“Lust and greed are more gullible than innocence.”
–Mason Cooley
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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
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IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
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IN: Trump: The Mass Deportations Will Begin In Aurora
BY: kwtree
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
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I'm falling in like with… Mayor Pete Buttigieg. Yesterday, I made my first contribution of 2020 to him. Apparently, I was part of $7 million raised in the first quarter.
I can think of five concerns about his candidacy: white, male, 37 years old,, mayor of a town of 100,000 residents, gay. But, when I hear him talk about our country, his military service, and his policy views I'm simply blown away. I was onboard with Barack Obama on Day 1. Can lightning strike twice? I'm not there yet, but I'm happy to help him move forward in the process.
But, how many times has he declared bankruptcy?
I watched a couple of interviews with Mayor Pete in the past several days – he's impressive. Knows how to connect on various levels (policies, values, relationships) in a very effective way.
Pete just issued a video giving details about the $7 million raised:
–158,000 donors
–64% $200 or less
–$36 average donation.
These sound like Bernie numbers. And, he hasn't even declared yet.
But he's 37. Isn't that too old for davebarnes?
Now, you are just mocking me.
My PC feelings are hurt.
Not revolutionary enough for some.
So, a left-wing profile of a gay man mocks him for his middle-class squareness and conventionality? My, my, the leapfrogging left has moved on!
if only he wasn't so old!
And, it's unlikely he'll be accused of acting "inappropriately" with a female which seems to be a deal killer for some.
That's a superficial impression which leads one to wonder if you didn't read the article, or didn't understand it.
Oh, I read it. The author is a left wing f root loop whose attempted hatchet job left me thinking boot-uh-jedge is a thoughtful moderate worthy of my short list.
Hell, I don't think I could even fart in seven languages.
I started to read the article and it’s disgusting. The author cops to being untrusting of military intelligence officers, Harvard graduates and people on 40 under 40 lists because they’re elitists. He says Pete’s book is extremely well-constructed but not very exciting. But he says he’s going to try to be fair in his critique. Well I’ve already puked in my mouth by this time and, to be fair, couldn’t read any more. Stop wasting my time with this drivel.
Not a waste of time at all. One of the best ways to learn about a man is to find out who his/her enemies are. Froot loop boy hates all military intelligence people EXCEPT Chelsea Manning, a convicted traitor. And fruit loop boy hates mayor Pete because hizzoner doesn't even like Traitor Manning.
I admit I got kind of lost in the part where froot loop boy sort of blamed Mayor Pete for theVietnam War that ended before he was born. But when a froot loop gets in a loop it’s best to just quietly scroll to a better writer.
But seriously if anybody this stupid hates mayor pete, I'll put him on my short list of acceptable candidates, In the third place spot where I had Gillibrand. One is still Amy, though she's struggling a bit. Two is Kamala, who I admit sometimes stirs thoughts in me not entirely limited to education policy.
If Pete comes through Denver, I'll buy him a beer. (Litmus test: a bonus if he likes PBR.)
I’m incredibly impressed with Mr Buttigieg!
Honest to god, if Buttigieg had more experience to be too old for Dave Barnes, I’d vote for him for President today! . . .
As it is, he’d be the nearly perfect Veep selection for any other Democrat, and with 4 to 8 years more experience (as a Veep) a perfect Presidential choice himself.
We’re going to be hearing and seeing (and liking) a lot of Mr. Buttigieg over the years, I’m sure.
There is a great deal to be impressed by. I never came close to speaking 7 languages, being enough of a scholar OR athlete to be considered or get one of 32 Rhodes Scholarships in a year, never was inspired to sign up for the service, certainly haven't won elections with 70%+ of the vote.
On the other hand: Buttigieg has lost a state-wide race and won two local, off-year elections in a city of 100,000 (Greeley/Highlands Ranch size). There is starting to be bit of criticism about his book [see: Nathan J. Robinson, "All About Pete," Current Affairs] and how he performed as mayor.
That's the very left wing froot loop Daft Punk linked to and whom I mocked. Robinson is shocked, shocked, that as mayor Pete worried more about potholes than building a worker's paradise in Venezuela.
The monster!
OK, Buttigieg's impressive, obviously smart and a smooth talker, but what are his actual policy positions?
I watched him on The Last Word the other night, and O'Donnell couldn't pin him down on health care, on environmental policy, nada. I don't think we need a Democratic Cory Gardner, one who can talk rings around a subject but say nothing.
Mayor Pete's pragmatism sure beats Bernie Sanders' "Promise everthing, pay for nothing" approach. I can't afford more free stuff!
I know I'm gonna regret this, but…okay:
What "free stuff" are you so afraid of?
Absolutely everything your little Socialist heart can dream up, Curmy!
Yeah, yeah… but can you actually name any of them, or is it just one big Socialist Ooga Booga to you?
For openers, Noodlesoup, the deficit is already north of $1 trillion dollars. Now, start naming the free stuff you want to add to it. Don't be shy, nobody takes you seriously anyway.
I asked you first. You brought up free stuff, you should name what you're so scared of. Or should I wait for one of your alts to answer it? They're usually more direct.
I'll let you have the last word — since it's certain to be a stupid one
So, again, lots of talk, no real answers, and running away like 'it's your idea.
Do you claim to hate Trump so much because you think he's copying you, or what?
Free college tuition.
Free Medicare-For-All.
And now reparations for slavery are on the table.
So, using taxes to ensure a healthy, educated population is a bad thing to you?
Also, where the hell did "reparations" come into this?
Somebody should pay us reparations for having to put up with Curmy!
Which one of your alts do we make the check to?
Mrs. Mudgeon! Curmy is drunk on your cooking sherry again! And he gave your dildo to the dog!
So, that would be one of your more potty-mouthed sockpuppets? Cool.
You can't really think an insult from you bothers me, do you?
And where the hell did “reparations” come into this?
From Elizabeth Warren and Julian Castro.
Okay, what's your problem with reparations?
The oil and gas bill is nearing final approval. Here’s a look at the concessions the industry won.
This is the way it normally goes. The oil and gas industry lobbyists are experts at nibbling away at a piece of legislation until it is ineffective or actually does the opposite of its intended result.
This is the point where they work overtime at dividing their opponents and capitalizing on any dissention on the other team. It is critical the proponents of this bill stay focused and beatback the efforts of the industry to divide and weaken the bill.
They will do anything they can to confuse and scatter the opposition.
This is exactly why I prefer the legislative process to the six guys in a bar initiative process that produced Stalinist 112. If I hear a few more complaints from Duke and more whining from Sourdough Bread Rising, I'll know the final product is a compromise reasonable people can live with.
Anne Lee Foster and her Colorado Rising cronies predicted at the end of last year; after the failure of 112; that they would be back in 2020 with another initiative if the Legislature didn't give Colorado Rising everything it wants. Which seems to be; shut down the entire industry.
I guess it seems that way, if you consider anything less than a rig in every playground across the state to be "shutting down the entire industry".
But, hey, the kids can put swings on them!
Curmudgeon: now you’re getting a bit silly. Energy companies don’t bid on properties where the geological potential for recoverable product is low. But, I once suggested, in a meeting somewhere in Colorado, that a pipeline field could make a good place for a dirt bike obstacle course, with jumps already built in. Couple of energy reps in the meeting weren’t too happy.
Energy companies don’t bid on properties where the geological potential for recoverable product is low.
They also don't take anything else into consideration except profit. That's their right, of course, but don't pretend they don't drill next to schools if there's money in it.
I assume, Curmy, that unlike those monsters, you work for free? When can you shingle my roof?
Yeah, them's just honest, hard-working folks, ain't they?
Screw those Stalinist schoolkids, not wanting fracking fluid in their groundwater.
And when did shingling your roof poison your air and water or blow your house to bits and kill you?
But I assumed Curmy would do it for free, since he knows profit is evil. Did you work for free when you were a contractor?
You're swinging wild, again, V. Maybe it's time to switch to one of your less "nuanced" alts, or just post "Trump Stinks" to get back to home base?
That is an unfair accusation. Even I don't want to "shut down the entire industry". They just want the industry to stay the fuck away from their homes and their kids.
Before you issue your predictable retort, you should remember that I don't buy any of your hyperbole. I used to work in the industry. I have numerous family members who spent years working in the O&G bidness. I know the attitudes that prevail there, and I know how the people who drive the industry feel about anyone who doesn't just shut up and get the hell out of their way
The oil and gas industry has lied and bullied its way to success for a century or more..and it is still so.
"They" have had no change of heart. It is about profit…only profit. Anyone who doesn't comply had better have a good lawyer…or a plan B.
And… Red Flagis off to the Governor's desk.
Hey, Fluffy . . .
. . . did you see that???
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
. . . $92 American/hour for spamming websites from the comfort of your
own homegrammy’s basement!!!That’s some serious bank, huh?? (Probably $91.65/hour more than you were getting from taller Coffman, et al?!?) . . .
Whadaya waiting for, dude? Send Talha your name, SSN, and credit card info . . .
. . . it just may be your ticket to finally affording a down payment on that used single-wide, and moving yourself and Bettygeorge the fuck clear outta’ this liberal hellhole state!!!?
I find it fascinating that Facebook still cannot identify messages as spam EVERY time someone says they are earning $92 an hour.
Their algorithms can't be THAT stupid, can they?
$92 an hour? That's twice what Soros has been paying me for this crap. Maybe I should switch sides.
Hmmmm . . .
. . . Soros, by the hour, same as me?
(Most folks here probably just assume you got paid by the insult . . . )