Republican Secretary of State Gigi Dennis is having a hard time defending her claims that new campaign rules her office created are not politically motivated. As The Denver Post reports:
Republican Secretary of State Gigi Dennis made controversial changes to Colorado campaign-finance rules after requests from lawyers who work for the state GOP, gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez and a powerful Republican political committee, records show.
The attorneys filed documents with Dennis’ office in February requesting limitations on the campaign activities of some traditionally Democratic groups, such as unions and small-donor committees.
Here’s the kicker: Scott Gessler, an attorney for Republican Bob Beauprez, admitted that politics played a role in the new rules. “It was not my sole motivating factor to help Bob Beauprez, but was I conscious of it? Yes,” he told the Post. “The rules are riddled with exceptions that help out Democratic constituencies.”
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My favorite quote from that Denver Post story is this:
“Everything with campaign finance is politically motivated,” (Gessler) said. “People destroy their enemies and help their friends.”
So there we have it.
(Yes, that’s a double post from the Open Thread – but it’s now more relevant here.)
This is, well, damning.
I wonder when Coffman will step and tell these people that they’re hurting his chances to get elected as a Republican.
Democrats have the rules working to their advantage, and they want to keep it that way, according to Republicans.
GOP Sec. of State is rigging the rules, according to Democrats.
Who do you believe?
Why is it that everyone wants and fights for an unfair advantage? Is that a measure of the integrity in our political process and political class, or is that just human nature?
The Democratic Party has only been in control of the Legislature for 2 years, and has a Republican Governor to check the laws they pass. The Republicans have been in charge of one or both branches of the Lege and/or the Governorship for the past 44 years. It’s hard to see where the Democrats have gained an unfair advantage.
What it really is, is whining by the GOP; they’re looking at tough times, and they’re trying anything they can to win their elections. Fearmongering, misleading, loophole-surfing, and lawbreaking… anything to win.
is that the language in the requests from the R lawyers, etc. is identical to the language that Dennis put in the rules.
This is not as bad as the US Supreme Court ‘giving’ the election to GWB in 2000, but it is close.
I hope for Dennis’ sake, that the R powers that be have a good job for her after January, because she has sold her soul and everything else.
Because they have a president whose approval rating has tanked both nationwide and in Colorado…….Because they are running Both Ways/Beastiality Rant at the top of their statewide ticket this year……Because after Both Ways won the nomination for Guv, he continued to humiliate and harass his opponent for the nomination……..And because they have a bunch of right wing nuts who bumped off moderates (aka RINOs) in the primaries.
That is an interesting perspective, but I don’t think it’s too terribly close to reality. In fact, the reason there are disagreements regarding campaign finance is that different people believe that different things constitute fair representation in the system. That’s perfectly normal, and that’s why we have a representative government with voting and such to determine what our laws will be. I personally can’t understand why someone could think that a union small donor committee should be obstructed, while a wealthy individual who owns several businesses ought to be able to make unlimited dontains; but if someone disagrees, they can elect representatives who will consider their viewpoints when making laws.
This isn’t the same thing. This is a member of the executive branch of government making up her own laws, without passing the legislative process. To cast this as closing some unfair loophole for democrats is to ignore that the policy was considered by the legislature while it had a republican majority, and the legislature decided against it. Obviously, some number of republicans as well as democrats feel that the policy is unfair and discriminatory. If Gigi Dennis disagrees with the legislature even during the republican majority, perhaps she can try to educate voters about it and support candidates in primaries.
To impose one’s will over the considered decision of the elected legislators of Colorado is not a valid response. It indicates someone who feels that her own opinion is more important than valid representative government. That is a disturbing quality to observe in a secretary of state.
Whoever drafted the laws involved apparently left enough to a regulator’s imagination to allow the secretary of state to write the regulations that she thought appropriate.
All laws are implemented through regulation and most are implemented in ways that legislators never dreamed. So what’s new, except the whining by the Dems?
The difference is that the Lege considered exactly the rule that Dennis enacted and rejected it. What Dennis did is the same thing Bush has been doing – legislating by executive decision.
Or will this just be another disingenuous argument from Another Skeptic?
You hit the nail on the head. Let the Dems whine on!!!! It’s all they have to offer given the total lack of leadership on that side of the aisle! Poor little union bitch boys!!!!
“All they have to offer”?!?! are you serious? Have you seen the most recent polls? If Dems don’t have anything to offer why are they mopping the floor with republicans right now?
No matter how much money Beauprez raises, his campaign is over and he is going to be the loser… They guy can’t win a fair fight and everyone knows it…
How many Democratic campaigns are being severely hurt by this? Has there been any word of when this thing is going to actually go to court?
The STATE Democratic Party needs to get off their ass and deal with this.