“So there are five ways of knowing who will win. Those who know when to fight and when not to fight are victorious. Those who discern when to use many or few troops are victorious. Those whose upper and lower ranks have the same desire are victorious. Those who face the unprepared with preparation are victorious. Those whose generals are able and not constrained by their governments are victorious. These five are the ways to know who will win.”
–Sun Tzu, from The Art of War
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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Sun Tzu was more profound than that.
… but those lessons are forgotten by generals and politicians all the time, so they’re worth repeating.
Sun Tzu’s early points come off as way too simplistic, but you gotta dig deep into the book to truly appreciate it
The best part – I believe its around Rule 10 where Sun Tzu says, in order to win, after invasion and defeating the enemy, you basically have to help them rebuild their civilization, celebrate it, and help in rebirthing their identity, but under a more peaceful banner – very relevant elements for today
during the Vietnam unpleasantness.
Sun Tzu is still studied, because he is still on point. So is Clausewitz. The best work on the Vietnam War, by Col. Harry Summers, “On Strategy” analyzed our failure there in terms of ignoring Clausewitz’s dictum that war is an extention of policy. First, you must rally the nation, then act. LBJ was too afraid to sacrifice support for his great society, tried to make a war on the cheap–and we lost.\
I guess that makes Vietnam one of “America’s failed wars” that bjwilson refuses to support.
A whole lot different policy than post 1918 Armistice. And here it is 65 years later…..
The rebirth of Japan under his watch was and is a testament to the wisdom of rebuilding our defeated enemy to create a valuable ally.
And exactly on point!
Decent debate coverage elsewhere – though I’m sure their comments will get jacked too.
Buck: Repeal Obamacare!
Except for all the good parts, so really just repeal the mythical parts like 16,500 new IRS agents and, of course, death panels.
Care to rebut the new Obamacare taxes?
Really? So if I get a speeding ticket that’s actually a tax? Who knew?
taxes, fees, penalties … they’re all freaking government mandates that divert private sector investment.
Do you not realize what you have done to the American economy?
defends the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of a republican form of government.
When a law is passed by a majority, there should never be an enforcement mechanism because somebody in the minority won’t like the law.
Nice logic.
But the righties have already staked out the turf that any judge who overturns a law passed by the majority is an “activist judge.”
It’s hell being consistent when you belong to the lunatic fringe.
Most of the numbers cited here are for those earning over $250,000 per year. Have a problem with that?
The penalty to businesses and individuals for not buying health insurance at all, on the other hand, is based on the the Law of Large Numbers, pushed by the private insurance industry.
Without a large enough pool of insureds, premiums for everybody else will skyrocket due to claims from those without insurance.
You Are NOT A real American. Goes to why they want to allow Only White landowners to vote too.
Here’s the quote from the endorsement:
If Bennet was to have any chance he needs to be perceived as interested in things outside of Denver and Boulder. This sure does not help him.
Not a big surprise on the political surprise meter. I am also willing to concede that they will follow Singleton’s lead by endorsing almost all of the R’s running in Colorado too.
polls, and endorsements, and stuff. I mean why do we even need to even have the election?
But why would Bennet blow them off?
You don’t blow off media types. They buy ink by the barrel. Bennet was not going to win in Colorado Springs any more than Buck is going to win in Boulder, but don’t make it easy for the other side.
The Gazette editors are well known to be conservative, and a high portion of their readership is known to be conservative too. Perhaps Bennet could have gone through the motions and appeared a time or two – certainly it’s not a losing strategy to do so – but keep in mind that Bennet was busy in the Senate (100% voting record) and it’s not like the Gazette is telling us the details about the invitations they sent him (the where and when and how – maybe he sensed an ambush in the making.)
Didn’t we just have a thread where some folks here were whining about r’s not going on Maddow’s show?
… but there was an important distinction there, something about those specific R’s and Maddow that’s not occurring with Bennet and the Gazette. I’ll give you a minute to remember what that is.
I made essentially the same point below, which you blew off as hackery. Maybe there’s a reason that credible pubs employ editors!
My point was that I heard that Bennet blows people off, and that spreading that rumor was my intention? Thanks for clarifying that for me, JO. What would I do without you?
Not for me to say, of course, but if you feel desperate, you could explore…
–trying to educate the ineducable, getting a certain thrill as they advance from TA to RA to Unemployed due to funding cutbacks.
–trading roboposts with roboposters.
–designing the 2010 “I’m Never Wrong, Never Have Been” lifetime achievement award and reward it to yourself at lunch. (Campbell’s Tomato Soup is both kosher and halal, even it remains tasteless–try it with Cheez-ItsВ®. That’s what Netanyahu and Abbas do, or so I hear..)
You mean award it to myself. 🙂
Personally, I never blew off the Gazette; I believe all papers, editors and reporters deserve my full consideration for which I expect an honest article considerate of that which we talked about.
And, nothing can make me say anything else.
Of note is that most of my favorite reporters are no longer working in the business.
“Taxi drivers have been recruited to serve as a second set of eyes for stretched police patrols. Residents can pay $100 a year to adopt a street light. Volunteers are organizing to empty the garbage cans in 128 neighborhood parks. The city is asking private swimming programs to operate its pools, and one of the city’s four community centers soon will be run by a church.”
Colorado Springs cuts into services considered basic by many
The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/news…
Thinking the Gazette would endorse any Candidate other than a republican is delusional.
Fact is if it weren’t for the Defense department welfare in Colo Spgs, it would dry up and blow away.
Peterson AFB
Ft Carson
Additionally H-man you discount the Democratic bastion that is Pueblo and south to the state line. (just as many Democrats there than in the springs)
It’s a wave year.
All a candidate needs to win CO this year is an R after his name.
Unless he’s running for governor. Otherwise, even CD1 & 2 are in play.
Keep up . man.
Of all the people to run a community center, we couldn’t possibly pick a low-down, rotten, up-to-no-good… church!
Oh nevermind…
Your point?
cognitive dissonance and all.
I think Bennet should have met with them. Yes they were going to endorse Buck but he could have avoided looking like he has no interest in Colorado Springs.
“Vote for Ken Buck, a reasonable, moderate candidate who plans to succeed for all of Colorado.”
They need a new drug.
Reasonable? Moderate? Only in the Somalian Free Zone of America.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard about Michael being unresponsive, a no-show, etc. There is definitely something missing in his staff performance, which is a reflection of the senator. Nothing to do with his stated positions on issues. Maybe the Gazette’s endorsement was a foregone conclusion, but why not at least try for “they’re both good guys but…”?
Amateurism, maybe. Attitude problem? Quite possibly. Or both.
Bennet should not have blown off a major colorado city newspaper. Yes, the result, an endorsement of Buck as a moderate (in their universe, he is) was a foregone conclusion but that’s no excuse for not showing up. This does him no good with indies and I’m sorry he made this choice.
But the Gazette? He gets a pass on that one.
are pissed. Bennet needs every persuadable vote. Shouldn’t have given righties this op. Not that I think it’s a huge deal (Buck blowing off rape victim although accused admits to circumstances that clearly make it a very prosecutable case is a huge deal) but smaller things matter in close races.
you’re a hack on the issue of Michael Bennet. So I’m going to dismiss your claim that “This isn’t the first time I’ve heard about Michael being unresponsive, a no-show, etc.” as a likely lie.
Facts exist independently of the reader (or writer).
and what you reported was a rumor. I’ve considered the source and judged accordingly. If you have any proof that your innuendo is factual, I’d like to read it, but it’s got to be more than “I heard…”
Progressive am760 listeners know that Bennet avoided numerous chances to get on air to discuss primary issues or to defend himself when questionable facts came to light. He passed.
The annointed prince just doesn’t think he needs to answer to anyone in CO, as long as Wall St. cuts his checks.
A bitter Romanoffski supports another one. Duly noted, VanDammer.
could it be that Bennet had, like, a job…in the Senate? While Romanoff was a full-time candidate?
Boy, you Romanoff shills never know when to quit, do you?
initials are letters @ the beginning of a name but guess your age digression accounts for the grade school mindset.
Romanoff lost the primary so it’s accepted that Bennet is the Dem/Progressive candidate. Nevertheless there are numerous instances of Bennet being asked by media to address listeners, constituents, and CO voters but failing to take those opportunities.
yeah he hasn’t missed a vote yet (great) so wouldn’t radio interviews make more sense since he’s working so hard in DC?
Bitterness came about from the admin telling CO voters to stand down and give Michael a pass, ’cause they know better than we do about what we need. Bitterness came about from an untried, unelected, never-before-politico getting the Sen seat thru some backroom confab.
I vote for that, VD.
Ya just never know, ain’t over ’til it’s over, nothin’s foregone ’til it’s gone, and whatever else the cliche generator has on tap for a Monday.
So, maybe I can get you back on the Democratic bandwagon yet?
Repeat after me:
A bit late for that, isn’t it.
It’s actually you and the two remaining Pumanoffs, Strykerk2 and a Puma to be named later, who need to get on board. I was teamed Tuesday calling with a young man who was active in the Romanoff campaign. Now, he wants a D victory in November. I know, I know, you prefer a moral victory, like the Florida left won in 2000 by voting for Nader. How’d that work out, anyway?
What next? The Tea Party will turn its back on Bennet?
I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked that a far right wing paper backs a far right wing candidate.
In other news, a racoon shat in the woods today. No bears were available for comment.
Join the October edition of “In Other Words.” Just one basic rule: entries MUST include one or more of the following “other words” (+ variations) or they will be disregarded and disqualified:
asshole (separate variation)
Good luck! (Unless you’re a stupid fuckin’ asshole motherfuckeur who’s such a moronic idiot that he/she can’t get off his/her ass to wipe his asshole!)
As are dipstick, dillweed, peckerhead, SFB, and f-wad
from the Washington Post
What have you done with David?
Like Bennet, Markey, Salazar, Perlmutter, DeGette I too did not read the Obamacare bill.
Therefore, I was left to seek public sources, shockingly The Spokesman had this article. Should you dispute the Obamacare taxes presented above, please outline the ‘real taxes’.
Ticket for speeding = a tax?
Most of the so-called “heavy impact was changed in subsequent legislation, including the so-called tax on veterans.
Second, this is NOT an article but an op-ed from the Vice President of a Conservative Think Tank, not a real reporter or expert in the field. (well, maybe to you..)
Third, are you still getting hot and bothered thinking about my retort to H-Man? Does the idea of (Elected Official)’s manly member in your longing mouth turn you on so much it’s your sig line?
I’m beginning to think you’re a fan of homoerotic literature. If so, I can send you some links….
You agree that Obama hasn’t helped the economy and that Obamacare is bad for America. And yet you doggedly support Democrats. Are you just that much of a party hack? Why else wouldn’t you vote Republican this year? Do you believe there are other issues that are more important?
David was making a joke.
He’s very critical of Dems for the ways they failed to turn the economy around – and you can make the case that he’s not entirely fair when he does. But look at my sig line if you really don’t get it.
Progressive big government policies burned the house down.
and none of the leaders like Boehner, McConnell, Blunt, et al are going to keep their leadership positions, correct? The vast Tea Party wave will wash the guys who were part and parcel the GOP leadership in good times and bad are also out of their ass, replaced by grassroots, non-politician new representatives.
You see, beej, this is why I’m so certain that nothing much will change should the GOP sweep to power. I’ve seen this before, in 1994. I’ve seen the “new blood” quickly become the old blood, where many term limits pledgers decided that Congress needed them for a lot longer once they had served three of them (Tancredo was not the only guy who broke that promise), where attempts to do anything too radical (and believe me, the teabagger’s agenda is too radical) blew up in their faces.
If you get your wish, all this will happen again, accept that the GOP follies of the 90s and 2000s are a fresh memory for most voters and they aren’t going to give them another chance if they get bogged down in nonsense like trying to impeach Obama. Same if they just try rolling back health care reform without some new plan to take its place – and we know that they have no such plan, since “Obamacare” is primarily the Dem-GOP compromises of 1993-94 – the ‘pubs already have SEEN the sum total of their HCR ideas enacted into law.
I almost want the GOP to win, just to watch your illusions shatter. Of course there’s a lot more they’ll break if they win (I figure that they’ll clog Congress by having the House, which they may win, pass tons of unacceptable bills that the Senate, which they won’t, will filibuster – say goodbye to functional government if you haven’t already), so I’m opposing it every way I can, but if you and some of your fellow teabaggers get a lesson in political reality it will be a silver lining.
of the 1994 congress. The irony of you talking about tea partiers getting a lesson in political reality right now is just hilarious. Good bye Dem congress, good bye disastrous Obama agenda.
We were overjoyed at the success of the 1992-2000 President.
Then Bush went and fucked it up.
With basically the same Congress.
Clinton would have been a complete failure without the 1994 congress. People were already mad at him for trying to push through health care. Bush was a great president for 7 years before he passed TARP. No matter how many times you try to blame Bush for the failure of liberals to regulate Fannie and Freddie in their quest for free homes and unicorns for all, you won’t be able to obscure the historical record.
to the point of shutting down the government.
Gingrich blinked.
You were probably busy breastfeeding when that happened and missed it.
You have nothing to back up any of this. You would show it if you did.
Go read some of my diaries and enlighten yourself.
I have read them, beej. Circular arguments with no support don’t back up anything. That’s what makes them untrue.
Keep on spinning, Beej.
I seem to recall back on 10 August I put 45:55 odds on the GOP taking the Senate – and took a lot of crap on this site for doing so……(Some nutjob even insisted the Dems would keep 59 seats.)
And yet, and yet…..I’d still give those very same odds today.
By my count the GOP will end up with btwn 47 and 52 seats in the new Senate.
To get to that latter # they’ll need Colorado, Washington, Illinois, Nevada and West Virginia – on top of the ones that are virtual lock GOP pick-ups at this stage.
Allllll of which are eminently GOP-winnable over the final 3 weeks depending how the national conversation develops/degenerates btwn now and E-Day.
I do hope you’re right Ari, but……
….and of course who knows what Lieberman or Ben Nelson might decide to do if a party switch by either would tip the balance to the GOP….
from what I’ve seen, the only way the GOP wins a majority is if they pick up every single tossup out there. No matter how successful the GOP has been in persuading people that this is all Obama’s fault, no matter how much Obama’s poor leadership and communication has punted this cycle to the other side, no matter how energized their base is – I just don’t see them grabbing every single one of those tossups.
I well may be proven wrong come Election Day, especially if the Dems keep laying low. But I don’t think I will be.
shows the R candidate either ahead or statistically tied….
Let’s hope you are correctomundo! 🙂
…..and don’t discount the Nelson/Lieberman factor. Either (or both) of them switching & giving the Rs a Senate majority is a distinct possibility.
It wasn’t progressive policies – it was raw political corruption and the lion’s share is on you Republicans.
Removing financial regulation was a bipartisan affair with members of both parties whoring themselves out to Wall St.
Lack of any effective regulation occurred under Bush – the 8 years of unfettered free markets is what led directly to the recession. It was over-leveraging by incredible multiples that turned what would have been a correction into recession.
The Republican proposal to cut spending and reduce regulation is exactly the wrong answer. If implemented it would push us into a severe depression. Your tea party answer is brain dead and every reputable economist will tell you so – even Greenspan.
You’re a moron that regurgitates dumb-ass Republican talking points without having any fucking idea what you’re talking about.
And with this I go back to my policy of not arguing with a mule… (apologies to all mules for the comparison)
Our country is in a world of hurt. Most of our elected Democrats are doing a piss-poor job of addressing it. And instead of stepping up with better alternatives, the Republicans give us brain-dead talking points.
More handwringing from the handwringer-in-chief.
The Republican and Democratic congresspeople are all doing a world class job of addressing the serious issues we face. Why in another 3 months I wouldn’t be surprised to see us back to full employment.
But that does leave me with the quandary of who to vote for as the candidates from both parties, in every single contested seat, are both so wonderful.
Is that better 🙂
You spout Dem talking points like you actually believe them.
Can someone tell me again why our candidates are talking about deficit reduction rather than unemployment reduction? All candidates, both parties, are focused on the wrong problem.
Otherwise, why wouldn’t we assume that any and everything you post isn’t coloradocopypaste.com?
it’s the link
Just not sufficiently obvious for me, I guess, since I had seen that graph elsewhere yesterday.
It takes you to the source.
(Remember, David knows html)
from the N.Y. Times
So to sum up, Bank of America is more solicitous of the American people than the Obama Administration…
Robopost: Regulations hurt business.
Fact: Food trucks in Los Angeles, a burgeoning segment of the prepared food industry, welcome inspections and grades, just like restaurants. Reason: it gives consumers some confidence that rolling food is safe.
Immune to facts? Stop here. Otherwise, learn more at http:://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/12/us/12trucks.html?_r=1&hpct
And maybe here, as well? Stay tuned
…and use that as a way to publish their “Culture War” Propaganda. The first article could be by John Andrews, and title it “Secret Plans Against America.”
Republicans’ ‘scary’ immigrant photo depicts Mexicans in Mexico, photographer reveals
A photograph that has appeared in two high-profile Republican campaign commercials, used in both cases to depict what some have called “scary” illegal immigrants, is actually a photo taken in Mexico, depicting three Mexican farmers whose crops were destroyed, a British photojournalist has revealed.
And he isn’t exactly happy to see his work reproduced in such a manner.
The photo, which was available through Getty Images, carries a caption describing the men as “Mexican citizens photographed in their own country,” explained photographer Chris Floyd, in an update to his blog.
In spite of this, Republicans Sharon Angle, a Senate candidate from Nevada, and Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) have both featured the image in advertisements castigating alleged support of illegal immigrants by their political opponents.
I suppose it’s only a matter of time before Tancredo copies Angle’s ads and uses them for his campaign….
Angle just raised $14 million last quarter.
It wouldn’t surprise me at all that said plagarizers didn’t even pay Getty for the shot. Probably just cut and pasted the thumbnail; good enough for low quality needs.
Campaigns tend not to be up speed or in too much of a hurry for such legal niceties. I hope they get sued if they didn’t purchase it. And that requires divulging how it will be used in how many and what types of media.
Judge orders ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ injunction
SAN DIEGO – A federal judge issued a worldwide injunction Tuesday stopping enforcement of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, ending the U.S. military’s 17-year-old ban on openly gay troops.
U.S. District Court Judge Virginia Phillips’ landmark ruling was widely cheered by gay rights organizations that credited her with getting accomplished what President Obama and Washington politics could not.
U.S. Department of Justice attorneys have 60 days to appeal. Legal experts say they are under no legal obligation to do so and could let Phillips’ ruling stand.
The federal government is reviewing the ruling and has no immediate comment, said Tracy Schmaler, spokesman for the Department of Justice.
Phillips declared the law unconstitutional after a two-week nonjury trial in federal court in Riverside and said she would issue a nationwide injunction. But she asked first for input from Department of Justice attorneys and the Log Cabin Republicans, the gay rights group that filed the lawsuit in 2004 to stop the ban’s enforcement.
I’ve seen arguments that Obama could have suspended DADT if he wanted to; meaning that he was actually quite gutless on this issue. Can anyone tell me if that’s fair?
Aside from that, YAY!
If it was an executive order and not a law.
But it’s a law.
…deemed too toxic by the elected branches. Civil rights comes to mind. Abortion, obviously. Interesting example, as well, of the limits of democracy to “do the right thing,” especially in the era of purchased office-holders.
And I feel fine!
Welcome to the fellowship of the American armed forces, gays and lesbians — serving openly as you always have honorably!
Buck has lost the support of a lunatic fringe anti-choice group because he’s “moving to the center on abortion.”
Either that, or this is a well crafted move to try to make an extremist look moderate.
One never knows these days.
Howard Fineman (now of HuffPo)
from HuffPo
Put a few of the greedy bastards in jail.
Nothing else will get their attention.
I can’t believe I just read this. The risk-bloated and unfunded PERA is proposed by the mayor to be used as a financial engineering tool.
The first miner is out of the ground in Chile.
Only if you have been underground, as I have many times, can you understand what they have been through–what it’s like down there. It’s hard to do for an eight-hour shift. I can’t imagine two months.
God please smile on the other 32 who are left to rescue, and on the brave paramedics who went underground to help them.