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September 30, 2019 06:53 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.”



26 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

    1. Or, from the same article, maybe not.

      It’s also possible that Democrats would lose a certain segment of independents no matter the positions they adopted — during the phase of the campaign when Republicans deploy attack ads. As Pete Buttigieg put it, Republicans are “going to say we’re a bunch of crazy socialists” anyway, so “let’s stand up for the right policy, go up there and defend it.”

      That may well be the right approach, but the question is, are Democrats giving Republicans a head start and making themselves a juicier target? This experiment suggests the answer might be yes.

        1. Doubt he will, W is pretty far up the alphabet for Roger . . .

          . . . and, anyway, he’ll have to work his way through Asperse, Blather, Concoct, Distort, Evade, and Fabricate, etc., first.  

          Things have an order. 

      1.  Moving three points on a " consideration scale" may or may not be significant, depending on how many total points on the scale. I didn't see that info…did I miss a link?


    2. Of course, there's also this bit.

  1. Washington Post has a touching, positive story about a kid who was bullied in Colorado Springs and has gone on to help his PTSD by gathering and donating shoes — 25,000 pairs or so thus far. 

    Although Kyler received counseling after the [bullying] incident, he said his real therapy now comes from seeing strangers' faces light up when he offers them new pairs of shoes.

    Not long ago, he said, he was walking down the street, and he saw a barefooted man who looked homeless. Kyler figured he and the man had the same size feet, so he slid off his own shoes and gave them to the man. They both walked away happy, Kyler said. And that’s what keeps him going.

    “It’s the best feeling ever,” he said.

    I wanted something other than the coverage of Trump and his minions.  Perhaps you do, too.

      1. I wonder if the other one, Duncan D. Hunter of California (the one with the airline-traveling rabbit), will follow in his footsteps.

        Hunter's defense strategy – he blamed it all on his wife. They say chivalry is dead.

  2. Come on…

    Trump Pressed Australian Leader to Help Barr Investigate Mueller Inquiry’s Origins

    WASHINGTON — President Trump pushed the Australian prime minister during a recent telephone call to help Attorney General William P. Barr gather information for a Justice Department inquiry that Mr. Trump hopes will discredit the Mueller investigation, according to two American officials with knowledge of the call.

    And like the call with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, the discussion with Mr. Morrison shows the president using high-level diplomacy to advance his personal political interests.

    President Trump initiated the discussion in recent weeks with Mr. Morrison explicitly for the purpose of requesting Australia’s help in the Justice Department review of the Russia investigation, according to the two people with knowledge of the discussion. Mr. Barr requested that Mr. Trump speak to Mr. Morrison, one of the people said. It came only weeks after Mr. Trump seemed to make military aid to Ukraine contingent on Mr. Zelensky doing him the “favor” of helping Mr. Barr with his work.

    1. There will be a rush from current and former members of the Trump Administration to gain whistle-blower protections or immunity deals in order to save their own skin. 

      The tidal wave of testimony will only grow as Trump's hysterical tweets get even crazier.  He will attempt to throw everyone in the White House under the bus.

      We'll know it's over when Cory Gardner protests (while rapidly walking away from a pursuing reporter):  "I never endorsed Trump"

      1. Everyone else who's left is either riding in the clown car now (Pompeo, Barr, Giuliani, maybe Mulvaney, Pence, and Perry), out of the loop (DeVos, Carson), or deeply embedded in some other part of the dumpster fire administration's wrongdoings and coverups (Ross, Mnuchin).

  3. Worth reading the entire column, but here's the meat.

    What’s the Matter With Republicans?

    All of this is tied to the psychology of accommodation. As a conservative-leaning clinical psychologist I know explained to me, when new experiences don’t fit into an existing schema — Mr. Trump becoming the leader of the party that insisted on the necessity of good character in the Oval Office when Bill Clinton was president, for example — cognitive accommodation occurs.

    When the accommodation involves compromising one’s sense of integrity, the tensions are reduced when others join in the effort. This creates a powerful sense of cohesion, harmony and group think. The greater the compromise, the more fierce the justification for it — and the greater the need to denounce those who call them out for their compromise. “In response,” this person said to me, “an ‘us versus them’ mentality emerges, sometimes quite viciously.”

    “What used to be a sense of belonging,” I was told, “devolves into primitive tribalism, absolute adherence to the leader over adherence to a code of ethics.”

    1. Yeah, yeah, argilty blargility 

      What the writers means is :  If only Trump had lied about consensual sex with an adult coworker, then the Rs would favor impeachment.

  4. Not content to allow Giuliani to claim "worst Trump attorney" without a fight, AG Barr now has an entry, too.

    WAPO: Barr personally asked foreign officials to aid inquiry into CIA, FBI activities in 2016

    David Laufman, a former Justice Department official who was involved in the early stages of the Russia probe, said it was “fairly unorthodox for the attorney general personally to be flying around the world as a point person to further evidence-gathering for a specific Justice Department investigation,” and especially so in Barr’s case.

    “Even if one questions, as a threshold matter, the propriety of conducting a re-investigation of the Justice Department’s own prior investigation of Russia’s interference, the appointment of John Durham — a seasoned, nonpartisan prosecutor — provided some reason to believe that it would be handled in a professional, nonpartisan manner,” Laufman said. “But if the attorney general is essentially running this investigation, that entire premise is out the window.”

    Barr’s direct involvement in the effort also helps explain part of the controversial July phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

    Fairly unorthodox, indeed. And in this season, I'd bet it could also be labeled "unconservative" and "unreformed," too. With the miracle of modern Goggling, I can find out it could well be considered sheketz.

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