As the Durango Herald’s Joe Hanel reports, Dan Maes’ U.N. foibles aren’t deterring them:
J. Paul Brown and Brian O’Donnell are running for the state House of Representatives, but they spent some time talking about the federal government and United Nations in a debate Saturday…
Brown said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was negotiating a treaty with the United Nations to take away Americans’ guns, which would spur a civil war.
“Who is the civil war between, and is this appropriate rhetoric to bring up in a state legislative race?” O’Donnell asked Brown.
“It’s a concern of mine,” Brown said. “You know, if you start taking away our guns, I’m sorry, people are going to stand up, and they’re not going to let it happen. The idea that Hillary Clinton is out there doing a treaty with the United Nations, it’s my opinion that maybe we just ought to get out of the United Nations.”
We’ve discussed the proposed U.N. Small Arms Treaty, which is meant to bring international firearms importation up to something resembling a coherent standard–despite the fevered paranoia that usually characterizes debate about this treaty among lay citizens, American gun laws are already quite strict like the NRA says, and the purpose of such a treaty is to bring the unregulated smuggling of arms around the world closer to our own level of oversight.
Meaning no American’s guns will be “taken,” and there are no grounds for a, um, “civil war.”
Rational discussion of this issue, in any event, should not immediately descend into threats of civil war, however hypothetical. We feel like we shouldn’t even have to point this out, but the experience of the last two years seems to have normalized this kind of nonsensical behavior. Those looking to poke idle fun at the ridiculousness of J. Paul Brown’s rhetoric should note that he is running to replace GOP Rep. Ellen Roberts in HD-59, a Republican running to fill a Republican seat in a Republican year, and according to Dick Wadhams, anyway, is expected to win.
On the upside, he’ll make getting actual work done in the legislature next year, um, entertaining.
UPDATE: More fascinating J. Paul Brown views here.
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Just another Dave Schultheis minus the immense personal charm.
Safe House districts press out turds like this every couple of years. Only the names and inane comments change.
I’m not sure how safe this district is. Ritter won the district, as did Obama, and as of the most recent fundraising data, O’Donnell has outraised Brown $85k to $30k.
Full disclosure – I am an active supporter of O’Donnell
J Paul Brown is a former county commissioner in La Plata County. Despite what Wadhams thinks, this seat was held by a Democrat up to his term limit, then by a business-Republican. Roberts won a primary with 54% over a tea-drinker. So, J Paul is not the typical Republican for this district. I think O’Donnell will be able to return this to the Dems. I think O’Donnell is running hard to the middle and Brown is giving it to him.
I, however, will not be affected by the propaganda from COPols. I have my aluminum helmet on now and plan to keep it on until the election.
Democrats are only slightly more popular than Hugo Chavez this year. Very few people know the candidates this far down the ballot, and are voting party preference.
What makes you think Democrats will win ANY districts this year outside of welfare dependent class ghettos?
The dependent class consists of all colors. Obama and Pelosi do not discriminate signing up new addicts to the government teet.
when you cross class consciousness with hard right politics? Nazism! That’s where you’re headed.
that is the former middle class that your party has robbed.
They are misguided people who need to either be liberated from the dependent class or taken care of by charity. Those who can work need to work. If they cannot find work they need to move to where the market has a need for labor. That’s why our ancestors came West!
The reason these systems are breaking down is the government’s attempt to eliminate failure, when fear of failure is the chief motivator of success. So now we have less success. There are winners and losers and that is the way it will always be!
Not Michigan. Not California. Not South Dakota or North Dakota.
Where, precisely is the market need for more labor?
North Dakota is booming right now, has a labor shortage and 3.6% unemployment.…
Also South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming: heck, just about every state in our region controlled by Republicans! The numbers do not lie.
Energy employees are gypsies.
When the bust comes, they leave.
Keeps the unemployment rates lower.
You know why unemployement s so low SD, WY, ND, AK, and other states?
The unemployed leave when the jobs are gone.
How ’bout “Free Land”? O Pioneer, build your little house on the Prairie and take title, compliments of Uncle Sam and the U.S. Cavalry, in case any of those Free Riding Redskins take exception. Shoot a few buffalo to pass the time, while you’re at it.
The most dangerous myths, I suppose, are those that have been so internalized as to cease to be recognized as myths.
Try 350 years of slavery and another 100 years of rank discrimination and see how bloody “productive” you are, WarriorWinner. And you thought cows could product it!
Sill plenty of time to send in your application for Ignoramus of 2010. OTOH, registering as a Republican will serve the same purpose.
You want to make that a bet? I think Democrats will win at least one district this year outside of, what does that mean, cities? No one except for the fringe is interested in UN plots. We need jobs, housing, clean food and water, crazy things like that. Dems in Colorado don’t run or govern as wild-eyed, burn-down-businesses types. Fox News might have convinced a third of the country of just about anything, but the rest of us have some idea of what is going on. Really, you want a touchstone issue? Take oil and gas. I think a majority are in favor of the regs. Guess we’ll find out in a few weeks.
No, they just fund them with the Chinook Fund.
Zing! The people aren’t buying it.
Chinook Fund is a non-profit, I think. I’m not aware of them funding political activity. Please clarify. Attacking a good group in order to score political points is childish. A warrior would not do that, so provide links that prove what you are saying. Prove. Or stop and think before slurring others.
The men I know who are serving in Afghanistan are decent people who would never associate with this jerk off.
Why is anybody even responding to GOP-dufus? His comments are brain-freezing stupid.
His moderate positions compared to the crazy positions of his opponent means this may actually become a D pickup.
Is the UN going to take away our guns (my Democratic family has quite a few and we didn’t even have to turn them in to register as Dems) before or after the Ground Zero (well blocks from ground zero and also blocks from existing mosques) Muslim Cultural Center leads to us all being converted to Islam (sure to catch on like wildfire in mainstream American culture, right?) and placed under Sharia law? Guess I’d better hurry up and get ready for Yom Kippur, coming up in a few days, before I wake up with an overwhelming desire to convert to Islam. Maybe get in a little target practice before it’s too late, too.
A ball park time frame would help me plan my future. Maybe sell the guns while I still can and use the money to shop for some nice head scarves?
by Republicans.
“If we don’t like what you are doing we’ll kill you to achieve our political objectives”.
It always sounds like a terrorist threat when Republicans talk about using their guns on other Americans. Maybe the FBI should pull this guy in and find out if he has any militia buddies doing training exercises in the forest dressed up in OD green camouflage.
Don’t we have enough problems that require serious consideration and innovative solutions to occupy our time rather than these silly pseudo threats that are nothing more than dog whistle paranoia for the rabid Republican base? To threaten fellow Americans with gun violence on September 11th is the kind of mindless insensitivity that is the defining characteristic of the modern Republican.
This thread has a lot of extraneous pontificating.
I’d like to see ColoradoPols talk more about these quote from the Durango Herald article:
“J Paul is one of the biggest porkers in Ignacio off the Federal teat. He has collected over $176,00 in Federal money over the last few years in sheep, livestock and wool subsidies. ”
“My understanding is TEA Party stands for Taxed Enough Already which is why they supposedly hate Democrats and all things progressive. Their motto is no benefits for uppity people of color and no new taxes. The fact J Paul has accepted over $176,000.00 in Federal bailouts should make them run for the door, but in fact they still embrace him. “