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August 25, 2006 08:28 PM UTC

Ken Gordon Awakens

  • by: Colorado Pols

It looks like somebody finally managed to awaken Democrat Ken Gordon, the secretary of state candidate who’s been asleep at the wheel as current SOS Gigi Dennis hands him the biggest election issue he could have hoped for. Dennis has been awash in controversy for changing campaign rules in the middle of the election – rules that adversely affect Democrats more than they affect Republicans.

This story has been a hot topic all week, but Gordon hasn’t said a peep about it until Lynn Bartels of the Rocky Mountain News ran a story asking both he and Republican Mike Coffman what they thought of Dennis’ new rules:

The two major-party candidates for Colorado secretary of state are critical of the current officeholder, Republican Gigi Dennis, for changing election rules in the middle of the campaign.

Democrat Ken Gordon and Republican Mike Coffman said it was unfair for Dennis to decide in August that “membership organizations” must get permission from individual members annually before their dues can be used in political campaigns.

Previously, the dues were automatically deducted and the groups, such as unions, then transferred money to small-donor committees to push for certain candidates.

It isn’t a good sign for Democrats that it took Gordon so long to act on this issue. Candidates for secretary of state don’t normally get many opportunities for free press, and those opportunites can’t be passed up.


13 thoughts on “Ken Gordon Awakens

  1. Ken has been outraising Mike Coffman and making public statements, yet people here chosen to ignored it. 

    As for not saying anything about GiGi the saying is when your enemy is about to hang themselves you don’t stop them.

  2. The folks who run Pols love to drum up conflict and talk about who has won which round of artillery shelling.

    Ken isn’t the type who jumps at any opportunity for press; that’s what a typical politician would do. His leadership in the legislature has shown that he isn’t willing to play politics just for the sake of scoring points, even though sometimes that makes members of his own party unhappy.

    When Ken did get involved, it was to take a strong stance against a partisan ruling in what should be a fair and impartial office.

    That’s exactly why he’ll be a great SoS, because he’s above partisan bickering.

    Also, Ken is raising the kind of money it will take to get on TV and blow past Coffman in name-ID.

  3. that Mike is critical of Gigi, but i hear that they don’t get a long.

    no matter what, this story benefits Gordon. especially in this kind of an election year when voters are sick of republicans.

    1. His comment looked professional and nonpartisan. The perfect tone by a skilled politician who also is a skilled elected official. His track record is unbeatable.

      1. But I’ve voted R before (in WA I voted for an R SoS named Sam Reed, and he came through in the 129-vote margin Gov’s race in 2994) and if Coffman is dedicated to executing his office’s duty, rather than creatively interpreting law to favor his party, I’d gladly vote for him.

        1. Mike Coffman is an opportunist who will say anything to get elected.  The only reason he is running for SOS is because nobody wanted him to run for Governor and there was nothing else he could run for.

          1. I am certainly not a fan of Mike Coffman.  It’s a very close call, but I think the state GOP would have done better nominating him than Both Ways.  If nothing else, Coffman (unlike Both Ways) could sincerely put on a military uniform and not come across as a joke.

            1. Holtz and Iron Mike have one major thing in common: they both dislike Bruce Benson.  Mike will work the party team but at the end of the day refuses to take orders from Bruce. Marc doesn’t need Bruce’s money and Bruce, well, just hates that.  But Bob – he’s got a solid working relationship with Bruce and the two see eye to eye on most things.

              What’s the conclusion here? Mike, like Marc, is seen as the outsider to Bruce’s party. And yes, it is Bruce’s  party.

  4. As the Green Party Candidate for Colorado Secretary of State, I have to say that I read Coloradopols almost every day. I find it to be informative and creative.  This site has done a good job as it has created a “one-stop” source for political news and information. Hands down it is the best political blog in Colorado.

    However, this post is perplexing. 

    Coloradopols won’t give my campaign any coverage.  The reason? Primarily because I haven’t raised the type of money that the major party candidates do, and as the argument goes can’t win.  This is despite the fact that so many are angry at the Democrats for their positions and inaction on issues, that I may receive enough votes to “spoil” the election for Senator Gordon.

    Yet, Ken Gordon, who has taken no PAC money, has managed to raise over $100,000.00.  Why isn’t this a story on Coloradopols? If Ken Gordon has had a “quiet campaign” as was previously stated in the Big Line, it must be because he’s been spending all of his time reaching out to individual donors in order to get that 100 grand. As anyone who has tried to raise funds for a political campaign would know, raising $100,000 grand is great; getting it from individuals is absolutely incredible.

    The next deadline for campaign reporting is next week.  It will be interesting to see — if the post on Ken Gordon surpassing Mike Coffman in fundraising is correct — if Coloradopols makes that a headline.

    Rick VanWie
    Green Party Candidate for
    Colorado Secretary of State

  5. Coffman has only won elections off the tailcoats of Bill Owens. He has never run a real race or had a real opponent.  He’s a complete opportunist, and his ideals were shattered years ago.  Gigi didn’t want to run a primary against Coffman because he’s not a gentleman (who would steal candy from kids) and pull out all the negatives tactics to take her down.

    Coffman has made a mess of the Treasurer’s office (literally, the dog goes to the bathroom all of the place) and he would do the same for the SOS office.  If you think what Gigi is doing, is in fact nothing but partisan-hack-politics, can you image of type of stunts Coffman would pull? 

    He would be as bad Katherine Harris.

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