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July 25, 2006 04:07 PM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols



41 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

    1. The evangelical arm of the Republican party has been instrumental in polarizing voters.  Their political agenda angers me most because it subverts what religion should be about, namely tolerance, charity and making a positive difference in peoples’ lives.

      I was happy to see Ralph Reed go down in flames and will be happy to see Dobson join him someday, as well.

      1. the buildings that house New Life Church would make a cool kid’s sport complex.
        It is obscene how huge those structures are, all in the name of (organized) religion.
        Same goes for Compassion Intl. Their building is massive and they have almost finished an addition bigger than many neighborhoods.
        If they took the money that they spent on these buildings and gave it to the poor kids they say they are here to help, starvation could be ended in several countries……………..
        These are the real hypocrites hiding under the veil of religion.

          1. I about fell out of my chair……………I said something that Sir Robin agrees with?
            Am I slipping left or are you slipping right?

            Just messing with ya……..I do think organized religion is nothing but a front to line certain pockets. Anyone that has ever had to work on their buildings can see where a vast majhority of the money they plead for goes.
            Not to the little kids……………..

      2. When I got aboard a Continental Trailways bus and headed to the deep south (Selma Alabama) in late Feb. of 1965, it was as a member of the Methodist Student Movement.

        Many of us who were working for civil rights in the south (and elsewhere) were involved in no small measure by being recruited by religious leaders of all faiths.

        Church people were heavily involved in that movement, as well as the work to eradicate poverty, and to end the war in Viet Nam.

        Look at film or stills of the march from Selma to Montgomery in March of 65′ and you will see clergy every where.

        It is unfortunate that religion has been co-opted for often mean-spirited purposes.

        We see the results here in this country and with the conflict and dying around the world, in the name of some religion or another.

        Typical that someone like Ann Coulter can proclaim that anyone who is a Democrat or a liberal can’t be religious.

        1. All the while speaking to her own Christian beliefs.

          Hemingway once wrote about the opiates of the people and religion is one of them.  A tool that can be used for powerful change, good and bad. 

          Will we see a return to the religious tolerance and message that America began upon, or are we seeing the beginning of what religion in America will be like for the next generation?

          1. Anne Coulter…when was the last time she stepped into a church, prayed to god for forgiveness or helped someone in need?

            It’s time to stand up for your religious and political beliefs without fear of persecution from the right. 

            1. Just kidding, it was Marx – Hemingway used the phrase in a short story “the nun, the gambler and the radio” where powerful people can control the masses through ‘opiates of the people’, one being religion.

              I just brought it up as an example of how some use religion these days to control people’s beliefs on civic issues.

              1. Got it, thanks.  And for what it’s worth, I’m starting to have hope the pendulum has swung as far as its going to.  For twenty years it seemed the liberal Christians pretty much ceded the public debate to the fundamentalists, but a couple years ago that started to change.

  1. Petition Process Protests….
    Bob Gardner, a supporter of candidate Jeff Crank and a former El Paso County Republican Party chairman, filed the complaint Saturday against candidate Doug Lamborn and two political action committees, The Gazette reported.

    The Gazette, Copyright Freedom Newspapers, Inc. Jun 27, 2000

    Bob Gardner, called the protest a “cheap, political smear tactic” mounted in efforts to “prevent voters from having a choice.”

    Maybe Lamborn should simply have responded with the above quote?  Wouldn’t that have been funny?  Imagine this, Doug Lamborn holds a press conference and directly quotes Bob Gardner LMAO!!!

    You just can’t make this stuff up!!!

  2. Hey folks, even with a plethora of candidates seeking elected office in the 5th Congressional, you folks in Denver really ought to study El Paso County Republican Politics more closely.

    Just because a person can be elected in a non-partisan election in “No Way” translates into a partisan primary victory.  That stuff may work in Denver, but not El Paso County.

    For example, Margaret Radoford has won election to the Colorado Springs City Council. That victory did not translate into a victory for El Paso County Commissioner on the Republican ticket.  Why?  She supported several tax increases, and all of the social issues that are being brought up regarding Mr. Rivera.

    Think that you folks may want to rethink you stand regarding Rivera.  Even if the conservatives split the votes, there aren’t enough moderate votes, and unaffiliated voters changing parties to carry Rivera.  Afterall, many of the moderates will support Anderson and Bremer also. 

    Dems will stay with Fawcett.

    P.S: Rivera is also splitting votes with Crank.

    Maybe a 5-1 or 6-1 would be more appropriate.  but 4-1, Pppplllleeeeaaaaassssseee.

    P.S.S.:  Did you folks see the Lamborn Press Conference in Colorado Springs.  The Minutemen Movement has officially endorsed Doug Lamborn!!!  Let’s see…when it comes to Illegal Immigration, Lamborn is supported by CASA and the Minutemen.  So who is the real stallworth against illegal immigration in the 5th CD?  Doug Lamborn.  Nuff said.

      1. Tanks Aris..thats what I git fur not proofreadin my languise skills apropritally.

        Haven’t you heard, there are those who desire to have the English Language and Grammar changed in Public Schools so that students write words as they sound, not as they are written.  One can only imagine, 15 versions of the word stalwart.  How do you stal a wart?  Freeze it or burn it?

        1. I remember hearing that they were actually doing that in some districts in CA, which led to functionally illiterate (but emotionally stroked – school is no place for a child to feel disappointment!) high school graduates.

      1. Actually it would be more similar to “Lord of the Snakes.”  Jusxt depends on which pit viper is devouring whom and for what personal gain.  After all, “WE JUST WANT TO WIN” now don’t we?  And we’ll do anything at any cost, therefore the Ends justify the Means.  To include arguing against frivilous lawsuits, only to open the dockets so that we can file frivilous lawsuits against our own brethren.

        Because…WE JUST WANT TO WIN. 

        There’s your Republican Platform for 2006 and accompanying campaign slogan.

  3. Immigration

    Crank wants to raise taxes to send our hard-earned tax money to illegal immigrants

    Lamborn wants to grind immigrants into a fine paste that can be used as an engine coolant in private school buses


    War on Terror

    Crank wants to surrender to bin Laden and the terrorists

    Lamborn wants to grind Arabs into a fine paste that can be used to feed livestock and pets



    Crank wants to raise taxes and create new bureaucracies that will raise taxes even further

    Lamborn wants to grind Crank into a fine paste that can be used as a fertilizing agent for lawns


    Lamborn: Grinding out Victory!

      1. if we cut all the taxes to zero like Lamborn and Grover Norquist want, all the God-loving Christians in Colorado will take their neighbors under their wing and feed them if they’re hungry; nurse them if they’re sick; put them up if they lose their job.

        Oh, and they’ll volunteer to work on road crews fixing potholes.

        And they might even work the volunteer fire department and protect your house — as long as you’ve paid your membership dues.

        Or are we all on our own in this big bad world?

        1. Those who cannot feed or take care of themselves will be welcome in Lamborn’s world. They will be servants of Lamborn, providing him with food and drink, while receiving a competitive salary at the legal minimum wage (raises to the minimum wage will not be considered).

          Those who are unable to serve through physical works can still contribute by donating organs, blood, bone marrow and other necessary elements of life to Lamborn.

          Lamborn answers all. All answer to Lamborn.

  4. Has the Ku Klux Klan made an endorsement yet in C.D. 5?  If so, who are they supporting?  (I have to assume they won’t be backing Rivera for obvious reasons.)

  5. This has been posted a couple of days now. LOL… y’all have NOTHING to say? Hmmm, you spout well but can’t deal with facts?

    Click here for the full story (from Lamborn’s campaign) about why he won’t be around to debate in the Colorado Pols forum.  http://www.coloradop

    1. Lamborn just doesn’t want to answer other candidates’ questions.  The Pols might have a limited readership, but they have a secret press readership, too; heaven forbid that Lamborn answers questions from those ‘also-rans’.

      I wasn’t really impressed with Lamborn’s responses way back when; I doubt he’d change them now…

    2. After all, the also rans just go around pontificating about things in such a manner that they echo what has already been said.  Front runners don’t generally waste their time attending debates.

      Maybe that is what is happening here.  Besides, what is anyone of the candidates going to say that is any different in any way, shape, or form from what has already been said.

      I got it…maybe the candidates could say something catchy like ” Erasing Government.”  Those goofy erasers that Bill Cadman handed out and actually never used.  Turns out he was the laughing stock during his first term.  And the erasers??? Probably has box loads left in his basement.  Bet he doesn’t do that again.

      But hey, it was catchy for some folks.  Maybe one of these guys could imitate Cadman and try the same? 
      Beats standing on street corners in your boxer shorts.

      As for Lamborn, he already knows this and isn’t going to spend a great deal of time attempting to change peoples opinions who won’t vote for him anyway.  A costs exceeds the benefits thing.

    1. considering who I support in this race, but I thought it was pretty corny.  So far as political ads go, it’s not terrible, but the whole pool hall/”straight shooter” thing is on the severe cheese side of the gimmicks spectrum.  Not as bad as showing off your french horn and love of Alan Jackson, but it’s not far behind.

      It reminded me of her mail piece with the close-up of the bloated fatcat’s mug.  Knocking around pool balls superimposed with your opponent’s face didn’t really strike me as a really appealing image.  Plus, I’m no expert on political spots, but prominently featuring yourself in an attack ad might not be the smartest decision in a race where people have been vocally complaining about negativity.

  6. We heard this question asked yesterday, by Gecko if I recall. It might be that these miscreants love to argue between the elections, but when we get close to an election, they know it’s in their interest to keep quiet. Keep the base roiled up and then coast.

    Let’s not forget that this is a very important election. Hell, this afternoon I saw on CNN a 10 minute segment on whether we’re looking into the maw of the Holocaust for Christ’s sake! Let me make this clear. This isn’t about Bush the man. I’ve never met him. This is about performance. And,this is also about values, policy, mature foreign policies…..historical perspective….and finally about wisdom and leadership. Let’s see…..

    Rasmussen is reporting this morning that in his three-day rolling average poll on Bush’s approval rating, Bush has fallen five points overnight from 42% down to 37%. This gives me hope. We’ll see if Specter is all talk or whether Bush’s choosing to claim executive priviledge/perogative when observing some 800 laws passed by the hOuse and senate will be allowed to stand. Who among us doesn’t believe that this IS NOT what the founding fathers envisioned.

    Very little need be said about this foreign policy. Today we hear that Bush is planning on moving more soldiers into Bagdad. Which begs the question as to where these troops will come from? Elsewhere in Iraq? Probably. But can they be spared elsewhere in Iraq? No. It’s not like the rest of Iraq suddenly got better and we have US troops to spare.
    The Ohio Senaotr Voinovich’s Case for Bolton: ‘The World Is Going Whacko Everywhere’ – – Voinovich must not be familar with the phrase, “cause and effect.”

    The world was already “going whacko” when the Senate defeated Bolten’s nomination the first time. Vote no, send the world a positive message, the president can begin to be the uniter he claimed to be.

    Closer to home, it hurts me to drive and I make a decent living. Can that be good for the economy? I think not. But, hey! Some companies profit. BP is making $55,000 per minute. Profits for oil giant BP in the second quarter, which totaled $7.27 billion are up 30% from last year. What industry are Bush and Cheney tied to again? Their futures are so bright (unless brought before the Hague for war crimes) I hope they’re wearing shades.

    It’s a deck of cards ladies and gentlemen. I’m not naturally a pessimist, indeed, I’ve been accused of being overly optimistic. In fact, there’s time….but the reversal must start in November. This great country desperately needs a change of direction.

    The Iron Mikes, Badmoonrisings, et. al. may be gone from this site but they’re still here in many ways. It serves them well politically to keep their mouths shut nearing elections.

    1. “It serves them well politically to keep their mouths shut nearing elections.”

      Disagree, the readers here know the issues and the candidates and have pretty much made up their minds.  Nothing wrong with expressing your opinions, even when they’re not with the political winds.

      Besides, I don’t believe that the Dems are going to capture much in this election, maybe next one, but not this one.  You think Hillary’s American Dream thing is going to galvanize the Dem base to get to the polls?  I don’t see candidates (regardless of what the shills here say) that would change anything in DC.  It takes a very long time to move forward – this election will be a step but not the ‘turning point’ that D’s hope it will be.

      1. Why? Because so much damage has been done in so short a time. It takes a hell of a lot longer to build a house than destroy one. The people, the country and the world has been set back immeasurably.

  7. Check out the 9 News website for a story which confirms Peggy has no support for her allegation that Ed is “in the pocket of Wal-Mart.” According to the story, the only basis for the charge is involvement by Ed’s father’s cousin with the company.  Shame on you, Peggy! I’ll be voting for Ed.

    1. I’m suprised Peggy’s people even put that in there.  When people see Ed’s mail and realize that he’s universally supported by labor (generally speaking, the mortal enemy of Walmart), they’d have to assume that Peggy is throwing some pretty low blows.

      Grasping at the Walmart thing doesn’t seem like the actions of a candidate with a massive double-digit lead to me . . .

    2. all the lamm shills were touting the ‘issues’ ad that was to come; Peggy will run on the issues; she is in double digits and does not have to do an attack.

      the reality is that while Ed did an attack piece he preceded it with a solid issue piece on stem cell (which of course was pooh-poohed).

      I asked yesterday whether Peggy’s first ad would be issues or attack, now we know.

      the fact is, she has no issues to run on, so has no choice but to attack. 

      and as for the constant touting of her double digit lead, if you are up by double digits, you don’t go on the attack.

      Pretty clear where Merlino and Lamm think this race is.  they believe they have to take Ed out in order to win.

      So where are all the Lamm shills taking the moral high ground about issues?

      That double digit more ephemeral than they thought?

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