 years have shown what happens when one party controls….even more so when that party is the corrupt, race-baiting, divisive, short sighted and totally incompetent republican party. Call me shrill if you like, the facts are facts. Have I been angry over the direction this country has taken? You bet! It’s been a crying shame. Yes, we do need to restore the checks and balances the founders envisioned in 2006.
More than that, we need to identify and support government leaders with vision, competency, clarity and, yes, true compassion. Not the bullshit “compassionate conservatism” many swallowed hook line and sinker.
We’re a great country. However, our legitimacy, ability to lead morally and ethically has been severly tarnished. Thanks Bush/Cheney/Rumsfield!
To understand these guys, I invite readers to watch this BBC produced documentary. You may be surprised to learn that the mentor to Bin Ladens mentor, got his start right here in Greeley CO!
They’re so far out in left field that their credibility is worst than Ward Churchill’s.
Let’s start this discussion with some credible sources. Care to try again?
Less credibility than Ward Churchhill? What credible news sources would you like us to quote, Fox News. I trust the BBC, Deutsche World and PBS more than any other news program, website or radio program. Their collective, and individual, perspectives are more hardhitting and on the mark than anything that you can find in the US. So please elucidate me as to what I should be watching/listening to.
The BBC may be “worst than Ward Churchill’s” but they definitely are not “worse than Ward Churchill’s”
Bad spelling just plays in to the stereotype some have of the right wing all being stupid.
– dave
in to the stereotype some have of the right wing all being stupid”
What a f$%&ing stupid thing to say. You sound as pompus as Middle of the Road. I should have known you live in Boulder. What a joke.
You never made a spelling error? Or do you use spell check before you send a note out?
I see plenty of spelling mistakes on this tree hugging blog. Many are made by you supposed perfect liberals. So if your vision of conservatives is that we are all backwoods un-educated morons, you are very wrong. The spell check on my computer doesn’t work so I have to rely on my limited education, and proof reading if I have time.
Not all of us could afford or wanted to go to college. Everyone here knows my opinion of college as being for the most part a huge waste of money.
So with my small town high school education I bet I am a better speller than many of your fuckin perfect “give the world away” liberal socialists buddies.
Is that a pompous thing to point out? 🙂
so personal Gecko! I am a college educated liberal who can not spell. (dislexia) It is the content of the post that should count. If people want to be elitist spelling snobs, let them be annoying.
But you know you don’t have to be a liberal to be an annoying snob. I know a lot of rednecks (my family) who are down right snobishly proud of their LACK of education. Self rightousness does not need a diploma.
I didn’t realize this would touch such a raw nerve – I was just trying for a little jab, not a big one.
As an adjective, “worse” is used as a comparative to bad, while “worst” is used as a superlative to bad. Both can be used as adjectives, nouns or adverbs.
All that aside, the BBC is generally acknowledged to be left of center by the newspapers and other media in the U.K. I remember it back when it had great poets like Louis MacNeice on its production staff (I’m going back a ways). I even think Dylan Thomas worked there for a while. It’s not what it was, but I still listen to Radio 4 (the old Home Service) on-line because it brings back my boyhood. But I go there for sentimental reasons, not for their view of the world.
Sadly, you need to take in a numbers of sources (yes, the BBC, but Fox and CNN too) and sift through it to come up with something. I’d recommend reading the Economist, the Nation, and National Review. Lots of contradictions there, but we can but strive.
I am afraid that if the dems don’t take back the house or the senate, we will be in Iran by Thanksgiving. Bush has come from behind in August to win three times in a row in November. The Dems don’t have a clue how to combat him. Losing is soooo comfortable and morally pure. I fear for my country.
The Dems aren’t running Kerry or Gore for President this year. That ought to count for something.
And Clintion, Lamont and the rest of the shrill lefty crowd. They’re as integrity challenged as any Republican, imho.
You’re opinion is humble? 😉
Apples and oranges, my friend. None of those people are running for President, or for any office in Colorado.
State specifics. Your claim holds no water, which makes you an idiot. Have you read the Conyers report on the crimes the Bush administration has committed? I doubt it. Moron.
Enjoy the video regarding Bush’s numbers, which are down, not up.…
If Bill Ritter were handling this, the right wing would attack him for not throwing the book at Coors.
Did anybody see that editorial blasting Beauprez in today’s Rocky Mountain News (http://www.rockymoun… ). Both Ways Bob is trying as hard as he can to distort Ritter’s DA record, but he and John Marshall went a step too far when they misrepresented something that Ritter said in the Rocky several years ago. The Rocky editorial board appearently was extremely angry, because they kicked Both Ways in the jaw today by using their lead editorial to call Ritter “no softie” on crime and Beauprez a ruthless liar.
BB is establishing a reputation not only for political incompetence but also for a lack of integrity, which is a killer in politics.
be fired. He is obviously running the Beauprez camp to the ground. The “Rocky Mountain News” was right on in calling out little Johnny and his sidekick Both Ways Bob.
As a Republican, I am embarassed of the stunts Marshall is pulling. Time to pull the plug on his campaign career. A Hero he is not!
the Mr. Haney of Republican politics, always trying to peddle a line of crap that only “eBB” and “Doris Rowland Ziffel” would buy.
There’s a funny comic in the Westword this week. Bob is ‘doing away’ with John Marshall using honey and fire ants. Too good. I guess everyone is in agreement Marshall is in over his head.
Here’s something I posted earlier…whether you’re a Republican or Democrat, this is what motivates the conservatives. This is what motivates, like it or not, most Coloradans.
Are you going to try to tell me that Beauprez is not conservative? Oh please. He is a consensus conservative and he’s got the conservative vote. He’s a much more principled conservative than Pete Coors. So call him “both ways” or whatever school-girlish names you want, but give up on the “not a conservative” part.
As far as the Springs go…I actually don’t live in the Springs. But I do like the town. I live in suburban Denver, as it happens. Here’s the focus of my political concerns: the family. I make fun of Boulder because I’ve spent a lot of time there. But you can substitute Denver and Aspen in there too. The liberals just don’t get it. Most liberals are single, gay, or cohabiting. Married people with kids seem to get the big issues of the day. They want their kids to not be blown up by Jihadis. They want a good moral climate to help their kids grow into decent, kind, honest, moral human beings. The whole adoration for same-sex marriage and relationships, drugs (especially pot), and the ridiculously empty mulitcultural agenda is terrible for our kids. Period.
Being a conservative means standing for something and really believing in it. We believe in families. The left believes in doing whatever the hell you want. That’s why states with low marriage and low birthrates (like Rhode Island and Mass.) are the most liberal and states with high birthrates and marriage rates (like Colorado) tend to be more conservative. Our family values agenda is not to save your lost souls…it’s to save our kids’. We don’t care if you all want make homosexuality the new chic and if you think pacifism is the path to enlightenment. If that’s your deal…great! We vote and believe as we do beceause we want a country and world where our kids can grow up with a strong traditional moral constitution and a strong relationship to God and the people around them. Sorry if that rubs you the wrong way.
But the conservative impulse is only growing stronger as the culture grows more coarse. The more the left pushes, the more overwhelming grows the traditional conservative push. In the end, faith, family, and freedom will win if only because it must
FFF – you’re drinking too much these days. You’ve got the kool-aid mustache stain permanently tattooed above your lip. What flavor? Wild Berry? Cherry?
Seriously. You’ve really got to try it.
I can usually stomach the wild blue, but only with vodka.
As in we live in a purple state?
Anyway, FFF, I encourage you and your fellow conservatives to read betweeen the lines of this quote:
“We have to have the faithful in government and over time, that lie we have been told, the separation of church and state, people have internalized, thinking that they needed to avoid politics and that is so wrong because God is the one who chooses our rulers.”
What I see is you dont need to show up at the polls because it is preordained! Just have faith my friend and your conservative candidates will ride strong into the legislature. Curious about who said it or to see some other fantastic conservative quotes please check this link:
Ok, I’m liberal, I live in Boulder, and I’m a
single gay co-habitoroops, make that happily married for 20 years with 3 wonderful kids.Your stereotyping of liberals is about as worthless as the sterotyping the right wing does of women and minorities.
I saw this in the other thread and I was tempted to respond but decided to hold off, but now that it is back I feel compelled to comment. If you allow me I will take it piece by piece.
“whether you’re a Republican or Democrat, this is what motivates the conservatives. This is what motivates, like it or not, most Coloradans.”
I dont like it and here is why. you assume that most coloradans are conservative which if you had a source to back that up with I assume you would have posted. Alas, you do not, nor do I for that matter but considering that Denver is overwhelmingly Democratic and constitutes the biggest city in the state I am going to assume that is false. i am also going to assume that since we have a democratic legislature, and almost assuredly we will have a democratic governor, conservatives just arent all Coloradans. Next:
“Are you going to try to tell me that Beauprez is not conservative? Oh please. He is a consensus conservative and he’s got the conservative vote. He’s a much more principled conservative than Pete Coors. So call him “both ways” or whatever school-girlish names you want, but give up on the “not a conservative” part.”
Consensus conservative, while I have never heard that term used in political circles before I can guess as to its meaning. My guess he blows with the wind. Bush says do this, he does it. Dobson says he likes something, so does Bob. So if the conservative vote is as closeminded as the two people that I just pointed out then, yeah, hes got it locked up. Pete Coors, I’ll let you have that one because I dont like him and I dont like his booze. I want to remind you at this juncture that “both ways bob” was coined by the much more conservative and virulent Marc Holtzman, we just liked it so much we couldnt stop using it. And his record shows that hes not as much of a conservative as Holtzman or really what is defined as conservatism today.
“Here’s the focus of my political concerns: the family. I make fun of Boulder because I’ve spent a lot of time there. But you can substitute Denver and Aspen in there too. The liberals just don’t get it. Most liberals are single, gay, or cohabiting. Married people with kids seem to get the big issues of the day. They want their kids to not be blown up by Jihadis. They want a good moral climate to help their kids grow into decent, kind, honest, moral human beings. The whole adoration for same-sex marriage and relationships, drugs (especially pot), and the ridiculously empty mulitcultural agenda is terrible for our kids. Period.”
I love blanket statements, because everytime someone uses that they sound so absurd and uneducated. So single parents dont get the issues of the day (I’ll leave that alone)? I assume you are implying that married people are conservative. With that assumption out of the way, why would married people want to send their kids to Iraq to be blown up, as you say, by Jihadis? Conservatives wanted to go there for who knows what, and now we have massive instability which better serves those “Jihadis” than it does the US; its a training ground. If you had done even the most cursory research you would see that everytime we meddle there we always screw it up, invariably. It amazes me that same sex marriage/relationships are always brought upas being bad for kids. Why is that? Is it because respect for individuals is a bad thing? I would say that that is a positive moral thing. Or is it because conservatives dont like that which goes against their cherry picked bible verses. Drugs, especially pot. Now that is funny. As if there are not worse drugs out there. But lets assume, for the moment, that pot is bad. Kids we need you on ridilin, lithium, prozac, viagra, levitra, that stuff for restless leg syndrome and anyother pharmaceutical that we advertise on tv, except for that nasty plan b, or the vaccine that prevents HPV because as we conservatives know anything that does away with cervical cancer caused by STDs is bad (it encourages S-E-X! *gasp*). I dont smoke pot nor do I necessarily condone its use, I am an alcohol man myself, but dont try and harken back to Murdochs reefer madness. Pot is nowhere near as dangerous as conservatives make it out to be and, seriously, we have bigger fish to fry than 17 year old pot smokers. Anecdotally, the salutatorian of my class smoked pot everday and went to Johns Hopkins where he got two degrees in three years. (I’ll give you a hint to which high school: its in Colorado, Catholic and was formerly an all boys school) And yes, Kids please do stay away form any culture that is not white, democratic, or christian. Multiculturalism is not empty and advocating against it is like advocating for a roll back of the Civil rights act.
“Being a conservative means standing for something and really believing in it. We believe in families. The left believes in doing whatever the hell you want. That’s why states with low marriage and low birthrates (like Rhode Island and Mass.) are the most liberal and states with high birthrates and marriage rates (like Colorado) tend to be more conservative”
Thank you for your permission first of all. Families you say. isnt opposition to gay marriage standing in the way of thousands of possible families? And why is it that Red states have a higher divorce rate while blue states have a lower one? As to your ridiculous correlation = causation just because you stand for families doesnt mean that conservatives have the market cornered in that department. Nor does it mean that the way conservative conceive, in their minds, of a family is the right one either.
” We don’t care if you all want make homosexuality the new chic and if you think pacifism is the path to enlightenment. If that’s your deal…great!”
Nothing to argue with here. Okay one small thing. Homosexuality is not the “new chic.” Homosexuality has been around forever and will be around forever. The fact that during the time that you grew up (assuming that you are older than I am) it was demonized and had to seek refuge underground does not mean we liberals were like “hey! you know what would be cool? Entering into a relationship of the same sex so we can be ostracized, vilified and demonized by a christianity!” Ok two small things. Liberals dont believe pacifism is the path, we just think that Iraq is the wrong war in the wrong place. Maybe, just maybe if the conservatives hadnt screwed it all up in the beginning of the war we wouldnt be so concerned with the terrorist graduates that fight there everyday.
“We vote and believe as we do beceause we want a country and world where our kids can grow up with a strong traditional moral constitution and a strong relationship to God and the people around them. Sorry if that rubs you the wrong way.”
It does rub us, at least me, the wrong way. How dare you assume that morality is as you say it is. Where does Jesus advocate war? Where does he say tax cuts for the rich? Which God do you refer to, I’ve been assuming the Christian one but I could be wrong. Why is morality not lending a helping hand to those in need? Why is less public education a good thing? Why is pissing off every country in the world just so that Donald Rumsfeld can play out his thesis a good thing? Why do conservatives believe that peace is a bad thing? That loving thy neighbor, even a homosexual one, is a bad thing. The list goes on and on. Why is it that conservatives want theocracy and not democracy?
“But the conservative impulse is only growing stronger as the culture grows more coarse. The more the left pushes, the more overwhelming grows the traditional conservative push. In the end, faith, family, and freedom will win if only because it must.”
You know the saying a chain is as only strong as its weakest link? Well, Our culure can only be as strong as the theocratic, conservative thugs attempt it not to be. As I am sure we will see the conservative impulse drain in the upcoming election my only hope is that freedom does win. Let people choose, let people be. Faith I couldnt care less and family is fine, but freedom, true freedom, i really hope that it does win.
You’re right on one thing: Holtzman is more conservative than Beauprez.
Here’s how I’ll compare the current race to the Coors/Salazar one two years ago: Coors had tremendous name ID, a top-notch campaign manager and senior level management team. The media loved Coors. They loved his little quips about buying people beer in parades and his stories of family values among the beer baron clan. He was up against a moderate/judicial minded and hard working candidate. But Coors had the campaign team, the money, the name, the volunteers. Guess what? He still lost.
And now? Beauprez doesn’t have the same campaign team. He doesn’t have the money. No *positive* name ID. And no volunteers (I attended a recent debate. Ritter had well over 50 volunteers to the five I saw from Beauprez.) So guess what? Beauprez will lose.
That may suck. It might be the worst thing that’s happened to us as a party this decade. But we are reaping what we sowed.
when a party lacks discipline and leadership, it deserves a spanking.
I’ll be the first in line to purchase a whip.
I can’t call Colorado conservative? In the Post’s “Perspective” section this morning is an article (“What do Coloradans believe?”) in which a Colorado College professor relates new data from a survey that says only 28% of Coloradans call themselves liberal. 70% say they’re conservative or moderate (40% say they’re conservative). Liberals hate the truth. They hate the fact that we are at war with a vicious enemy abroad. They hate the fact that their homestate embraces conservative ideas. Listen, just because a centrist Democrat and legislature won in ’04 does not change anything. Put a liberal up for election and see if he wins statewide. Listen, this state has voted for one Democrat (Clinton in ’92 because Perot did so well here) in what…four decades? Even Kennedy couldn’t win here!
By all means, don’t let me burst your reality bubble here. Go on believing that Boulder is oh so representative of the state. Go on believing that this is Vermont West. Please believe that all of those trashy liberal ideas are winning the day. Meanwhile, we conservatives will continue winning elections–starting this fall.
Liberal ideas such as votes for women, social security, civil rights for minorities, etc. start as liberal values, then become centrist values, and finally become conservative values. Gay marriage is progressing through this transition right now.
So people say they are 30/30/40 liberal/moderate/conservative. That’s fine, it just means liberal candidates have to work a bit harder for the moderate voters than the conservative ones do. The democrats have doen this pretty well recently.
And long term, as these liberal ideals migrate to become conservative also, liberalism continues to win the war of ideas. Conservatives may win some battles, but liberals keep winning the war.
– dave
Since the New Deal, Republicans have been on the wrong side of every issue of concern to ordinary Americans; Social Security, the war in Vietnam,the Iraq war, equal rights, civil liberties, church- state separation, consumer issues, public education, reproductive freedom, national health care, labor issues, gun policy, campaign-finance reform, the environment and tax fairness. No political party could remain so consistently wrong by accident. The only rational conclusion is that, despite their cynical “family values” propaganda, the Republican Party is a criminal conspiracy to betray the interests of the American people in favor of plutocratic and corporate interests, and absolutist religious groups.
To anything I said, anything? I never referenced Boulder in my post nor do I think that it is a representative sample of the state. And for the record I dont live there. And where does the Vermont west comment come from? Do you realize that Howard Dean got an A rating from the NRA?
Yes, you conservatives will win elections like Katharine Harris in Florida, no? link to the article I posted beneath the Kool Aid comments.
I dont trust any poll that does not post the number of respondants, the questions or the methodology so find me a link to that and I will happily respond. In lieu of that, I found some interesting pieces in the article myself:
“almost 20 percent of Democrats called themselves conservative”
thats interesting to me because they self identify as Dems but also conservatives, what I am curious about and can find no link to is which way they vote in elections.
“More than 60 percent of the random sample of adult Coloradans believe “things in Washington … have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track in the past few years.”
Way to go Republicans!
Just because people are reluctant to self identify as liberal doesnt mean a thing. Liberalism is a scary word to many people, probably including yourself, because it represents steps forward, not steps back. It allows people to be who they are not confine them to religious pigeonholes.
Since we are plugging opinion articles how about this one:
What is being touted by the leadership in the Republican party in Washington and in Colorado; the ‘conservatism’ of Bush, Cheney, DeLay, Dobson, BWB, Falwell, John Andrews and others is not conservatism at all but authoritarianism.
It is a politics that wants to dictate to everyone a narrow dogma; a narrow set of religious beliefs; a narrow political agenda.
That flies in the face of the Conservatism (which has much more in common with libertarian philosophy) of the past; the conservatism as espoused by Ayn Rand, Barry Goldwater and others.
Real conservatives believe that government should meddle very little in people’s private lives – that is not what current Repbulican leaders actually advocate;
Real Conservatives believe that Government should know very little about what people do in their private lives (no snooping) but that people should know as much as possible about what government does – that is certainly not the case with the present Republican administration and congress.
Real conservatives don’t believe it is okay for their government to lie to them – they believe that government ought to be truthful and transparent.
Where have all the good conservatives gone?
Here’s my response. First of all, I found all of what you said to be very interesting, but all too familiar. You lefties make the mistake of believing that social conservatives are just theocratic mouth-breathers who listen to Jerry Fallwell sermons all day. Sorry, but that’s the farthest thing from the truth. Most evangelicals happen to be above-average in education and can’t stand Falwell. Count me among them.
“I dont like it and here is why. you assume that most coloradans are conservative which if you had a source to back that up with I assume you would have posted. Alas, you do not, nor do I for that matter but considering that Denver is overwhelmingly Democratic and constitutes the biggest city in the state I am going to assume that is false. i am also going to assume that since we have a democratic legislature, and almost assuredly we will have a democratic governor, conservatives just arent all Coloradans”
We covered this. Colorado is bent to the right. Every study and the majority of elections prove this. Boulder and Denver feel liberal and are liberal. Come out to the ‘burbs or really any other part of the state and tell me what you think.
“I love blanket statements, because everytime someone uses that they sound so absurd and uneducated. So single parents dont get the issues of the day (I’ll leave that alone)? I assume you are implying that married people are conservative. With that assumption out of the way, why would married people want to send their kids to Iraq to be blown up, as you say, by Jihadis? Conservatives wanted to go there for who knows what, and now we have massive instability which better serves those “Jihadis” than it does the US; its a training ground. If you had done even the most cursory research you would see that everytime we meddle there we always screw it up, invariably. It amazes me that same sex marriage/relationships are always brought upas being bad for kids. Why is that? Is it because respect for individuals is a bad thing? I would say that that is a positive moral thing. Or is it because conservatives dont like that which goes against their cherry picked bible verses. Drugs, especially pot. Now that is funny. As if there are not worse drugs out there. But lets assume, for the moment, that pot is bad. Kids we need you on ridilin, lithium, prozac, viagra, levitra, that stuff for restless leg syndrome and anyother pharmaceutical that we advertise on tv, except for that nasty plan b, or the vaccine that prevents HPV because as we conservatives know anything that does away with cervical cancer caused by STDs is bad (it encourages S-E-X! *gasp*). I dont smoke pot nor do I necessarily condone its use, I am an alcohol man myself, but dont try and harken back to Murdochs reefer madness. Pot is nowhere near as dangerous as conservatives make it out to be and, seriously, we have bigger fish to fry than 17 year old pot smokers. Anecdotally, the salutatorian of my class smoked pot everday and went to Johns Hopkins where he got two degrees in three years. (I’ll give you a hint to which high school: its in Colorado, Catholic and was formerly an all boys school) And yes, Kids please do stay away form any culture that is not white, democratic, or christian. Multiculturalism is not empty and advocating against it is like advocating for a roll back of the Civil rights act.”
The best place for a kid to be raised is within a two-parent family, one man and one woman. That’s not to say that gays will ruin a kid. They certainly don’t. But why elevate something to the ideal when it clearly is not the ideal? Drugs are bad whether it’s pot or RX drugs. They are bad simply because they absolutely wreck the mind and body. If people want to do that, I feel bad for them and their sorry lives. It ruins a society (look at Holland) and it ruins lives. Speaking of Holland and the ruining of societies…muliticulturalism is great because basically it means that you stand for just about anything and everything as though no lifestyle is better than any other. Please, you know that the clitoris-cutters in Africa and the woman-haters in Saudi Arabia have a much worse society than our’s. Here’s a tip: instead of launching into leftist dogma, think. Usually, you’re able to make at least some key moral judgements when you use your brain.
“Thank you for your permission first of all. Families you say. isnt opposition to gay marriage standing in the way of thousands of possible families? And why is it that Red states have a higher divorce rate while blue states have a lower one? As to your ridiculous correlation = causation just because you stand for families doesnt mean that conservatives have the market cornered in that department. Nor does it mean that the way conservative conceive, in their minds, of a family is the right one either.”
I loved it when the liberal media cited a study that reported that Boulder had a lower divorce rate than El Paso county. It’s because liberals don’t marry! Marriage is believed by the left to be confining, and even slavery. At least that’s what I learned up at CU. Many conservatives believe that being a dad or mom or husband or wife is the most important role a person can have. How many lefties believe that? Are there loser conservatives around? I know some. I’m talking about the ideas of a movement.
“does rub us, at least me, the wrong way. How dare you assume that morality is as you say it is. Where does Jesus advocate war? Where does he say tax cuts for the rich? Which God do you refer to, I’ve been assuming the Christian one but I could be wrong. Why is morality not lending a helping hand to those in need? Why is less public education a good thing? Why is pissing off every country in the world just so that Donald Rumsfeld can play out his thesis a good thing? Why do conservatives believe that peace is a bad thing? That loving thy neighbor, even a homosexual one, is a bad thing. The list goes on and on. Why is it that conservatives want theocracy and not democracy?
“It does rub us, at least me, the wrong way. How dare you assume that morality is as you say it is. Where does Jesus advocate war? Where does he say tax cuts for the rich? Which God do you refer to, I’ve been assuming the Christian one but I could be wrong. Why is morality not lending a helping hand to those in need? Why is less public education a good thing? Why is pissing off every country in the world just so that Donald Rumsfeld can play out his thesis a good thing? Why do conservatives believe that peace is a bad thing? That loving thy neighbor, even a homosexual one, is a bad thing. The list goes on and on. Why is it that conservatives want theocracy and not democracy?”
There is war all around the Bible. What kind of a whacko faith advocates suicide in the face of evil? (Islam, maybe. Even Islam I believe does not advocate that). Pissing off every country? Oh brother. Don’t be so self-conscious. It’s not easy or popular being right. I love homosexuals. I just don’t love the idea of them getting married to eachother. My kids will be public school kids. Homeschooling is a good option for parents but it’s by no means de rigeur for Christians.
And good Lord! Stop the whole “theocrat” meme. I love democracy and support it’s spread across the world. Just because I think that society should have basic moral girders (like marriage) doesn’t make me theocratic. I mean, society has to stand for something. Most lefties stand against smoking and for Kyoto…beyond that it’s like I said: “do whatever the hell you want.” The left is a movement entirely devoted to pissing off people who have deeply held beliefs. It’s like the neighborhood kid to just annoys people to be annoying. You stand for what? Multiculturalism, tolerance, and killing the unborn. That’s inspiring. Really inspiring. I know lefties and they’re mostly great people who have the best of intentions. But they’re moral idiots.
The whole John Dean idea is so funny. He uses useless psycho-babble and tries to paint social conservatives as “authoritarian.” Good grief. I don’t want to control anyone, okay? I just want my kids to be able to walk into a grocery store without men in skirts and porno-stands. I know…how authoritarian! It’s pretty simple: Don’t kill babies in their mothers’ wombs; marriage is a basic aspect of every society for centuries that turns out to be really good for the common good; God is not the bogey-man–some people really like the Guy and we find the anti-Christian bigotry of the left very unbecoming. Theocracy implies an implementation of a dominant THEOlogy. Nobody wants that. We believe that this nation was created with Judeo-Christain moral principles and that there’s no compelling reasong to change that. The crime and moral turmoil we see directly results from the loss of those values.
Look around you. Oh yeah! This world is great! Female suicide rates higher than ever, depression rates higher than ever. I mean, good thing we encourage girls to give it up because it feels good, otherwise they wouldn’t be killing themselves! Give me a break. Good thing our kids are more confused and vulnerable to crime than every before. Thank goodness we decided that dads don’t matter anymore! Otherwise we couldn’t be able to let our kids do drugs at 12!
You liberals had your chance in the 60s and your movement failed miserably. You screwed people up. Call us theocrats or authoritarian or whatever you want. I call it common sense. A sobering acknowledgment that maybe the Bible is better than crap and maybe all those warm, juicy lefty ideas were just plain wrong. Decide for yourself.
Jerry Falwell is worthless so at least we can agree on one thing. I am not doubting that you are someone who has at least a college education, but just because you have an above average education does not mean that you are knowledgable. Look at that Denver post opinion piece you posted. Something like 60-70% of the respondants said they believed the Earth was created within the last 10,000 years. Well, start the fire and burn me at the stake because that is the most ludicrous belief, and I am going to venture out on a limb here, and assume that that belief is held by a majority of Evangelicals.
I used to live in the burbs, Centennial in fact, so I know what the republican oppression outside of denver is like (going to an out of state law school now, so count me among the above average educated as well). I am also used to the rantings of one-trick pony Tancredo. I’ve personally had in depth discussions with my former state senator Andrews and others like Penn Pfiffner, so dont accuse me of not talking with the other side and trying to gleen what they think is important.
I think the ideal place to raise a child would be within a loving environment. Whether that is within a two parent household or within a single parent household, or within a gay household should make no difference whatsoever. I can spout of a bunch of anecdotals about horrible, depraved conditions in two parent households so just because you (and I) come from strong foundational two parent households does not mean that they are the best family structure.
How is Holland a ruined society? Because pot and prostitution are legal there? You realize the people in charge of Holland currently are a christian party right? I will agree that drugs have the potential to ruin lives but that does not mean that in all cases they do. Alcohol anb excessive tobacco use can also ruin lives.
How about the Dominionists within the US? (Google it if you are unsure of what I am refering to) How about subjugation of women as proscribed in the Bible, to which you believe is the holiest of holies book? If Saudi Arabia is so bad than why is the US such a strong partner with them? Do you mean to tell me that the current administration is willing to overlook the bad practices of other societies if they do or provide us with what we want? Yeah, that may be an overplayed expression, but a cliche is a cliche because its true, and just because you have heard it all before and disregarded it does not make it any less true, that just means you are willing to disregard evidence that you dont agree with.
Stop with the “Liberal media hurrrr” BS. It is such a stupid cop-out. CU does not represent liberals just like Jerry Falwell does not represent evangelicals. So you picked up a nice anecdote at CU, congratulations. Yes, the parental role is a great one, but there are some others that I like too: friend, lover, pillar in the community. I am not a parent, but someday I hope to be one, so this lefty hopes to have that role which you so proudly try to rub in our collective face. Being a parent is not for everyone, similar to higher education, which if you ask gecko, is not for everyone either.
There is a war around the Bible because conservatives want there to be one. Have you ever read the Bible? I’m talking cover to cover. I have, I’ve also read the Koran and the Talmud and the Torah. The most glaring realization I had after I finished the bible was that it was the most contradictory, horribly written book I had ever picked up. i can start throwing out contradictions if you would like, and I can also point out passages that state slavery, incest, oppression of women, child abuse, sexual abuse, and murder are all A-OK in the eyes of god. My favorite passage though is Matthew 6: 5-8. Why would you want your kids to be raised through the liberal, oppresive public school system. I referenced John Andrews earlier let me paraphrase what he said one time to a class I was in: “we need to do away with the public school system.” Awesome. Look at No child left behind. If that is not the worst legislation passed concerning our public school systems I dont know what is.
I use the thoecratic “meme” because our president called the war in Iraq a “crusade.” I use it because the want to do away with evolution in favor of thinly veiled psuedo-science like Intelligent design. Yes I am for Kyoto. I am an Eagle Scout and I enjoy the outdoors, I enjoy having clean air and water, less polution and alternatives to oil. I also do stand for Multiculturalism, tolerance, and I am pro-choice. Oh, by the way, unless you have ever been in that situation, abortion, dont comment on it because you dont know what it is like. Moral platitudes are great until reality hits you in the face. It is great as a matter of fact, I dont support killing the mother to save the baby, if you do I hear South Dakota has some really cheap land. Again, what makes your morals better than mine, what makes them more right? Just because you follow some antiquated idea that woman was made from a man does not mean your deathgrip on morality is the right one.
Again, what do you know about abortion that others do not? Abortion is legal, hopefully it will always be legal. It is especially needed for cases like the 9 yr. old girl who was raped by her 41 yr old neighbor and got pregnant-should we have spared that babies life? This marriage lie that you mention is absolutely faulty. marriage has not been around for centuries, and it is not the best thing for the common good. Where aree you getting these ridiculous notions from? Seriously? If christians do not want to impose their beliefs through government than why are they so involved in implementing their beliefs in government? What is wrong with someone wearing what they want or reading what they want? Have you ever been to Europe? Maybe if your kids were raised properly you woldnt have to worry about them questioning their sexuality or having a desire to look at porn if displayed in a supermarket. Since we are tlakingabout what we dont want how about we get rid of the three story high posters of aborted fetus the right uses to combat abortion. Lets force feed that to our kids to combat porn and men in skirts. The ridiculous dogma spewing forth from the right is not only unbecoming but it is scary. I dont care if you think God is a guy, girl or hermaphrodite, I just dont want to hear about it. I dont care. This country was not, repeat was not founded on the Ten commandments or whatever other lie you can parrot. Crime exists everywhere and no implementation of your worthless values is going to change that, but how about we try some of the lefts? Stronger police forces, helping hands to those in need, legalization of small amounts of marijuana will surely drop the rolls of crime sheets.
Where are you getting your information?
“Look around you. Oh yeah! This world is great! Female suicide rates higher than ever, depression rates higher than ever. I mean, good thing we encourage girls to give it up because it feels good, otherwise they wouldn’t be killing themselves! Give me a break. Good thing our kids are more confused and vulnerable to crime than every before. Thank goodness we decided that dads don’t matter anymore! Otherwise we couldn’t be able to let our kids do drugs at 12!”
Quoted because that is the most worthless drivel so far (a lot of runner ups but this takes the prize). Next you are going to tell me abortion causes breast cancer, and stem cell research is bad, and in vitro fertilization is the work of the devil, come on man, grow a brain and do some research on your own.
I have decided for myself and the Bible is worthless. It is full of hate, distorted realities and ideas that are not suitable for a 21st century environment. Our movement that included civil rights? If you want the hate that comes with theocratic principles move to the clitoris cutting christian african nations, that is where it takes place.
The phrase of “Both Ways Bob” was actually coined by the Schaffer campaign when Bob switched over to support Coors. It was just rephrased during the Holtzman campaign
If your comparrison of Denver being the largest city in Colorado, then what does El Paso County, being the largest county, with Republicans being 2 to 1 over the Dems?
I had heard that, too, but wasn’t sure I could trust my source. But it seems true, doesn’t it?
But Repubs are <50% in many districts after Us are taken into account. The interesting questions will be: First, how many Us cross to D this year with 5 of the 6 house districts contested (first time in a long time); Second, will the Lamborn effect hold Rs out (I know a bunch of Rs that were Us or even Ds prior to the John Newsome election that registered R to vote for John so that the other R candidate - remember him - would not win and that are intending to cross back this election); Third, with Bob Beauprez and Ed Jones (he of such commanding public presence) leading the ticket in El Paso County, the coattails are going to be very short; Fourth, the D-11 recall pulled over 16,000 votes against both recall targets - that's enough to win any HD race in El Paso County and Eric Christen has strong connections to the HD-21 R and the HD-14 Dem sat on the D-11 Board (they really hate Christen there) and I expect a lot of D-11 voters to show up 11/7 and they may not be friendly to Rs.
With all that I am completely unwilling to call the El Paso County (and by extension CD-5) races a walkover for the Rs. I think the races will be MUCH closer than in the past and BWB is likely to have much less than the 40,000 votes lead many people say BWB has to be to win the governorship. BR may even have coattails in El Paso (now that is going out on a limb)
I’m shocked (shocked I tell you) to find Bob Beauprez misquoting Bill Ritter.
Basically, Ritter was paraphrased in the Rocky Mountain News as saying that the people in Denver jails really belong there. Beauprez took the News’ paraphrase of what Ritter said, and applied it in a context that reversed its meaning, then topped it off by incorrectly attributed it as a direct quote.
Wouldn’t you expect to get cought for something like that?
I read the comments a little further up and your comment too and can understand the points you make, but I think the larger point is that Bill Ritter just shouldn’t be talking about his record as DA. It is an unfortunate thing for him that he served at a time when there were a whole lot of big city DAs making real inroads against crime. Bill Ritter would have been a fair to middling DA in the 1970s, but he just didn’t have it when compared to the average prosecutor of the 1990s.
Forget how he did as DA, Ritter is strong on character and on the kind of person he is. The time he served in Africa is unique and makes me think he should be running for federal office instead. Too many national politicians didn’t even have a passport until their first junket, and here’s a guy who lived and worked in a third world country.
I think he has a lot to offer and could even be a candidate for President one day.
A run at the White House? Let’s see how he does as Governor first!
If Ritter is really that ambitious, it’s worth noting that he is running for Governor first. Think of the last 5 presidents – Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II. All except Bush I (VP to a very popular president) were governors before they were President. So it seems that these days a governor is the ideal springboard for someone with presidential aspirations.
A couple of days ago, Beauprez sent out an email urgently asking for $400,000 from LLC’s, LLP’s, PAC’s, and others for one week of TV ad time. He says he needs to defend himself with positive messages — to combat Ritter’s negative ones.
Anyone want to place odds on how many positive messages Both Ways will offer up to viewers with this $400,000 in contributions to his campaign?
Why is Both Ways Bob so desperate at this point?
I think it is because he has lost support from his previous individual donors. Ritter has been outraising him for months.
I think it is because his polling numbers are dropping fast. The Channel 9 News poll shows Ritter leading Beauprez by 10 points.
I think it is because his campaign is making too many mistakes. Bad press, skewing the facts, etc.
I also think it is because Beauprez planned poorly, financially speaking. Who is the better financial planner? Is it Bill Ritter, who bought less expensive TV air time in advance or Beauprez, who is having to plea for money via Email for one week’s TV air time?
Who is the better businessman?
What do you think?