No surprise here. Jeff Crank is the former Vice President of Government Affairs for the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce.
Click below for the full press release…
The Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce has announced its endorsement of Jeff Crank for the 5th Congressional District.
In a written statement to the Chamber’s Board of Directors, the ChamberPAC recommended the endorsement of Crank, resulting in the board’s majority vote for endorsement. The statement follows:
“As the Chamber’s vice president of Government Affairs for seven years combined with eight years of working in Washington, D.C., as a congressional staffer, Jeff Crank developed critical experience that will serve us well in Congress.
“He is the only candidate to have authored federal legislation that was enacted, benefiting the military and our community; he has positive relationships with many members of Congress and their staff, most notably Colorado’s delegation and those who work on the Armed Services Committee; he knows his way around Capitol Hill and the federal agencies, which will give him a running start as a freshman congressman; and, of all the candidates, he has the highest probability of being selected to serve on the Armed Services Committee through his relationship with the chairman, Congressman Duncan Hunter and other key committee members.
“Additionally, through our years of working with Jeff Crank on business and community issues, we have established a rapport with him that is sure to continue when he is elected to Congress. He understands business concerns and the military because he worked on those issues in the congressional office and for the Chamber during the last 15 years.
There is no question in our minds that he will be a critical relationship-builder with other congressional members and staff, the community and our out-of-district partners to get things done for the 5th Congressional District.”
It was also noted by the ChamberPAC that Crank led the fight to lower taxes for businesses and consumers, in addition to ensuring the safety of citizens from convicted criminals when he helped lead the effort to build a new jail.
The ChamberPAC, sponsored — but not funded — by the Chamber of Commerce, is comprised of Chamber members, and is the only political action organization representing the business community in Southern Colorado. The committee serves as an advocate to elect well-qualified, pro-business candidates to public office and to positively impact ballot issues and other initiatives.
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(title says it all)
The momentum is building for Crank to pull out a win in the 5th-CD.
What is the story with the CFG ad? Per auto dial tonight, I heard they had to pull it. Does anyone have more info?
Isn’t this the same group who endorsed C and D? The same group that paid Crank to lobby for them? What’s the big deal? Of course they’d endorse Crank…..
First off Crank didn’t support C&D… I’ve done a lot of research and talked personally with every CD 5 candidate. CRANK IS FOR LOWER TAXES. Jeff Crank will lower taxes when he goes to Congress. I’m voting for him. I’m voting for Jeff Crank because he gets stuff done. He is principled AND pragmatic; Lamborn couldn’t get anything done in the Colorado Senate – nice guy but too idealogical… and Riviera? Too moderate… just calling it like I see it.
CFG ad was pulled from radio because content could not be verified. No doubt another one of the same ilk will pop up soon.
Crank just pulled votes from Rivera. This looks good for Lamborn.