Thursday, from his self-quarantined location in Washington after having come in contact with a COVID-19 patient from Colorado, Sen. Cory Gardner asked a question no doubt many other Americans have voiced in the past few days:
So why in the world are we wasting valuable tests on star athletes while veterans, senior citizens, and especially vulnerable people in Colorado and across the nation are waiting?
— Cory Gardner (@SenCoryGardner) March 19, 2020
Indeed, there does appear to be a channel for obtaining coronavirus tests by the rich and powerful, naturally including sports celebrities, that ordinary Americans do not have. It’s hardly the first time the privilege of wealth in America has resulted in unequal access to a life-saving intervention, but it’s certainly upsetting to all of us who can’t reasonably expect to get a test even with all the symptoms.
The problem, as NBC News reported Wednesday, is that Cory Gardner appears to have asked this question the day after President Donald Trump answered it.
“How are nonsymptomatic professional athletes getting tests while others are waiting in line and can’t get them?” NBC News’ Peter Alexander asked Trump. “Do the well-connected go to the front of the line?”
“No, I wouldn’t say so,” the president said. “But perhaps that’s the story of life. [Pols emphasis] That does happen on occasion, and I’ve noticed where people have been tested fairly quickly.”
Trump’s “that’s the story of life” quote is included in the Washington Post story that Cory Gardner cited in his angry Tweet. Are we to take this to mean that Gardner is actually being critical of President Trump’s dismissal of the problem? This crucial detail, in what’s become a signature move for Gardner, is left unresolved. If Gardner is upset with Trump over blowing off this “class warfare” concern, he has an obligation to be specific on that point–lest the only thing anyone remembers about this kerfluffle is that Gardner has already endorsed Trump’s re-election.
We take Gardner at his word that he’s genuinely worried about what’s happening. We wish him good health.
But even now, Gardner seems unable or unwilling to acknowledge the politically inconvenient truth.
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“Wasting” testing for the rich and powerful??? . . .
. . . who do you think it (or anything) is intended for??
Certainly not for us po' folk.
Ah..the class war continues apace.
For the first time in modern US history we’re facing problems we can’t solve by ignoring, cutting taxes, or bombing our way out of. The cracks are showing.
#HungerGames have begun:
‘We should blow up the bridges’ — coronavirus leads to class warfare in Hamptons
One of these things is not true…
Fired Radio Host Thinks Gardner Could Be President. Does He Now Believe Gardner Should Join Him in Speaking Out on Trump?
“Chuck, Chuck, Chuck . . .
. . . you ignorant slut . . .
No way does The Chosen One ‘[call] a lot of people bad names’!
. . . He calls a lot of bad people names! . . .
How many times do we have to go over this simple shit with you?
Sometimes, I honestly really do wonder if we wouldn’t have been much better off giving this job to that other Nazi guy instead?!?”
"… why in the world are we wasting valuable tests on star athletes while veterans, senior citizens, and especially vulnerable people in Colorado and across the nation are waiting "
Cause that's how Trump/Pence want it. "duh*"
Besides the implicit racism in the photo, Gardner forgets to mention that he can have a test if it is warranted and if there was more testing earlier he might not have to be in a self-quarantine. What’s his solution to this outrageous situation. Doesn’t say shit about making free tests available for everyone. No solutions Gardner. Just dumping on the uppity nigs. The guy is a racist prick through and through.
The critical shortage of medical personal protective equipment, which puts our medical staff at risk of contracting covid19, was apparently aggravated by these supplies being on Trump’s tariff list. Gardner, in his constituent email, and on his Senate website, claimed credit for getting those tariffs removed.
Gardner also apparently had two telephone town halls, on March 18 and 19. They weren’t publicized ahead of time, and, though I’m on Cory’s “VIP list”, didn’t get notified about the tele town halls. You can listen to them here, though, if you can stomach his glibberish and non-mention of the big orange shitting elephant in the room that fired all the people who could have helped prepare for this crisis.
I’m just going to leave this right here…
Sen. Rand Paul has tested positive for coronavirus
Guess who else? Sometimes life IS fair:
Karma really is a
bitchfaithful servant.