“There is no gambling like politics.”
–Benjamin Disraeli
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BY: spaceman2021
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: unnamed
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JeffcoBlue
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
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Defunding the police is not necessary.
Redefining policing is necessary.
Quit training police to be warriors:
"The problem with warrior-style policing, as critics and academics point out, is that it prepares officers for violence. And indeed, some of the cops involved in the most visible police shootings have undergone warrior cop training.
In 2016, Jeronimo Yanez, a 28-year-old police officer in a Minneapolis suburb, shot and killed Philando Castile, a 32-year old Black man, during a traffic stop. Castile was a licensed gun owner, and had informed Yanez that there was a weapon in the car. Yanez, who said he “feared for his life,” shot Castile in front of his 4-year-old daughter and partner.
It was later revealed that Yanez had attended a department-funded “Bulletproof Warrior” seminar. The presenter was Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, an industry figurehead whose teaching primes law enforcement with a central question: Are you ready to kill? "
Cut back on the number of armed police who patrol our streets. Supplement them with professionals trained in crisis management, community relations, etc.
Just so and well said.
The militarization of our local police is a consequence of the domination of the military/ industrial/ security complex in directing our national affairs. It basically exploded following the attack on 9/11/01. One fine book on that aspect of the situation is “No Place to Hide” by Robert O’Harrow, Jr.
Terrorism, or the specter of same, was used to justify the the explosion in military and security manufacturing, funded by Congress, by way of response. Of course, as the threat of terrorism continued to rise, the government decided to prepare our local police as front line forces…armed to the teeth. It is true that police departments across the country began to face forces whose armament exceeded their own.
But, rather than enforce limits on the weapons citizens could possess, weapons manufacturers saw an opportunity to cash in…bigly. With the help of the preeminent champions of death dealing, the NRA, we began to send military gear to small towns all across America. And, we trained our cops to be soldiers whose purpose was to kill an enemy, not help a citizen. We don’t envision our police to be Andy and Barney..We envision them to be Rambo.
What do we expect?
Are there enough Republicans left in Colorado to reelect Cory Gardner?
“The moderates are being run out of the party, top to bottom,” said David Flaherty, who runs Colorado-based Republican polling firm Magellan Strategies. “It’s really a math problem for all [GOP] candidates, not just Cory Gardner.”
One of those impuissant "on the other hand" articles.
Huh? It gives Dump no chance of winning CO:
“Trump is not going to win Colorado,” Colorado Republican consultant Tyler Sandberg, who ran former Rep. Mike Coffman’s House campaigns, told Vox. “I think it’s a show, not tell thing. [Gardner’s] got to demonstrate that he’s different.”
Gardner will have to somehow leak out of Dump's sigmoid colon to escape the same fate.
Regarding Gardner, I’ve already posted that I like some of what he has done, like the Great Outdoors Act. He made a big mistake, though, by not supporting the CORE Act. Cory also screwed the taxpayers in 2017 by working to get rid of the BLM’s methane capture rule.
Gardner’s biggest problem is that he is so closely tied to corrupt Donald, which is why he has lost the vote of this conservative, constitutional, Republican.
As for Hick’s “ethics problems,” if he wins, Dems would be smart to focus on the ethics problems of the “Independent” Ethics Commission as revealed here on Pols. Also mention that the far right wing Republicans failed on 95 of 97 of their allegations.
Hey, winning 2 out of 97 is batting .021. That's a better batting average than the far right usually hits.
Geez, guys. I thought I saw a story about how a statute of limitations had been exceeded on all but 6 allegations. Doesn't that make it 2 out of 6?
just for the record…
For the record, and anyone keeping score at home, . . .
. . . losing 2 (out of 97, or 6, or however many) still makes you guilty. Twice.
(But, in the interest of unity, maybe we could all just agree now it’s that he-only-got-the-tip-in kind of guilty? . . . )
The state Ethics review finding problems with two events causes Hickenlooper some embarrassment and a check to be written. It basically was a redefinition of ambiguous circumstances. There was not and is not any finding of quid pro quo. One of them didn't even involve "access," as best I can tell, since Hickenlooper was in the Italian limo without someone else to bend his ear on some matter.
The stupid was not playing through the process without getting slapped for contempt.
The absurd was/is in the blatant, concealed conflict of interest between an ethics commissioner and an attorney working for one of the participants.
We won't go into the non-enforcement of most meaningful ethics at the federal Congressional or Executive level. And Cory, bless his heart, has ignored emolument violations aplenty, nepotism, and a host of other Executive violations by people not once named Trump.
And I'd love to see the accounting on Cory's evening of “champagne wishes and caviar dreams” — location, food, champagne, service, music may have cost $350, but I'm not certain we should trust the host's event company without checking their work.
"still makes you guilty…..twice….."
Considering the ethical problems identified on the "Ethics" Commission here on Pols, I wonder just how valid their final conclusion was. Yes, he paid up $2,300+ for a honest mistake.
I do think Frank McNulty owes some explanations, particularly about his inept hired attorney.
Sounds like someone needs a designated hitter, V
How does the designated hitter rule impact that?
Someone else batting in place of McNulty for #TeamRed? Maybe a better batting average?
OK…a bad joke.
Who is running for State Senate to boot.
It was a good joke. And !McNulty can designate me. I'll hit him!
Hey, “it’s only the flu” . . .
Relax, we know how to prepare for and handle the flu . . .
D’oh !!!*
*(“Whatever happens, we’re totally prepared.” He added that “the risk to the American people remains very low.” Homer Ttump — Feb 26, 2020)
Eliminating Dump's influence on the WHO as part of that flu conference would probably be beneficial. Dump Dump and then return to a more normal global involvement.
Better break out the hydrochloroquine and the UV light bulbs again.
We've got two fine candidates, Sally Boccella and Galina Nicholl, vying to be the Dem nominee for the SD-23 seat currently occupied by the bugfuck insane and term-limited Vicki Marble. (Don't you fret none, as Vicki plans to remain firmly latched to the public teat. She's running for HD-49.)
Unfortunately, any Dem running for the SD-23 seat is destined to be sacrificed on the altar of GOP victory. The Republican primary features bugfuck insane Barbara Kirkmeyer v. Rupert Parchment. Mr. Parchment is black, which means he has exactly zero chance of winning a GOP primary in SD-23.
Parchment is RMGO's candidate.
I've heard great things about Bocella.
Endorsed by Ceasefire and recognized by Moms Demand Action.
Is SD 23 home of the Keenesburg Rebels?
I have the good fortune to live in HD 22 where we will see if Justin "Sleepy" Everett can bag one of the last remaining RINOs living in Colorado, Colin Larson, tonight in the GOP House district primary.
Everett is RMGO-endorsed too.
Dems say no ‘substantive information’ at White House briefing on Russian bounties
So, he gives the Republicans a briefing and then a separate one for the Dems. I can’t imagine they heard the same story.
Chris Murphy claims to have seen the intelligence and concludes that it is not a hoax. He tweeted:
“I just reviewed the intel. It’s not a hoax, Mr. President. And if you continue ignoring the facts, more soldiers and marines are going to die.”
Reported by Newsmax? He's losing them.
Once the water starts lapping at their ankles, cowards are happy to let the captain go down by himself.
Whats Trump supposed to do?
It's not like he owes Russia any money or anything
Nbc is projecting Amy McGrath will win the Kentucky Senate primary. With 95 pct in she leads by about 3 pct, 11,600 votes. Now our ex fighter pilot can face Mitch McDungheap. I already sent her $100 from my stimulus check. This time I’ll tap some savings to help her, to afflict Susan Collins, help out our astronaut friend in Arizona, mark Kelly, our hero in Alabama, Doug Jones, and whoever wins the nod against Cory today.
Like Good Soldier Duke, I’ll support whichever of our two good men, Romo or Hick, who wins today. But I’ll take special pride in backing our fine women in Maine — where we blow Gideon’s Trumpet — and Kentucky.
And Iowa, behind Theresa Greenfield.
Confusion to Joni Ernst!
What – no love for Bullock in Montana?
I thought the same thing. Daines is Gardner redux, minus the smarts and smile.
Bullock too!
Secretary of State's release about votes submitted by 28 June (2 days before completion).
The change in registrations since last November 1, just before the fall votes. Democrats up 5,076; Libertarians down 2,871; Republicans down 23,245; Unaffiliated up 31,426.
I disdain the whole partisan priamary system
Open primary for every office, with candiates including or not a party afilliation.
The general election we get all candidate with at least 15% of the primary vote, and a ranked ballot.
Caucus or no caucus – it doesn't get you on the ballot.
There are 36,968 registered Libertines in Colorado? Who knew…..