If you were in Pueblo, the primary still isn’t over.
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O’Donnell standing hand in hand with Bush, while talk bad about the administration out the other side of his mouth.
Tell O’Donnell we do not need another K street politician in D.C. to pander to the ultra rich.
BothWaysBob spending taxpayer money to campaign. I wonder how much taxpayer money he will spend while back in D.C for a full month?
… but there are no undecided voters on ColoradoPols.
I mean, really – do you think someone just read your comments and said: “Gosh darnit, I was going to vote for Rick O’Donnell and Bob Beauprez but now that I’ve read Go Blue’s post I’m not.”
No one, and I mean no one, who is interested enough in politics to be reading this blog is even remotely undecided. But if you want to spend your time trying to scream into the wind inside of an insiders’ echo chamber, go right ahead.
Or, you could try kocking on the door of an actual undecided voter for once.
Good comment
This blog, is for people to participate in conversation. I asked a question on this blog. I did not pay for a tv ad to blast BothWaysBob for his misuse of public funds. But if you want to spend you time trying to sream into the wind, be my guess since this is considered an open forum.
First — Beauprez gets attacked from the Left this morning:
“Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez said Tuesday that he does not support a proposed ballot measure to grant same-sex partnerships – forcing his campaign to explain a February article that said he did not oppose same-sex “unions.”
A February issue of 5280 magazine paraphrased Beauprez as saying he “rejects the idea of same-sex marriage. He’s okay with same-sex ‘unions,’ but he believes ‘that marriage is between a man and a woman.”‘
When Beauprez said he is OK with same-sex unions, he meant that “he supports the ability of people to enter into contractual agreements,” said John Marshall, Beauprez’s campaign manager.
Sean Duffy of Coloradans for Fairness, the campaign supporting the ballot question recognizing domestic partnerships, said when people talk about same-sex unions, they’re talking about gays and lesbians.
“On the heels of a clearly homophobic choice for lieutenant governor, … I’m just not sure where the campaign thinks the base is,” Duffy said.
Evan Dreyer, spokesman for Democratic candidate Bill Ritter, criticized Beauprez.
“He had it one way in the 5280 article and now he’s trying to have it another way today,” he said.
Then, he gets jabbed from the Right:
On the campaign trail, Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez says the state must do more to crack down on illegal immigration.
But the bank in which he holds a controlling interest allows customers to do business with identification cards not recognized by the state.
Heritage Bank allows customers to open deposit accounts and apply for loans using a matricula consular card, which is issued by the Mexican government to its citizens living in the United States.
In 2003, the legislature banned state and local governments from accepting the identification after critics argued the IDs encourage illegal immigration.
Finally, just for good measure, he has to explain this:
A vote by U.S. Rep. Bob Beauprez to allow banks to accept an ID card the Mexican government gives to illegal immigrants has raised the issue of whether Beauprez faced a conflict of interest and voted to protect his own bank.
In 2004, Beauprez broke ranks with the other Republicans in Colorado’s congressional delegation and voted in favor of an amendment that allowed banks to accept the matricula consular cards from their customers. Heritage Bank, like many others, accepts the IDs from Mexican citizens who want to open an account or take out a loan.
“He voted to maintain private financial institutions’ ability to use those cards,” said John Marshall, spokesman for Beauprez. “Private business needs to enforce their due diligence on hiring employees, but they shouldn’t be forced to become immigration police.”
Bad Day, Part II, for Beauprez.
Doesn’t he have that open house on illegal immigration coming up soon? Maybe he can explain where his vote on allowing the Mexican ID card at his bank fits in with securing the borders at that time…
He apparently sent out the notice at taxpayer expense, which means he can’t talk about the governors race (as if) during the town hall.
He can certainly explain why he voted that way without getting into his campaign – and, as you say, it’s not like he’s actually cancelling his campaign to do the forum, since it’s a dead issue for the rest of his term anyway.
Will the bank “Chair Chick”, AKA Claudia “Mommy” Beauprez defend this policy?????
Hear Peter Boyles interview with Beauprez regarding Mexican metricula cards at Heritage Bank. Just click on the Beauprez tab at:
What was Both Ways Bob Beauprez Thinking????
All these recent, powerful negatives are adding up quickly with Colorado Voters, Bob!
You think Bob Beauprez handled that poorly? I think he handled it very well. He explained the principle behind his decision, and it’s a believable principle. He reiterated it as much as necessary in the face of the overwhelming inability of Peter Boyles to see another side of the question, and I perceived him as very convincing. Far better than his other performances to date.
I do think he ought to have spent a little more effort deflecting the questioning away from his own bank. That could’ve been done more smoothly and completely, but it was hardly a disaster. On the other hand, I now have no desire to listen to Peter Boyles again.
(And no, of course it doesn’t actually change my vote. Ritter’s still got that, and I see no way that’s changing any time soon. I just think Beauprez is being unfairly criticized here. Stick to the Rowland idiocy.)
Beauprez was outright lying when he said he had no hand in managing the bank. He insisted he was only a shareholder but forgot to mention that his wife is “Chairchick” of the bank and that his son runs the Loans & Mortgage division of Heritage Bank.
This reminds me of when John Kerry said he didn’t own a SUV, it was really owned by his family and he just happened to drive it a lot and have the insurance policy in his name.
… You need to re-adjust that Governor Line, dontcha think?
I’d say it’s more like 5-2 for Ritter and 9-1 for Beauprez at this point. Or maybe even worse for BothWays.
I’m still in stitches about John Marshall calling Bill Ritter a “bed-wetting liberal.” C’mon… that’s your best shot?