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January 15, 2019 01:27 PM UTC

The Little Bomber That Could

  • by: Erik Maulbetsch

(Anthropomorphism gone rather awry – Promoted by Colorado Pols)

It’s been nearly a century since The Little Engine That Could first charmed children with its cheerful smile and can-do attitude. These days, kids love characters such as Thomas the Tank Engine and the cast of “Toy Story,” all of whom continue the tradition of entertaining young minds while teaching fundamental lessons about overcoming life’s challenges.

Author and Air Force wife Liesl Ross just published her children’s book to help kids –like her own who are growing up on military bases– cope with a challenge that’s especially familiar to families in the armed services: moving to a new home.

The Colorado native and daughter of Congressman Scott Tipton (R-CO), wanted to tell a story that would resonate for the kids on the base. The hero of Ross’ story is also a kid who’s faced with moving away from the only friends and neighborhood she has ever known. And like Thomas the Tank Engine, she’s also a vehicle with a cute smile.

Meet Bonnie the B-1 Bomber:

Bonnie B-One’s Supersonic Move is on a mission to show children the importance of being kind and brave no matter where life takes them! Bonnie B-One is a young United States Air Force B-1B bomber jet who must navigate the emotions that come with moving to a new home and making new friends. Readers of all ages will enjoy Bonnie’s adventure and lesson in resiliency.  —Barnes & Noble overview
B-1B bomber

The B-1B Lancer is a supersonic heavy bomber that carries the largest payload of both guided and unguided munitions in the Air Force. It has served in combat over Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and most recently in Syria. Initially designed to carry nuclear weapons, it was converted to strictly conventional use in the 1990s.

The Air Force currently retains an active inventory of 62 aircraft assigned to squadrons at Dyess AFB, Texas and Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota, where Ross’ family resides.

Ross and her illustrator, airman Alexander Buchanan who is also stationed at the base, were featured in a story about their book last Friday by the Rapid City, South Dakota NBC affiliate.

Illustrator Alexander “Lex” Buchanan and author Liesl Ross share their new children’s book.

The author talks about the challenges of moving from base to base, noting that her family has “gone through three deployments.” During the interview camera shows a wooden plaque hanging on the wall that reads “Home is where the Air Force sends us.”

Bonnie B-One’s Supersonic Move is available on Barnes & Noble and Amazon.


24 thoughts on “The Little Bomber That Could

  1. "One day while Bonnie was returning home from a Middle East airstrike, she thought to herself, it is really ok to kill innocent civilians?"

    Never mind no she didn't

          1. Reacharound is trying to convince us he's not  Moddy Meltdown.  The first attempt was saying he voted for Victor Mitchell when I asked him how Governor Coffman was doing.

                    1. You keep on using “reach around” as an insult. I looked it up, because y’all insist on improving my vocabulary… and reaching around is a considerate and friendly thing to do in certain….situations. Just sayin’.

                      So overreach Pols should be grateful that y’all think that he is considerate and friendly. And manually dexterous.

  2. I will acknowledge that in the grand scheme
    – it's kids book written for a reasonably good reason
    – the Bone did win the cold war, the Soviet response helped put the spending dagger where it needed to go

    But c'mon.

        1. Young kids, who this is very clearly directed at, weren't alive in the 40s or 60s. Any normalization done then they weren't around for so, for it to stick around in newer generations, it needs to be done again now.

          1. bwahahahahaha

            Oh… that's right
            Living ina  house ona military base (s) with a parent who puts ona uniform every day and leaves for work, as do all the neighbors… 

            tv, movies, youtube, etc, and everywhere, all the time.
            Those things have no affect – but this book? that's the normalization trigger. The tipping point.  Ok.
            Stick with the Bone is a pos that bloated military spending – or you lose me and every other sane American.

      1. Human aggression is "normal" – which is why societies have culturally channeled it into warrior societies, raiding, martial arts, competitive games, etc. It's not just a male thing, either, no matter what the Mike Pences of the world may say.

        Then there are wars of aggression and of self defense, civil wars – that's where politics and power uses that normal impulse to blow the crap out of something and slaps a noble face on it, like "fighting for democracy". Sometimes they actually are fighting for democracy. But all modern wars are political, and their aims should be accomplished with "soft power": diplomacy, economic sticks and carrots, etc.

        All of that said, this particular book does try to make an aircraft primarily used these days to kill civilians for political aims into something cute and adorable. It's disturbing.

        My guess is that this is also a conscious propaganda piece, aimed at recruiting young girls to be future soldiers. Unless they bring back the draft, the volunteer forces have to expand their ranks. Ousted General Mattis was not a huge fan of women in direct combat roles, rather than driving or flying vehicles or working in support.


        1. "Human aggression" and "vast militaries organized under states" are vastly different things, especially when we're talking about the largest and most powerful military to ever exist which is larger than every other military on the planet. Some people sometimes being aggressive is normal. Being a vast imperial power with a giant military through which political power is projected isn't.

  3. The lib equivalent would be the little Pacific recycle boom sweeping the wide ocean of plastic.  It would also be about the loneliness of moving around because of a bigger mission and the joy of doing it's job and freeing the ocean critters of human waste.

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