I did a fun and admittedly superficial study today by visiting each of our congressional delegation’s websites to look up their total number of fans and followers on Facebook and Twitter.
I wanted to see which member had the most overall “love” from Colorado by way of followers, as well as which were the most tech-savvy.
I was fully prepared to put the senators and representatives into two different categories to compare their numbers, after all, a congressional member with only a few hundred thousand constituents can’t compete with a senator that has several million residents to pick from can they?
Apparently I was wrong because the King of the Facebook and Twitter is Congressman Jared Polis with over 13,060 followers.
That man really gets some Valentine’s Day love from Colorado. He is followed by only a thousand or so people by Senator Udall.
Rounding out the bottom of the social networking universe is Scott Tipton with a paltry 659 followers and fans. Now, I give him somewhat of a pass because of the makeup of his district as well as the fact that he is a freshman. But it’s still hard to give him too much leeway when one considers that freshman member, Representative Cory Gardner already has 1,745 people following him.
Another item I thought worth noting was the pretty weak numbers for Senator Bennet. After a couple years as a senator and with millions of prospective followers, one would think he wouldn’t be rounding out the bottom of the Colorado delegation.
Lastly, there is Doub Lamborn. I have no doubt that if Representative Tipton’s staff were to see this, they could at least wrangle up 163 more twitter followers, hell, just follow a thousand people or so and with a 10% re-follow rate, he should pass Lamborn by tomorrow. So even though Tipton is technically the toad of the delegation, it doesn’t have to last long. Because after four years as a member of congress and several campaigns, one would think Lamborn would have more than his couple hundred Facebook followers. And the fact that he hasn’t even created a Twitter account, well that says volumes about either his tech capabilities, or his willingness to enter a new age of constituent relations.
So, with my keyboard, I bestow the title of “King of Facebitterverse” (facebook + Twitter + Universe) unto Jared Polis. And because I am making this up as I go along, I grant myself the power and authority to declare both Doug Lamborn and Scott Tipton as “Co-toads of the Facebitterverse” because Lamborn, you really need to step it up!
So if fans and followers were chocolate hearts and candy kisses, Polis would definitely be playing Barry White all night long while Lamborn and Tipton would stuck singing “One Is the Loneliest Number.”
Jared Polis
Facebook – 5,178
Twitter – 7,882
Total – 13,060
Mark Udall
Facebook – 5,159
Twitter – 6,732
Total – 11,891
Mike Coffman
Facebook – 2,971
Twitter – 4,728
Total – 7,699
Ed Perlmutter
Facebook – 2,375
Twitter – 2,544
Total – 4,919
Diana DeGette
Facebook – 3,453
Twitter – 1,049
Total – 4,502
Michael Bennet
Facebook – 2,322
Twitter – 404
Total – 2,726
Cory Gardner
Facebook – 416
Twitter – 1,329
Total – 1,745
Doug Lamborn
Facebook – 822
Twitter – not created
Total – 822
Scott Tipton
Facebook – 385
Twitter – 274
Total – 659
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considering he just came off a campaign where his team put a lot of effort into the online component.
If they really did put effort into the online component than these numbers show that they didn’t know what they were doing. I’m not trying to sound hard but I was amazed at these numbers from all of the legislators.
The staff leading these online efforts either don’t know how to engage fb and twitter or they assume that only younger generations are really engaged and since younger people don’t vote or typically give to campaign’s except in rare circumstances, maybe they just don’t care enough to really push the effort.
Definitely, Mike Coffman — he hardly ever says anything. Why do 8,000 people follow this guy to stay informed about nothing??
During the last election, while canvassing I’d run into people saying what a good job he was doing and how we need to reelect him. When I’d ask them for examples nobody could think of a thing. Apparently doing a good job in CD6 means being an R and above ground.
That is not even necessary. I seem to recall that when the district was created circa 1980, that the R (forgot name) was elected and passed on shortly after (or before, cn’t remember, help?), and it has been inhabited by a wide range of
insert negative adjective hereinept, absent, or bat-shit crazy since then. Schaefer, Tancredo, Coffman come to mindI suppose there’s a joke there about the average American voter, but I don’t want to make it.
from congressional web pages, in case there was any confusion.
As a member of his district not even slightly represented by him, and living in an R dominated area, I cannot think of a single person who vehemently, or even moderately, supports him.
Please, please redistrict Chaffee County to the third district!
supposedly his core constituency,
I don’t understand his appeal.
But I cannot deny it.
I attended his “town hall” meeting at the charter school recently, and the 300+ folks there loved him, with only a handful of exceptions.
But almost everyone I meet outside of such events, including conservatives, considers him a “zero” as a representative.
I just heard that a former Lamborn staffer has a Workers’ Comp case against him, that somehow alleges they were harmed by him requiring participation in mandatory group prayer every morning.
Does that brighten your day, West Dem, or what ? A religious test to work for your Congressman.
Isn’t that what this great country is all about? Church dictating employment, representation, etc? oh, wait, that whole bill of rights thing…