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October 18, 2010 11:13 PM UTC

Um, It's a Little Too Late for That Now

  • by: Colorado Pols

Republican Gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes today pointed to a post on Facebook from a supporter named Joseph Harrington about apparent continued efforts by Republicans to get Maes to leave the race for Governor.

Talk about beating your heads against the wall. Republicans have been trying to get Maes out of the race since at least July, and he has yet to agree to any of their deals. So why would they keep trying, especially with the election just a few weeks away now? Do they really think Maes is suddenly going to decide to drop out now? Of course he isn’t, and the more that these stories continues to come out, the more that the Republicans involved risk getting exposed for obviously illegal activity (assuming this is true).

Anyway, the Facebook postings are after the jump:


112 thoughts on “Um, It’s a Little Too Late for That Now

  1. Tell that hypocritical, draft dodging, TARP voting, pot endorsing thug to get out of the race and let the people’s choice win this thing for real conservatives.

      In my view, legalizing pot should be the conservative position, since big brother and the nanny state are not supposed to be square off with the idea of limited government.  Otherwise, Tancredo’s mindless opportunism is in stark contrast to Maes’ principled, if underfunded and poorly expressed, campaign.

    1. The ONLY argument for keeping pot illegal that I can understand is that it’s tough to tell if someone is driving while intoxicated due to marijuana, because hair and urine tests will throw positives even for usage weeks to months in the past. If someone would just develop a decent test similar to BAC sensitive only to marijuana use in the past several hours, there would be absolutely no reason to continue the war on a harmless plant with numerous medical benefits that is less addictive and less hazardous than either tobacco and alcohol.

      I say this never having smoked in my life and as someone who is repulsed even by the faint odor of marijuana while walking past an apartment building.

      That said, aside from the jab at pot (I’m sure Dan Maes drinks from time to time!) that statement provoked a “hear, hear!” from me, and doubled my respect for Maes.

      Then again, twice zero is zero.

      1. Marijuana use can lead to bicycle sharing!

          It’s that gateway thing, you know.

          Pot, legalize it, regulate it, tax it at about $50 an ounce, and earmark the money for higher education.  


        1. Marijuana growers must be the only business interest begging to be taxed these days. So tax them. We need the money… and not just the money from taxes, the money we’d save by not engaging in the expensive charade of running working people through the court system for a crime less heinous than littering.

      2. legal and illegal, that are hard to detect with standard testing.  At least the smell of marijuana is a dead give away of recent use.  Personally, I am more worried about my kids getting run over by the teen drivers that are texting and driving than stoned drivers.  

        1. But texting and driving, at least, is easy to prove when investigating an accident. Did the driver’s phone send a text message just prior to the accident? If yes, the accident was probably caused by texting and driving.

          But really, as pungent as marijuana is, it shouldn’t be that hard to make a breathalyzer.

          1. whereas Alcohol is. so if a blood test is done on someone involved in an accident. If they had smoked Marijuana in the last 30 days they will test positive. regardless if the “User” was still under the influence (4 hours after ingestion the High wears off. –> as well as the cheetos are gone) 😉  

            Thus a breathalyzer works for Alcohol but not Marijuana. the smell can be duplicated with certain blends of potpourri. (I know this as I was detained in Utah for this very thing) A Blood test is more definitive as to how drunk the Alcohol user is but the MMJ smoker tests positive regardless of smoking last night, last week or flicking the J out the window just now.

            1. While THC isn’t soluble, it may be that a test could be devised to detect other chemicals in MJ, or to detect THC that’s still in the mouth and/or on the breath (as opposed to in the blood).

              It could also be possible to make a blood test that, in addition to THC, also detects the relative levels of some chemicals that either appear after THC consumption or are breakdown byproducts of it.

              Sure, it’s not as simple as a BAC, but that’s why we pay scientists good money, isn’t it?

    1. 20 seconds of my life to ask, but are you seriously saying that Maes’s Facebook page has been hijacked and that really isn’t Joseph Harrington?

      You’re starting to look insane. You know that, right?


              You are a fruitcake, as are the rest of your Tea Party Republicans.

              Now, I realize you won’t listen to me, but let me make myself perfectly clear. Those that don’t listen to me almost always end up in the fucking looney bin.

              You, H-Man, GOP, and the rest your kind, please get some help.

            2. Tancredo is a neanderthal fringe demagogue embarrassment, and there is not a hope in hell he will be the next Governor. Any strength he shows in (some) polling only serves as proof that likely voter models are hopelessly skewed. I personally hope that is the case, because it means you are going to GET YOUR ASS BEAT in all kinds of places you don’t expect to.

              Also, I’m going to make sure, personally, en espaГ±ol, that every Hispanic voter in Colorado – now, 2012, 2014, and so on – knows who Tancredo is and who supported him in 2010. Adios, el partido republicano.

              1. Hispanics are supporting Tancredo, sucker. Turns out they don’t like Democrats letting illegal immigrants steal their identities. Nor do legal immigrants like illegal immigrants killing their kids:

                  1. This event was a direct result of Hickenlooper’s sanctuary city policies. I’m trying to prevent tragic events like this from ever occurring again.

        1. anymore than your original comment. You claimed someone (who were you talking about??) was “plagiarizing”–which means to steal someone’s work and claim it as your own.

          I’m not trying to be an ass to you–I just don’t get what your comment has to do with anything in relation to this diary and its content. Are you in the wrong thread or did you just use the wrong word?  

          1. Actually I think it was a screen grab. Pols complains about the DP stealing from it, but doesn’t hesitate to steal the work of others on facebook.

            1. Copying Facebook is not the same as a copyright from a newspaper. Do you really need that explained to you, BJ?

              Why can’t you just admit that you fucked up and used the wrong word? There’s nothing wrong with being incorrect about something; there is something very wrong with being unable to admit it when you are.  

                  1. exception to the rule! Hope you’re enjoying this beautiful CO fall.

                    Life is good. Two kids in college, and a wonderful and supportive wife, good friends and an ability to whip up a mean omelet.

                    Thanks for asking. Its always nice to posit some civility and humor at this site.

                    You take care now, ya hear?

                    1. Glad to hear all is well in the life of Sir Robin.  I always enjoyed our light sparring.  You take care too!

                    1. We understand what you think you’re trying to say, but the word “plagiarism” does not mean what you think it means.



                      1. the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.

                      2. something used and represented in this manner.

                      Plagiarism is when you pass off someone else’s work as your own, like submitting a paper you found online as your own work. Obviously that doesn’t apply here. What Joseph Harrington or Dan Maes wrote is CLEARLY labeled as written by Harrington and Maes, and not by us.

                    2. I mean when we as posters can’t both MSU and make up new meanings for the words we use, you’re suppressing our speechifying and oppressing us.  

                      Help, help, I ‘m being oppressed

              1. Beej can’t admit a mistake because he is infallible.  So he posts lie and lie to cover the mistakes, and of course, the lies aren’t lies because they come from the beej.

                  In his mind, the sun rises from and sets in his ass.    

        2. Do you have any idea who Joseph Harrington IS? Do you bother looking into anything and finding out the facts before you post?

          No, of course not: that would take time from your busy day.

          There are a few things we KNOW to be true:

          1. Tom Tancredo is, as Dan Maes has accurately and pithily summarized, a “hypocritical, draft dodging, TARP voting, pot endorsing thug.”

          2. BJWilson83 is a blithering idiot.

          1. As for #2, whatever makes you sleep better at night:

            “I am a blithering idiot.”

            Happy now? You see, just because you think something, doesn’t make it true.

        1. You really get confused over the distinction between doubting whether something is true and concluding that it’s false.

          Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, as they say.

        2. When Hitler had a chance to lay it all on the line, he blamed the Jews for everything. True story – read up on the manifesto he dictated before he blew his brains out.

          Thank goodness we gave him a fair shake and let him tell his side of the story. The bad guys ALWAYS come clean when you shine the light on them.

                  1. First of all, I can’t ban anybody, that’s up to Pols. They (sometimes) ban people who break their Terms of Use. I suspect there’s a lot more than six people that have broken the rules with regard to outing me.

                    1. And, yes, you have now demanded that six, count ’em, six polsters be banned for the sin of offending the great and powerful beej.

                         Good luck with that…

                    2. As I have explained before, when I called you a pansy I meant it to mean that you are a lily-livered coward.

                    3. you continued to use it, because you thought that made it even funnier.

                      You’re a homophobe.

                    4. But then again, I’ve seen the evidence from your own comments already. I didn’t need anyone else to point out your homophobia to me.

                    5. Please stop using that word. You are using it on purpose at this point to offend a specific group. You have known for days now what that term means and who it is aimed at. You continue to use it over an over and over. How can you possibly claim to not be a homophobe after repeatedly using an anti-gay slur after it was explained to you? Why did you use it here today?

                      You’re an ignorant, insecure homophobe and you’re not fooling anyone on this site. You clearly have no idea what effect these slurs have on those who’ve actually struggled in their life with ignorant assholes like you.

                    1. YOU’RE the one who’s not divulging whatever Ross pulled out of his ass. Wonder why that is.

                    2. Apparently you are too lazy, stupid, or scared to click a link to another blog. I would have posted the whole thing but that would be plagiarism.

                    3. to quote, perhaps in a block form, a couple of representative paragraphs from a piece.


                      block     quote

                      block  quote


                      I just had the most awesome idea! Gonna go tell the internets about it, be right back.

                    4. Would Jesus indulge in petty name calling like this? Would He say “Psst Buddy! Got some Good News for you… if you click this link!”

                      This is why “Christians” like you have no credibility with anyone (including Jesus) except yourselves.

                      Ross is a liar and a fraud. He gets no page hits from me as his punishment. And since you just can’t say what he has to say, I’ll assume for now that it’s nothing of importance. Til you show me otherwise, TTFN.

                    5. I’ve got news for you; I’m not Jesus. Your fear of conservative blogs really doesn’t matter me. Out of curiosity though, are you afraid you might actually agree with them if you read them?

                    6. And I know you’re not likely to meet Him the way you’re going. Falsely accusing people of things that aren’t true aren’t the way to salvation.

                      Let it be shown that beej is afraid to divulge the contents of Kamisky’s blog. Which is fine; I saw what was posted at the Post this morning and now have an idea – some ass-covering BS that’s every bit as credible as Kamisky’s other lies. My avoidance of his blog is thus justified before all but the prejudiced hard right.

    2. elicits 13 responses as of the time of this posting.  Fourteen including mine, but I’m not responding to BJ–I’m responding to the people who are responding to BJ.

      If I can show enough self-discipline to not respond to this asshole, so can you.

      BJ clearly craves attention. In a post in a different thread, he has gloated over holding the record for comments, even though 100 of them were his and 400 of them were people telling him he’s full of shit.

      He IS full of shit. But he doesn’t differentiate positive attention from negative attention.  So telling him he’s full of shit just feeds his need for attention.

      I’m not responding to him anymore.  I implore the rest of you, good people that you are, to not respond to him either.

      1. When I said this months ago, I think it was David T who admonished me not to stifle the fruitcakes. That they deserved our respect and tolerance. I’ve always said BULLSHIT. They are a waste of time.

      2. But I agree he is tiresome. He doesn’t even try to win arguments anymore, he’s just in it for the ‘nyah nyah’ value. It’s kind of stupid, makes me cherish my squeeze Laughing Boy (mwah!) and other Republicans who at least try.

        OTOH, he sums up the Republican onslaught this year – sound and fury signifying nothing but lots of it.

      3. LOL Ralphie, you’re one of the top 5 all time responders. Pot calling the kettle black. As I said before, it’s a win-win situation for me. If you guys respond I get to debate the issues and point out where you are wrong. If you don’t I get to present my arguments without any opposition. Basically, you’re just plain wrong on everything so it doesn’t matter whether you respond or not.

    3. I’m not SAYING you are, mind you. Just saying that I “suspect” it.

      Now perhaps you have a little taste of how Joseph G. Harrington from Highlands Ranch, Colorado feels.

      By the way, bjwilson83, there are such things as libel laws still in existence. If I were Joseph G. Harrington from Highlands Ranch I’d be looking for a libel lawyer about now to subpoena Coloradopols for its user list.

      1. Harrington is going to sue me for saying I suspect he’s lying and I’d like to hear the other side of the story? Lol, good luck with that one. The judge will ask for the other side of the story as well.

      2. And he’d hardly need the user list.  I doubt there are that many bjwilsons born in 1983

        who are math grad students at CSU.  But under the law, it ain’t libel.  It’s just an eructation.

      3. And he’d hardly need the user list.  I doubt there are that many bjwilsons born in 1983

        who are math grad students at CSU.  But under the law, it ain’t libel.  It’s just an eructation.

    1. Wondered why the Maes signs have been missing from his easement since last week.

      Gotta like a guy who stands by his principles…so long as their politically expedient.

      Wonder if he’ll pull his BJ Nikkel sign up out of the ditch now, too, and fully endorse her “conservative centrism” (whatever the hell that means)?  

      You know, all in the name of Party unity for the Party that will drop him like a hot potato if he doesn’t get back on the reservation.

  2. OK, Dan Maes is going to lose this thing, but he wins for the best line of the entire campaign.

    It should be repeated loudly, often, and with the many corroborating facts that make every word of it 100% true.

    1. because Kamisky has as much credibility as you – zero.

      You’ve been told about using hyperpartisan blogs and editorials as sources of info. Find a credible news source and we’ll listen.

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