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at least to Mark Paschall, was that he lost to Faye Griffin.
I agree Pashall was a huge suprise
… You think he would have beaten Griffin like a rented mule.
73% of voters in the CD-5 Republican primary hate America and love terrorism.
That’s a great qoute to associate Doug Lamborn with. Im going to start a Lamborn For Idiots PAC and send out mailers on his supportors beliefs on 75% of the most conservative district in Colorado hating America and loving terrorism.
You can be the first idiot donor too. I think that is a great idea. Good way to waste your money.
I guess you do not understand the semantics of the Lamborn for Idiots PAC. Let me make it’s purpose more clear to you. The PAC will educate voters, through flyers and mail pieces, perhaps a little earned medai, on how Lamborn believes the voters of CD5 to be complete idiots.
with the Lamborn bashing at this point. It is over, get over it.
is someone a sore winner? ive heard winning can be bittersweet when in the process you lose respect and honor.
I know it’s difficult, Crank Shills, but get over the loss. Take a few days, spend time with your friends and family, re-center yourself, and then get over it.
El Paso has always been very contentious within the Party structure, and I think we all here on the blog got a taste of that (remember Linda C. and CoS Wives Club?), but we don’t need our anchor county failing to shore up for November.
what?!?, your El Paso County envy comes across clearly.
Analysis 1: “El Paso has always been very contentious within the Party structure”; Read: “Those stinking Christian Conservatives could never hold a candle to Christie Todd Whitmann.”
Analysis 2: “. . .think we all here on the blog got a taste of that”; Read: “you El Paso County types really don’t belong in this space. Please go back to your nice little Pike’s Peak view and leave us sophisticated, RINO types to our rightly held space.”
Anaylsis 3: “we don’t need our anchor county failing to shore up for November”; Read: “You just stay there by your nice little Ronald Reagan Highway section of I-25 and give us the overwhelming Republican votes only Christian conservatives can give that we sophisticated, moderate R-types can’t get on our own because we don’t have ideas. Afterward we’ll pat you on the back and say thank you and send you back to your nice little El Paso County play pen.”
We’re gonna have fun with Lamborn between now and Nov. When does Nate have to appear in court to answer the alleged charges stemming from the yard sign incident? Will Dad/Congressman Wannabe/Man With God-Like Qualities be representing his boy?
Just wait and see what happens next. The most amazing and the funniest thing of all was that Crank lost to Lamborn in El Paso County. The only way that Crank even came close was to win in the outlying areas.
Here’s an analogy. 2002 John Burnett goes against Elaine Moretz (Jeffco) and Lyman Kaiser (El Paso). Burnett gets on the ballot and Kaiser doesn’t. Burnett spends $750.00 dollars and wins against Dr. Elaine Moretz for 5CD Board of Education.
All Burnett had to do was win El Paso County and the game was over.
The person who must be sufferening from all of this is Congressman hefley. The mere fact that an endorsement from Hefley, Tancredo, Hunter, and others actually carried little if any weight. lamborn still won over Crank by 6,000 votes in El Paso.
Who do you think people would have supported if not Rayburn? Crank or Lamborn? Bremer? And then there’s Lionel Rivera who received a royal thrashing. Now he wants to stay Mayor of Colorado Springs. Imagine that!!!
HEY FOLKS…Didn’t I say that Lamborn would win over Crank and would do so by winning El Paso County? Yes sir I did. I did by saying that there were areas in El Paso County where people voted for local candidates and walked out of the polling booth when voting for Hefley. Same with Ron May and others. It will be interesting to see where the Overs and Unders shake out. This has been happening for nearly ten years, and the only reason Hefley was re-elected was because he didn’t have an opponent.
How many pieces of Social Legislation has Hefley introduced? NONE. Who worked for Hefley? Crank. Nuf said.
The Post was the best source of election returns for me; the Rocky was a big disappointment.
Colorado Confidential was an amateurish disaster.
If correct, what does this suggest?
Ed’s too hard left for Arapahoe?
According to the Denver Post’s coverage Peggy beat Ed in both Adams and Arapahoe County. However, I don’t think this suggests that Ed is “too hard left” for either region. Lamm’s abrasive demeanor and outspoken stance on controversial issues aligned her with the left wing of the Democratic Party.
Frank Weddig is too hard left for Arapahoe County! j/k
….O’Donnell has a chance to win because, just like in CD-5, it will be hard for unity to come after a nasty primary.
Based on the comments on the Colorado Springs paper’s story about Lamborn’s win, it looks more bitter there?
Ed got 53% of the vote in his primary; Lamborn got 27%, give or take a point. The CD 7 Dems are desperate to help take over Congress. Doubt the CD 7 Repubs care as much about keeping their corrupt party in power, especially because Lamborn looks like a real extremist and appears to be up against a moderate Dem with a strong military record.
If Lamborn runs against Pelosi, et al, he might have a chance. Ed will run against Bush, who’s blown it in Iraq as well as on social issues at home.
Looks like a good chance the Dems will win CD 5 and CD 7.
As a life-long Republican, I think it’s time for a change. The Republicans have blown it big time. Their values are anti-American and all wrong.
… with your analysis I just don’t see the dittoheads of CD5 ever electing a Dem. Not without a major demographic shift anyway. But I bet this race will have the closest margin since the 70s.
… I just read the article you linked and this jumped out at me:
“Just 29 percent of the district’s 187,000 registered Republicans cast ballots, and several losing candidates conceded that the low turnout meant that the party’s most conservative members were the ones casting ballots. “
If the moderates of the party are sufficiently turned off by Lamborn and decide to show in in November then Fawcett has a good shot at it.
Here’s something interesting on that poing: http://rockymountain…
Fawcett’s chances of beting Lamborn are slim but not non-existent. If Lamborn does a successful enough job showing his true demeanor, Fawcett has a chance.
For Fawcett, yesterday’s outcome was the best news he could have hoped for.
A Democrat in the 5th CD? Not on your life. Here’s the facts folks…
1982 Thomas Cronin (Colorado College Professor) vs. Ken Kramer (Republican – Asst. District Attorrney and State Legislator). Cronin was funded by Ted Kennedy and the east coast liberals.
At the end of the day, Kramer won even in the heavily dominated Democrat precincts. Why? Because many of the military are registered Democrat. Many are from the south. As such the Blue Dog Democrats voted conservative.
Kramer overwhelmingly defeated Professor Cronin. Was it nasty? Yes. Was it bitter? Yes. Did Kramer win? Yes.
Since the realignment in 2000, the 5th CD has less rural counties and 85% of the vote comes from El Paso. By the way, in 1982, the 5th CD included parts close to Pueblo and Kramer still won.
Also, in 1982 the registration was nearly evenly split with Dems 33%, Repubs 33% and Unaffiliates 33%.
Result: Fawcett doesn’t stand a ghost of a chance.
Analogy – James Carville
A dog food company decided to expand its product line. They conducted their marketing. Developed a strategy and purchased their advertising. Even after all of this the couldn’t understand why the product wasn’t selling.
Answer – the dog wouldn’t eat the food.
Fawcetts anti-war message of Connecticut won’t sell here.
That is what will happen to Fawcett. The Dogs won’t eat the food. Better just save your money and use it elsewhere. Then again, spend away, just do it in El Paso County. We’ll take your money!!!
cronin was a CC proff, not an ex-military man like fawcett. while i personally dont think fawcett stands much of a chance at all, you should include in your genius analysis the fact that lamborn is a legislator with NO military experience.
do voters like military experience? bentley rayburn would certainly answer YES (It was the main quality that he used to set himself apart). the question is really whether being pro-military, or pro-war is what the ex-military contingency wants.
Saying this race will just be another instance of a republican wiping up democrat is an elementary analysis at best.
Tally is here.
Peggy won by 5%…or 306 total votes. Not quite enough to make up the 27%, 5020 vote deficit she experienced in Jeffco.
I think what it means is that the ground game in the primary was focused on Ed’s roots in Jeffco and turning out the people who elected him to the state Senate twice. Personally I wouldn’t read much else into it, other than election strategy that paid off big time.
Anybody have the Adams County results anywhere? The site that looks like it would contain results isn’t updated with info from yesterday yet.
I thought Peggy had a better shot. Those Lamm shills were good!
Vanished . . . Have to say that TBTH called that one square on the nose.
We hardly knew ye.
The returns on the Post site show Beauprez trailing other statewide candidates by about 3,000 votes. Is this because MH was on the ballot, or because Arapahoe is not charmed by Beauprez? Or a combination of both?
Problem for Beauprez?
Beauprez experienced significant “undervotes” (where a vote is not cast for a particular office) compared to other Republicans in Denver as well.
Holtzman’s name was on the ballot in Larimer County.
How odd that he was on some ballots and not others.
Looks like the “Rogue City” got the last laugh by making the Little Fella non-entity. (My guess is that the ballots were finalized in some counties before in others.)
That Lamborn really *does* have God like qualities. =:-0
Even though special interests groups and lobbyists bet on Traylor to win with big money, along with Bruce Benson’s 527 mailings bashing Kopp, Kopp took out the darling of the liberal Republicans. Norma Anderson and Bill Schroeder’s grand scheme to hand-pick Anderson’s successor was the kiss of death for the Traylor campaign. Never underestimate the power of the grassroots combined with a hard working candidate.
Trail Lawyers, and Teachers Unions!
Trail(head) Lawyers or Trial Lawyers? Freudian slip?
Has a winner been declared in SD-22?
isn’t a “special interest” is it?
We can look forward to losing another Senate seat. Guess it’s not that startling. The GOP had thrown away the legislative majority several years ago and the slide is not over. This is just another step toward irrelevance.
Hard radicals have to lose big before state GOP gets it.
The Lamborn win is another disaster for the GOP.
It’s when the R’s choose moderates, like Coors, or stand for liberal ideas, like Ref C that R’s lose. Whe R’s go moderate, like the current US House and Senate, that spending goes as wild as Democrats.
When the R candidates actually stand for principles, they win and are actually get things done.
Dang keyboard keeps moving on me…..and grammar check…dang. Where’s my coffee????
Moderates lose, extremists win? Is that because the moderates will support an extremist candidate over a dem but a the right extremists would rather vote for a dem than a moderate. You’re one of those that would rather vote for a dem than a moderate republican?
Tom DeLay was the perfect extremist radical. And he really ot the job done. Nominate more Tom DeLay and we’ll have to live with Pelosi for a long time.
Wasnt there an article in Weld claiming Liberalism to be….Fascist. The idiot that wrote obviously knows nothing of politics, and for your assessment of conservatives (fanatics) vs. moderates clearly demonstrates your inept ability to realize that conservatives are nearly 10% of the voting population.
When Angie sweeps the floor this November, you may finally realize that Conservativism never truly existed in practice and was washed away with moderate and progressive ideas.
Come on now, coffee or no coffee, that statement is just plain crap. He was slightly, and I mean slightly, to the left of right winger Bob S. and everybody knew it.
Musgrave’s got one of the worst records in the House regarding fiscal responsibility. Are you calling her a moderate? Your theory doesn’t stand up to reality, particularly when it comes to some of these folks’ voting records.
(Don’t worry about the grammer–happens to me all the time. I blame my cat because he bumps my computer all the time. Always blame it on something that can’t talk!)
25 dems
10 extremists
0 republicans
the establishment REpubs tried to sabotage Lamborn with their negative ads. Funny thing. It was too late. As the absentee votes will attest, the votes had been cast when the money was finally let free to attack him. Same with Kopp and others.
They said that ssome people should never have large sums of money. There might be some truth to this afterall.
Kopp’s victory over the establishments chosen one shows that there are plenty of party faithful who are growing tired of this “We Just Want To Win” mentality of Mr. Benson and Ms. Anderson, and others.
The real question is whether they will sabotage Kopp in the General hoping to put in a Democrat and then challenge the Dem in 2 years. It’s happened before.
I think its called devouring your young or is it shooting oneself in the foot?
since it’s a senate seat.
I think it illustrates also the LAME duckness of Owens.
… Cranberg and Shaffer sabotaged Ramey Johnson two years ago? And then they put Pat Holloway up in a primary against Ramey and published and distributed a “newspaper” called Common Sense that was full of Holloway propaganda? You mean sabotage like that?
If yes, then hopefully Benson and Anderson will be as “successful” as Cranberg and Shaffer and we can get another moderate R in the legislature. Then, when we have the extremists out of office, perhaps the Ds and Rs in the legislature can sit down and hammer out some decent solutions to Colorado’s problems.
FYI — Yes, it’s called devouring your young and shooting onself in the foot. It’s also called cutting off your nose to spite your face. Republicans are good at it!
All this back and forth where the wing nuts accuse the moderates of undermining them and vice versa misses the point. The Republican Party in Colorado is badly split between two groups that simply no longer agree on almost anything. The wing nuts believe all government including public schools and our universities should be shut down. I can never get one of them to expressly tell me what government programs they think should remain and at what funding levels each program should have. If they would state that, we could have a rational debate.
The moderates believe government has a legitimate role. Its time to end this charade. The two groups should split up and terminate the Republican Party as we know it. It simply doesn’t exist any more. The registration figures at the Secretary of States office shows one thing but the divergent ideals and ideologies between the two wings tell a completely different story.
Frankly, the wing nuts win most primaries in August because of low turnout but they can’t produce majorities in November, when it really counts because in comparison to the general elctorate they are weak in numbers and their ideology is unappealing to the majority.
The Republican Party no longer exists in Colorado.
As for me, I’ll soon change from R to U because I don’t want the Republican party to count me as one of their own when, in fact, the party left me long ago. I consider myself a traditional Republican, but that’s not good enough for the far right. And, I’m not a D so U is the place for me.
Welcome to the ranks of former Republicans. I did this over a year ago. Very freeing. Nice to be able to give my time and money to an occaisional Democrat who I like. You’re right on. Go Goldwater Repbulicans.
Right On!!! Right On!!! Right On!!!
I was never enamored with Paschall as Jeffco Treasure. I recall him saying early on that the treasurer position was merely a “stepping stone.” And he appeared to be delving into issues and activities that went well beyond the voter expectation of the role of Treasurer. I’m not sure I want the treasurer of my county spending a bunch of days at the state capitol lobbying.
I was not involved in the primary campaign. However, I am confident Griffen, the primary winner will work hard at being the Treasurer.
I’ll bet now he wishes he had taken on Little Ricky in the C.D. 7 GOP primary…….