“You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war.”
–Napoleon Bonaparte
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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It’s crystal clear, the overreach has caused even the Denver Post to retrench from supporting some of “Osama’s’ most over the top socialist policies.
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer….
We’ve all seen the graphs of unemployment with and without the Obama bailouts … 10% official Obama unemployment, 18% functional unemployment.
4 million children added to the poverty rolls last year.
40-100% growth of Coloradans on state medical aid … depending on how you count the growth.
The state borrowing $100 million every month from the federal government just to meet its unemployment benefit obligations.
Any, absolutely ANY respect I once accorded you is gone.
ps did you really ever have any respect? ….
not much, but some. You can’t just say “excuse me” as though you did not do something vile and profane in a very deliberate way
Way to go Dems!
Amazing! Wait, this is an election year.
never mind.
You knew exactly what you were doing.
I’m surprised you didn’t add “Hussein” while you were at it.
How about a real apology? Maybe you can set a good example for Cory Gardner.
He called Obama, “Osama”, back in 2008.
that FDR was a failure too because the Unemployment rate in 1940 was 12%, DOWN from 25% in 1933?
What of all those REPUBLICANS sending letters of EARMARKS! then touting all those thousands of projects they got STIMULUS FUNDS for.
Unemployment has not reached a HIGH like under Reagan of 10.9%.
AS actual unemployment would be 25% not 9% because of President Obamas vigilance in doing his job…
Unlike you Libertard I am not a rat running from a ship that you proclaim is sinking.
I’m saying today we have 18% functional unemployment and the people are laying this at the feat of the Democrats.
The people are so fed up with unemployment, they’re so fed up with high-tax, big-goverment policies, they’re so fed up with spending out of control in Washington and the size of the deficits.
All around the country we find the Democratic incumbents have a really hard time explaining why they were helping Pelosi and helping Obama move the country to the left.
4 million children added to the poverty rolls last year.
40-100% growth of Coloradans on state medical aid … depending on how you count the growth.
The state borrowing $100 million every month from the federal government just to meet its unemployment benefit obligations.
that 8 full years of republican fuck ups can be repaired in 2 years… and if they arent then return to the ideology that did the fucking up…
as somehow doing the same thing again will produce different results immediately…
that’s rich Libertard!
Doing the same things over and over expecting a different result is not just INSANE but also tea bag republican promises. a HOLLOW promise at that.
Things are bad so lets go back to the party that made them bad, without giving any real chance at repair?
they’re so fed up with spending out of control in Washington and the size of the deficits.
All around the country we find the Democratic incumbents have a really hard time explaining why they were helping Pelosi and helping Obama move the country to the left.
Had enough? Most have.
‘ard, the Federal government was at it’s smallest size since the Eisenhower administration when Clinton left office.
Then the Republican’t party moved in and started their “Tax Cut and Deficit” policies that ballooned the size of the Federal Government, and handed out billions in no-bid, no-supervision contracts to their political cronies, and dug us into a giant deficit hole.
When President Obama came into office, the size of gov’t stopped increasing. The total number of government workers in America has been falling, not rising, under 44. A small increase in federal employment was swamped by sharp declines at the state and local level – most notably, by layoffs of schoolteachers. Total government payrolls have fallen by more than 350,000 since January 2009.
Lastly, let me steal something from your playbook:
No fraud, 60% of the stimulus was tax cuts, and we’ve recovered 70% of our GDP, which is higher than our competitors in the global markets (Germany, France and the UK.) According to the CBO, the 3.5 million jobs created by the stimulus is 1 million MORE than 8 years of Dubyanomics.
I haven’t had enough of this policy…but I have had enough of your bullshit. Isn’t your WoW clan waiting for you online?
And you misspelled “popular and successful social programs” as “big-government.”
It helps you to communicate more effectively when you don’t make elementary mistakes like that.
Let’s see, Democrats had control of the Senate from 2001 to 2003. Then Republicans had both Houses of Congress from 2003-2007. Then Democrats have had control of both from 2007 to now. Where exactly do you get 8 years Froward? And Dems have had control of the Congress for almost 4 years not 2.
You seem to have your facts a bit mixed up, to be kind.
Without the recession, we would likely see similar results to other Democratic Presidents.
This research from a non-partisan twitter account (I didn’t reverse the order of entry for the tweets so read them from the bottom up):
October 18, 2010
I know that this is a 2nd posting of this information but it seemed to fit the comment I attached it too.
Do we really have to go through all of the information about how and why and when this recession started and the policies that have stalled more progress?
I can bring up the charts again! And lots of other information. You are way off base and disseminating lies.
This short video will help you with the direction of jobs/unemployment.
Example? Not a rant, but something specific.
Bob Herbert, NYT http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10…
And, have always liked the word yeoman. It appears that a yeoman’s effort is absolutely a requirement to bring the economy and the country back to some sense of prosperity. It will require an effort of cooperation, creativity, sacrifice and pain.
The problem is IMHO, that the political leadership on the conservative side isn’t interested in putting their shoulder to the job. Its just, way too often, all politics and blame games.
I’ve witnessed Obama try to bridge the partisan divide. Unfortunately, the way this election is shaping up, the political environment in seats of government around the country, and in Washington is going to worsen, not get better. That portends real problems for our United States of America.
It’s tragic, but its all too real.
I’m off to whip up an omelette and get the day started! Make it a great day everyone.
if GOP controls either house. Numerous GOP candidates & incumbents have stated they will stop legiislating, they will stop Dem/Obama intiatives, they will work to repeal what has passed in the last 21 mos, and they’ll grind government to a stop.
Where the fuck is the sense in any of that? That’s not progress. That’s grade school bullying & a ‘take-my-ball-and-go’ response to things not going their way. Based on what the GOP is saying, America will have ever more deepening pain & suffering at the hands of GOP control.
Show me one, just one GOP candidate who is running on a platform of bipartisanship. Who has stated thay they’ll work with Obama or a Dem House or a Dem Sen to make progress with our social issues, our economy, America’s ills? Name one.
I’m reading and hearing a complete message of obstruction from today’s GOP. It’s how they’ve operated since Obama won. There’s no talk of progress, no vision of a viable future with the GOP. Across the board the GOP & TeaBaggers want America to walk back the last 21 mos.
GOP/TeaBaggers can keep their own friggin’ heads buried and let Dem/Progressives try to get the US working again. RW GOP’rs have nothing, NOTHING to offer that we haven’t already seen.
Can we as a nation, as a people, really afford more paralysis? But VanDammer is right, of course: paralysis was the GOP strategy 2009-10, and it will be the end result in 2011-12 since the GOP has no positive ideas and is determined solely to try to repeal and rescind.
Energy: Do nothing, protect oil & coal interests.
Education; Do nothing, unless you consider eliminating the Dept. of Education to be something.
Economy? IF Republicans really believe what they say about how to revive demand in the economy–by repealing health care? cutting taxes when interest rates are virtually zero–well, I wouldn’t insult anyone by suggesting s/he really believes such nonsense.
Infrastructure: Obama’s proposal already nixed, and not just by Republicans!
In the meantime, it’s not just the election that counts. We would be remiss to imagine this to be the case. The sort of misinformation flowing from Glenn Beck, the sort of hate-speech blowing from Sharron “Latinos, Asians, all look alike to me” Angle, the truly Big Lie approach of Newt “sharia in the courtrooms” Gingrich — this all has effects far, far beyond the ballot box, beyond a paralyzed legislature.
I resist being alarmist, but I can’t say that I’ve ever seen more crises simultaneously that threaten more than just one part’s control of one body of the federal legislature for two years.
BUT: Are is Reich’s perfect storm wholly a matter of plutocrats bribing politicos with campaign donations, or buying our attention 30 seconds at a time?
OR are We the People to blame…for not paying attention, for failing to analyze the claims, for resorting to glib retorts when some serious consideration is needed, for accepting party labels in lieu of close examination of the facts, for looking at a horizon defined as the end of our noses and not one cm further, for defining the future as the time it takes for a new page download?
Mebbe we’s gettin what we pay for…market politics and all that.
Really seemed like a small crowd last night for President Clinton. Anyone know why attendance was so sparse?
And the big dog had everybody charged up. I’m going off this morning to do more calls for Bennet.
Clinton only drawing 2,000 in his 2nd endorsement … not showing the excitement folks …
They came to hear him explain why being gay is a choice, like alcoholism.
You’re just making crap up. “I heard 2,000.” Yeah: from your mother, totaling up all the …
Democrats need to grow some spine and teeth!!! treat republicans like they treat others!!!
and the polls reflect that.
now the question is… Is the Electorate dumb enough to believe republicans (who really created this mess) are the ones to fix it?
republicans are banking on it.
Most have had enough, not you I understand
When President Obama is actually governing from the center.
I realize the simpletons who are spoiled and used to a have it now lifestyle are confused and wonder why 8 years of republican damage is not repaired yet. Two years with stiff opisition is not near long enough to undo republican incompetence.
and YOU are intentionally MISLEADING voters into believing republicans will repair their OWN damage???
Bohner said it best…
It’s like a Zen Monk, if he were also an asshole.
Without Clinton it would have been a handful of Wall Street financiers that specialize in risky derivatives and pension fund leverage.
…that will now be going door-to-door spreading the truth about the Con-Man from Weld County, and asking Repubs why they have to hide behind shadowy astroturf groups funded by foreign money.
according to the news this a.m. Packed room, over 1,500 attended. I wonder what you’re talking about.
Remember, this wasn’t for the general public, it was for the GOTV team. They offered tickets to anyone who did five shifts or more.
I’d put the crowd at over 2,000 — I know I couldn’t get a seat.
I was there and it was annoyingly overcrowded, packed and loud. They actually could’ve used a bigger venue – but the turnout and enthusiasm is exactly what they wanted.
Bennet was solid and Clinton was folksy, fascinating and fun. His message: on every issue, there is a very clear choice between Bennet and Buck. That message was preceded with his thoughts on tea party candidates, best summed up with his “you can’t make this stuff up” line.
always, always opt for the smaller house better to make ’em stand than talk to empty seats.
Textbook disinformation trolling #FAIL. Too bad there were thousands of people there to call you on it, eh?
and I’m also gonna guess between 1500-2000. It was packed, and way too hot for the length of time we were there. Clinton got the crowd on their feet, loud and enthusiastic.
Two best lines:
Bennet: The crowd that burned down the house wants their matches back. We’re not going to give it to them.
Clinton: This tea party got everyone except the Mad Hatter.
Give Clinton MAD PROFS..he can break down an issue, highlight the major points and put out the right course of action like no other President.
And of course, he hit the nail on the head – this election is about choices, not a referendum. Do you want an out-of-control Republican’t party to add 3 trillion dollars to the deficit with their bullshit budget that rewards millionaires, stop the economic recovery and force students out of college?
Keep Bill on the road for the next two weeks – the undecides will see thru the GOP con game, and vote to keep this country on track.
I hope this inspired it:
Bennet’s quote is better though…
Dems have former president Bill Clinton.
Enquiring minds want to know: Where’s W?
Oh yeah, Repugnicants message is that W screwed up, but they’ve learned their lesson so put them back in power. Lessons like balancing the budget that even Fox Spews Chris Wallace can’t get Carly Fiorina to explain how that’s going to happen.
Repugnicants: Same as it ever was.
Seriously – is he in Texas? Out of the country? You’d think some R in some safely R district would have the guy in for fundraiser and fun.
Where is W? Hell- where is President Bush Sr?
yet another blog entry, but this is the best statement I’ve read about the Republican’t party and their stupid-ass claims:
“A brief comment: Please notice that I back EVERY accusation up with a confirming link. My inbox receives a steady stream of junkmail chain letters from Right-wingers recanting political horror stories of “FEMA Death camps” or how “Democrats are out to destroy America”… all with one thing in common: NO LINKS to back them up. Easiest way to tell if that political chain-letter is crap or not is whether or not it contains any links to back up their accusations.”
The Top Five:
1. Gingrich Suggests Taking Out The Remaining ‘Axis Of Evil’ Members: ‘We’re One Out Of Three’. Are you tired of these budget-breaking, costly & bloody wars? The GOP isn’t.
2. Department of Defense can’t account for 96 percent of money administered in Iraq reconstruction fund (between 2003-2007, $9.1 Billion just vanished).
3.Deficit fraud Shadegg (R-WI) can’t name a single program he’d cut to reduce the deficit.
4. The GOP has become the “Let Them Eat Want Ads” Caucus: A look at all the Conservatives claiming people on unemployment are “lazy” and are simply “putting off looking for work”.
5. Speaking of which: TN Congressman running for governor, Zach Wamp (R-TN) Suggests Unemployed Are ‘Just Sitting Back Waiting’.
All backed up with links – Beej, ‘tad, and the rest, you are now free to use your Constitutional Right to display the depth of your ignorance…
..just received this from VoteVets…
“Additionally, I wanted to let you know that we’re launching radio ads in Colorado, focusing on Senate candidate Ken Buck’s extreme position that he would shut down VA Hospitals and privatize them. Our radio ad out there will start up this week.”
Spending money in a state where Vets represent 12% of the population, esp in a tight race will sink the Lying Con-man from Weld County. And how long before Vets are knocking on doors telling people face-to-face what a lying flip-flopping bastard he is?
for a Cary Kennedy fundraiser, and Senator Udall said something striking that really made me think, and feel good (which is a feeling so rare this season.)
He said that he thinks Colorado Democrats have a great team. From the top down, our candidates are all competent and reasonable people. Whatever your ideological views, it is obvious that our side has qualifications for their positions, no criminal background, and speak reasonably and engage the opposition respectfully.
You can’t say the same thing about the R’s.
Will be interesting to see where talent will get us this year, however!
Look it up baby
2830 E. Seventh Ave. Parkway, Denver, 80206
Read more: U.S. Senate candidate Q&A: Michael Bennet – Boulder Daily Camera http://www.dailycamera.com/ele…
sideload garage, two story brick and stone, 5,000+ square feet, massive landscaped lawn, fronting the exclusive Seventh Avenue Parkway in Country Club…nice
Arial view:
Front view:
Any word on weather or not he offered Romanoff a place to crash?
You can’t stand that the man is successful? You want him to live in Socialist government housing?
Seriously. What’s the beef here?
What’s that, 75% of poverty income?
he who has never had anything to live on except government largess.
And there are many more like Tank.
But since you mentioned it, if you work in fundraising or politics, you get to visit the homes of the rich and influential for events on a regular basis.
That said, of all the multi-million real estate I’ve visited, the Bennet home is traditional and unpretentious.
You got a problem with that? Or more specifically, what is your problem anyway?
Bartels’ column today is a story that was on Pols yesterday:
normally I do not even get posted.
that Lynn Bartels keeps track of candidates on Facebook too. It’s an example of both Pols and the Spot “trolling” Facebook for ideas, or, you know, news.
You already posted that in another thread.
Nobody watched it there either.
This just in from the GOP…
Wadhams been besieged by emails from Republicans who admitted voting for Maes in the primary, but now are supporting Tom Tancredo.
“They’re telling me, ‘I demand you remove Maes. You better get him out of the race.’ I can’t do that. But they voted for Maes to begin with,” “It’s amazing.” Wadhams goes on … “To his credit, he [Tancredo] has established himself as the challenger to Hickenlooper. I think Tom is in a position to pull this off,”
These quotes on Tancredo appeared in an article by Lynn Bartels of the Denver Post.
Gosh, if only Tancredo had been in office, this cute little boy wouldn’t have been killed!
Yep, that’s Tancredo in a nutshell all right. Total demagoguery.
Turns out I was right, yet again.
All hail the ACP! (and pass the popcorn).
Joe is right, of course, if we start having coalition governments in a multiparty system, then we do start passing around cabinet posts.
A weird year for governor, that’s for sure.
His guy is out shopping for a political payoff and a ‘commission’.
You posted this on more than one thread.
yesterday you said that Harrington made it up
That’s exactly what Rossputin said.
Kamisky is a liar, and those who believe him are fools.
Roe v. Wade is not up to a vote, so “Buyer’s Remorse” Buck’s troglodyte views on choice are irrelevant, as Buck would be just one Senator.
Oh, wait:
Nothing much more to add: just wanted to see it again.
Best. Quote. Ever.
Dan Maes may think bicycles are a U.N. plot, but he’s right on about Tom Tancredo.
Maybe you Chitown Dems can consult here … is that a Blago like payoff term that Maes people used?
Why has Maes continued to meet with Tancredo?
Then Maes arranges a series of meeting with big whales from the GOP, but is exposed for trying to extract more money after attempts like:
– Stealing fromn an 83 year old lady and
– opening the burlap sack for cash donations didn’t prove out
– the LT Gov slot and multiple appointments
The GOP tried and true will not stand for this corruption that Maes is projecting. I predict legal actions.
Just who does Maes think he is … Blagoyovich?
Even liberals are jumping ship to support Tancredo:
Understand how plural nouns work?
Jessica Corry would write that article is to promote her medical marijuana clients’s issues. It has nothing to do with anything based in reality (as much of the Corrys life would attest).
A few quotes to help the unititiated…
Thanks for nothing Jessica – you fucking goof…
She is probably best described as a libertarian, although she does seem to have a conscious. Her post is a (lame) plea for liberals to support Tanc because he supports legalizing pot. Good luck with that one. And, by the way it is probably significant that Corry works for the Independence Institute, the organization that Tanc founded.
What if a president cut Americans’ income taxes by $116 billion and nobody noticed?
It is not a rhetorical question. At Pig Pickin’ and Politickin’, a barbecue-fed rally organized here last week by a Republican women’s club, a half-dozen guests were asked by a reporter what had happened to their taxes since President Obama took office.
“Federal and state have both gone up,” said Bob Paratore, 59, from nearby Charlotte, echoing the comments of others.
After further prodding – including a reminder that a provision of the stimulus bill had cut taxes for 95 percent of working families by changing withholding rates – Mr. Paratore’s memory was jogged.
“You’re right, you’re right,” he said. “I’ll be honest with you: it was so subtle that personally, I didn’t notice it.”
So again, a point I’ve made OVER AND OVER AGAIN- the Tea ‘n Crumpets Movement, founded on the idea that they pay too much taxes AND that their taxes went up when Obama was elected President, are a collection of stammering dumbasses who just parrot whatever they’re told…
In support of Joe Sestak
So, if the
Cocksuckers,Liars,shills didn’t hear about it, it can’t be happening.VoteVets is working in two states this way – PA and NV. They’re starting to look at a blitz the last two weeks in a few other places…Virginia and (wait for it) Colorado.
Again, don’t piss off vets by saying combat bonuses are a “waste” and that you want to “Privatize the VA..”
There are a lot of names that could still be added but this list is a good start:
“Dan Maes Unlikely to Capture 10% of the Vote”
About losing major party status, Wadhams said “It probably will happen,” said Republican state party chairman Dick Wadhams. “Voters are asking, ‘Why would I waste my vote on Maes? ‘”
The Colorado Republican Party should be proud that their chairman has such high hopes for their candidate.
“Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?” O’Donnell asked him.
When Coons responded that the First Amendment bars Congress from making laws respecting the establishment of religion, O’Donnell asked: “You’re telling me that’s in the First Amendment?”
She wants to be a Senator, but doesn’t know that the separation of church and state is in the same Amendment that protects her ability to spout fact-deficient accusations at the government? Say it ain’t so!
Her comments, in a debate aired on radio station WDEL, generated a buzz in the audience.
“You actually audibly heard the crowd gasp,” Widener University political scientist Wesley Leckrone said after the debate, adding that it raised questions about O’Donnell’s grasp of the Constitution.
It guarantees freedom of religion; it says nothing about separation of church and state.
It requires that all important critical thinking to look beyond the written words to the meaning. It’s a weird thing called “intent”.
It’s why Supreme Courts, both conservative and liberal alike, have held up the idea of separation in ruling after ruling for hundreds of years.
The intent was never to forbid city halls from putting up Christmas trees or to ban prayer in schools. It was to prevent government from banning a religion or establishing an official religion.
That covers prayer in schools, Christianized pagan symbols on government lawns, skewed handouts of taxpayer money to religious schools, and many many other things.
Ask yourself if you would be unhappy with the government supporting mandatory (or “encouraged”) Islamic prayer in schools, or preferentially displaying a Menorah around the holidays. Would it be okay with you if Hindu schools were well established compared to Christian schools and got a disproportionate amount of government funding, thereby helping them maintain their dominance in religious schooling?
If you’re uncomfortable with having other religions treated preferentially to your own, then you should be a strong proponent of the separation of church and state as debated verbosely during the Constitutional Convention, introduced in the 1st Congress, and ratified as our 1st Amendment.
How do you think an originalist would interpret it? You didn’t say anything in your post above.
Why do you lie, beej?
Check it out: http://www.redstate.com/radica…
Read the link. Some dude asked if it was OK to print some Bibles (he didn’t need permission), and Congress said “Great job.” Others have spent much more time debunking this nonsense. Anyone who cares can [read this PDF http://www.liarsforjesus.com/downloads/LFJ_chap_1.pdf%5D.
Congress also told the Chicago Blackhawks they were awesome, but that doesn’t violate the First Amendment either. Congress passes meaningless nonbinding legislation all the time.
And if that weren’t enough, the meaningless Congressional resolution you obliquely reference predates the First Amendment, so it’s completely irrelevant. Try and keep your head from exploding, but all your conservative friends have been lying to you because they think you’re dumb.
Credible conservatives don’t give it the time of day.
Still, it’s hilarious that even with hardcore Talibanists like you don’t read them closely, per sxp151’s reply to you.
Here’s a tip: people don’t like people who call other people Taliban. For that matter, they don’t like people who call other people racist, sexist, homophobe, etc. It is in large part due to the fact that the best the Democrat Party can come up with this election is name calling and slurs that they are getting their butts handed to them. Also, telling people they are backward Westerners doesn’t help much either (see Hickenlooper, John).
… when the parallels between Christianists like you and the Taliban disappear (rolling back rights for women and minorities, trying to establish a theocracy), it will no longer be accurate to call you the American Taliban. The shoe fits.
Nobody believes Christians are trying to establish a theocracy or roll back rights for women and minorities, unless you consider abortion a right. And if so I challenge you to show me where the constitution establishes that right, and why you don’t support the right of women to life.
the Supreme Court said it is protected under the right to privacy. That’s how Constitutional Law works.
And what the hell does “why you don’t support the right of women to life” mean? You’re a bit confused (as you are when you say I’m “irrelevant” – irrelevant to what exactly?)
And sorry charlie, but you’ve read some of Christine O’Donnell’s statements and speeches, haven’t you? Not to mention all the opposition to the NYC mosque.
I haven’t heard O’Donnell advocating for a theocracy. Link, please?
if that weren’t so pathetic, that would be hysterical. Legal and safe abortion SAVES women’s lives.
How else do you want to deny reality, Flat Earth Beej?
As far as Ms. O’Donnell goes, you remember her “there’s no separation of church and state in the Constitution” remark, don’t you? What does that say about her?
makes an exception in the case that the mother’s life is endangered. In that situation there are two lives at stake. But killing one woman for the convenience of the other is just morally outrageous.
There are no women being killed. (Thank God for that, and thank God for Roe v. Wade to make that possible.) You’re out in orbit.
to ask that question showed an unbelievable degree of ignorance.
Nice, right?
That’s bitchin’ vision.
Curry and Rice! As delicious as it sounds. They do point out that Curry’s race will be difficult as a write-in, but maybe if we all keep saying her name as much as possible. Or spell it out loud.
Also, some other people.