“I’m also honored to have the greatest temperament that anybody has.”
–Donald Trump
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Not Colorado, but Iowa.
“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” Mr. King said.
Last week, as the new Congress was sworn in, Mr. King sat on his side of a chamber sharply delineated by demographics. The Democratic majority included record numbers of African-Americans and women, including the first Native American and the first Muslim women. Mr. King’s side was mostly people who look like him.
“You could look over there and think the Democratic Party is no country for white men,” he said."
Gee, Steve . . .
or, maybe . . .
. . . it’s really quite a mystery, huh?
Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, and Nazis gotta goose-step.
Good thing America is "post-racial," else one might think that Rep. King's comments reflect racist proclivities on the part of King and/or the dumbfuck hicks who keep sending him back to Congress.
He's doing this because he's got hisself a primary. From The Hill:
Turning to the House, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who has repeatedly stumbled into controversy for his remarks on race, has drawn a Republican primary challenger in Iowa.
Oh, King was a loud and proud white supremacist Nazi fuck LONG before that primary challenger came along. The disturbing part is that Mr. Feenstra seems to believe King is not ENOUGH of a white supremacist Nazi fuck for the good Christian white folk of Iowa's fourth congressional district
Man, I wish I'd gotten in on some of this action — those bookies won't make this mistake again:
Will Donald Trump lie his ass off? I would have thought any Bookie worth their salt would have learned to NEVER take that bet by now.
Now they finally understand Trump's "tell" when he's lying — his lips move.
I’m hoping Moderatus, Pear, Carnegie, or Negev can clear this up:
This was The President today, claiming that he never said that Mexico would pay for The Wall. I could have sworn that there was a chant, “Build the wall!!” At his rallies, followed by “Who’s gonna pay for it?” “MEXICO!”
‘Splain the discrepancy, please. It couldn’t be that he thinks that his base is a crowd of ignorant idiots with selective memories.
Also, please explain how this is Obama’s or Hillary’s fault or some other Democrat sometime did something worse.
There was a period after "it", not a comma. You're welcome.
So…it's not a lie, if you just use a comma? Well, that makes everything clear as mud. Who'll pay for the wall? MEXICO, maybe with a check, or maybe by me illegally cutting off payments home from the US or maybe by NAFTA, but Mexico will pay and I will never ever ask taxpayers to pay, or shut down the government and put 800,000 people out of work to make taxpayers pay. " I put lots of commas in there. Still doesn't make any of it true.
And by the way, he did say several times that Mexico would "write a $5 billion check".
Here's one:
No, it's not a lie if you use a period. He stated clearly that "During the campaign, I would say Mexico would pay for it." Period. That is true. Nobody disputes that.
"I never said this, and I never meant, that they would write out a check". Period.
The "decision" for Mexico to cut a check was an alternative to the other options produced in documents that were provided by Woodward and Acosta in 2016, both less than fans of Trump in my link
His base IS a crowd of ignorant idiots.
It's pretty simple, really. When Trump said Mexico would "pay" for the wall, he meant that Mexico would pay in the same sense that Trump "pays" his contractors, i.e., paying by not paying.
His lips move when he tweets??!?? . . .
(. . . I shoulda’ guessed!?
Bennet needs to get his shit together.
Colorado Michael Bennet 39% 29% 31%
31% of Colorado voters basically have no clue who Mike is
A strategy of imitating paint drying is not a winning strategy.
And he's tossing his name around as a possible Presidential candidate?
President of what? His neighborhood association?
Our senior senator is a pair of beige drapes. Practically unnoticeable on almost every occasion.
Thanks for the link to the NYT King story, Dave. Be careful, though this comment makes me wonder if you're auditioning to be Zappy's understudy.
Ooh. Is there a job opening that I don't know about? How much does it pay?
WOTD (Truth Stranger than Fiction) from Talking Point Memo. "1958 TV Show about Trump building a wall of parasols with magical symbols to protect towns-people from meteors."
Thanks, PH. That's just spooky. It kinda makes me wonder though, is that where Yammie-pie got the idea from?
My partner and I went to the Purple Ball last night and had a fabulous time!
Bad news. Susan Collins’ approval stands at 53 percent post-Kavanaugh. OTOH that makes Cory a Gardner the most vulnerable Republican running next year!
That "bubbly ray of sunshine"? No way!!
On the other hand, Public Policy Polling (for MoveOn) did a poll Jan 7 & 8, 2019 of 7 states with Senators up for election. They found a bit less support
Q2 Do you approve or disapprove of Senator Susan Collins’s job performance?
45% Approve 43% Disapprove 12% No opinion
You can see all the polling memos here:
North Carolina
That still makes Cory the most endangered Senator in 2020.
Yes, but.
There is a $3.7M (and growing) bucket of money just sitting there for her opponent. In Maine, that is real money.
True but other than Susan Rice – who will be labeled a carpetbagger in a state that doesn’t take well to that status – who will take her on? Cherie Pingree would be logical choice but probably won’t give up safe House seat.
Bizarre story out of Florida of Red on Red pissery (perhaps subtitled "At least he wasn't your Governor, but oops, he is your new Senator")
“Grampa, why didn’t anyone think to build some kind of a wall, or something else, to save my earth, instead?” — any child left alive circa 2080
Ocean Warming Is Accelerating Faster Than Thought, New Research Finds
Texas newspaper has this to say about *rump's Wall:
That is perhaps the most refreshing opinion piece I've read yet on The Wall.
Agreed — it is especially effective in explaining the true costs to our nation and the people living on the border (95% of which is private land) if it ever is built, and the cold cynicism of those in *rump's orbit that want this wall — fully aware it serves no purpose other than merely as a trophy to prove to themselves they "won".