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(R) Somebody



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(D) Somebody



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(D) Somebody



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(D) Somebody



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(R) Somebody



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(D) B. Pettersen*

(R) Somebody



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April 27, 2019 05:04 AM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Everybody’s working on the weekend.


59 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Yep.  Looks a great weekend for . . . 

    . . . yard work!?.   Ugh.  

    (I knew this day was coming, I just wish it wasn’t today.)


    PS to Owen Hill — If you’re not too much of an assclown jerk, maybe you’ll get to go outside for ten minutes of  recess

    1. It’s nice to see that Mayor Pete is doing so well that he’s scaring the holy bejeezus outta’ the Trumpist temple priests, worshippers, And genuflectors . . .

      (. . . I may just have to try to dig up an old — “Doing my best to piss off the religious right” bumper sticker.)

    2. MB – you're on the right thematic path.

      – death penalty?
      – strangers in need?
      – each wife the cheating gf first?  He didn't marry all the cheating gf, the three he married were all the cheating gf first?
      – lusted after his own daughter?
      – dishonest in business?
      – mean in spirit and skill?
      – neither repentant nor understanding?

      – separation church from state, rendering unto this to that and unto the other
      – pride and false pride
      – gluttony and lust

      Seriously – the evangelicals and self proclaimed Christian saviors will, apparently, fall for any false prophet just to accelerate their signs of end times.
      If Don Jr had 1/2 a clue, he would be selling rapture insurance to the believers. The pitch is straight forward – you won't need it but your left behind neighbors and family will acknowledge your ascension when they get the payout you left them.

      America is waiting..



        1. Hey, Michael…

          They were talking about the hemp market on the U.S. Farm Report this morning. I guess John Phipps gave Kentucky the credit for being the industry leader because of the Hemp College event in Lexington. You going?

          There seems to be a lot of interest here and we have a couple of large growing operations locally, where I have friends making a good income. Thanks, Mr. Hemp, for all you have done to make this industry a success. As we transition away from O&G, it will be a valuable option for local economies.

          Keep on trucking, amigo.

          1. I'm the opening speaker! This is being put together by Farm Journal Media and we chose Kentucky because of its central location to other southern states.  As bad as they want to be the industry leader everyone knows CO is the place to be (KY does have some good research underway and a lot of enthusiasm, but they aren't, and never have been, a bigger market than CO).  In the meantime we'll humor them long enough that they are gracious hosts (and not remind them of the things they actually lead in)!

            All jokes aside I do love a lot of things about Kentucky.  There are some great people, and beautiful countryside, but the pervasive poverty in the east is heart-wrenching.  

            Preliminary number are in and Kentucky (who has a closed-date system permitted 40,000 acres for 2019; Colorado (who has open enrollment) is expected to exceed 50,000 acres).  I guess using #MAGAMATH you could call that "leading"?!?

            1. Congratulations! on a well-deserved honor. Wasn't there something you posted a while back about a glitch with seeds and licensing for hemp seeds being tangled in bureaucracy? How's that working out?

              1. There were/are a few glitches in how the 2018 Farm Bill legislation is being implemented.  One of those glitches was the import of seeds from outside the US.  That used to be a DEA function in issuing the permits.  They have taken the position the crop is fully-descheduled now and stepped away, waiving jurisdiction.  That left a gaping hole, given it's ultimately USDA responsibility – and they hadn't planned to have their permit system in place until Fall. I think we have it fixed with guidance issued last week by AMS.  It's a little like playing whack-a-mole at the county fair right now! 

                  1. …and the raw feedstock for the plant will come from a brand new smelter plant being constructed in Siberia as we speak. MAGA!!

                    Rusal is the world’s second-largest producer of raw aluminum. Braidy said Rusal would supply the new mill with as much as 200,000 metric tons of foreign-made aluminum each year, most of it from an aluminum smelter under construction in Siberia.

                1. Bayerische AG, Cargill, BASF, etc

                  They'll fix everything.

                  Glyphosate and Dicambin for everyone!

                  When the drift becomes detectable in south suburban Denver – I'll have to move.

                    1. It won't be the number of verdicts.
                      It will be number and size of payouts.

                      Asbestos took 150 years and eventually the taxpayers paid most of it

                      I'm not going to argue the point – you are spot on correct about commercial hemp.

                      Big Ag scares hell outta me – especially with the pro profit, anti science leadership at the EPA, FDA, Senate and White House.
                      So I worry about the courts too.

            2. You are a part of FJM? I rarely sleep through U.S. Farm Report. Its a good show….

              We are definitely fans of Mr. Phipps…who seems a pretty straight shooter.

  2. And then there is this…..from the self-appointed, self-anointed spokespersons for the Democratic Party……



    I wonder if Jason Crow and some of his moderate colleagues from swing districts are comfortable with these two fringe lefties from extremely safe Democratic districts making themselves the face of the Democratic Party….

    1. AOC has never declared herself to be the spokesperson for the Democratic party. Neither has Ilhan Omar. There are groups, such as the "Justice Democrats", and the Sunrise Movement, a youth climate change advocacy group, that lobby for certain candidates that match their priorities – like hundreds of other left and right-leaning political groups.

      The right wing was looking for a boogey-woman, preferably a high profile woman of color and/or a Muslim, and so it has elevated AOC and Omar to prominence. It’s useful for fundraising. Send $25 in right away to save America from the scary socialists and Muslims! etc.

      These women are entitled to speak, tweet, post, write back when they are attacked, ( or when they have something to say), and they are constantly being attacked.  They've had to hire security guards because of all of the death threats. The hostility of self-proclaimed "moderate" spokespersons for the Democratic party, such as yourself,  doesn't help.

      If you just want them to shut up, then be honest and say that. You’ll have about as much luck with that as you have trying to blame and shame the progressive wing of the Democratic party into silence with all of your “Jilliots!!!” nonsense. Not gonna work.

      1. I do want them to shut up.

        And if they had any brains, they would realize that they are endangering their colleagues who do not come from districts like the south Bronx and need to worry about explaining to their constituents the crap these two are spewing. I really think they would enjoy being in the minority more than the majority because they don't need to take responsibility for anything. Just make noise.

        And since you mentioned her, is Jill Stein running next year?

        1. No idea about Jill Stein; I don't follow her. You are apparently her biggest bestest fan, making sure her name is remembered on this blog forever.

          I doubt that any moderate Dems feel the need to explain to their constituents anything AOC says; they probably use her the same way the right does, as a useful boogey-woman for fundraising. "At least, I'm not extreme like AOC…." 

          At any rate, I haven't seen her name mentioned by any of the presidential hopefuls. ED: I take that back. Hickenlooper appears to be trying to gain some reflected AOC glory. Kamala Harris is a cosponsor of the Green New Deal resolution. Warren and Sanders are pretty much in line with AOC politically.

          That's all the frontrunners except for Biden. The Justice Democrats are labeling Biden as "the old guard", which he is. And yes, before you ask, of course I'll still vote for Unca Joe should he become the nominee.  All of the candidates will probably sign the pledge to support the nominee and help defeat Trump.

          You, on the other hand, admitted that you would vote 3rd party rather than vote for Sanders if he’s the nominee. After all that shit you put out about the jilliots, too.

          But thanks for the honesty about your actual intent regarding women who dare to disagree with your  political pronouncements.

          1. I say the same about men who disagree with my pronouncements. Haven't you ever heard me criticize Bernie?

            And the Justice Democrats….that’s the Tea Party of the left, correct?

            1. I long ago learned that whenever I was confronted by something called a "peace and justice committee," that the wisest course was to run screaming from the room.  

                1. MADCO's writing works as beat poetry. Just imagine a bongo beat, a black turtleneck, and a dim, smoky room. If you see it as art, it won’t irritate as commentary. Kind of like reading endless lyric variations on “Trump stinks”.


        2. Free Country R&R.  It's the media that made them 'The Socialists'.  Jason's served in a hotter environment.  I suspect he can take care of himself.

          1. I know, right? 

            Sit down. Be quiet. Behave in a respectful manner, and eventually, someday, things will get better. Just don't make waves, or nothing will get done. 

            Marginalized groups have never been able to improve their situations by following the oppressor's rules.   

          1. You want "loonies?" Try visiting the Right Wing Watch web site.

            As for AOC, she seems to be moderating a bit on the Green New Deal. Couple months ago, she was on a panel with former Representative Bob Inglis (R-SC). He was an original climate action hawk among Republicans and lost in a primary to a climate change denier. Inglis was ahead of his time. His advice to her was to focus on climate first.

            1. I love that you lasted one whole sentence before pivoting back to AOC. 

              So, when are you going to excoriate all those "moderate" Republicans for not standing up to the loony leading the party? 

              1. Curmudgeon, as usual, lives up to his screen name, which can translate as "grumpy old lefty.” Thus, you couldn’t figure out that I was trying to compliment AOC.

                I do a fair amount of "excoriation" elsewhere. I'd do more, but the Colorado Peak Politics web site, the Pols equivalent on the right, does not allow comments like Colorado Pols does. 

                And why do you care who or if I "excoriate?" Are you having a slow news Sunday? If so, consider following my suggestion and visiting Right Wing Watch. 

                1. I'm simply making note that you continually point out that the house on the Left side of the street has overgrown weeds in the front yard, and could use a coat of paint, and how they should clean things up in their own best interests, while ignoring that the house on the Right side of the street is a meth lab, and is currently on fire. 

                  As for your idea of a compliment, I'm pretty sure AOC can do without it. 

            2. My understanding on the Green New Deal is that it is a set of aspirations and goals, like the Paris Climate Accord that DJT pulled the US out of.

              It is not actual legislation. It is a platform with goals for environmental transition from fossil fuels, and Federal support for renewable energy jobs….the goal is to cut carbon emissions in half in 10 years, in order to avoid the worst catastrophic climate change. 

              The economic / jobs piece of it is because it is not fair to expect working people to shoulder the burden of the costs of climate change. There should be support for job retraining and community adjustment. We need to stop subsidizing fossil fuel industries and start subsidizing fossil fuel workers.

              Carbon cap and trade proposals don’t go far enough to address income inequality; the CEO of a company will see the benefits from capping carbon, while the grunt at the wellhead or the mine shaft will not. (At least, not unless the CCL climate dividend is widely adopted). And so, when they feel insecure, people rebel, as we’re seeing with the “yellow vests” in France.

              Here's the Washington Post's short youtube spot:


              And a link to Chris Hayes' longer interview with AOC and a panel about the GND.

        3. If you had any brains, you'd know that AOC's district does not include the South Bronx.

          That's like saying the best bagels come from Mineapolis, so from someone who went to school in her district, here's a big Bronx cheer for you!


    On Thursday, new information about discussions surrounding Warmbier's return was revealed by The Washington Post's Anna Fifield. Citing two unnamed sources familiar with the matter, Fifield reported that North Korea billed the U.S. $2 million for Warmbier's hospital bill and that Trump himself approved the invoice.

    In other Twitter news… Go get 'em, #Cheif!

  4. Does anyone have the ability to check a Denver police report? It appears that the Independence Institute's Damon Sasso filed a criminal complaint in 2016 against Thomas M Good, who is running the Recall Polis PAC. The # on the report is 2016-5001465 for Fraud – by use of computer.

    So if true, that would mean that  Damon Sasso, the media director of Independence Institute, which is backng Recall Colorado ( Neville family, Independence Institute, Scott Gessler,  Pastor Grant, Rearden Strategic, freedomfy fundraising) has an existing, possibly unresolved lawsuit against Thomas Good,  the head of  Resist Polis PAC (Thomas Good, Official Recall Colorado Governor Jared Polis Group, "Everybody loved Hitler" Juli-Andra Fuentes, etc)

    So it's a little red on red action for y'all. I don't know if the lawsuit is resolved or not. Someone on the ORCGJP side is stirring things up, posting this old police report online, and I came across screenshots, which I haven't posted here. There are birthdates, home addresses, phone numbers, etc, so probably best not to post it anyway.

    But if someone could look it up, and find out the disposition of the lawsuit, it might be …..interesting. And as a bonus, it would continue to keep the recall people all a-froth at each other. A good outcome.

      1. There is some evidence that $rump paid for the 2017 abortion of yet another mistress, Shera Bechard. This was, of course, while he was President of the United States. Elliot Broidy ostensibly impregnated Bechard; however, there is some circumstantial evidence that she was actually impregnated by DJT.

        DJT dodged Maureen Dowd’s question about whether any women he’d been involved with had had abortions.

        1. It's probably a safe bet that his personal Vietnam phase of life produced an abortion or two.  I'd like to waterboard Franklin Graham with this…

              1. You nailed it, Dio.  We children of the Ogalala Aquifer treasure the water stored there since the time of Jesus.  Pull Graham's nails out, but don't waste our water!

  5. Good weekend to get some spring cleaning done on the picture wall.  Need space for at least eighteen new pictures, plus one old dude who is not good at running for president, and one old dude who is possibly a Russian supporter and says he is a "Democrat" (I don't believe him, he only has white people at his events, Dems are a full mix of life).

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