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October 20, 2010 05:26 AM UTC

Closing arguments from Ken Buck

  • by: bjwilson83

I really, really enjoyed this article by Ken.


This is why I think that, though it may be close, in the end Ken will pull out the win. Ken is making a positive case for why we should elect him. You may disagree with him on some points, but unlike Bennet he has a plan to fix our economy. Instead of just trying to throw smears at the other guy and hope they stick, Buck is doing his best to provide solutions to get us out of the mess that we’re in.

And it isn’t just the usual partisan talking points. Buck admits that both Republicans and Democrats are to blame for the economic mess we find ourselves in. He’s not going to go to Washington looking to assign blame to someone; he’s actually going to fix the problems. All Bennet can do is say he supports the President’s agenda, which our nation has clearly rejected. That is why, in the end, Ken Buck will be the next senator from Colorado.

My grandparents came to America from Norway when they were teenagers with not a dime to their name — and no health care coverage. They wanted to make a better life for themselves, but they wouldn’t have been able to if they had been taxed to the hilt to pay off a spiraling national debt.

This is an exceptional country, the land of opportunity. Hardworking folks like my grandparents are what built this country, not government bureaucrats who just want to keep spending our money without anything to show for it. Unlike Colorado’s currently appointed senator, I will not rubber-stamp every bill that comes out of Washington. I will be a voice for those who want a chance at the American dream — like my grandparents.


36 thoughts on “Closing arguments from Ken Buck

              1. why do so many of them disproportionately wind up as evidence in homicides ?

                Because he is a true patriot standing up for our second amendment rights, thats why. What would we ever do without our pawn shop hero.

                1. Illegal straw-man purchasers from unscrupulous pawn brokers do. And the prosecutors providing cover for political allies by throwing cases lend a hand!

  1. What a lying hypocrite. He forgot to mention, unless you are gay, had an abortion, are on social security or are a vet or a college student needing a federal loan. More like a voice for the rich and priveleged.

  2. My grandparents came from France.  All of our relatives came from somewhere else and made something of the American dream – including Michael Bennet’s, whose grandparents were Polish Holocaust survivors.

    I’m happy to acknowledge Buck’s family history as a thread to America’s past.  I’m not willing to accept his despicable bigotry and wrong-side-of-history views as a thread to our collective futures.

  3. Ken will close this season out strong and pull out a tight win in a hard fought election contest.  This type of message is why, despite his missteps, the voters will send Ken Buck to Washington with a mission.

    Our job starting on Nov 3 will be to ensure he remembers to be faithful to the voters of Colorado and be the voice for fiscal restraint and sanity in Washington.  We just can’t afford 2.5 Billion in spending a day any longer Mikey.

    1. Of course we have to figure out what it is he is supposed to be faithful to. I guess we’re supposed to ensure he remains faithful to his homophobic beliefs? Or his misogynistic stances? Perhaps we should ensure he remains faithful to completely controlling women’s reproductive systems.

      If there’s one thing Buck doesn’t do it’s being faithful.  

    1. because it doesn’t say squat about what Ken Buck will do. I could write a more specific one than this – and I don’t support the guy.

      You want it front paged? Then list out what Buck is actually going to do other than vague platitudes like “he has a plan to fix our economy” and “doing his best to provide solutions.”

      1. How can you have missed the Buck 3-Point Plan to Out People Back to Work, Balance the Budget and Fix the Economy.

        1  Put People Back to Work

        2  Balance the Budget

        3  Fix the Economy.

        It’s so obvious and simple.  That’s the beauty.

  4. I said one thing in the primary, another now. The only thing I am sure of, is that I want to improve my golf game.

    As a man I get to decide what a woman can do with her uterus.

    I think being gay is a choice like alcoholism.

    My boots are covered in shit and so is my prosecutorial  record. I believe that if a woman thinks about an abortion she deserves to be raped. I also let gun dealers go, who then contribute to my campaign.  

  5. I said one thing in the primary, another now. The only thing I am sure of, is that I want to improve my golf game.

    As a man I get to decide what a woman can do with her uterus.

    I think being gay is a choice like alcoholism.

    My boots are covered in shit and so is my prosecutorial  record. I believe that if a woman thinks about an abortion she deserves to be raped. I also let gun dealers go, who then contribute to my campaign.  

        1. I am amazed that I haven’t gotten

          an incoherent spiddle and invective filled response from bj.  

          Cheating the taxpayers 100 times a day by making political posts from his government-paid job.  bjwilson83

  6. Ok, BJ, I bite. What is his plan? I read the statement in full. Ken Buck’s only specifically proposed solution is that congress should repeal HCR. Great. But that won’t do anything to fix the economy. So, what is his plan?

    He states that when Obama took over we faced a $6.3 trillion public debt, and now it’s $8.2 trillion. Scary numbers, sure. So what is Buck’s plan to reverse that trend?

    We know he won’t raise taxes, so new revenue is out. Then Buck has to cut spending. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. Let’s pretend that the economy picks up and we see revenue numbers similar to 2006, and he and his colleagues are able to cut spending to Bush year numbers. We would still face up to a $500 billion dollar deficit each year.

    Is the economy fixed then? The debt would still be rising, which is of course his biggest concern, so apparently that’s not enough.

    So, what’s his plan to fix the economy, BJ?

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