(This is, in a word, disgusting – promoted by Colorado Pols)
Here’s an ad getting serious air time in Nevada.
And here’s the guy running this air war against Reid and D’s.
I’m with Lawrence O’Donnell. And the others who find this disgusting.
Vote. Decide which candidate is the best one for you. Vote.
Vote. Decide which issues are important to you. Vote.
Vote. If neither of the candidates you have to choose from agree with you on everything (they never do), figure out a way to choose. Vote.
Don’t let your anger or frustration or the weather or your neighbor or the mind numbing media or the World Series or your health or anything else get in your way. VOTE.
If instead you choose not to – watch some people going to the polls:
I choose this one because one of my uncles spent the summer of of 1963 in Birmingham registering voters.
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He should have told them to vote Republican.
But then his whole I’m one of you, listen to me subterfuge would have been revealed.
He’s an R operative, engaged in election lies, 3 weeks before the election day. He’s not going to tell the truth about anyone to anyone. Especially not in Nevada.
Don’t be racist. There is nothing wrong at all with Latinos revolting against the Democrats who have sold them down the river.
and most Hispanics will see right through this.
if they’re also Democrats.
That’s perfectly fine.
But he’s relying on his race in order to persuade his fellow Hispanics to act against their interests. And most Hispanics won’t fall for that.
He obviously is a ‘pub first and Hispanic second.
“act against their interests”. Why do you automatically assume that Democrats are in the best interests of Latinos? They haven’t done squat for Hispanics.
That’s obvious.
when are you going to answer this question? Note that the response you gave to it was not an answer.
Feeble bullshit reply. Don’t you know that bluff and bluster is surrender?
It is not the fact that he is Hispanic. It is the fact the he is documented Republican operative posing as something else.
that anybody with resources to run an ad is an operative of one sort or another. He clearly believes Hispanics have been betrayed by Dems though, and he is correct.
and now wants his brethren to vote against their interests. He’ll make out like a bandit while ordinary Hispanics will be subject to random checks of their citizenship, because brown in brown to GOP eyes.
Once again, a Hispanic isn’t really a Hispanic if they aren’t a Democrat? I’d call you a racist if I hadn’t just said you shouldn’t call people racists. In this case though, you truly do deserve the title.
The GOP uses racism to inflame the base with their anti immigrant stands. I see that and point it out, and point out that a few Hispanics who have decided to make their mark as mouthpieces for the GOP are not representative of Hispanics as a whole. That’s just reality.
See, I want to see Hispanics (and all minorities) gain equal footing in this country. You don’t, and it’s disingenuous to call me racist when your side wants to keep minorities down.
Our side does not want to keep minorities down. Our GOP party chair is a black man. There are many Hispanics involved in the local party. It’s Dems who want to keep minorities stuck on the plantation. All they do is use them for votes. Look at NBC – all white. And NPR fires Juan Williams for being a black who dares go on Fox. It’s just shameful.
Calls to end Affirmative Action are meant to help minorities. That billboard in Grand Junction. And of course all those racist emails my unwitting conservative friends and family members sent to my wife and my sister in law (they know better than to send that to me). The GOP is just a beacon of racial harmony, isn’t it?
And a huge LOL at Juan Williams, the guy who said this:
I call it as it is. You can’t handle it.
Tsk, tsk.
I’m not even making fun of Williams, just pointing out that he’s hardly a credible example.
Or do you admit that the GOP does want to keep that minority down?
I noticed you couldn’t name a single GOP politician on the national level who is Hispanic.
Other than your party chair, is there a single major player in the GOP who is African American?
not f***. This isn’t Sunday School.
then don’t write “F***.” Everyone knows that’s “fuck” and it’s no less offensive that way. It just makes you look like a half ass who wants it both ways.
not trying to be vulgar myself. Your comment deserved bleeping.
you wouldn’t say it at all.
This is a site for adults. If you’re virgin eyes can’t handle it, I suggest not coming.
Just like a teenage girl who pretends she’s not interested in some guy at school. Your actions belie weak comebacks like this.
Any can vote for anyone.
Everyone should vote.
but finally telling the truth about the way Democrats use Hispanics.
that Italy is a Latin country ,maybe hint that he is too brown. That man would up and leave and cry like he did when pressed by Markos.
There are seriously a group of people running around arguing that the military is run by morons because Tancredo is totally sane.
Really? That’s your position? Military=dumb, Tanc=Sane? Ooooook.
Need to lay off us Italians.
You’ve been discriminating against us since you were the LAST minority that nobody wanted.
And no, I’m not kidding.
Irish Patti dumped on Italians.
That pissed me off.
Further defense of Irish Patti’s unpardonable indiscretion will incur further wrath from me.
I said that Italy is a latin country. Are you, as an Italian, going to deny that? Tank needs to be reminded that his people just got off the boat!!!
I don’t see Tank as a representative Italian. I do see him as a hypocrite.
That Blazing Saddles clip is kind of funny.
Has he flipped on his position of “vouchers” since this disastrous appearance on MSNBC? I assume he has since it isn’t being made an issue of this election cycle?
Cheating the taxpayers 100 times a day by filing political posts from his government-paid job. bjwilson83
Comes too close to “outing.”
He posted a letter to the editor he wrote, you can google his name and info he’s given here and find a picture of him.
He’s out.
at CSU. Of course, he also adds that his work is more important than that of our soldiers. Somehow, I doubt it.
Cheating the taxpayers 100 times a day by filing political posts from his government-paid job. bjwilson83
That couldn’t be OUR bjwilson83 could it?
I mean, the center of the universe looks like a dork?
“Math major” and “dork” are not mutually exclusive.
look, Ralphie, when I was elected Front Page Editor, they promised me there would be no math!
I never posted a letter to the editor on this site.
Cheating the taxpayers 100 times a day by filing political posts from his government-paid job. bjwilson83
You posted a link to your one feeble letter to the editors of the Greeley Tribune. You were replying to me.
If I actually cared, I’d look it up for you. But I really don’t care 😉
“Go f*** yourself.” – Voyageur, FPE Celebrating blow jobs and f***ing in every post he makes–BJwilson83″ – Voyageur, FPE
Cheating the taxpayers 100 times a day by filing political posts from his government-paid job. bjwilson83 “
He already has my last two zingers on his sigline, automatically refudiating every post he makes! Brains are not the beej’s problem…
Cheating the taxpayers 100 times a day by filing political posts from his government-paid job. bjwilson83 “
And you’re cheating your daughter. You’re an FPE, for crying out loud.
Cheating the taxpayers 100 times a day by filing political posts from his government-paid job. bjwilson83 “
For any liberals who are actually concerned about tax dollars funding higher education (I find that hard to believe), I work at night as well. I am also running simulations a lot so I comment while they are running.
I’m just about damn sure that commenting on a Political blog will get your ass flamed if they find out.
Sure hope that “MYSTERY UNIVERSITY” doesn’t find out…
D.9 Code of Ethical Behavior (last revised August 12, 2009)
Academic faculty members and administrative professionals at Mystery State University should be aware that their personal conduct reflects on the integrity of the University and should take care that their actions have no detrimental effect on the institution. Therefore, each faculty member is expected to:
a. Perform teaching, advising, and service assignments in a manner consistent with standards established for all faculty members and detailed in the Manual.
b. Use University funds, facilities, equipment, supplies, and staff only in the conduct of University duties, exceptions to be made only under specific University policies or when established commercial rates are paid.
c. Maintain a high level of discretion and respect in personal and professional relations with students, faculty members, staff, and the public…
electricity? Using time while you are being paid by the big bad government. You are sucking off the public teat and cursing the government. Why not get a job in the private sector?
He’d have to be self employed. Would he hire himself?
Oh and forget about the electricity – how about the servers, network, and office space?
Using my own electricity which I pay for every month. Once I graduate, I probably will work in the private sector.
do you have a bike that you ride to generate electricity with? At work, you are using their commodities.
Sucking the public teat, while complaining about government; hypocrite.
Cheating the taxpayers 100 times a day by filing political posts from his government-paid job. bjwilson83
and saying anything to take power back. In all the years of contentious elections, in all the egregious examples of voter intimidation I’ve seen, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this.
To have a Hispanic, even if he is a Republican, put together an ad telling an ENTIRE minority population to stay home on election day? That goes way way beyond the pale.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lawrence hammer away or get visibly angry before when doing an interview. I don’t really blame him.
And of course he slapped Jed Bartlett.
I love how surprised (watch those eyebrows) Robert De Posada seems to be when it’s pointed out that his ad only shows Democrats, targets Democrats and the treasurer on his staff is a Republican lobbyist. Oh yeah, he finally admits he is a conservative who didn’t vote for Obama, which sort of seems to conflict with the message of his ad, no?
Well, this is what the Republican Party has reduced itself to–repressing the vote. Win at all costs is all that matters. You all must be so proud.
Arvadonian watched that commercial.
refer to myself with my name. If someone asks me where I’m from I say I’m from Arvada. In short, the only time I refer to myself as “Arvadonian” is on here and I never refer to myself as an “Arvadan”.
I suppose I could refer to myself as an “Arvadite”.
I started a bit of a trend….”Littletonian” posts here occasionally.
on the horizon.
and spoke to a very nice woman by the name of Michelle.
She informed, as I thought, that people who live in Arvada are properly called ‘Arvadans’.
First off, I think this ad is incredibly offensive & wrong.
Second, I think there’s a big difference between Arvadonian making a decision for himself, and then sharing that decision with us – and someone telling others they shouldn’t vote.
But eqully reprehensible.
Because you’ve been dumping on Democrats the whole post-primary campaign.
But it’s exactly the same.
I’ve called out Bennet for voting to water down the financial reform bills to keep Wall St. happy. But have I “dumped” on any other Democratic candidate?
And should we not say anything about our candidates who put the interests of Wall St. before those of the people of Colorado?
Again my friend you can support who ever you want. Just quit calling yourself a Democrat. During the Primary you had your story about how you supported Bennet before you did not and your reasoning was so completely unconvincing that I have never trusted your motives. I have more respect for people who admit who they are than bullshit about it. Nothing wrong with coming out as an independent. I would respect you more for that.
I believe you have uttered the phrase “We Democrats suck” on many occasions. Since you’re not running for office, this seems to affect primarily candidates in the election. I’m surprised it hasn’t made it into any righty sig lines, but I guess they’re just not that bright.
I do think the Dems in Washington have done a poor job of fixing the economy. That hasn’t been aimed at any specific candidate but i have said it as a general statement.
I don’t consider that being anti-dem, i just consider that being honest about a shortcoming that is hurting us bad in this election. But i understand that it can also be viewed as being anti-dem.
Mutually disgusting.
They’re not reduced to it. This is just a blatant example of what have been GOP tactics for years, joining opposition to motor voter laws, polling place intimidation, disseminating false information about poll times and location, setting up inadequate polling faciliites in Democratic-leaning precincts, etc.
This is what voter intimidation looks like.
And then of course there’s all the dead people and illegals ACORN, SEIU, and their front groups register every election.
there are approximately 10,000 examples of Republicans suppressing minority voting.
But your motto is “two wrongs make a right,” so you don’t really care about that.
Link? Nah, you got nothing. Republicans don’t cheat.
Nothing else needs to be said. And no, I’m not talking about Bush v. Gore, either.
The Bush administration could not prosecute the people in the video.
And you have ZERO evidence of fake registrations – in fact, I’d say that statement goes so far as to be bearing false witness (and, if they weren’t public groups, libel).
whiningpostings from an “anonymous” CoPols poster?Plus you got that great video.
It’s just the opposite of rape cases. No rape charge, it didn’t happen. No voter intimidation charge, it happened anyway.
What’s the matter with you?
Figures. Also, the whole roster of the Dallas Cowboys is pretty good evidence of fake registrations. Plus the districts that have more people registered to vote than live there.
The NBPP didn’t organize an intimidation campaign, according the Bush Administration DOJ’s findings; this was a single case, and the guy with the weapon was told (by a judge) that he couldn’t bring that weapon within 100′ of a polling place for some time. Of course, in your world, that would be denying him his 2nd Amendment rights – except that he was black.
As to your other points:
1) ACORN was not guilty of voter fraud. In case you never knew, or forgot, ACORN itself noted the suspicious registration entries to the local election board. They are required by law to turn in all registrations submitted to them, regardless of how legit they think they are. (Selectively turning in registrations, which has been reported of some Republican leaning groups, is a violation of the law.) ACORN were the ones being defrauded by their employees, who were paid per registration. (You didn’t really expect these faked “Cowboys” to all show up with valid ID on election day, did you?)
2) Districts often (more often in the past) have more people registered to vote than they have people in residence. Absent an official notice that someone has died or moved, the elections boards are required to keep citizens on their voter rolls for a number of election cycles. If you want a more accurate voter count (at least in Colorado), look at the ‘active’ voter rolls.
Courtesy of the TEA Party, this year…
King Street Patriots TEA Party Group Cause Of Intimidation Complaints in 11 Polling Locations
I’m sure.
The tea partiers were hired by gay people.
is being funded by Soros and Markos Moulitis. They are going to make the GOP implode.
Didn’t you get that in the latest liberal newsletter, or hasn’t yours come yet. I mean my Soros check is running late this month. 🙂
and your Fox News brew of stupidity.
It assumes that Latinos are a bunch of idiots.
They will learn very quickly that this guy is a slimy Republican operative.
– Waaaay too long.
– The narrator doesn’t even say ‘don’t vote’ until 1:13 into the spot;
– The ‘Don’t Vote’ graphic doesn’t hit the screen until 1:23.
Who’s paying attention by that point?
Do they really run the whole 1:30 commercial? Who’s going to pay attention that long to an ad on tv?
It is really awful for any group to be telling anyone not to vote. That is the foundation of our country – democracy and the right to elect people to represent us. And what an odd message – don’t vote for the Democrats because they didn’t do anything for Latino voters – so Republicans will end up in power and will likely make things worse for immigrants.
As wrong as I feel it is for this country sometimes, I would never tell republicans not to vote their opinion.
than immigration. Tom Tancredo wants a literacy test to vote. Which party do you think Hispanics will choose?
at first I think of how literacy tests were used in the south to keep Black people from voting.
then I start to think that a basic civics test might be worthwhile. I mean bj would fail along with all the republicans confused by Fox, Beck Rush etc…
I support a spelling test, not for voters, but for candidates. Can’t spell the position you’re running for? Game over.
Fa before ‘The Conservative Mind” was written.
It comes as no surprise.
Vote caging, and stripping supposed felons from the rolls played a large part in 2000.
Conservatives rely upon low turnout.
Divide and conquer by race and class have historically kept many classes from society from voting for their economic interests.