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August 25, 2006 06:18 PM UTC

Friday Poll

  • by: Colorado Pols

As always, please vote as though you were placing a bet. We want to know your educated opinion – not your hopes and desires.

Who Will Win the Governor's Race?

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80 thoughts on “Friday Poll

      1. …..that’s the photo making the rounds via email…..

        Even R’s are laughing at it.  And the ‘Beauprez’ signs behind him just make it priceless.  One couldn’t have staged it better. 

      2. When Both Ways flip-flopped on Amendment 38, colopols’ diary asked if he actually LIKES his nickname. It’s starting to look like he really does.

        1. It *LOOKS* likes he’s even comfortable doing this.  Like, it’s no big deal to cross your arms and point in opposite directions while looking to your right with your body leaning to the left. 

          The Yoga Congressional Committee must be meeting again. 

          And what in the world would require him to do this?  He called on one person, maybe, but then pointed to another saying “I’ll get you next”?  He’s pointing down stream but then explaining where the Continental Divide is? He’s showing off how great he is on the ‘kill the bad guys’ arcade game at Lakeside? 

          Baffled I am. 

    1. PHX….there’s still a registration advantage in this state.  It’s not nearly that certain yet.  3-1/9-1 is way off base.

      I grant, Beauprez is not in a good spot right now, but he still can connect with voters, still has CD-7 advantages having won there in difficult races (huge for an R) and unless Doug Lamborn screws things up (I have no certain hope he won’t), Bob can get El Paso Co.

      Let me make a Lamborn jab here.  Do you know he hasn’t called any of his primary opponents since winning the R nod?  Bad news!  This may cause big problems for Bob in El Paso.  He needs to get down there and fix things and not be afraid to put Doug in his place.

      1. LHGQ might have something pithy to say about that, but you really are supposed to call your opponents after the primary and politely ask to “borrow” their campaign volunteers for the general election.

        The registration advantage is somewhat irrelevant when BothWays is alienating the West Slope by continuing his support of Ref. A policies on water diversion, alienating moderate Rs by selecting Janet Rowland for his Lt. Gov., and casting votes in Congress that don’t support the Veterans.

        In a normal year, with a normal candidate, Beauprez would have a distinct advantage.  Against the moderate Ritter, and considering that Beauprez can’t effectively leverage the “Denver politician” label considering his own proximity to Denver, Beauprez has issues.

        I agree, it could turn around.  But the poll asks who we think would win right now, and Beauprez isn’t getting the job done.

        1. The registration issue is also somewhat tempered by the Ref. C stuff from last year. He was against it, a majority of voters thought it was a good idea. He’s losing Republicans because of it.

          Ritter’s going to walk away with this one easily.

        2. I concede your argument, but I would augment by stating that the tension is for Rs to go with Bob notwithstanding the items to which you refer (which, if your honest, are more of a problem for liberals than conservatives).

          I grant it doesn’t look good.  I assert that when someone walks into the voting booth, they stay with their personal tendencies absent compelling reasons to break from them.  In my opinion, your issue offerings, while notable, don’t yet fall into the “compelling” category.

          1. This looks an awful lot like Salazar v. Coors to me:  A moderate Democrat in a moderate state vs a not so moderate Republican.  Only this time, the Republican has a record of voting with Bush ($1.5 trillion in budget deficits and never-ending war) 98% of the time.  I think Beauprez will have a tough shaking the notion that he’s part of the problem, rather than the solution.

              1. Salazar might be to the left of Rush or Gingrich, but in the real world outside of this place he’s a moderate.  That’s why he won, and Coors lost.

                Whichever party embraces the middle will be in power a long time.  The Republicans are doing everything they can to become ever more extreme, and the result will be marginalization.  Many Republican seats that should have been safe are now competitive.  But you don’t have to take my word for it.  Let’s just wait until November, when all secrets will be revealed.

                Republican voters may be reliable at the ballot box, but they represent far less than half of CO’s voters.  A third of voters are (U)s.  By definition, (U)s have no party loyalty, and when they fill out their ballots, I think they’ll hold whoever is in power accountable and look for moderation rather than extremism.  We’ll keep the lights on for them.

        3. Instead, they will receive some very profound analogies.

          Lamborn calling the other CD-7 GOP primary candidates for help would be like…

          …A pharoah sending thank you cards to his slaves upon completion of his pyramid.

          …A truck driver, after a cross-country trip, scraping the smashed gnats off his windshield and taking them out to dinner

          …The New York Mets holding a press conference thanking the Colorado Rockies for “toughening them up for the playoffs” in their recent series

          You get the idea.

          1. “.A truck driver, after a cross-country trip, scraping the smashed gnats off his windshield and taking them out to dinner”

            Most hillarious comment of the day.  No, the week.

          2. …..It’s called “win at all costs.” 

            “Scorched earth policy.”

            “I am the master of my universe.”

            Remember the scene in Lord of the Rings where Frodo gave the Elf Queen the ring.  She was tempted and became a fearsome silver image of extreme power as she swelled up in pride.  Then, giving back the ring, she exclaimed “I did it!  I passed the test.”

            Lamborn is nowhere to be seen by his opponents…..because he’s wearing the ring of power.

            I can hear it swelling up from his throat now.  Listen!  “Gollum……Gollum.”

      2. than you can shake a stick at.  Having dumped Doug Bruce, and others along the Amendment 38 lines and government spending issues, Both Ways keeps digging himself deeper.  It will certainly be interesting to see if El Paso can muster the 35,000 votes that helped Owens in 1998.

        Based on the Coors race, and other indicators, offending the Big “C” conservatives, Both Ways is now looking worse off than Coors ever did.  At least Coors had many of the Tax Cutters, Gun Rights, and others on his side.  Both Ways doesn’t have all that he need to pull an upset off at this time.

        9-1 may be a bit high, however, at this rate the prognostication may be somewhat correct.  If the odds aren’t there yet, they may soon be.

      3. Repubs do have a registration advantage.  But will they be turning out this year?  I would be a bit discouraged if I were a repub right now.

        Any thoughts from the folks here about turn out?

        1. The turn out for the priamry races was substantially low.  As the saying goes, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink” held true in many of the races throughout the state of Colorado.

          Absentee and early voters are a large portion of those who normally vote anyway.  Without early voting and absentee voting the number would have been the same.  Its just that those who know who they were going to support showed up early and cast their ballots. 

          The overall numbers were still low.  As a mid-term season, the bets are on a very low turnout statewide. 

    1. Coffman has better name ID, but with double digit lead Ritter is going to have some serious coatails.  This is going to be a bad year for republicans!

  1. What could Beauprez do to increase his chances come November?  Here 5 things that may help:

    5) Jump out of a plane (I’ll leave the decision of a parachute to him)
    4) Come out for abortion, against guns and for bigger government.
    3) Show up in Colorado every once in awhile
    2) Get rid of Janet Rowland and recruit Tom Cruise (who is looking for a new sugar daddy)
    1)Change campaign slogan to “Bob – I’ll be your Beau and Prez!”

    What can Ritter do to decrease his chances in November?

    5) Debate Beauprez
    4) Decide he wants to get nasty on abortion
    3) Claim that if the Dems control CO his new title will be Da’ Grand Poopah
    2) Use Ritter Fritters as campaign buttons
    1) Change what he’s doing now

    1. It could be good for getting those all-important swing voters around to his side. I’m no CD7 expert, and I don’t know how many R’s in that district are of the wing-nut (or RRR) variety, but I bet many are more reasonable than that.

      It is interesting to see him downplay his right wing like that. Compare that to the CD5 primary where all 6 candidates pandered shamelessly to the right, and the most right-wing guy won.

        1. Previous embryonic stem cell techniques destroyed the blastocyst immediately.  It is my understanding of the study that the stem cell extraction in this new procedure allowed the blastocyst to proceed to divide in a manner not inconsistent with healthy development.

          Just because the study wasn’t “to conclusion” (i.e. it wasn’t implanted in someone’s womb and allowed to be carried to term) doesn’t mean it’s invalid, but it does leave room for people to interpret what exactly was proven.

    2.   So Little Ricky has discovered the scientific value of stem cell research?  Wow, what next…..that there just might be something to Professor Darwin’s notion that we evolved from apes? 
        Although Ed Perlmutter is going to clean his clock, R.O.D. is making a nice attempt at having it both ways, just like the guy he’s trying to replace. 
        As for alientating his base, well his base, with a weighted poll, only gets him to 45%.  That won’t get him across the finish line. 
        What is it about the GOP in C.D. 7 that produces candidates like Both Ways Bob and Flip Flop Rick?

  2. Really, what has Ritter done, or what will he do if elected that will make this state a better place to do business, raise a family, go to college, attract tourism etc?  I hear plenty on how terrible BB’s campaign is, but from what I can see, who the hell is Ritter to think that he can just walk away with this thing?

    1. I don’t know exactly what the DA of Denver can do in terms of economic development.

      And Ritter wouldn’t be walking away with it if Beauprez weren’t letting him by running a joke of a campaign.

    2. “Really, what has Ritter done, or what will he do if elected that will make this state a better place to do business, raise a family, go to college, attract tourism etc?”

      (hmm, “Ed Meese” created his account just this morning. Possible shill alert. We’ll see how he replies.)

      Who is ANYONE to claim they can do all this? Are you naive enough to take campaign pledges to heart? And since you bring it up about Ritter, what do you think Beauprez will do to achieve any of that?

      1. But no thanks on the “shill” request.  Just figured that I would ask the question as to what Ritter has done in the past to make him at least qualified to make this run, and to call out BB’s record, at least BB has a record on voting, whether or not you agree with it is another matter.  Shill alert, that is funny.  Suppose this site is slowly losing its impartiality day by day, isn’t it?

        1. We know about BB’s record, like his no-show on Fitzsimmons. That helped the local economy, didn’t it?

          The impartiality of the site depends on the participation of the right wingers. You can attack Colopols for the diaries they post as being left-leaning, but if there is anything out there that shows the Republicans in a good light or the Dems in a bad one, and they aren’t posting it, then YOU right-wingers should. Anyone can start a diary, remember. If you don’t have anything, however, don’t emote.

        2. ritter will not be a hero and will not accomplish much aside from what his coaches decide he should. it is nothing ritter has done that has given him this incredible lead, rather what he has not done while watching BB self-destruct.

          and the R’s registration advantage: you dont have to search very hard to find republicans either committed to voting for BR or who are thinking about it. but i still have not found a disgruntled democrat who plans to vote for BB, although i’d love to talk to them if they exist.

          1. Keep in mind that there’s a lot of ill-will left over from the nomination fight. Plenty of right wingers who could be counted on to vote for BB will remember the way the primary was handled, and how it appears that the party elite did all they could to keep Holzman out of it rather than let the voters decide. (I know, that’s probably more perception than hard fact, but since when do hardcore wingers on either side look for the facts?) That’s not to say they’ll vote for Ritter – they’ll probably just stay away from the polls altogether (or at least check an imaginary “none of the above” box in the booth).

            1. What a joke. This is the best that can be mustered for our state?
              Times like this shout for “four more years” for the incumbent. At least we all know what he will and will not do.
              A “none of the above” box is a nice thought too but won’t accomplish anything helpful.
              If wishes were pennies we’d be rich.

              1. the “best” colorado can do is pretty pathetic, I have this haunting feeling i wont be pleasantly surprised by very many of the next governor’s actions.

            2. Coors vs. Salazar.  REpublican self-destruction once again.  All orchestrated by the REpublican Party Elites who didn’t want Schaffer.  Same story here which then says the result may be the same.

              Insanity – Attempting the same strategy in hopes of getting a different result.

    3. What exactly will BothWays do to make this state a better place for all of those things?

      Ritter’s at least released some position papers.  Beauprez has pretty much come out and said “you’ll have to wait ’til I’m governor to find out”.

      1. and won’t that be exciting. NOT!!!

        This Just In—From the Colorado Springs Weather Bureau
        Long Range Forcast for the next 70+ days to November 8:

        Chilly and cold, windy (ocassional gusts of HOT AIR), raining on parades projected, voters reluctant to shake COLD HANDS (fishy handshakes)are advised to STAY INDOORS and SIT ON HANDS if necessary to avoid over-exposure.

  3. Congressman Beauprez met with Bill Ritter this morning for a business forum at the Brown Palace. 

    Both sides of every issue were discussed. And then, Ritter got a chance to speak!!!!

  4. the messiah of the soon to be extinct liberals.
    Wait till the rest of the state follows El Paso County’s conservative lead.
    BB will win no matter how much you lefty tree huggers want otherwise.

    Ritter couldn’t get a case through court without giving in to criminals and plea bargaining to wrist slaps. Yeah, he’ll be a strong leader, uh huh.

    Maybe if you all get a petition going you can still talk Hickenlooper into running.

    1. just how much you (don’t) know about the legal system here in Colorado.

      Ritter got a 95% conviction rate on the cases he handled.  That includes the plea bargains.  And most plea bargains aren’t wrist slaps – they’re more like “we only need you to serve one 20-30 year sentence, not 10 simultaneous ones…”.

      Without plea bargains, the justice system would grind to a halt; there aren’t enough courts, enough judges, or enough DAs to prosecute every case.  And “conservatives” like yourself won’t raise taxes enough to ensure that the justice system you describe can be served.

      You can’t have it Both Ways, and fortunately for us, neither will we, because Ritter clearly has the better plan for Colorado’s future.

    2. That your side has put up an absolutely un-electable candidate who can’t catch a break in the polls or the press despite the fact he has (or had, I should say) more name recognition than Ritter? You of all people should be pissed at Both ways Bob for blowing this election and letting the “lefty tree huggers” gain control govonors office (in addition to the leglislature).

      Both Ways Bob and others like him on a national level are destroying your party and making me a very happy “tree hugger.”

      1. You lefties love those polls don’t you?  Throw ’em away.  This race will tighten up a great deal as after labor day when people start really paying attention.  This race reminds me of the Salazar v. Coors race.  Coors lost it not because Republicans voted for Salazar but conservatives abstained because of Coors’ sqiushy ideas about alcohol, porn, and the death penalty.  No conservative has problems with Beauprez.  He is a consensus conservative candidate.  Salazar often appeared more conservative than Coors…so he won as a conservative Democrat in a conservative state.  Ritter is running to the left to make sure that the Hippies in Boulder and Denver vote for him.  Praise the polls and hoot and holler about Beauprez now.  But this conservative state will once again assert our conservative Colorado values and the whacky left will go back to Boulder for their concilliatory clam bake.  When Colorado families hit the booths they will have Colorado values on their minds.

        1. You mean on abortion and business relations?  Yeah he’s way out there, FFF.  I agree the race will tighten up once people get on TV, but not less than 4 or 5 points.

        2. My Ass!

          Wake up and smell the coffee dittohead. Colorado is unaffiliated and moving to the left just as sure as Rush Limbaugh is a druggie and Bill O’Reilly is sex criminal.  Please continue to spout your family values and small government hypocrisies while your Rome burns.

          To paraphrase Colbert, ‘reality has a left-wing bias’ and if that reality hasn’t woken you up yet from your neo-con dream, then the election in November surely will.

          1. …For November, too.  The left is loud and will talk really big.  But the right votes (GOPers usually have better turnout).  And by the way, while I dislike Ritter, he’s no lefty…he’s center-left.  In fact, you could make the argument that he’s a Salazar-centrist moving left.  So if that’s the best guy the left can field for the state’s top office, your liberal dream is just a pipedream.  I know it the Boulderites to hear the truth.  But here in the real world…you know: families, marriage, school, church, we Coloradans have grown to appreciate our Colorado values.

            1. The fact that you are trying to bash liberals by saying that their candidates are not “Liberal” enough is absurd. Here on the left we dont have society hating shills that attempt to put down anything that does not conform with the bible. We like people. If you are a dem and you are pro life, hey thats fine with us.

              I love how you people in the Springs think the oppression of boulder is skewering our state, it always gives me a good hearty laugh. Especially, when you throw out terms like “colorado values” as if that had any real meaning. Thats a really sad parrot of what repubs across the country are doing to limit real values such as freedom.

              So I will take my nice left-of-center-soon-to-be-governor and have a hearty chortle as Colorado Springs Rides roughshod back into the 50s.

              1. and am damn proud of it.
                I have been to Boulder a few times and know of some people that made the mistake of moving there. They didn’t stay long.
                Boulder is much like Manitou Springs. A suck ass town full of very strange people. Where everyone is some sort of “artist”. In other words, extreme liberal lefty wackos.
                If you think Colorado Springs is backwards, fine. Stay the hell away.
                Me, I’d much rather live in a town with NORMAL folks. Where family values are held above political correctness.
                You can have your liberal garden of eden. And while you are at it, maybe you can talk the weirdos in Manitou into moving there too. We can use the space.
                El Paso County is growing faster than any other county in this red state.
                Love, Gecko

                1. But, by no means at all is Colo Springs “normal.” The fact that you think that shows how long you’ve been there with all the other wing nuts. When you don’t have to rub shoulders with anyone who agrees with you, you start to think that’s normal.

                  1. opposite.
                    You and most of the rest of the lefty bloggers here are kind of like school kids. Little groups of kids who look down at others that aren’t in their group.
                    I have lived in Colorado Springs since 1975 and can tell ya that if your version or “normal” is Boulder, Colorado or even Manitou Springs, you my friend are the wacko, not me.
                    Or maybe you are one of the wannabee “artists” I was talking about?

                    1. I live in the burbs of SW Denver. I lived in Boulder for 2 years but the self-righteous, better than thou attitude was a turnoff.

                      No, a normal place is one where you have DIVERSITY – not just ethnic diversity but political diversity. You see, even though Dems may be the majority in Denver, it’s nothing like the Repuke supermajority down where you live, or the hyperconformist attitude everyone has. See, Colo Springs has a LOT more in common with Boulder than you think. The political alligiances might be different, but the closed-mindedness is just the same.

                      Just when was the last time you got out and actually rubbed shoulders with anyone who didn’t share your views, anyway?

                    2. I’ll thank you to know that I am a computer security expert, multiple-instrument musician, and photographer.  I consider myself to be at least proficient in all of them, and find them all valid persuits.  I dare say that as a former semi-pro choral singer in the “El Shaddai Singers” – a group that’s sung at official events in Jerusalem, at State Capitals and other prestigious venues – I’ve put more of my (denegratory quotes) “artistic” heart into my moral values than most of the people you know down in Colorado Springs.  And as a photographer who strives to convey the sense of the Divine in all of Nature, I’d say you aren’t giving me credit for the value that “artists” provide to this society.

                      Your response is an insult to millennia of artists.

                2. The reason I mentioned Boulder is that it is the city you RRRs love to hate, and thats fine, I dont live there. And I love your anecdote about people who moved to Boulder, but couldnt take the heat, I am sure that that never happens in CS. I also love how some people from cities like CS denegrate that which they do not understand and are willing to scream at the top of their lungs whatever is the talking points, and pastorly approved acumen about education, abortion or (hush, hush now) politics. I wouldnt expect a person from Colorado Springs to understand what a metropolitan town like Denver considers normal, or that they would be willing to accept a person, group or event for what they are not what someone told them to believe they are.

                  Gecko, look, I understand the need for you to press family values. Sure they are important, My parents are still together and I am in a commited relationship that will be a marriage as soon as I am done with law school so I get it. But the fact that a backwards town like Colorado Springs thinks that espousing fundamentalist religious teachings is the only way a family is going to survive is ludicrous (FoF). And the fact that so many people are willing to go along with whatever someone says as long as the have an R next to their name or they have a radio show on 850 Koa, or they can point and say “look! The liberal elite!” and can only think in those terms, frightens and saddens the hell out of me.

                  I dont need a liberal utopia, such as Boulder, to feel secure. I could plop down in the middle of the FoF campus and now that I dont care if they accept me because I know what I stand for. So, yes, Love, Gecko, go with Zeus.

        3. Just what color do they paint your sky.  Let’s see some of the problems big “C” conservatives have with BB:

          1) Increased severance “TAXES”
          2) Recanted on #38
          3) Knifed Doug Bruce in the back
          4) Squishy on Refs C & D
          5) Waffled on Illegal Immigration
          6) Pro-life or “Personally I’m opposed?”
          7) War in Iraq, didn’t vote with Bush on “Withdrawal of Troops” – Republican backed Resolution)
          8) Supported expansion of Consular Metricula Cards
          9) Supported Social Security Benefits for Illegal Aliens
          10) Supports “Guest Worker” Program
          11)  Supported several “Budget Busting” measures in Congress
          12)  Has had more legislation co-sponsored by Ken Salazar than any other person from Colorado – Hefley, Tancredo, Musgrave, etc.

          1. Are you going to try to tell me that Beauprez is not conservative?  Oh please.  He is a consensus conservative and he’s got the conservative vote.  He’s a much more principled conservative than Pete Coors.  So call him “both ways” or whatever school-girlish names you want, but give up on the “not a conservative” part. 

            As far as the Springs go…I actually don’t live in the Springs.  But I do like the town.  I live in suburban Denver, as it happens.  Here’s the focus of my political concerns: the family.  I make fun of Boulder because I’ve spent a lot of time there.  But you can substitute Denver and Aspen in there too.  The liberals just don’t get it. Most liberals are single, gay, or cohabiting.  Married people with kids seem to get the big issues of the day.  They want their kids to not be blown up by Jihadis.  They want a good moral climate to help their kids grow into decent, kind, honest, moral human beings.  The whole adoration for same-sex marriage and relationships, drugs (especially pot), and the ridiculously empty mulitcultural agenda is terrible for our kids.  Period. 

            Being a conservative means standing for something and really believing in it.  We believe in families.  The left believes in doing whatever the hell you want.  That’s why states with low marriage and low birthrates (like Rhode Island and Mass.) are the most liberal and states with high birthrates and marriage rates (like Colorado) tend to be more conservative.  Our family values agenda is not to save your lost souls…it’s to save our kids’.  We don’t care if you all want make homosexuality the new chic and if you think pacifism is the path to enlightenment.  If that’s your deal…great!  We vote and believe as we do beceause we want a country and world where our kids can grow up with a strong traditional moral constitution and a strong relationship to God and the people around them.  Sorry if that rubs you the wrong way.

            But the conservative impulse is only growing stronger as the culture grows more coarse.  The more the left pushes, the more overwhelming grows the traditional conservative push.  In the end, faith, family, and freedom will win if only because it must.

            1. Sure – BWB is Conservative. When he wants to be. Votes in favor of spending cuts in committee, but then opposes them on the floor.  Supports enforcing our borders, but only when he’s running for governor.  Before that, he supported benefits for illegals and opposed mandatory hospital reporting. Voted for a bridge to nowhere.  Some toilet summit in Ireland. A rainforest in Utah.  Yep.  He’s a conservative.  Thanks for the reinforcement.  I was starting to doubt – but not any more. 

    3. just how long have you lived in El Paso County.  Since 1998, the numbers turning out for Republican candidates has been declining.  Smaller and smaller numbers of voters are turning out.

      As such, when the big “C” conservatives stay home, Coors vs. Salazar, the election is over.  When they turn out in force for their candidate (Doug Lamborn – CD-5) they win.  Notice how so many conservatives won in other races throughout the state?

      Why, because the Republican Establishment in Denver was unsuccessful in routing their campaigns as in years past.  Both Ways, like Jeff Crank, is viewed as part of the establishment wonks. 

      The Doctor just Called:  Said if you stay on your meds and stick with your therapy that things will be all right.

    1. What Merrifield rumors?  I’m not aware of any.  All we’ve got are your post, and your link to an anonymous, not-too-honest blog.  Anyway, it’d take an unholy miracle for Kyle Haggard to win here.

      1. Even if Kyly Fisk were to win, he would face a moderate Republican in two years.  No way the Republican establishment is going to let a New Lifer (especially a member of staff) to win.  He is truly the sacrificial lamb.

        Another stunt nearly played out two years ago between Mark Cloer and Linda Stahnke.

        Besides, it was the Republican establishment that created HD 18 out of a compromise with the Dems.  HD 15 clearly should have been split in Northeastern El Paso County.  Then again, stupid is as stupid does.  Now the Repubs are paying for their stupidity.  Merrifield is in a very safe district, with number favoring Dems in Manitou.  Not since Marcy Mossison have Repubs been able to win.

        Numbers just aren’t there.

    2. this is just “NONSENSE.”  Why is it taht this rumor carries water?  Because it involves a Democrat?  What about the Governor and his familial situation?

      This is just the same “NONSENSE” that wreaks of hypocrisy as the Vietnam record of Bill Clinton.  Clinton was a DRAFT DODGER – that was the message.  But when its a Republican, like Both Ways Bob, it’s OKAY.

      GIMME A BREAK!!!

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