“The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.”
–Milan Kundera
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BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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Saturday is National Bologna Day.
Il Porcellino makes excellent mortadella.
Are you talking about meat?…or malarkey?
Right. Come to think of it, the other kind is spelled Baloney.
Check your salami supply…Listeria is lurking.
A new billboard in Times Square by The Lincoln Project depicts Ivanka Trump presenting the number of New Yorkers and Americans who have died of COVID-19 and Jared Kushner next to a Vanity Fair quote.
@kick: just saw this on Yahoo. Ivanka and Jared are threatening to sue. Lincoln Project response to their attorney was: "nuts."
Lincoln Project is promising an intensive lesson in civics and First Amendment rights if they do sue.
Yep. I saw that too. Boo frickin’ hoo. Poor little rich kids.
They remind me of people I saw in the course of working security at an outdoor concert venue in Cinci one summer.
Our first show was Volunteer Jam w/the likes of Def Leppard and Hank Williams, Jr. People got so drunk that they couldn’t even sit in their chairs. They threatened each other with “I’m gonna kick yer ass!!!!”.
The last show was Sting. The main threat issued was “I’m gonna sue yer ass!!!!”.
Inequality and privilege expose themselves in the most unusual ways sometimes.
lol That's awesome.
To echo the sentiments of the Trump base, fuck your feelings, Vanky and Kush.
Not even sure they have what most of us call "feelings", Genghis. I think, perhaps, they are mostly worried about damage to their "brand".
Excellent points as always, Duke. Even if we disregard the substantial liability hurdles in Vanky and Kush's path, when one considers the brand's actual value, a nominal damages award of $1.00 would likely be set aside as excessive.
The response from @LincolnProject attorney is pure genius (with a hint of more to come in the last sentence):
Biden’s closing argument: Leadership.
Trump campaigned in 2016 saying he would bring the “best people” with him. In less than four years he has spit out four national security advisers, four White House chiefs of staff, two Secretaries of State, two attorneys general, etc., etc.
Competent leaders listen to other leaders in their fields. Trump claims to know more than generals, to know more about health care and “wind”. He calls Dr. Fauci and other scientists “idiots”.
Competent leaders strengthen our allies and weaken our enemies. Trump attacks NATO and abandons the Kurds while embracing Putin and other dictators.
Barack Obama and I inherited an economy in 2008 that was in free fall. More than 800,000 jobs were lost in one month. We turned that around in less than three months and led an economic expansion lasting through our eight years in office. Trump inherited this expansion and squandered it like the money he inherited resulting in four bankruptcies. He has left our country in shambles with an out of control pandemic, record unemployment and a $3 trillion annual deficit.
If elected I will restore our country like we did in 2008. I will restore competent officials in government. I will listen to experts like Dr. Fauci. I will restore our standing in the world. And I will restore dignity to the office of the President.
Vote this election to restore competent leadership and dignity to our country.
(Hire the Lincoln Project folks to produce the commercial)
Very well put together.
Joe should use it…verbatim.👍
^^This^^ !!
Jerry Jeff Walker…RIP. Texas is weeping.
“The only kind of man that you ever wanted was the one that you knew you couldn’t hold very long. Now you’re sitin’ there cryin’ like I’m the first to go.”
He was one of the greats.
Why can't I stay logged into Pols?
Because we don't like you! Seriously, Dave, I have the same problem, as does the Cook.
Does the log in page have a remember me button? I was having the same issue, but the last login screen I saw had a RM button and the problem stopped.
Oh, Lisa. Think of the country. Put on the big girl pants and deal.
Lisa Murkowski Says She’ll Vote To Confirm Amy Coney Barrett
She's another one I can't figure out what's happened to. Ever since the ascension of The Yam, she hasn't been worth the powder and shot it'd take to put her out of our misery.
Sunday is Euskadi Eguna.
Pintxos for everyone.
Did you ever have an opportunity to attend one of Jean Urritys' Western Slope Basque Festivals? He brought dozens of performers and artists to western Colorado back in the day.
Very much fun, they were.
The Queen's Gambit. As an ardent chess player since grade school and an admirer of uppity women for even longer, I urge all Polsters to watch Queen's Gambit on Netflix. My wife and I binged it Friday and Saturday. It's a wonderful tribute to the human mind and the feminine spirit. Gertie, Cookie, and enligtened males like RandR and our stalwart Bowman and Duke will grok on it, if they haven't already.
Pawn to King 4!
My wife and I caught the first episode last night — loved it! We'll stretch out our viewing since neither of us can stay away much past 8:30pm these days (our cat alarm clock goes off around 4am each morning)
Thanks, V. I’m watching Borgen right now – a Danish version of West Wing. Highly recommend the series.
In other news I had lunch in Big Springs last Thursday. Local farmers from both sides of the state line discussing our socialist state and joking about whether they can sign the Recall Polis petitions. I politely shared my opinion of the Guv as I left the diner.
On the way through Holyoke a big ‘sign here’ event at the stoplight for the recall with a handful of oldsters sitting at a picnic table. A Trump rally on Main Street Wray and Yuma made the front page this week (no mention of a Gardner Grand Marshall).
Life in the elusive 51st-state.
I reckon as long as they’re chasing farts in a whirlwind they’re not causing problems somewhere else.
46 billion dollars in taxpayer bribes so our farmers can sit on their butts and decry socialism!
Be careful what you wish for, farmers. Some day the free market may destroy you. And we'll have to import our food from Canada.
On the good news, Michael, did you see the Pope appointed the first Black cardinal in the U.S. ?
It almost makes me proud to be an ex Catholic.
I saw that! Along with his announcement regarding civil unions for the LGBTQ 🏳️🌈 community it’s been a big week for Papa Frank!
"Chasing farts in a whirlwind"…I like it…great visual.😀
Speaking of…
Did you catch Ttump’s interview on 60 Minutes? That big, beautiful binder filled with, uhm, nothing??
Many people are saying…
I’d rather visualize Dancing in the Poll Lines.From my new sheroes, the Resistance Revival Chorus:
That is freaking glorious kwtree !
The New York Times Editorial Board mourns the rot and decline of today's GOP.
They conclude with this prescription:
Daily Kos referred to this as " Must-Read NY Times Obituary"
And included the NYT graphic and headline
Duly Noted:
Speaking of the West Wing show, a former Polster got their TV script published as a fundraiser. The premise is, “What if the West Wing characters reacted to the President’s diagnosis of Covid19?”
It started out as a tweet …..and it’s pretty fricking hilarious.
Proceeds to benefit the Center for Civics Education.
Excellent … fan fiction can carry such an impact based on our reaction to the memories of complex characters.
Let me fix that headline:
The Rona has addled her brain. But I hope she’s right.
To how many people, other than brain-dead Trumplican© die-hards, can they sell that line of mischaracterization? Who doesn't already know Uncle Joe?
For once I agree with kwtree. After four years blowing toward the rocky lee shore of fascism, we need to tack sharply to port to stave off disaster.