The latest gaffe from the Congresswoman involves a claim that Hurricane Irene is a sign Congress needs to change. See:…
I don’t like the Congressional infighting any more than anyone else does–If I could have my way both parties would act like adults and find a way to compromise in meaningful way.
Nearly every presidential candidate has made a gaffe or misstatement at some point or another: it’s difficult to completely avoid when you’re in the spotlight constantly. Nonetheless suggesting that the residents of the South, Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, and other affected areas are nothing more than collateral damage is downright insensitive, and ultimately counterproductive. Remarks like these won’t be easy–though they won’t be impossible–to walk away from.
The Congresswoman’s rhetoric is almost reminiscent of of what Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson said about the September 11th attacks.
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Bachman acting like an adult!
Bachmann will probably start wearing pantsuits – to hide her black-and-blue shins from all the kicks under the table she must be getting from her press secretary.
At least normal people don’t.
but who am I to deny those truest of believers when Jesus personally whispers a joke in their ear and then tells them, “this one is really going to slay em’. You go, girl.”
Is it just me, or do all of the Republican candidates for President when standing together look like the cast of HeeHaw?
and/or gingham dresses and I can certainly see it. 🙂
Bachmann is…let me think of the right word…CRAZY. Yeah…that’s it. She will NEVER be President of the United States…period.