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July 13, 2006 05:24 AM UTC

Vote on the CD-7 hit pieces

  • by: marshall collins

(We’re promoting a diary a day for the next week, so make your own by clicking on the menu to the right. – promoted by Colorado Pols)

See and Vote on the CD-7 hit pieces below

Ed Perlmutter:

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Peggy Lamm:

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Which one is more convincing?

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48 thoughts on “Vote on the CD-7 hit pieces

  1. Ed’s makes a statement at first glace.  Peggy’s asks a question and then forces you to try to read to make up your mind.  People don’t have that kind of attention span.  So from a “get your point accross” perspective, Ed wins.

    1. … before the Lamm-ites claim another poll showing Peggy with a ‘double digit lead’ over EP?  (who cares that it’s 4 to 3 currently, right)?

      1. How has Peggy Lamm broken the Law?
        The links on Ed’s website only go to routine filings with the Secretary of State.
        Has she been fined?
        Does anyone have head to head polling data

        1. SIB, voters don’t care if she’s been fined. Voters are either way smarter than (we, you, us) political wonks think or they are more stupid, either way they are not going to go to the Secreatary of States site to see if Peggy was fined and base their vote on that. Some people vote on the “best looking” candidate. Sad but true. Have you ever seen a piece of campaign lit that says, “Vote for JOE he’s ahead in a poll someone did.” ? Voters don’t care about polls and they don’t vote based on polls. We wonks love polls, voters don’t give a flip.

    2. I was led to think, from your other posts, that you were a right winger. Are you actually a died-in-the-wool hippy liberal? Or is there some other reason you care about the guy who wants to be the next Dennis Kucinich?

  2. It appears that Ed stole Peggy’s tagline – “fights for us.”

    I think Ed is having a hardtime pinning down a solid message… one day he’s the “Democrat we can count on,” the next he’s using Peggy’s “Democrat who fights for us”…

    1. Must be the I’m a lawyer lobbyist who’s wife is working with Owens, but Peggy Lamm is not Dottie Lamm” messaging is not working so well…”But wait, Steven Stills is comming

    2. AuroraGirl, You made a joke-funny right? Is this your first experience in politics. No one owns these goofy statements. Do you really think Peggy was the first person to use this statement? Hardly. “Stole Peggy’s tagline”? This is funny joke you made, ha ha ha. Call police, Ed is stealing Peggys taglines. You one funny girl.

  3. To me Peggy’s attack piece draws attention to the fact that Ed has more of a record. “Ed has done this” followed by “I *will* do this unrelated thing.” (And how can you call someone a “career politician” while complaining about their non-political-office job at the same time?)

    Ed’s piece points to things he provided leadership on, issues he has fought for, and contrasts them to Peggy’s stances on some things that many would find troubling.

    I know this is totally subjective, but many voters understand that campaigns spin. By spinning so much of Ed’s record, Lamm points out that he has a more extensive record than her. For trying to run as the Outsider (despite the Lamm ‘insider’ name), Peggy’s piece sure sounds like a spinarific Insider attack. Those can turn people off. (Can. I won’t say this *will*, but it’s a risk.)

    1. …can be said about Ed on GLBT issues.  “I did vote against gay rights when in the Senate, but I will change my mind if elected to Congress.” 

    2. Peggy also spends a lot of space on Ed, making the entire ad feel negative.  I agree, Lamm’s ad lends credence to Perlmutter.  Both Ed and Peggy’s literature focus primarily on, well, Ed.  Not wise if you’re the Lamm campaign.  What’s the story on Perlmutter’s last negative point, did Peggy refuse to support Bill Ritter? Or did she simply wait until all other Democrats official dropped from the raced to indorse?

      1. Both of them make me see and remember Ed Perlmutter.  Peggy’s isn’t very effective–it actually seems to feature Ed, and I agree in highlighting his bad votes it actually draws out that he has long experience.

        KathrynP, I’m sure you’re reading this.  🙂

  4. Most voters have no idea who either of these people are.  They need to articulate credibility and confidence and neither of these pieces do that well at all.

    The photos used by Perlmutter look like obvious worst of the pack stuff and Peggy sounds like she doesn’t like Ed but is not sure why.

    Here’s a tip.  Tell D voters how you’ll help them defeat the R in November.  Who cares about petty name-calling and finger-pointing, there’s a tough fight for an actual congressional seat very soon here.  Tell me why you can win.

  5. Has Peggy lost her mind?

    This campaign really isn’t building her character, it’s merely revealing it. I love how she’s trying to get votes by bashing Ed as opposed to showing the voters what she has to offer.

    Is it just me or do you guys tend to lose respect for Lamm daily? Haha.

    And another thing I find funny is that Lamm continues to disregard her third opponent. Is she blind or does she just not see that there is going to be a third candidate on the ballot?!

    Face it, Peggy, Herb Rubenstein is a force in this race.

    1. Perhaps I missed it, but can you point out to me exactly where Perlmutter addresses Herb in his piece?

      Could it be both Ed and Peggy are ignoring him because he is a non-factor in this race?

      1. Obviously you are not keeping up with the current polls otherwise you would see that Herb is second in lead.

        And you say he isn’t a factor in this race? Alright, guess we’ll see.

          1. Excuse me, where did I ever say that Ed addresses Herb?

            Right now Ed’s main threat is Peggy, because she’s been dedicating her time to bashing him. Obviously he needs to get a move on things.

            1. ignoring the non-factor Herb (who will get only a few more votes than you or I and we are not even on the ballot in this race), so I assumed that you would have the same vitriol for Ed as you did for her.  It appears to me that both Peggy and Ed realize that Herb is a non-factor and are firing at their real opponents–each other.

        1. Hi Keeley,

          I already asked you elsewhere in the blog, but just to make sure that everyone reading this thread sees it… What current polls? Can you please link to a current, scientific, and preferaby but not necessarily independent poll?

          The ones on this site don’t count. Even if they didn’t let you vote as much as you like, us cranks who actually use this site are hardly a random sampling, and I know many of us who vote don’t live in CD7.

  6. either of them very much.  Ed’s looks best on the front page (that is one ugly guy on Peggy’s–ick!  I know that’s the look they want, but frankly it doesn’t make me want to look at the rest of the piect) and captures my interest; but for substance, Peggy’s is better.  I like the side-by-side comparison approach.  Too bad she chose the ugly front.  I’d have to say it’s a draw.

    The one who really loses is Herb.  They ignored him.

    1. Please explain to me how Herb has been labeled as the “loser” just because Peggy was too scared to acknowledge her third opponent? Yes, Peggy is in the lead, followed by Herb, and finally Ed. Just because Peggy decided to waste her time on Ed and isn’t acknowledging her other opponent does NOT make him a loser.

      In fact, I think the fact that Herb isn’t indulging himself in this bashing of his opponents bullshit makes him a winner. He’s sticking to the issues, which is what I, as a voter in the 7th district, want to hear.

  7. This is typical mindless democrat dribble. The elected offical that looks like that is a senator from mass that likes to drive drunk and let girls drown but that is just me.  Also since when is favortism and no-bid contracts an issuse in this election? I thought immigration, and the war in Iraq where there issues I guess no one really knows what there message is or any democrat for that matter. This is why we need a person like Rick fighting for us in Washington.

      1. The Republicans want to totally abolish security. Anyone who says different is lying. We all know it, and now it comes out that O’Donnell has actually said it.

        1. See what we want is a small goverenment without hand outs if you are not smart enough to save money for retirement, well then yes grandma it look like being a greeter at walmart is in your future. The system was orginal intended to be gone by now, so why not rely on the american people to take care of themselves  rather than having a babysitter of a governement taking my hard earned money to pay for granny to eat, what do I look like I am not running a charity here I need to eat too.  If you dems had your way you would just take all my money and spend it for me on helping illegals get governement hand outs. AS for immigration reform this crap passed in the S.S. it does nothing it is typical “mindless democrat dribble” worthless. Go Rick I hope he takes your granny’s money and gives it back to all the hard working people who save for retirement and do not count on the governement to take care of them, and while he is at get rid of medicare too.

          1. you’re right.  All of those “grandmas” who were school teachers their entire lives (God bless them) had such an easy time saving for retirment on that $35,000/year salary.  They’ll be fine for the next thirty years of their retirement.  Almost as easy as those corporate tycoons who have Daddy’s company as soon as they graduated from State University (with no loans needed of course).

            When S.S. was created, the largest group of people in poverty were the elderly.  Thankfully government came up with a system that solved a problem the marketplace couldn’t.

            1. Teachers who only make $35k shouldn’t complain. They’re making more than sweatshop workers in China. If they would just live on Ramen and bike to work every day, there’s no reason they couldn’t have a nice fat nest egg by the time they retire.* Social Security is just making it possible for these whiny people to drive a car or eat a sandwich every once in awhile. Selfish bastards.

              *Assuming they invest wisely, don’t unexpectedly have any more children than planned, don’t have any medical emergencies or chronic conditions in themselves or their children, don’t take vacations, etc.

              (In case you missed it…this is sarcasm. Please don’t take this seriously. Unless you’re Fox News, then sure! I believe this and need a job!)

  8. I don’t live in CD-7 and don’t care who wins, but Ed’s ad is more effective.  Dems hate Cheney and you don’t have to read the back to get Ed’s message. 

      1. Saw Perlmutter and Rubenstein’s ads todays.
        Rubenstein’s ad is the clear winner.
        Any head to head polls asking people how they will vote on
        August 8?

      2. Doesn’t look like it has freezer burn.  Good try at the redirection, though.  Jefferson better have one hell of a good entrapment defense, ’cause most Democrats aren’t lifting a finger to keep him in power (or office).  That’s the difference between O’Donnell and whoever wins the Dem primary – O’Donnell will keep propping up his GOP buddies regardless of how corrupt they are; Ed or Peggy or Herb won’t.

  9. I think Ed’s makes a stronger point as it shows the side of Lamm that is a crass political operator though she’s attempting to portray herself as an independent “fighter” with lots of “spine.”  Supporting Owens, the shady lobbying practices (not ot mention the residency lying and such), plus the capitulation to some pretty whacky pro-gun legislation offsets her message pretty strongly.

    At the same time, her attacks on Perlmutter are pretty easily refuted when people learn that Perlmutter is endorsed by the CEA, has successfuly fought off corporations to preserve open spaces, sits on the trustee board of the operators of the NREL, and is universally supported by labor interests.

    Right now I see Perlmutter’s message getting stronger and people learning more about what he has to offer as a candidate.  I feel like Peggy is still riding the same line of attack, which, as I already stated, is pretty easy to refute. 

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