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May 20, 2019 11:47 PM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Go nuts. #MAGA


40 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

    1. Springtime in the Rockies, MJ. I've seen it snow here on the first day of school (last week in August) and the last (first week of June).

    1. Depends on the county where the guns reside.

      Some sheriffs have said they won't do it.

      Some sheriffs are more interested in enforcing the law and realize the safety risk of a dementia patient and others keeping arms guns.

      I remain curious how people can be onth eno-fly list, but can go to any dealer in Colorado and buy guns. They;'re dangerous only when airborne, I guess.

      1. I am a recently retired FF, EMT.  We had a call where a party was lost less than a block from his home.  When we got him back to his home there were many wepons laying around.  We asked the family to secure them but they were not interested.  The party was not aggressive, but was very confused.

        1. This is just my guess, but I expect that wouldn't cut it.  That's a situation in which the home environment is a danger (unsecured weapons in the presence of a confused person) rather than the individual presenting a risk (a particularized concern that the individual will actively self-harm or harm someone else).

          Depending on where the location was, you could advise law enforcement and they might be willing to do a welfare check.  They'd probably talk to the residents about the loose gear.  They might also mention that the homeowner/tenant and/or owner of the weapons would be liable if the person with dementia harms someone, as that's a reasonable expectation in the situation you describe.

  1. Hey impeachment, she's just not that into you.

    Pelosi clashes with fellow Dems in closed-door debate on impeachment

    Reps. David Cicilline of Rhode Island, Jamie Raskin of Maryland and Joe Neguse of Colorado — all members of Democratic leadership — pushed to begin impeachment proceedings during a leadership meeting in Pelosi's office, said the sources. Pelosi and Reps. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico, Hakeem Jeffries of New York and Cheri Bustos of Illinois — some of her key allies — rejected their calls, saying Democrats' message is being drowned out by the fight over possibly impeaching Trump.

    And in a Democratic Steering and Policy Committee meeting, Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee stood up and demanded Trump's impeachment. Pelosi then countered, "This is not about politics, it's about what's best for the American people," said a member who attended the meeting.

  2. Both Denver's Auditor and The Denver Post are calling BS on Mayor Hancock's attacks on Jamie Giellis.  Damn, it must hurt when 61% of voters want you to just go away!

    He's had 8 years, and in that time he's ridden the wave of growth, but done little to manage the resulting problems.  Only once it became clear that he had real opposition to his lack of leadership has he started giving lip service (but still only words, not actions) by agreeing to policies his opponents have long called for.


    1. On the other hand, it is a source of considerable comfort to the mayor that his opponent, if she follows past practice, probably won't bother to vote for herself.

      1. And Hancock supporters can take comfort in his ability to ignore problems and forget about his campaign promises once the elections are over. 

        He's actually behind schedule — he expected to be Governor by now.  We certainly don't want to get in the way of his ambitions, now do we?

        1. So, you’re saying he’s pretty much the second coming of J. Hickendoolittle? . . . 

          . . . just add your own favorite fracking fluid, stir, and drink!

          (Not sure what Giellis might be the second coming of, but I shudder to imagine . . .)

          1. Yep, Hancock is a slick politician, no doubt.  Giellis strikes me as a breath of fresh air — open, honest, admits mistakes, willing to listen and build bridges (people, organizations, not just physical) to actually get stuff done.

            Her policies are thoughtful and thorough.  #TimesUpHancock!

            1. You know, I really want to believe this about Giellis' traits.  That she will get stuff done in an open and transparent manner.  But I just can't.  She's promising things like a $200M affordable housing fund, building a $3B streetcar network by taxing rideshares, overturning the homeless camping ban with zero consequences, slowing development while making Denver more affordable.  She's setting everyone up to be supremely disappointed….. but at least if you're a homeowner you can enjoy Boulder-levels of housing appreciation and faux liberalism.

              Hancock:  Better the devil you know than the one you don't.  It isn't a ringing endorsement, but he's the less nutty side of this election’s shit sandwich.

              1. Well, Denver's budget is currently $1.46 billion per year.

                It's all about priorities and multiyear plans.  No matter who is mayor, we'll likely need congestion pricing one day to incentivize commuters to take more public transit. 

                Oops! We still have a weak public transit infrastructure, you say?

  3. There are some familiar names in this story (from the Mueller Report)….<sigh> 

    Russian documents reveal desire to sow racial discord — and violence — in the U.S.

    The goal was to “destabilize the internal situation in the U.S.”

    The documents contained proposals for several ways to further exacerbate racial discord in the future, including a suggestion to recruit African Americans and transport them to camps in Africa “for combat prep and training in sabotage.” Those recruits would then be sent back to America to foment violence and work to establish a pan-African state in the South, particularly in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.

    1. So, the greatest national security threat we face is *rump:

      One document said that President Donald Trump’s election had “deepened conflicts in American society” and suggested that, if successful, the influence project would “undermine the country’s territorial integrity and military and economic potential.”

  4. Oh great, the Fascists are well funded, and so far succeeding in undermining our democracy.

    Leonard Leo helped conservative nonprofits raise $250 million from mostly undisclosed donors in recent years to promote conservative judges and causes

    1. Unfortunately, Davie, your link is behind a pay wall.

      Don't leave out Sheldon Adelson and the Mercer family as major funders of the far right. The Koch brothers seem to have dropped back as they oppose Trump's tariffs and Trump didn't like that.

      1. Yeah, sorry about that — it's from The Washington Post.  I don't subscribe, so I normally can't access these articles either.  But I found a hack that works — sign up for their email newsletters (I chose the 5-minute fix, but there are many more to choose from), and they allow you to read the full article from their embedded link.


        1. I understand. Doubt if I'll do the WaPost though. Already get the DenPost and two daily updates from the NY Times via online. Half the days, I delete the Times without reading due to lack of time. Still considering the Colorado Sun.

          1. What the article was explaining is that Leonard Leo is the executive VP of the Federalist Society and advisor to *rump on appointments to Federal courts.  So he is a double threat.

  5. Because doesn't #WhiteProperityJesus want everyone who's trying to cage children to have their own personal jet?  


    While Trump might have confidence that Kobach would bring enthusiasm to a role that required him to enforce the administration's tough immigration policies, some raised concerns that Kobach's own rhetoric on immigration could be too severe to win Senate confirmation if Trump were to nominate him to become DHS secretary. The "immigration czar" role does not require Senate confirmation.

  6. The U.S. spending on social protections is second only to France as a percent of GDP, but economic insecurity among American families is high because much of it is through private employers, who are unable to be reliable partners.

    The Economy Is Strong. So Why Do So Many Americans Still Feel at Risk?

    The sunny job numbers and steady growth hide the fact that most people think the economy works only for people in power.

    Even with unemployment at a 50-year low, the job market is failing to reach millions of potential workers. That’s because those who aren’t working or looking for work are left out of the unemployment statistics. And the number of such workers has been growing: When unemployment was last down near 3.5 percent, in 1969, virtually all men ages 25 to 54 were in the work force. Today, the proportion is below 90 percent, the result of a long-term decline in work force participation that has hit men most severely, but has recently affected women, too.

    Other rich countries haven’t seen this troubling fall, in part because they have policies that help workers find jobs, keep their skills up-to-date and balance work and family. Unfortunately, the United States hasn’t done much on any of these fronts. It once nearly led the world in levels of work force participation; now it’s toward the back of the pack.


    1. because for most households one $500 expense starts the debt cycle
      and even with insurance, an unexpected major medical event drives bankruptcies – from which debtors emerge with their student loans intact


  7. There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth over at the clown show otherwise known as Fox News, and also from the enfant terrible in the White House due to the standing ovation Mayor Pete got.

    Call it an awakening of the hard news side of the business to their responsibilities as journalists and the danger their employer represents to our democracy.

    On Sunday night, Mr. Wallace did not contradict Mr. Buttigieg’s criticisms of Mr. Carlson and Ms. Ingraham. But even he seemed surprised at the warm reception for the mayor, exclaiming “Wow!” when the audience stood up to applaud at the end.

    Mark McKinnon, a veteran political strategist, said he could understand why Mr. Trump might be alarmed at seeing potential rivals show up on his favorite network.

    “Anyone who goes to a Fox town hall is going to come off better, more reasonable, more human, and not nearly as evil, ideological or stupid as they are currently being painted by the network,” Mr. McKinnon said. “The bar is low. Viewers will be pleasantly surprised when Democrats show up to town halls and they’re not wearing Mao caps.”

  8. I never thought I'd say these words: I'd be interested in Pfruit and PoddyMouth's opinions on this subject. Rule of Law or some snappy headlines for the base over Memorial Weekend? 

    Retired Navy SEAL who oversaw the 2011 Osama bin Laden raid says Trump 'needs to be very careful' about pardoning several accused war criminals

    Trump is reportedly considering pardoning several former service members and military contractors from high-profile investigations around Memorial Day, according to The New York Times.

    The pardoning process typically takes months, one senior military official told The Times, but the Justice Department was asked to have the files ready by Memorial Day weekend.

    1. I suspect that Pear, who is a combat veteran, would have a different take than weekend warrior Mod Podge. People who have seen war up close and personal tend to value playing by the rules of war, as opposed to the rules of video game slaughter of bits and bytes of fake people.

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